TlE - ITCTIDEAN DAMPY f ___ Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESINS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious -IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Yer Examination 0. . Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAN~D "C LI N TON" BUTTON EASILY ASD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AD QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 2556 WLIARKER C2 MAKERS. Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stae Street A. G.SPALDING & BROS. nheSpldinug are the largest mxxx Th actuersin he orl Trade-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP MENTor al ahletc vtOIIVQ porto and patms. 1 p p ~Ifyou are intrest- i' ed in Athletic Sport - y. ou should hares ops 'pot s P o h pttgct INaoue. It's a eomple enylpedia of is snoon throughout Wat' New in Sport the world as a Guarante of and is sent free on r - Quality. Qust. A. G. SPALDING i0 CABROS. Chicagoo Dtot Base Ball Goods now that tie season is hero yois sill need a spply of Base Ball Goods Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25C to $3.00 Golf Goods Wer ore the sole agents fee Crawford McGregor GolClubs, Col Bogs Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Massaging lEditor CLARtEE E. Et,osiot.. Businsess Manager CARi, H. 0. ADAMI. Address: MICHIGcAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-1s p. Ini. Boxiness Managsr, I-2, 7-8 p. In'. Except Sunday. Both phonses. EDITORS. News ................. Lee A While Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilbur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Klelostlick Music and Dranma.M ollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkinis Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kensny ASOsCIATE cDITOSo. Walter K. Towers Itarry Z. Pole Dion Birney D. Ac. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehlmaii Wads Oliver Fred Lawtotn Harry G. Myser Prank Rowell Charles H. Mylander Morris Mouser H. Mack Ryans A. J. Wohlgemutha Maurice T. Toutmc Prank Pennell Prank W. M\urphsy BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bownaun Nornaun H Hill Waler Q. Wilgus Myer Robin Kenneth Osborns Norman Wittet sutrel sacli a chapgr dors be-i comestlecessary. it.swill be' the msa p- scprale of ill occassions to comiisine lice two departentss under the stiler- vision of tics presecnt headt of thiarhre- torst departmcent. SUNNY SKIES BRING OUT CLASS TEAMS.1 (tinusied ifroPage 1.s od of clhoosincg empires is to hsase a comptetitioni to see whlicha caic dutst the plots most scientifically. The brat mess are then picked to handle tics indicator. Inc caoc of a tie the fastest runcner is grianpreferece. Some of the class baseball stars are gettin~g into shape by playng usc the fraternity teams. This gives them good practice in runcig bases as the score. is generally counted op by means of adding maclanes. Hoswever, the Phi lDelta Theta and S. A. E. fraternities held a game the otbcr day that seas stretched to fou~rteenaicconigs before it was ecided. The tatter teamac sas thens lectared the svinncer, 3 to 2, because the Pbi Delta dog rosansray woith the ball. 'Tie losers declare then swould cave wron cad nout their opponents employed a professional to carry their bat. Howcoats- class teamcss one cast play ass is also sworryinig sonic of tics pseudo- atihltcs. Somei of the coccisalt are registered icctn-u detarmuents play on scams franci each department. This is declared unifair by some of lice jealous sites because is gives lice lucky uses a chance to get cveccithii the umspire af- ter he has rubbed tem oifteeart game. The losers are isisariably 'rob- 'ted"hyylice vepire wcoshas a friried sisal knsos sa icanscchose friend iplayedc sac teswining teamancd lice "umpas" seas fixrd before basso, as the tale ccl sou The Uiviersity of Ililinsois debatinig teama soere