THE MICHIIGAN DAILY Just the thing for hot weather -A- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Offce at residence 331 E. Liberty St Aen Arbor. Hobain: 8 toi11:30 a. m..ito 4:30and 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE FARMEURS AND ME!CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Calat $50,000 Surptlas and Prfis $100,000 General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety On- posits Boses to rent at $3.00 and upwarda Rt. KEssn., Pres. 14. C. PRETTYMAN, Vice-Pres. Hi. A. WsLIAS, Cashier F. T. STOWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $;00,000 Surplus $290,000 Resources $280,000 A General Banking Businean Transacted OFrICERS: Chas. K. Biscock, Pins.; W. D. Hlarrinman, Vice Prens.: M. 2.Fitz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ian. B. Wade E. F. Milla John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANYK Oe ANN AnBOR, MICE. Ei. D. KINNE, HARIISON SOULE Pees. Vice-Pes. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $60,000. (jernan:4meican Aivn sjank Cora',rn~.orcaea.1wa.n'd se~vinags Con'. ad Liba'tv Streetsa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. Wansed-Collcge men to act as agents during summer. Good honey for right men. Cull Bell 302-L, or address or cull on Geo. F. Brown, 619 E. Uni- versity. potf R~anted-A student to swork on salary- of $75.00 per month durinumitler: c vacationi. Some experience neededi. Call at 6o8 E. XWilliams, 4 to 8 P. in:. 132-33..4- FOR RENT. Fa: Rent- Modern house, furnished, for sunmmer muonths at reasoniable figure. Onsecdoo r frosts cmcpus. b1o S. Is- galls. 131-i33-135" LOST. Loot-Friday mornting, M1acrch: 25, Intger sol midicget swald: olliter fob atndiM, ont Huron st., Ibetweein 14thlst5. atnd High school. Fitnder please reelurn to: 1125 ES. Huron. 130-tf. faost-Success fosintaitn pent. Kintdly leave with Morrill, 324 So. State and receive reward. 130-tf. MISCELLANEOUS Swt'ccelrs cot over, or repaired at "The Palais Royal;" 209 E. Liberty St. tf YOUNG'S HATS. (None better msade.) Spring styles tow ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. Thte Store for Style. Main St. tf. "SENIOR LAWS." For sale, at a bargains, otne complete set of Michigaut Reports, fully annto- toted, slightly used. Good as ttew. George S. Clark, Port H-uront, Mich. 9-134. FRATERNITIES NOTICE We are hteadqutarters for all kitids of fraternity stationery. We have itt stock statiottery for a large tntuber of frater- cities. If sve have't it itn stock we cat: get it. We have dies of all fraterncities. ZESWADSKI AND LANE, tf. 310 5. State St., 2tnd floor. Geittlemnteu:-Have you ictre silk Itose-swith littetn heels anti toes--itt fouir cobors-focr ottly 50 cetnts per lair at PURFIiiIY)S SI lOG: STlORE, N:o. i9 Malts St? Helter havealo.1411 esta GUESTSar1~'cs'lca 's cc::: The fusse rs twhIo tace incvadledthe1 Union clubh~oucc ottl ::::dasyevenin~gs hove left thirt mark behitid tlcetm. Sc:: dos' is ladies' doayad it is thena that thce nteinbcrscomet withc their lIdy- "uct's to take advatagec ofothe:1:, 'i:. atmealc wh icht thce chef preares ftor te.oca- In thce btg adiig romtti t'.great round table of sot wodtt whc miembers n:c: pepetuatito hei:: :'r fame:b: , ca~rv'ing thecitr name:'s. The :gils who: 11:a1 thloo :: ,m:ightcaroce: 'Poket infat :fssrstale whtic :chco'ls thteital's noct oyoffI thi c :::' e te l vscr t ibu tltcftltIIci et Phon0::: 0iJ. 02I? lroste. Collegiacn Clo:thet or lg mn Sprig'styles'no«-creadyc \I.I,,'S t'.(II'1 1:8 0SItUP tf. lail t re'etcc. Sect::::' shop v ll111cr1t:willclos act:',p.1::in . e"clpts' ci.esays n tSta 'ttcItura, e inn lna 1r111'. sprittg, t::,: ccc I Seniors'ccc III:it:::'rl. ~wdi& 124ng tha4w hve N: sow.If Itonsiant the oit betfttn, og we hveic:'no i t:vacdprce: tissts CII'y S So nd$.o prpar FORMAL EXPOSITION O,'F SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEFN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Meen's Clothes In refereince to Ibis imtporta't:::c c:: tact' c t c: tip ti en:and boys, we wish to call you~r t'sptcialtte:tionccto our::displathtiscseasion, for several reasons. The acudi'.'c'c tc: o::the: - t ,, their elusive- ness, and the loot thcat thteye : Iiitte: :::: wtli Hie ve:rcxlatsts'tyle information frotm the fSect 'octe:.. .To0111,; '0 i',S-wt pti:s hicic would receive every considert'atiis:1-,, cr a:'}1 czq::::::Iated. These Spring styles is Suits, Otirc'ct:t.s 's Ne V" dFrishings, out rank in scope and e'clsiv:ctenes CCttcit o liti wtc. sco 'S eetefrim Od(5:1 5'.'C tc'. B ah PnCrra2 iiiin . 2rn F,.qqt I I -qL N UL -M AM AIF MA16 L -W m - m Aw- W m m it lw AV. - . - - - - I - , -