THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfid 8z Co.s " Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch R~spa~i-is s Spenalty TflE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $10,O0 general Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes in rent at 51.00 and upwards R. Knslrr, Pres. H. H. PREcTTYMAN, Vice-Pet. H. A. WILLIAMS. Cushier F. T. Srown, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 050,000 Surplus $100,000 Resources 02,800,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Orrlnnuss Chas. E. Biscock, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pins.: H. J. Fritz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DInRECTORS: W5. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Hills John Haarer Jins. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Hurtle Dan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANS OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. j F. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE FePes. Vice-Fees. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, 0100,000. Surplus and Frofits, $00,000. (German mecan s~jank Cornmmer-a..1 ai~nd Ss.vln~s Cot-. Mn..Ies and Lilbor-ty Sttsa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MUSIC AND DRAMA WANTED. Waned-College men to act as agents The Lniversity S\ymphony Orchestra during summer. Good money for is an organizations of whiich any city or right men. Call Bell 302-L, or address college ought justly he proud. Thc con- or call on Geo. F. Brown, 61g E. Uni- cert last night attesiedi to that fact. versity. golf Some difficult numileriwcre attemspted for whIich cosidserahle cs-slit is clue. I-aoted-A studeist to work oii salary The 'Siegfri(Irid Idy"wstouirof thlis osf $75.0o per mnoth during summier class.' The istIplesing featisrc of the vacation. Some experience needed. evensitngiinsl perhas teRmo re eliectikir Call at 6o8 E. XWilliamis, 4 to 8i p. Ill. hecases it tisis ccrely- espectedl,ws 132-33-34. Miss NaIa1151 vii lls's plaini;cofstSt curl FOR RENT. sea'sc cli ii in I loil,5ii. Slit is a pouipii ~il ro.Ssiiiirl P. Lisckssiniclof Foi Renti-M~odern house, furnished, for te Schlsc ofN liisic, ,iidilhlrmistiex- sumsimer mouths at reasonahle figure. celleisi h ii iii gloingscaisdltechnliciei Oine door froiiscampus. 6io S. I letd cred 5itablyssI supio li s tachier. galls. 131-133-135. as lolalm Issiisss I n"exeislen cdtaloic LOST. sif Gosld" were especially 5adaptedsl iohis ____________________________________ style cif s iss'isg Lost-Friday morning, lI-trch 25, Inger- 3Throughoutlssshil isslhring sifosrts sit sol midget watch; leather foh aiid M, Saiiuel Piesrsi soncwodsllorchuestra on Huron st., hetween 14th st. aiidhas hieciibuilt up1wishhis-l lsbaslasnie aiss IHigh school. Fisnder please rettiro to tisis whss ich msl..s s ee-fsl si ar 1125 E. H-uroii. 130-tf, siltacs, andslsoil ls p srilliassslcses- L~ost-Success fouiitaiin pen. Kiiidly - leavewstllsMorrill, 324 So. State aousT hu Isr ssay evsiisst Mr. andssi Irs. receive reward. ~130-tf.I. lcusi IIolslcs lists still app~c er ai H-igh s scol hIsl iis aspiasiso ains 5vscal MISCELLANEOUS recitl. Several ssf sr. loss' ownsscoin- positionis will appticar ons tsc programl. SPRINC FU NI I CS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS 117es-1ai ,e'ucI {i cuS ' College Caps an wrns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTM1ENrS W E would suggest thact50o5 leaess ursiser sl smea-sresmests before April lst to l5inue t(, tls i' t i .51 i t i scry isfiisseiic. These Caps and Gowns are only lesctos' is r srei,siample.ofi iiaoy varieties here for potions insiseetisis. The newest effects in Man hais tassi s-si . s -N 2,k c «is,, I. lotves, Hosiery, Novelty Hsndkcrehieso 'vinn ,. 1i ,rilr~tr rs SPRING HEADWEAR All the new tsapes sidssl -issir i ins 1w 5 inks KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Don't fail to seeRles. Coinsiss .V I s - (-:alx11.00issa. Reule, Conlin Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. ,wciiters cut over, or repaired at "The Palais Royal," aug E. Liberty St. tf YOUNG'S HATS. (None hetter made.) Spriiig styles ion ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. The Store for Style. Main St. tf. 