G.H Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- it gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. Wma ke Full Dress j Suits a Specialty C t'l, AND SEE1411us 311 SO0. STATE STREET At thi- Nt-w Start- G. H, Wild Comlpally *B AR K ER COLLARS Warranted all linen. rlade in 1.4 sizes ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. lptitfpc ______ _______________ lielt~gt lit01tt t is I( ') 1 i dire iced of itiety. as it xx as is-hi te ffanaginrg Editor JuiorHIm ianic its firs do1 t i~ ,R I. i~ni S. cu~nse the finst recent gift sihciss thtthit Union and its ttork are bm ape BUSnICia MVanager ciated by the sttttetsttwhose clubit is (CARL H. C.U 1Ati. that fraternity rsn asti astl intett - eittstire interested ; itndIttat tinece ts __________________________________________thai titeresi fteIt int its sittcet s. thatit «ill BUIES TAFassure tine utitiimat e achittc nien lt itits itosi lofty atniitionis. ticIrtl i11 H lii C. A. Bowmian 'rte atonictigitveti l (t cot -- --- - - ititee, though screuecttle. \\I-s ]lot cllcss : NIGAN, lstIs Press Bldg., large ; but it fltlitts nthe tic'cecnt nil Mtaynarcidirect.ititig agio, -antl Shows te v~ 1to liii (irien lhours: lanagiig Editor, 8-I Utnicrsity whtiiti isichietiav(i' all p.m lulsiniess Manager, I-a, 7-8 P. m cally a surpltuts for wichithere iiis ino i c n-.o-,,c. sutitable mode of if pstol .' tI \l I- ki IDorfll-,',ii fi hcltlo 1'r~la 1. .A lie41 iSF'1I,. ()Ct. t} ,d~till t',iCc lire Reitalt Oct. 1- hcm ita-s fr Mlwukatee. t)C_. 1 -Tll Kssing Ciel' at the )'.2- sci a ro tr taisl ve fo 1I1 tl \l ugii s furitait- i btIw rli ls regrettalei, a large it i I itt Univesitys tutdents are din- r ic lg h itltni ofsaluttig the 1 glto iiasofte Ettnirsity and th1l ns) ti renticetine depart- iwt r is titig servile ini the ofon' ihltt these inent as it is btarcgi iof ihottnored position V.11( i theyii I - tip atnt ia deferenice to thir ailt I'emilitary salute giveti it tl I )roiliceritni te arity is tnt so ,I' i - ii t ii nd itseci lt nd the saltntg ( t, 1rsidlt of theiivetitrsity tir the dci1 of a depatrItent sititot ucdmantthe ai c la - - - illiit tile Siichligain tikAl 1 I1)\~l tieIs tugglitig fur t1?cc ls 4IcpI Iavetheiclaysntlor- turnccl erto te L Situ Adibyits 1111hs 1stlcdis istnci--mittif it.ivi nt\ r acompihedt iniy tther No. 26 Fast Evenifig AItiec t i lsh gfinIreidit faie u the studecntt counticil tin title In stis faitoiry soluitiontotintile 'unit problem, has shton oilt-ting: tile tacttladln diets o diiot 11 see' thngs so di -tttli but thte'itlist lbe'broughtin togeillei. lOnt if lie titlst difitcutlt problems nith i ch th ct-siiliIenitf ttiveof ies oftilt it ui- ferietly aeCnrnei h alit iiiione sucti si/I' liat lidrsonal a ilii I ilt bci- twen aculltymhr. blrsinstil nt it itite number,' T-itt esilt i i t hai t thei lireaichideitiniig withtithe gri--ic c thei lntiu it, untl liitl li til i iiith itn y no s huh'le if lhc'seniltilln oi thi sude ts anthe tmstudtinibodylll ni 1112- ll i;,oant of il tuu it hs witciptroiti many fc- n -rightifully- ini 111111 c is to hetlpthei is that lie fic'utltytimighit hiach11 more: sucessfuin iiacltmplising thatlifteit if it tietrie morec hchlyinitonth-ithitheii _.. _. . . ... e__._ . __. . .. .... - ---_. - P ,l il ii l iii f t y,'t n itft attig f till ic lso testdents cit theonie hmnd an f tumti1ves itnd reaisontscif the vneitiiii bod Oil thie oilier. Wh'ile