The Michigan Day VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, ,5910. ATHLETES TO WORK IN VACATION TIME Baseball Men to Go South While Y Track Team Stays at Ann Arbor. Vacationi does not ipy rest for Michigan's track and aseball athletes. Instead of the relaxation f romn thensal roling of college life the mnrwnho will make upt Michigans srinsg athletic tenns wi omit uonle the suding par, spendinlg the major art of their hie either on the track at Pers- iettd or on the laseblnligrotnds o sothemn ist- ttions . It is true tat the bseal tain re- gards its trip to the soth someithie in the ntutire of a pleasre ecttrsiobu sfter the ameimters oftiresid ich i sake te trip hlits-cpayedeihtin-me in test days they are apt~ to regril le E ixir jaunit as sometig esise a sit- seing trip. At AntisAror the ascinssho ssillnkes tilpte relay-seamis swhici isill gonto hiladlphia for te sasnsuslIPeinsysl vasia carnival, sihiciiisels liiieC wreeks from ext Sauray, illssiholIn long daily awri-s u thse tcisser pails in order toi le ii te lbustossiblue-shps- for te hard contets sthi atsait thems there. Petiascre swill hl iedos iwitt oko te trip ofiitiii issetsall tem to tie sothl. Speciali entertinsiment is altaso giventsthe smensat CaistleiHights ass Nashvilletieishsme ofthis-Va-nduesrisit Conmsmocdsres.Caske Iights atogs regarded as te esecsigm-nitrsthe trips solaffordl tiresiei sosmss-ings moiri itai bassebltl The seiiolosssfist hiestie hardly-morsithan ii tst mkeevydos sie sressraciotoirsisve5rtiretiMicigni invaer as injisabletielandsiniipist years tiey-sali-icstceededsadirabsnyisi nosst snlyaloiangithsit\lveoisisnto ins by a lop- sidscorsesrblits sit sss sthe timeiris of the suad isoue ahis le ii inte seiine Dulytodsi iisbieoi-dre e essm si-rsi fsr lit-e ssthisoh isis eihks Blsti uaislse to dsie on5 ll iits ieis is i l l i msak the ssutherns tri. Ihis ino trie iiintllcasisis insvesilsarc ow onithsiesarsity- si s euae sreisof goilg withithis Ieasits hIsisass its tain51 111i zerosthc-rier; -ila irsthae,- ar liii at sorstsopILbrop a t thirdsis Ma sy-cs iliiiestutiedsan sisile Campbeilsand Smi iithtceisle 'I'isilries seondsei ad tsi o theigayrenspIsiiss till vacassscstliiiiis pocsitios ws iill n ties dsut is i i l tsu h I si minuiiitei th i i isieaitnoson utt iii teamintleavs.i Csssch tick-rgrsiluse Iri is 4. in the light o riigwr hni sristtets-si to ll gamepsi ts- slug thinssilise stsmp~td. Iissoeecini escc, wsoiltrad y Iasidnwn dests r sit ss-ldsing teteami iisioshapesitsii s, in pels anevni reki n d s si th ssinklssshatss siths fairiiasalul luckektrssisi cmii ouit to tsth'sss1iiinte-smajor~i-ty-o ue cestis.s 'sihall 'exs-ct-iiesntishncesso l usii i plainusts i ine-m iierllsy isni its fsir chanceisto takEstesfousth-isleshals nr Mischiganiitracisissltsts61 01 thinie activeisorkonIFerstis li allidI iig-nt wa-is l11y this's men55 i haveia good chanc to w sisiapacC iitrrof tIetwo tisesamsiiseaiitiiisI grther wtantis-i i-iswhso tiill h-sirast is te sieciali eets. 