fortunai~te in wininsg a du- lictorayover te Unisversity of Guhto and Inadianca Untiversity sic Friday cocci log, March ii. This debate was onr of a series in the State Universits- Deibas lug-League of which Ohio, Inidiaasanisl Ill-inois are members. Ililinois argued inc favor of a graduated Federal incomce ease at the costless held at she Universita Auditorium in Urbana. As trait to sup- port the negaive side of the samucdies- lion was sent5 to Indiansa. NOTICE All barber shcops ini the city swill close at 6 p. m. except usn\Yedinesdays asci Saturdays, beginning Monday, April ccr. t~atpar 25. Sciors' calling cards. Zewadski & Laine, 310 S. State, and floor. i2t t Gentiemesn -'sWc have the best amid moust conmplete lssr of oxfords, lis sprinig, that see have ever showin. If you seant the ncobbiest, best fittinag, long- est wecarinig oxfords for the least money,, you use it is yourself to conme in anad loois tihemioser. Notice particularly that we hare scot advanced prices this ,seas- on--ontly $4.00 anad $s.ou per pair. PURPFIELD'S, 4 124-141. No. s19 MaiStreet: Coilegian Clothes for Cililege in.s Sprinig styles toss ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP:* tf. Main Street. Seniors-ee enigraved "nso-gift" cards to send willsyour invitationcs. Zewatds- hi & Lane, 31u S. State, 2nd dloor. 126-tf. J-Hop and all Operatic Music f or saie at Schaeberle & Sons's Music Mouse, in S. Alain St. 9111. D. A. KILLINS NEW STATE STREET HARDWARE STORE REACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHONES Bell Phone 1610 Home 212 Blue l If you would 87is e [ M - 011,a rall on wis-or los i Trac k Supplies We carry anything yost may need f rostsa aaciriofChamois Pushers worcc'th 25c to ac 16 Pound Shot worith $1.75, srat-c pair of Spike Shoes WeORTel DETROIT UNITED LINES TUSI AY, :iblE1, ,iSoo Edir IToday--:s.J. S's assrts a cc. Waalli-c:Fait- ccld i incur. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Apsril 5--Macibetih, SciraCils 'ivcellAngell ball. Apsril 7--Womcan'sLesasgues Dansce. Aiprii 7-8:us0iP. Mc.. I Igh Srihtol Hatll. 1Sir.asciiMrs.Hi ss----C'cecrt. Imtitlit canst chiangsts iirin te am-ritis ccl admcinistrati s ivelffis a in tesic:-a depiartmsci-stliais en'-cciiiii.-r.ts it ci- Dean De ead as assiisctiss o5h Iisprsn isititon;it is etiualliy ctr uta t 11"11 a lice-s secagscgavc sri-asl-lit inagrit cli iiprtov-ledcitiie ion alairs ic tihe literary deacrtmenat. Natsrally cicero are itther chaniigesau tcit is adeaa, iuiiiei rom utsthe insclinatciionsofithe Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Bsound-7:54 a. in., 1:59 4:0 p. itn., 7:50 p.ii. Limited Cars West Bound--1:20 a. m..2:t4 Local Cars East Bound-lo Dtetroit, 55 a in., andc everyisousr to10:45p. i.To Ypsi- lati, 51aeDc. ni.. ad al ccilssr~luets:15. sc alslo :1 . c., 1c30alsc. cc. 1i-,'tO0a. it. 'l' S-aline., rai-te ctYpisilaiiti. Local Cars West Bound-5u45a i., 7:15 a. nandlevertwoiours toi11:15pcm FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLD, J;E'iaER 220 aouth Mole Street. I WAHR'S University Bookstore LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Suppiles Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen-' nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUJNDS Gus. isslssn o eacid s ~ iilo Xcy fillinga. a soa:l~y E. Liberty S. An Abr M I ita R.: En JOLLY'S 508 S. S'TATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes, lauciet loli hu e 5:i eu0 A ,kii Siftoe li--l. LHe~y siarci auuaoili inoIa:.r BEBB 'P IPE Today Good pure materials, in clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. PRESS LUILDINO, MAYNARD ST. Next doorlso Universiy Sclosl of Muscs The New J-Hop Numbers ",IF WISHES WERE. HORSES " ",THE LAST WALTZ" Also the N-w Song "I'm Going To Go To Ypsilanti " W5hichmiil be introduced by time Glee Clb. heatoriumil 11 washlngton to K, Photographers Phone 598