_____ 'i'M MIC ii IcAN DAII __________ ..__------ > r ., -n-®.--r .- .W Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Excusvee COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your FNamindtion G. II, Wild Compally TAILORS 311 50. STATE STREET The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND "C LI NTO N" BUTTON EASILY AnD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES I50 2for 255 W IBARKER C2 MAKERS Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Sre A. G.SPALDING & BROS. ho aretelargeanuaa Tbe Splding facturersn the world Trade-Mak of OFF ICIALE QUIP. MNT,orallat letc 110 lN50 porto and patims. h4* 4 i ( o If yuare ineret- P' ed in Athletic Sporet !y, yo sculd haecop INOg of te Splingi Ca- aloete. It's a complete encyclopedia of iscows throaghot Wat' New In Sport the world as a Onox.-rta sof omdlii ent free osafe- Qsooity. quest. A. G. SPALDING o fl.BO. Chicago DetroOit Base Ball Goods Now tha t the season to hers you wil ceed a supply ot Basec Bal Goods mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Goods We are the sole agents for Crawford McGregor Golf Glubs, Golf Bags Balls and Supplins Shieehlan & Co. STUDE)INTS BOOKSTORE TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Motgig -Editor Busiiess Afoooagec CARL H. o. AAM. Exit-or for Today--CLARENCE E. ELDRIDGE. Aoitant Exit-or--LEE A WHITE. HAROLD TITUS, WILBUR EL- ILIOTT, HOLLIS BAKER. M. B. McHUGH. Printer's Devil--MYER RUBIN. TP1 IRSIA, A I'fll, 1)10. sows-fltrriesofrio N I'. rezing Iem- UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. April 7Wotttcct's fLeatge IDance April 7-8:00 1, m1. IIigil School 11a111 Mr.1and11Mrs. IHuts- 'onctetr. April 4-- 'Pe1cc -hclc." New %\Icc ie Theatre. "Thirty! Perhapsiticlan cbg ofcthatcr cwhch to5 the n1e00wstper man ccli te tel--i oughtlto tmtcec ts moe re 111 fil Ilha it cdces; acid pcsiblyci ccshold blctibe1t1 te le se icticif ft-cc ctp1111111re 1 t iN tt 1 lta t 0ithe ou . l11t11 liareticalii leitIc fe-eIl y sorrcow thatccO ccchvompleted11 ou ts rre111011 tcatri-rear c1cc c s0oe1.Unittersitoriationst 1and ccii- vicducls worlitott cmusthleasciasceneies111 rallier t-itt acfrie-ndcs ThPittniitimtattintat hid c do not cci gicI 111111thit imce 1has ce for ti Io htattdio-crt heit-ns tbtic erliprobabilycc belier mett oeic, iotent hatci tc-i cdtieccci- leciont iof te ipresenttafifl c,0t lihe 1)01,1 1111s nott be-citplasan. lout1thii tre hanilccas undciiich uecoig edioris10focetc-i lacbtor, and itcrl fightitng to otc-rcomthetics' hanidicaps11cflir a full year, e-cec-cthe mot cuniiticig ok er fccilsihatl ic iehs descrvldcalrcite.ii Ilen-ce, ftoc tet urmo- 1 i l i nc c-c ccid t 01 edtinicg 11e,'MichigancicDaiy to1the simle I lifte isilur lpcccc'nt itcuict ion1 hat litaigcin deas as tchowiacollege cc daci c-iii tt-ccoul cbe i tic eit e the fact ut ic-that - iiitherelar ima1mwo ctal ilt'e woitt uc liiilso e ofcls"cc icc\\s, \,'e ihcie notconv1iclidtuaturccideaslttthe1c otI setI co--cc seriuslyictc ful ct.t \\ tict cc criticiscml t cc- D cilis ic ilctoI, icic,)'is ibc attributed t her tcic-- cctic t '.itil ccofc ttc ideaccithanticin)ldipliiatedifault ill theidetentcic l ci- cici i It fc-cq tienct it rue thati tt he - gi tclig ocalyii partciiclar citclmiisaic 111 ofi a collegc paper,-ctic c-cc I cii lilii -ffcshvethel red cciiiI iicoit ccf prc-ltiecall -Ithei''tirc studentI c bi ei as fnt-iltc onduc c lipe. u t asi regimetslc de cilia sorItwlve- c mon1 t