'ri.'U MiC 1110A NAt) ..: ..r i . John you sell clothes too cheap iKant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That's so. Lots of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. Liberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. Granger's School of Dancing Last Tsrm begins Tuesday evening, Apr 1910li. Cia-sc-sfr ies and gestlecmen Tuesday and Thsursday esvenings, r toco'clock. IcP rieesn by appointmnrt. Foe particulars call at the academ r c cp1hcnr i6. I F A MI LY I JJ!JTHEATRE MONDAY-TUES5DAY--WEDNESTDAY FRATINEiES DAILY The Lafayettes Hazel Lynch "The Ginger Girl" Agnes O'Neil and others Comizlm Le~ard and Le~ard CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors opposite Elccric WaiiLoilcom (Fornoerly with Harry & Charliesi) GEO. V. STOLL. Proprietor MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS Till- N ENVEST 'FIlI NGi far your College Roour, ien, Library or Music Rlcom: for Canoes, Rugs, Coach Cov- ers Prtiees and Wall Dercorations. GORGEOUS COLOR EFFECTS! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! -ll-cl'1'your l-AVOIIITFi backgroud C01,0 It: C1rimson, Blue. lRed. Grecen, While, Blaock 71t. Sin. x 31t. 101n. .........$ 5.00 6t, Sin. x Sit. 4In. ......... 3.00 5t. 41n. x2tt. 81n.. ..... 2.500 Set Ifthree (one of each size) 10.00 SILK SCARFS Meican Eiiclade-lcrawnIIHead Scacl"lccleccc fiisitcccrc sill;. Bliue, I--'l. Blackor aly spcc1il coilor deIcsired.l icc cconly ii' iiZ I ' IN f cr Thcccie, tOpera, une PRICE $10.00 UNIVERSITY NOTICES iSniors swho cwiciss pipe i gctill at 'foliy's ai onie. iiiiocr liticlass miccchg at 4:00 i. Ill tidacyi oocilA, U. hail C.larlc s tal:iibeforei- Fioresrs cliii) Ci 'Ir\eig i i lc--i. ciiouiiii I dcccii uccirilc 1Hc aiciiscad iici ackccltrans csiicsscas schediulecdificils igiihi s lcieiipccti cccnidciiiilTliiccsdcccveingcit 9:3 i iest ha ll -Scih is ccwill pla a raic e blii ias- ballii t ci cli icw ithtejuir c icr-iccn cniicitIcs cliurc. th licl ci dccwi liihcichiccict1cc c Fresh iigineecr ibasriiiiictice al. i. i, at haircgriund. TTil I ciic cSiOWiIAii NS TO R c N cciii vs cciiVNcTIN.1 Pias ous cnicitvIeari' Un)iionsiiowc ir The iomitcciii scicci iccPccifecssor Sccit, EaricG. iiiicHccHilcciiivBakiir. llicihisCieeinccciiiiciicicicioic cicci lthe bookifor(Crfiei-opera and to makePri - joclck ciin cProf. Scotts ocfilc ii Wcctv iiali. ccii coieciwhiiccic cid Iccwriteci wicids errcmusic for oerica arc r~lcc c tciicbic ccc scili icc c-icrcn (iult i iict rcqi-i eciminicis iile} ii' i w i c lili iIf, cmplyciitcc iici cccdeii toi iarec ticiribookis accepc-td. -(RSPR-l~ING TRIP. iCiscisnued roco lge 1.) triip. Sith lisowistvh1crgrcutes al-rouccind inisihiccutllacksihspeed 5 of1Camtcucpltci and icl cri-l s cires. i IfCmipbel callilearn to ieldciiihis pocsiinin betteiiir shp n s is hea ucd moreihecwlli I ilicl ccll -liub ill iii icinto ca grcut spil ll i ci ci ciiiccc ycn as iisc s iitoi l hos p el. I ict(' is cicceth ir olitc sptbl artii ciisind lii (liluch wiihliii mois cud cii 31o iin icher ii iii futur.cie hcs cprcicedvi ut -ittleia cci butc if 1 heical is-ed igl in shape ecscenslmostli;ireof aiplace havis hdciincidel c liciiic ol c cn lids icrisFoley.cIic(liiipeared l iiihi ll teamclthid scbeenii persall- edl to cni cccout andiiif i,, lveslp ico his past rlici Cciliii hei-soiulc prcp e a srong 11 ci liirein ia lid iour i i 1w i i iic i nccrchul ih w1i10111 cii udcii veiidc lin . ()ti - cu liii iof ii huh w c -c-juily prou ciiis cmadieiisic icigli icthco clii- denc imposeil-cIt s by the beis drecscid II",NNRY & COi. Tai lrc, I Iii ciii cviii , I Illicrs. MORRILL CA .CO. 3,4 S.cSbatu St.iBlls I TYPEWRITING0 'i c i cilicc iciilic TYPEWRITERS MOE'S BARBER SHOP 70B North University Ave. O. A.MOE. Whitney Wedesy w, rhea tre - April - Charles Frohnlan. 'resecnts the (ir-cat Detci iiTiciPaiy WVith theiClocmpletc Oriinial I Ciipacic aci pd iciuoilos frcit'sl Six Months Run at the Lyceum Theatre, New York CAST INCIJDi+" William Cdurtnay, Sidney Herbert, Charles Harbury, Harry Dodd, Doris Keane, Virginia Hammond, May Galyer,_and 20 Others " iBetter than " iRaffles'" Pr ices:-- 35c, SOc, 75c' $1.00, $1.50 Nqew for Sprint We are showing an extensive liue of Woolcns (tic Spring. The assortmnent comprises everythling thatc is new aiiindoicby in design, coulor and quality. We can siy withiout cxaggeration our stock thix year is the iost haindsomie we have cver shoiwn, anid xwiii readily appeal 0 livhe most particuilar patron. W. E. DIE E ; Vars-ity Taor R7 E. LibertGy St. Majestic Free to All11! HANDSOME PHOTOS OF The D ivi ng Queen (Ini ngC ostumei ) Will be given to every man, woman and child attending no Matinee Tosa SENT ANYWHERE. CARRIAGE PREPAD. ON RECERPT OF PRICE. Order Today. Money Backi. t You Want It. MEXICAN BLANKET CO.. AGUASCALIENTES. MEXICO. [All MACIGARLTETES 0 20 for 15 cts. V n I x -nI - TE;AM'S out for practice-go out andti ch)i. ci' they'll do when the real struggle ctomes~. iBui icc scircthcr's a pack of Faimas inc your pockti A cen ci , ..soe-es ukshtbcospretyilnei-noe b l totycAniepnsv akge u enetaciaets THE AMERICAN TOBACCO (CO. ) 1 ± _i . ,. ;' _a '' ,' On The Training Table Why is SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT on the training table of nearly every college and university in the United States? Because it supplies the greatest amount of mucle-buildings strength-giving material with the least tax upon the digestive organs. YouR can't build the perfect human body out Cof books or sermons. Shredded Wheat is the faxvorite food of athletes and invalids. A food to study on, to work on, to play on. Always clean, always pure, always wholesome. o do I All the Meat of the Golden Wheat THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY' NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. U _____________________ ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MILWRDTHE - ILOR T11L 'BEST OF EVERY TI-1 N0 IN l'AILORIN G