CLASSfIL.) ADVLNT ISING ii (ii t0~~ ittl Th~is Space 55 S\hfrs l ID' jui 'Ir 12 yuh 1)5 t so o ii If "1T o atr 7 . .....,. V rdi FOR \illial I lwlll _ _ _ __ ,n., : _ ___ Sam Burchfiel .. & Co. " Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Oipp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 aully tGuaranteti Watch RoPmAr~li a. Speasialty TllE FARME~RS AND MECHIANICS BlANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus antd Profits $100,000 General Banking liusiton. I ott ent paid on ine, aitd Savings tDeposits. Safety Ie- uosit lBoxes to rout at $2.00 and upwardts R. Kour, ' r.s . I.G. Pter: ot'ttMAo. 1 iO(, rS 11. A. t'4LLIAiSro 1 lot 1'. T S t,ro i Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank ( apicalt'Sootk50,000 Surptliuts t 2,00 Resrcest$2800,000ton AiUenral Bankling BusianssTransacnted OFirictIs: Chas. it,. 1tltock, tinns.; W. it. Harriman, Vico 'ens. ;St. .,Frtzt. tashior STATE SAVINGS BANK W J. ooth Jno. V. Shoohan Win. Arnotd tDr. '. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wado E.F0. OMSitts John Hanarer Jno. K~oh Praf. H .Carhart HtentySW. Dougas C'3hristIan Martin lDan P. inonje tni FIRST NATIONAL BANK OvtANN.ARBttR, MICH. E. It. KINNEt It 14 UNtSot)'SAitt1I Pres. S ot Prts. S.tOWt I ARKS, c'atmer .;, kaPa'- ii ai W tit. t !a i 1sr t tlr tckill llli i. I r }ll:;ltt t 5+ltl, t lt'!"f' s "lt Ilc tt 'ltitlwv to - t St )11, ,}t rtl -tmr Si ilti , c1.110 Sir t.' 1 Yo ~ 's Have yous heard that sltr-ajer at the casIii f'tlito ti ct.' lit. t tlt' f ~ci ii 11111fiortit oirit lttlil itiIBetter haarry. She's Grea.tI liltll I f :i. 111 t 31100 /A ' cwadski & Lanec~~e ue Stae Sree _ lll" ,lp+ Z ii 1(t1;t;.110. a gtoitr S. trill tsell tei T Iypewniter, reut The ARA-NOTCH >111tyerttngot.or dyour 11 0 li t tl llt makes the Iilisity BELMONT " Q ~Illt~tll, llc" till Si Li tiiiictlili ne n1 or ' AR (ut OLROK I:l i ii i t in trct. lh \i-ktl th sl Atttti ( ciI1.l.t ctlerlc&;. iy; ui lOCO LA R. ~ tr sittiliket it.lo. f tllIl ________________________________________________________________ Mr.Wilim I(M~rnd wl 11hipl vi'l of' let.ure- 11 itas tis III 1,1 ''it t'n. taal p >r t Il k-01 ill1h1 iste 1vt.ach1 0fom d 111c n > .l it i prilt i miiaow 'Is J t ( li. l .20) 01t-S. 2 14 O w oo0. i1,1rt sre t. 2-.. Capital, $100,000. Surplus attil Profits-. f;t0.000. 1Iih 5lr 10 111'' > n i 5 1 (Ernan-Americau Sa_in Bank "' Com.:nmero~a 2.I z.rnd 51 W1 1 I r11111 t 3a vtnes 01. Can-. MeAnar ad 1L1berty Str-ets (an) 11111 Iwn all111 1. l i Gil I i lt Miechig'e.n Spirit is tie (test evidenic at football'tivanties-Take a bannier to the -arte-Aftletrtardl it wniilteotate your dent. LOVE 'LL'S- 25 iBannrers eoi sale, ioptti'it7c, I ox Soc. 332 5. State St. IIristI) liii, SW ili ii hiCluck 1 110 .11a th ;II stlt of 'tiiitr.iir _ iiit tIit.' i ok t f jHave you seen the new blue efects in Cheviots with red and blue * markings? They are swell and entirely new? We hve them. I WAGNER &CO. pImprting Teillrs San Sret Choral UAnion aun (Ma ? festivat Detroit United Lines TEN STAR NUMBERS ONLY $3.00 DOt inortmatinton Diion Sujeni- D rii t rllot Aloi, 1 sitnitit, of the Detrot St I tit ttt- tfet nkn S lnda Steore, Dot ni'sntg, ICnetol iuaatetit 1 iiiti I tt icer sre of 1Srsits or it ll 11 / TOtSII he ChratUi uot(31(1vote), TePT o ltOr hsta , OPENS (0 ie li 01Chotit Works, (dysetit' 'Neit Lifo", "Paitt I ln'' attiottseofithtte vemont, beyond Ti,!et,.,,a I~rpur i~t rclProe turen ay a ieri ortitt t ap iy if te reular service, of till)ay 'roli f t ud Ietntsitottor f ro Ann S L.A Co reUniversity School of MUSIC .Stltot exra cars and extra service W ED AY O T. 0 MANARUST.will b promptly supplied. WITH LAW BOOKS FRATERNITIES Lecture and Stereoptican ivvreikr 400h year DICTIONARIES 40t. yea Silver Links Views 0I"s QVIZ BOOKS In' Scarf Pins ArnsAnnbe.- LEGAL MISCELLANY AnaneAnbr Fobs klings BUY - YOUR SEASON TICKET NOW Callaghan Q~ Co. ' SigeA miso 150 C us ic es$ . 0 ne nbe-B-m ls as Blg. I WM. ARNOLD, CLLEGE Sige disin 150 CureTckt $.0 nn ror8anl.Statstret. opost aw la d220 Snth Main Street. STUDIO-