THE MICHIGAN DAILY Our Spring Spccials COlA) NOS- l1,Nc'itix x FABRIC:- lxoj al LESULT ad ar xi ilu Sutings, Vesdings Trowserings N I'xxidyiii lx ai iii 0GIiild Company TAI,0Rt ti 311 S. STATE STREET L ON BUTTO S Sold in An Abrby WAAGNER & CO. Stat Steet A0i.SPALI)INUi & BROS. The Spalding xeLirletm Ti'.-ark of 4FFICIALEx QUIP 101 N11 fyatl atheti AAAtf six rt ad psimes. R t R SGt ___ret w Y . sO, ~ ..; ol 21! .I'll VC I i y a 1. ,I il at O~i~Nein Sprt /+t 1.1. rld a aT 0 Q.asty. )tv( A. +G. SPRA1LD5NI4G ft ]BROS. a~a Dat.oIf S9 ii6 -Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25e to $3.00 Crawfor ' ,weay BolCai 'IIBg Balyr Sple ti U)II5IINKi(R THEMICHIGAN DAILY. Managing ifditar (TxueINcn EEDRatax-. Business Afaniager CART . II.0.ADAM. Adldress: MIIGA~N 1)AIts. Press Bldg. Mxayinard Street. Office Hoars:tbManagintg Editor, 8-I p. Tm. Bulsintess ixtanager, I-2, 7-8 p. Tm. Except Sutnday. Bath phtoines. EDITORS. News .......Lee A White Assistant ......... darold Titus Athltetics ... \V.. ilbnr 0. Elliaot W'omten....P rieda Kleintstiick MnCsic an~d Drama.., .I ldis S. Baker Exchantges ........... M. B. Mclgli EDITORIALS. Jattes K. Watkints Morrison Shafroth ; Chtarles GoondG. S. hasher Johit T. IKennyt ASOCIATE VtITORSO. Walter K. Tawers Barry Z. Pole Diatt Birttey D.A. Hinckley Acrthttr B. Moctxlin Wade Otisvcc Pred Lawtoin Ha~rryiG. Myser Frxxx ank tell Ctxaclcs B. ZMyianxer 'Morris (Hooser M. Mack Bianxi A. J. \Vohtgi tttl Maucicc T. ' Ttulme< Fratxk Pele h it r ank Wi. AMurp~ln BUSINESS STAFF C. A. cowsmixn Norttan II Hill Wlter Q. Wilguts MyercRbnx Kncnxxethx Osborn NormanottWittet at tihe helpttess actiirs;xitd to iutter groaxis xxxdxlihgy xwhxeiLitte Esva wsdying; thosc indeedlace attributes wshich stiltl atno iticbeforgoten by thoxs hio i-cc fortuniate etnotgha to be i l-looker.: Tii nixtItoi.b1-iuthtooed forced to cap~ila~ti, andtoteiexhxilbititic wits ftilag-xx-whichxiti thiscaexxwaxxs thxe curai-\vas tfittimxie inlspiiig txan was anyitx iparitofte gxae lasti fxll i wxhuch Mixchiganiuim hedxx over Penn-xx 'l'ii suchl actioniithxexdefenxsi isure tha t tishwsxxxcii ilixti li Wiitxihx ii Ioitfens axllxtial Teshwtwr bilxla xAtx xxixx tt xxi "iatractions andxxitt ittseldom t t e xpet o e .lMesxcs. IWhlitxnxy anxxii ltlthase gixe A lxixrboic axlegitimaxte playxhxxuse, adit hasihelxx hroughxt heixixir xxx gixdtthoixse if Mr, Iouse atthe \ajeic h, tixilix. ii xxiof the offingsi havex' lxx x x hem u ttoxlth ixhest.tanxxardxit is tru. in crexl xamm-. x lxitrix hws thaticx xeix-., i thexx- xi lxix ofieitherx plyhus hs dvriediitaxxy I ttrie asxi Ifisttlsixcamtexriaxxlized.xxile locl thxeatre has hadxxcut arrayxxof attrac- the patrons f illlDetroit Operialxouxxx and iinite Ilyx bettlerxthanlxhas aixqxxtherxx thetr xtxlixxaxtownlofxequalxsixecin te xxx lix xte xmoivlxiiexwicxxixompted chose; bexilcaxse xx xlisho.vs xxctntly offr- xxd dxi)noi cmepxot hexxxxixxlxiirildxsxxi stge exellence. A xxxxxx x fxetivex pro- teslwuldhae xxenlxaxgxxcx, xxxare coinxcixd, lxy mixelyremiingiiiawasxy. reachte-ithrougxixixix x oftitan xxxii thrug attempte violenc MUSIC AND DRAMA - x xxix Lxtpxin," xlix ai.1 tinxtxg dxl tonigh , albenxiiLxix rix sed forlI c is in draxmaixxtix xxii trti itxx nea xtnxesx of expoxxitioxn, xxxxxi i x xx xxtxideelopent amlii xcoxnctinssxfxprssion.xixx Noxt xa lxx ixine fth lay \\aslo t lltrnsat it fom 1clic to1 ,ilish Theper f ix capoms o ea pos ijy x-ixi lix ducrt andxl iiixKxeane.x N1;\ 1 .1 1 FV itx ixT xxlitl xmuxsical coxmedys stxir xwho apxpears axt the Ncw Whtitniey xoix Thursday, xApcitlix4 w ill hxave the ailsantage is 'VThe Eetxo, his ixew ixexlixxxxx, of oxte of the ,lbigge-.t, supportin~gxcopaxies kixoxwxilxxo