'helinumbisier of itsst swho sill le issisi t iliiaiispliiitfothue lls-ir cills is sil dubiltful, i osis-p-silon's the aor-sin tliill- nt tic'sessis-l tos iwht] cr they xiiilpgosorinot. Ike isen iii stand a goosd shuts oftmaing;uiheglie (ContinaedontPage 2.) CH AMPAGNVE OOZE That's the Stuff of Which Corn+ mencemert "Bids" Will be Made tilt cop~y for te rsniorilitesiari casis initationstihas goneto tii he en- gravers andi it was flle todi~~aiy yia order for 200. Aipril 4iihad lesi set as theisst say- of gracelit ys rterdasiy assd todasy brutisims alts dliqueti setnisr 5sitli- all ssorsit ecses,5an15 theircrsers stiregue in iii Siielite totsl. "somthiin etsosmsetisguigtc" ias heensthe imoitoiof the ititatin comsh- miittee of sshichei Ftautk iKapptis cairmanis. The rsult is a boikletitsit iiese of the fieset pie s is worsutatshssects ued fmr slit pset55S. Its esirisa specessof iseatetIksnuivisas elcsham- pasgntreoozes te citampaisgerrefersito si ctheehu ooizieitit/e hi leste er ,ani d is cwh til illsnotseeipsin, sys tie esio- mititee (lithliiicCIIe is a hntdipintei ionseists altut sig-lssisstrhie teitrsintis iese, whicht is nlsos hiassideoediesp-e resensia.1camspssview. Three ohe clliswilitle foundi sisnte fishlotig T'Ip roof is t le rtusrtesorsletyi sfter vasainssand swordi has eetsre Senied iiitit nthiitittintianitateratios sr adiltions stay11heiitaise itesiesvsit ioslosillhitsrserhiTlistswit-sigil-c an optun515itty fis thoisetiih ut its"elees- i-s to psit clss ihes t osi re thatiltheir tnates imas beintcledi ii the cass list indsitithliiisauteC tite ill istiteat~ion istss. oettill senio i rs et tilsaitswh isvIotpaitircitdues andi uste isev iarassdclaeiistrasureir xs lilies ttat thsitsp551i iltsy lintholse iso riiem taini MORE APPROVED HOUSES Wonmen's League Will Have Nine on t Their List Next Year The Auntitietisg of te esetier nutordf this 'soitet's Lesg'etrs--is hi dns st aftternoonst iil-itarsour ym-i ; isistsiBesileth e gu c-lrroutinett ou worksveral isortanslitstles caise sirhe presideni ts1sstepowrelthisp Ipistisa5 comtteetoi akcilit f tthree girls forseaecsh ficiii assis tsc s-iBors ini tmskingp-its nointionst 5515at tile hiay minhsg ' Te risietwast i sp1c-inspower Ito ippoistsaI i intitt uc _ito arrnge foiliii- ttl i Mcay lawns hllis ink ihit iltrepor1teldifor the lost m11icttee appointell illFesiulily toi ths- iae- iihe isitistg q11111n1 nd11 til1 rie-- portlonitheiaisiail tity feoitiniitssg stils yas is p l f approtvedihouses1. ;Shissrttposttelltatthe -lts--e 1ndliessts -I s iguaantlis eyhis atdil ithdstisti sier taatlat sixi sauh itriwo slit it proieditile-girl-sssgnsacostractelthi itrfrlt ificlftietoti e II o t of isssless isilig Inosins- thi- ees- sar cile ical wIoi irk done1 by'her celitis ,f surngi'theii- 5 ttt5Itanr thast itie ctlg situ asoicoitasills ntiice 1f lihe houses. 'leiireport I isisailsetediaftriacie- sfilii scuitsssin 'i le iDeait iif isWomenl si-s iuthoizedato hse1lit a commtteeIists in asist listtse cistlitttoIt C avslii polwe l i_ oslect lthehoss ansdsimtak ll r- r. sris i i 5555 . If a stfilciniit ititimber isf is nlyone up itse a pved itsminc is-shose list. At atmesinhg oifte Syrscuse Ail- iic reo'vs-rnmisetiBoasrd, M. . Ilitre isit s sis w swrdedte gold-itcustitofferi-i sit iy thiss-Syracsue tslfciuI toss h t hsli-iis Is- is-Is attinilin tel igiihse-st. 51r-ntasge itl ho SC 1i-ilsii. his-grssshtuits-si firsiti th p i~wSu csihis stspssrillgisisswits sn i ss-rssgs of 8i sir cs-st lssr thie-coursei. PTOkFOR Two" THE LATEST THDING 'Ipanishi Blood Precipitated Re- suits - in Formal Challenge-- Ends in Idle Words. i I:<< (I~cIin " all n; s ihdelts isn ots I r ll' ilcd c's*llsi cly to Ge mantsisi r-ss -us Ii - ns" ici li lls sesus thsil ue is- t ius i( i its u sl- iity s ta h ilw ~ pp(iiltd plce Aterhingtehali j l°Il',ccl, \\iti a icr\ asi on(i'-'us