useuntcl -manyi ofci hese s1111e ctili t dtic ecsi l ve fcuctlit e aic- bicitti cli ciciici''lic paper an its editoii V lli hs tre " i easy5. Simptcily bei1caseitie.chcltii~r ofi thepapr eryof1el reuie1telii - ilcitilorthill glide ilicioilsl f itlil. tptefertthititheliticle pubclishedl hei sup-1 presced, orlitcei ersa. Thec'coltee-dalyiii just asIc cccitil a dilypae ac siii c cii cpub-ii lication It ~\' td t t t edr toi clittcccatc tlccitt Is icpscsiblei an1 aiticut Iofi alilihiha pi ngs iiii'c ccii ii Iicav be.cofc il ti-cr ttoictemc- a11(1ctotite liii cci that ii I cciwhen thic ie itles o c s(, I ieen ayii i f c r said, Al)i the cc lllgerisinotilcc- litsit c-i a Dress cc dll i forii I cliii li lcgtcctrgiiciit cthat ttttitttci iittc ti untakl~intg someiisclIcInliciof tyI it ii Ila 'ccccrdinlyc news c th isc, cc titlst ibe tptbltichedt ii cin acolcg Ii dr nd een i tw f ccol icc ,te ontt m ti arlt Iof any ccclii ic of ci ci whost- pociti ca c ci\Icicchicwally, ad \\i1(), influence, s o- ccii 5 eud s hlI i nto 11c li ikin~ucg 1c theicadiilic mli "cii c; andc onl cc cciiiasonacleiimount1of spce callii lit-gitccl cc iiicclitg lce clii01c cclj ''i' 117'''S Ill\ (1 variousiorgaizteiontcs, icc- ihose'chemes-c tis lacudcbletatslt-ecciil Conced-intchlie trcuth of cchat ccc haste juist ptud, it is h-cc-clto ccndercstandcl lhcistbcoadt-mtindec'd rnc ancc tiake-iittie'nse cIcc-cn ct-eit' icgai- zacl~ dciis ftrccd I to iiscccbmic toreasontlel rcgititi ci tccei ngici aticl i n hitchh teyartit erett'sted.i 11u1t11cc-cdo; andi that i ic icivtic fl I) r m re w e wit ti rea lii that' iith i cclii cth i llicitcal lihe icresentistill. AltItiessiciiits icrthclithccAILYs I tic-cci tiltcidfit- watigiai'' icy Tacrtcitm s nticcl1 111ii t. tic yeait ccl' itake t. i cli iti cit peoplecccia 'c'cy ertik lof () ii l itc-pol ticy te a hide c ccate tciioi dio, bucccicc thoucghct if t-er tim tooi hci gh ithacictliiicWe havei takn.a dalinIccii cisileote i oii ctter arien urig 1te .lst ccear', andii ccc have noctcihedged" on ay~thigtic w have Istaid.cchatlaffords sin'e c-fis-ii ctt as h1ciciticlthis cc-cc ithoc-tei rccte. fc yon duts 11ch ccciru tho ciccciiftheyccinewiccoeliis cucssionct somei (ci crcii cim tcis t ic-cits ]) ioil coffere , ccc migh ife"igrtified at thecsccesscccofccur atcliliiltoii ma1.kcc tllithe:s airealIkeic newpaer Ann sid ttt hitc-hit-f fauh oltheiDiclIlyws tht iiitthd )- wcine too ccccl-e m tropltni nespp. A terrible cic-acic-icetut.Ifif forii 11cc 1 cct-perha"psciexlantionltig is illi cit .tiiic iie: ihan tapoogy, ifor'eitec cicclilwe dtee incineo hdg"o toc siltendercci ontr1l ctictheccii\ycstaff ,rhene mt i e itri a elch cu ice clof ithe ictt iii istaf tia s o he. Hoit inCnto io ulica tiois, n surel th cnie c lof i Itilofthesli boi esIIc cliili is cnit its ci, t -I ,tchaslchad lit morei1 1111cci txer c tilln te veag coleg eiti a ilas, a hisi prlutis able thecii ic ccticelescpinsitaingti worklit eri tha i eerha ibe t , c'ciifoc- iii' hasitit the g o -ic llcciici- Iof-- \h c'cmen tilt- iwci i l l 11with chimi throughutic thei coring year.iii 111c 1c thoi se citi onsiice ar ci) it h tdI'ceiii hite11 i-T , ftor tilsetime i m itiis i'l''i hi'' IN VAI'A'li N 'PIMI. (Continued frmwI'age L. are Freenieyiclth lcec vaulccit, hiccicect inc thec Ihurdcle s ccii iditLc,-inii l(,cc bIroadi jti.Itliitic'iis cetintioIcatcctoc ccitet-c' 1cc- t-putccc itf ct'ct'ceticancar cc feeI Gcices icc 11hc icile cvauit nc Ftt-cc ciiid ic-cwill ctidoubttedicic'betakenth theii rclttiiiitin. 