THEL MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying O NE is to go to a tailor, pick out a piece of goods, ad wait for three or four "try-ons" and in the end run the risk of an unintelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get ,a STEINBLOCH Smart Suit or Overcoat-try it on once before a miror-see the garment complete in all its careful workmanship-detetine how the pattern looka on you immediately after you pick themr out-get a garment that is actually made for you, so accrate and neat is a STEIN-BLOCH Fit-anti the style is far mtote uip- to-date than the merchant tailors can be. 'l'ake the fime-saving, riskiess, more stiiacoryil Stein-Bloch way,. Lilldenschlitt, Apfl & Co. SPRING FURNISHINGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS We have secredI the aeo o College Caps and Gowns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W WE would suggest that you leae yer orders adl mea-urementsc Sbefore April tt to insure the prompt delivery of garme-int. These Caps and Gowns are only made to your order, sasple of may varieties here for patrons inspection. The newest effects in Manhattan Shirts, Neckwar, Gl oe, Hosiery, Novelty Handkerchiefs, Spring weight Underer,-also SPRING HEADWEAR All the new shapes and shades in the bet ake KNOX, STETSON and BEACON tDon't tail to see Rute, Conlin & Fiegel's special $3.00 lhat. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. Go toMajor's TO hey Wall-paper and Paint. Beng umanfatures o pi 'we can sure you from 25 t40%i. We sl dirt tc th cons-c, re- fore these ose prcs: Intl gallon lots or oor, $1.15 per gl ln ice r- gallon, $1.25, half gallon 0itc, quart 3t. C. H. MAJOR CA CO. Mauaturers of High-Grade Paints. 201 1:.sWashngton 5St UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ij 1stvc rliiincc i1" I *- I t clii ii7-.30, W ci 1,- k11.iit iii iii - ; o )ct l lit i t all ci it i ;t1 ,; -:.; , i r ii cci0 ratricc I ac( it- l 1-0111ii 2y a -p. iii. ChilL c. ()r i(cr- ci(I-ccc lit a s adiW~ Irrs be iNati\l 51 sIIw-I-ftl-c KS> ,~ out \1111.lI- Cli (ll Cl . WH"INEY THEATRE THURSDAY, ~4SATURDAY, APRIL 14 APRIL 1 RICHARD A'OfDavid BHelasco AR L izo-Presets 111 it IIi Prc si 111011 l ]lU lli(lti IcĀ°.zsttr rc^ : l 1o ; I)r ro 1I ; inch CCNctliiicof thlii i chIrigani )niccatill -wicec e i ll whosecci the d lii, of ii. i n ii in I is-- dc iiiul. liic cc)noiini aiiht Coln Ct, ci - -,i'm 1 ,c"d, c, o- loll 'fTic o- i I,,; A ltt . c h i ~ n IN Chas. Dillittglanfs Production of Ite New Muisical Comedy THEL Company of 105 3 cars of scenery Etnronto to Studebaker Thea te, Chicago, for the suinmmer. Seat Sa~le Opens Tttesday, April t2 Prices: 3-50-75-$1-$1.50 DAVI D WARIFIELD Itt Chaile s Klit's Three- Act Comedil-sDrani,, Ghe MUSIC MASTER Otrder youtr seats uowv by mail and avoid the rutslt at Ite liox office wintdow.- Seat Stile openTichuirsday, At i i 14 COMING April 18- DeWolf Hopper cIl c- ccciii t tc f wc tl cii;l ic c ci ml o ccit oc Maci. tai ti c c io. t.C clii ii ifi' li ii clilII II.I at cict I 0 11 c vcii I cit 11Iill offce~cr, lhe clrccic cccail Wo il ti- cacli -r rcet ,cciii tickcet tictocliciitiiici Id ticcit cic c i its Tra~ic r Lle i c i- . z>4}. D. A. KILLINS HARDWARE STORE REACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT ",ARC ADIA"a o GIRL! The inspirt aion of eitdlesas odes ! A nymph of celestial beauty ! A ray of suinshtine ott a cloudy day ! THE DEAREST DAINTI EST, DREAMIEST, DAZZLING, DAND)Y DAMSEL OH, YOU FUSSERS, BEWARE! IN CONNECTION WITH A Great Array of Vaudeville FIVE BIG ACTS I a~st~ Thursday = Friday = [Saturday Hotel Cumberland 1 - - We arenstllitaking norders tin- ~& Caps and Gowns I ~for All Departmnents ,,.i, ~ we aeealso ci-,p iccic(iiiciiciic ei sic-cici -icc - msts sacl-oitidikccrciiui, -i-ics Havu yurcmecicuci icc cii iii i -cc urrtoi iiicre Iilo t -MAC K&C. N4ew for Spring16 We are showing an extensive line of Woolens fotr Spri,,. The assortment comprises everything that is new andtioih!)yini design, color and quality. We can say withtot txa K alicci our stock this year is the must Iiatdsome we Iav cves--iii iit and will readily appeal to the most particular liatrn. W. E. DIETEBRLE "Vew mlkIr Tlort-SIT7 U-1.iii, s-y St. Beli Phtone 1610Ol Ho;me 212 Blite MOE'S BABER SOP 705 North. UaivereiMty Av, . o. A. "MO r. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opo itE cic i i ciil Ro GEFO. V. STOLL, ProprIetor CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hluston Billiard Parlors 0'mucc-rily ciii itarrcy &Chliisut Meetscoseand stays elna dj HALLEY) / /r 53 -SIZESj }t 'J'BF * i1: cs-inbe copied bsLut ;sre buttonholes -LiN0C _+1-'D endless but- lr~toehlet- city-to- btnon -anuneton- -tey ot teatout.l cc I ice -C N. ,, icoiiI -f-i c-- :: _ KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special rerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near rTheatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. S. NV CQr. Broadway, at 54th St., Nsiarc:iihciSt:.iSubway-cni 5:;Sc;ic,(c .tlci. NE-W YORK UNDOR ITHE MANAG.EM NT OF Han-wy P. StIrnaeoe-m, forerly with. IHotie1l iluesi l. j . J. EBingh it t, Ifrmlcyrtswith Iotel Woodularid i; - IR-M0 THEATREOT it I! ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES :. WARD-,, LOR