isis n isi tiii~ te iriivs f lilpinitanostr- 1':) 'lisus h's ash suss isis trieel and .a e ilsa)li t a heo tr . The hetisse i'l. Al al us lus l-shsweislucrae, iv - t)t- I la-ci l lof p ysiclians. isoalI oli acoun o shel lemnthi ( 1 iial he s)~iuhuusus l i metus ndslu htse ism_ of seon s s inhor, etc., siere I is a idshat the iii sns-sgparity svill notush turi t o isschitol sne5st-siar. 11)iMhs iIN\ COh\ I ht I 'll (_ 'iiI IS i' 11 ,C'PORY. lsssf. ,'. l'sesion, Z"o lia sieeniconinssinsedlby- she CartiielsInustitution of 'ii ulion, is spendulthes'liuer iiI sussisin Lndo- cging owr Ilillsl urh~s nscorch of adiionaiisl detail isisn(ised Slame sinhisic -A [.1ITLF, TiPhG iii)Y ' l esicWEc censcistzs xsiusDIis sillIWCilS (15 NE) hl)OC,'si, h ilIE'A'lIl)N. lT eshilsss is lieaill Till suiht lightsn its \vaY usV lily thsrosughslte slirt smear-d isuitsit yellowtrays fal il tilsI sush. hss st eolt er sis blihtcrai t h issifl eedsignps ini this 1or155nditoru c 15 ~h e- ehan use wihichilittr thisbaterdt ab l sse siar tsiiii si>id t g adt he inkis u faded.s Iuse lbrokensshes nlie stpes on te udesksushtsstsmiithir unplse surfasse g'rmiiug l ,rec ly Iasteis thei paste55 )101 hss itrushi lie-s bsd th L iss arits bitle s shillfsand o m o e d es It e il-cltshids ei tor suxlus 'ui li WsitthWon l h t iiii usilte e n d n i h thNumr e d o s " h es i yits l u r coaed pun.Th 1eI i ibok n. Th isk bts s hi ty, \ il() o i-sie Is lutse ni l u iii y fll f r tsse slors the r n 1 delsopis thes doour. stitek i d heas ad- ell w opisinaissuhveenis-rt ldt-dringtil thus- iso is-ii-isandh thinlasstsof thesVsun's-coO thea-~tricsiiis grsadualliy resssisup isgis'' sha tle.huhH of she- sts issue ii c- - si n lhug ie r ntytcpc telks usaseredlntuh ie' finishisis's- ma lll insoe Issuethurflest patoth pr515arationus isiot comptiei Isll s ashis remasusin cths-eliliti illsc° slhtsicaitsilions andslthus-rus t ion ofsi u thss Ci ele' iss pay usi>;tsatiimtal liii filnihig touhei5stwill his phacd us t work shndthurelchousis otsndedti ilt(15 nodet mi ues-is-il omdy l-s uh l slutstino, ndisasuchr uis is sismlic inthIe list act. k heeittonofAle t .Dilley nas busiessm~angcrand shbet h. LIs heraseitorusthssI Wriniilsiohntsrsolis1 hStuulis sIt suhucols s ss ssinalized e thus es- i ii 51of the Slushnt:i i re h ctotry fronst thei hasi n s f us i uuuhindsvsus inst dirctcotr l by lii tuens slawntis thes 111re luts Iissliest. issuesh I - thlVi Al Ci .,w ih ppintsedite Cungc anill ditor1 it-hetBtard inu isnroIy/isictonbru tits esooy Rcgistrr Arthr A Hal of hue hit dcpartmint, ani eilny- -at 'sun1 at and h.i-csl us" Isto lissyeirus sar- ila s Illg ilst-udels mslit osl ut these ii~srucms il r-ar 5 to exainaistionts at rmuthr tiays tsfre the ismuse set. tietiure- sill hue 1Iiris. seo c](liii is' 1hat111 ratl s ill th Aistrayhu il~s 155 lii 1,51(' ltl r s li a cr- n it s this (rant lis sln lus w- i-u 1:thi t ei im il )sssiuuel cpim a lsills c t tei Mii isisi sison. Fi le iii it isis susicil A Ii "ilt ac sl ip- t 1Ir S ~ c r clxiIe uferi c- tlDr yes A thes the is i gup Quset c c isi as I s- isis il it bailiniss t sil(s555s5ii eui ~ahuresi" sssandsWell(is i--1,-A( mhrat 1 ril n Acl-~trily "i its itshi tise sitiirtsitiiii I~is ill1c_ Faul ills is tall i ss smoe 1tuisstichigahin s's isth mis hs Im cr ~atiht.c1ohr ieuiest mrcOd hilsve i si 11 ii riitsl- a 111i '-p, alon us ith ud11 - \h' uutuuli s en!-lu' 1 ;m' sollwr 5shill skshift