'licciccei hec hatintscclttid lclyii cii i cci cmetiinIndooritit'workcithis i-arthetIc is il guiod shapie' andiiis fulcyciipccted to cci come ciittic Ilic cc'icc'c mtarki. 'dcccii is ec'ic'tedi of Ilcicge ill th1cc mciii' hucrdlecs this yerhut wterc-heit cciii becIlccshapegiby thelilt'elittle cc calic ccii isdutful.iNot caindlehadi any trct:ci work'tsitnc-toot ihc'is naurll ctt icc 11c- iccst ofc ondcii itioni ccbu t-eis rapici cii iing iti hae, ada thouilghi ti' has ccn ic- .'et i-attm ccted ccii difcult crkhe ill- cbiii it imm ccediate- lif 11cc-cweathc'rcccmo 'drtes. I-p1at lthouilghc a1sceniorI'l the iii-i estis Iting tic lirst coricc'ictt i iciciiv it-rs ti ityu Iehs ca cec rcdi cl dccci 22 Ic c 1c fein the ccbroadctiup ad loks goodtoulce-icc 11e c-lst this yea.r. \\itic bocil)Htic caiiiandciiItzpatric'ciick occhhucic Ic sodbe able tol icc t erdiciIcc iculhc t marl-Icbyisc-c 'ccches It is hardlyti probablce tht terecwill hec accc cihngeililiithe make-ciialp of1th ccii ci- i ccl,). fRoss ic thie onlii cncw ma ccic Ou he at' showiiticbicc- l cluo tsd ft li'he furcic'u oic atscc lastc yeariand iss is tcoiiacin;inig ex-1 eilet'oi beic'trucsted in iii whc wciibeasclchse'asccthis uwiiitiduct edhiv tbc, It t s inexperduiec-de- wh'Iichc lccitic rads-c- ast51 yieari andcciut isi veut-c doubtuful if 'I'rcincerc Fitzpatiri'ck cuwill richk a1.1tic cc crisuchtis,. 'flit' ketill ) ofii cl te furmici.' uwill cnii ice iknown o rili'sonicItimeia' ottsid _c o'tf~ ii'ct~ cci''ccci CatiiMycn'owr aocall1.1 hit asurecii la.1Illiitcii MUSIC AND DRAMA I rIe I eciiIyctHldncu sscciiiapea tis e cden it lhtatt111 col 11.111th it th dulroeo pit andch mposeri Cdlii cs liliith I cst havc a ctelfv _ c tutul ciii tis Iii111rtio s cImpcsitionts wichii I dIincle a ianofor hit- concertoccii triot a1 s1111taifo vioidilinand ianoitsici era i ii'' cciiian d iio usolos. h onernici icte ccciicerto, the hills- burgh PIrtiss scc: "A mcreuct iccci 11cc etoitas nithbicc-c-c ardco or butt' ng time.c 'sc aI pii sh,\t , A . Ius is n artlist toc i l dii'gc-tipus -a gticti-rit st, wit aclisympatheciiiticsnigqult ) _ o c ;hiIls c interprtetationis display rc licculfc it t cci aulthlit-tic 11e.cii citrengh 111(tiiciiti. 'ciniother citiicicmicdi dccii1gcc'' ac I Tc centii, cci caidi: ''Such i)11cctic~ t(Cotinued n Pate 3.) TRC 1 c ]I il 1 orY m W 'cc .ilu ccc int_.ll iii iiim itll Pushers ci cc tic25c 11o.a 11,Ptond Shot wortii $1.75, oz-1111of Spike Shoes University Bookstore I1 7HNORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. ll Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printiug Enlargiug I nivev z sit r Wlousc PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST, Nexttdoortc t'sii'ety tuSellolqfMiusic, MUSIC FROM " The Love Cure" Sheet Music Scores Piano Selections Alsothie latest in New York and Chicago Operatic Hits 11nivevsi3t, AfNi~i )ouse You Vn's Have you~ heard that sliser at the Theatorium The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ( .itc itti ish in T ch > i n m it t)iI iddcii HeI i lIc it a situtitle E. Liberty St. tn Aboi iccNhiboan R. E. JOLY' 308 S. STIrIrTF-sTRET Lunches, I bbacto p, ,as c II I Tod'ay. Good pure Iaterials, in clea n 1i s mixed so that it testes good and is good at our soda fotii. E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. toecsSt. I[ I~ Washington t. RANDALL & PACK, Photographers P~ene 598