'SENIOR LAWS." For sale, at a hargain, one complete set of Michigan Reports, fully anno- taled, slightly used. Good as new. George S. Clark, Port Huron, Mich. 99-134. FRATERNITIES NOTICE We are headquarters for all kinds of fraternity stationery. We have in stock stationery for a large numbher of frater- nities. If we havet it in stock we caii get it. We have dies of all fraternities. ZEWADSKI AND LANE, tf. 310 5. State St., and floor. CGeiitlemen :-Have you seen the new pure silk hose-with linen heels and toes-ill for colors-foe only 50 cents per pair at PURFIELD'S SHOE STORE, No. 119 Main Stt Better have a look. 124-141. C0URAfli- 0) NiF1I-)lFN C'I. NI -SI.ASHI hielis tss i isussccs. 'l'sefers-, us-i issssc in Isthss foundisationsoss ur bus isv55-.sssnes ints, c helped gresstlyin515 w 5innim srs sus te eiiviahlereputtion we pross udliyhissenjoy i of liiniig. Tailois, Ilalsrdsi-,s s dsiss tti-ssi to I the lest cdresss-rs. Spring mssrrsasndirssssnowreashy. lu~aNRY & ClO. Thieinewest -sisdIchisicerstof soveclties. Alto the bst et nnissan ts. I-rices right at '1111 PAI-,'IS ROYAL, tf. 209 1k. tLibertyStreet. OLD TOXVN CANOEcS Scud ipostasl for 'Csssse" rcstaslsgiie tss H. XV. Srsstt, 70S5. 1 isi r. shsie hi. iS S-113 ool. Seniiors' s-alinug crds.Yos ises-s-si hung-caisstosessnss sih yssur iunvitationss. Wec have a-useirllent vriety- Itorcoose froim. Also see ostr "no-csft" crdss. Cards readly fissr 5dlssfIroms ordesr. Zewaidski & I iwsis1,1s1ss, .11(1S. State, 2ust flpsir. itf, Gome Phone 221 Decent place guaaeedscs GEORGE YEE Chinese Chlop-Suey' Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishes, SteakscandC(Is. American Lunches of all hinds. Lies'- thingcfirst class for ladies s agnct i CleanestlKitchsen is Anni Arbir. 514 S. STATE STREET Rowe's Lau nd ry THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phone 457 Bell Phone 457-i AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confectionery ow MdinyTrip s As~srk ter i e Corliss are1.0 51 an iss cllars. tbtterusc, ee tyle, fit, Mad1 1,521ihts TINKE CSO01 J3F. WUETHnCO. 3 _35 t i:. - _ S alin S5. Go to Major's 'ro hay Wall-paperand 1ant.isiss r ram s c v itt s of loit we can save you trosm 25 to 40% WVel ~retissrisieissnerchess' fore theoe low prices: I alto os rmfI .5) ra 00l slhils 'Single gallon, $1.25, half gallon h5c, (salt 35 C. H. MAJOR ft n Maiifacturero of Migh-Gsade Paiis.'103 I,, Wsingtson St. iI, i I I [ ," 4 J -, Tk I I 1, : - . Negligee Shirts * WITH High Turn down Collar *tattaced to srt cJNU tT U Soft Collars bi stlsir i s e -lii ii ic siiI()I(( I- 't I1-:iltk trsss si Isism.i- iii -I I I And Just What You Have Been Waiting For 1i - - - - - I Walk-Over's for Spring A fttll line in all leathers and colors, exclusive designs and shapes. See windows for an unlimited supply of Oxfords and Street Pumps. notei eumneriana S. W. Cor. Brondwoy, nt 54th St., Neaas50th hi. Siuw assad Sul St.lectated. NEIW YORK 9F 11.E ;: w& For Men and Women $3,50 $5.50 ", tv; .' t: t. 5j .o. 7r : .ee: '. :s,. . ': : , ."; ,.' 6r Your Feet Property fitted KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special rerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Pork New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Tickets l$6.00, $5.001, $4.00 Mrs. C iucisu Rids r=Kelsiey Mrs. Siblts I Sosuic Hucierniid Misr Mar1gaireOtyr Xli NIi le I edoc Mr. Su lldhc :si+F(erlin) S10til(tt 9' 5.hGANARI X'Js. X liinlswuspo The- c' ,eyI0()Iisvoiuesn Thtdoe. lii;aIcreerj~~ie Albeirt iui~ r=.:Orscktosck T'isI'l iul 1 WORuSus Walk-wOver Shoe Co. 115 Malie Streetj ' ,tf ki' 'Transient Rates, $3.50, with Bnth, and Up. y ~All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VND ER THE MANAGEMENKT OF Harry P. Stlwaoa., fomerly wtithi lotel Imperial. W. J. Bt'sjhei~rn, formerly with Hotel Wosodwatdri . t - - "- Portrait Studio-- i----Last iurow'tre