xxsieal comedy. Local(xliii-gocrxsxwhox, ixxpast xeasonsx, have ccxvelec the Ci arle antics thec Earle soxigs aidthi txeCarle xdanxes. Thxe peopxlexssenledxxbyxsMt.tDillinxg- hamxx for (Coittstat Carte'sx xppitxlxxlcomix prise a xdistinxguixshxedlaixxy. x Amongx te prixncipxalsx xnxtedl ixlthc lixt xci1(Mrc. I lxxix-(Vxxiiaxnxsthe giranxxlolxd xwxomaix xf thxe xtage; C.If. lyics, onxexxf thex ablxest xxf chartclx ometxidians;xoxxlxas Stexvexsonatx ilyrica l lxtonxxexIoig lexix- xxng supporxct t ofVi lxcr & Fieldsx tcxxlic- tin;Neli - lck x lxicorcexnli fxx- sookx xtie lexinig rileixllxsupt ofxx Jxtl-'ll eleit firIherlxreet xpart;i x itself, little is xxlntxti icectsaive itxat it is xatmusxicxal coxmexxyt xxithiesort lIIIxxwhichx thxe Caxile i-lflxxxxis apitxext.Its foxxxlery ipassesxinan(aboxutlxxxI tin ixix hoxi ,]xxlelil lxxxi xi tlxefasixixialeixsectixxxsxoxf the its sit-c lxI-ingxx s xadfr ch ms xxirt, tieximxtley111nd1vxxxcixoxux fll: xxwho txxix tolthex lxllxsxin xummeiifixialxii li- The mnaemx xxxet ot he.iic Maijestic tthextrxelhais recixved so miaxniyrequtests fromimebexxrxs xf thex-stuiienttbodxylxxi pictresof TeicinxgOxueen,"xxbho thi xwektat xarranilgemtix s havie- 1bien will recixv- freei of (tharcexas aisouvei-xr ai photograph~l oxf (The lDivinxg Oiueen"~ xxwih thxx-xxximplimeintxs of xtlhii iiliige- itiult. T[lixstdtix t onsx oxx f the- iheit--ixilxiiiexespethcl illy inte-ie-tx-xill this, lue x t xe fac ita lix-eIietxtcx xiii pxoitrxaythix-fxir sxiiwximmergariinxdx cane oxf lixr mostxl dariing bhlxxtlxg -xxx GLOVES Ask for Ehe best and ae how quick they'll bring youI FOW NES Sen-illi5s-i-i'llengr15edx"-i ft' cirdsx tox xsendx withx xtr invxitatixxns. Z/cxs-l kxi &1(axle, 3x xo S. Stxite, 211dt itxor. i126 If. ((tip axid alt Operatic Music for site at Schiaeherle & Soits's Music- House, i 10 S. Main St.gitf. ( IDil ,xxxai ,ix Px 1hi ,1 ()1Oxx xx. UNtVERISITY CA LENDAR. At1 ix1 ; Mi thxt arah xi tx.xxll (xxxiii hlx111 ;ltril -x tom ( lx. I xix -- 'xx .xli tii 'IIh at( WAnl R'SI University Bookstore C. E. DARIN[L BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock inl Michigant Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medicat Dictioiaies Quiz ooks etc. Conmpxete linc New-nda Se5c- Old books takc IinillExchtange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel 761 Gt your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optica1 -jx ~Dept, [ne-StcrS ad Je elrIReairitI HIALER'S JIWIt RY SOR 21gas a ti. Mol.,. St. Today (iotd pure ma1terias, int clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good anid is good at our Soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. TRACK If yon sxoxild slimxc it o -(lc , Track Supplies Wi' earr} th-R-~inlg loxixxxii nee'd friii a liirxof Chamois Pushers wo rthi 25c to1 a 16 Pound Shot st-tttb $1.75x oxca irloefx Spike Shoes $50 _ l4xt1 ii xxxiii at ii lxxixr xxii i tresx re- Whitcv teatr hav be IICreitdito ihether it ihould he lid e lselihere xie are unab le osetebu eranyihr were scenexii lx x Un ive xsity istdxnlsxin th lxix Ith t"rug - tri" xi shows. No serioushlixi. xxxiixlwas donei inxixither instanc, Ind te ii- xcxriii MOW xl, cn til akofrg -l o nq 0 lii5 of te \'xiii lix -'cr:trie xxxi-. of xcuhnrc xan is xxii sit iiixi n- i]ti ing. , lc et yda d not face theI lxxxiii I xi attaiklxxi the xx ixili xore o sudnsiK)fer III- lstatf ir of lhi xkid, itithex neari HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suit made this Spring. I bought a Clever Clothes Suit at. Wad- hams & Co. last fall and am going, back. It cured me of Tailor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadhams & Co. RANAL& PACK, Photographers p ho, e595 121 Wasb1o~ton t.