en ecs tudietintsthe L'tinersity -regrets lic expuiltsicit of the tarn sophomol-es receintinyidistmissedl, there are fete-en- 11e11 pnossilyinaifewt prejuidiced sopito- 111111s-n liiitiitk that the faculty aetedl tn'r-ti mmor twithouitfill justiications, vliiill al idlicutle the argumnent of the c-ic iiyear in tatecause all the Cl'itis were ct-i appiuirehtendied arid nit- (i, little shou11 iilint-eiteeni. NWhich nwtreiny5coes t shots that if giveit a Th tilii sttcouili uiledoing tindit tkill b ritigitig faculty- andtistudtentis ci >thee ; hut it is 1t1o large iiti cctiti pls2Itt mtight le effectedi by ia smialler boic I if tics- tresidti of iithe Uivetr- failttutunim)tlist ielini terestin i ad lrint - I 15affairsitcoutlt ocaionaitl 'i n ( 111 Itill lii l--Iii lit' w iitiimal c' mI iltil lof represientaci)tiveunergret- 1m<. fo ct111 Isformaitdisctutusint'it er nfasil5-tticulairlytiithe in ichte thc instudent bodyistic-nutlyisinsiti i- r mg utendvisorimllstitm , nowilluitse, lic- es i tt ithesugtio nj wrt- cn i it i i i i 1 l FOOTBALL A- y titig you may need front a Laeciig Needle worth five rents to a Spalding Offi- cial Football worth $5.00 Gym nasiurn Clothing You can buy Fo $2.50 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter I will pay you to see what we have to offer in this line. WAH R'S University Bookstore 316 SOVTH STATE ST. G. [. OARNUM BOOKS Law Medical Denial Largest Stock iii Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law anrd Medical Dictintaries QuiziLBooks etc Complete line New and Se- otnd-hiand. Old books taken ini Exchatnge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Fler Tl. 71 Gelyour MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' - ( Dept Fine Watch and Jeeers IRemairing HALER'S A~W[RRY SIOR[ 216 South Maine St. i. en - c I lie Sitidetits' lht tot 2-citii li &t Co,'t.tf STATE ST. A. G..SPAL DING .& BROS. he Spalding tre:t linr#et Ilcci Tn-ao-Mnt- onitOFFICIAII QUIP=I MEiT,foraliathletic Wilsprts nd pastimes. clni t Ab csp What's Newin Sport Goa vr s, of a lit jccc ccc ,. qetA PALDING eSib BROS. C fniang Dei-al time stuidentsc, extemists whoi cccmciisi h) itelieve that antythiiig ithe fclty dites cnm liae n iigiherc-ipucrpose thaitth crush sltudentativnitsy; canidhthre an Itle-mt ccithe fauculty jus u t cradi clan mst tin hcid to dc m hcc tict ccestuden tuttuctels, ttithenmber of I ccl iltl thati i class insidecidedlyt-initheminort cii tin btih hclicuiian It inshuslsstic atitmttopc ua tee enthact they e t Mc-dt;i - maicin theirjudigmtsc. lieim-jorty, thoughc, in ilth tic-c ulty tutu in tha' sutuet body, are con- si-m-cutives---iner iiwho) aitch Ihhtiuin i thuar nitfoctun c ts-l thiett'noun-site, nd whouc crs- tsoiltst eiuitgihii in ir uchnili' lintoca heciinug itoc'cn'cde tha t'r 'tutucomprommise's (timghut lit-i-ectualiniic furthemrinug this-it'lfcrt-ofitilhits crcsitu and it)biniginug- abuc'1liserireltcions bei twemi the alc tyt aciindisudeincis, My thtntweuldont meania'' lsIi~ng of theii digiituhichlsithouhli-icongtugmein- EXCURSION SUNDAY OCT. 24, 1909 Returning same day) TO DETROIT 00C Special train leaves 6:57' A. M. Fir partieuarsiconslt Ticket Agenn Michigan Central lit Here is Your Fall Suit or Overcoat It will prove a great sat- Fotall Outfits rullning shoes k vter Vests Jerseys Aad all 1,inds of' Athletic Goods at Iloweat prices. Slaill N I IBOOKSTORE rTAE SIT. Shehan& Co. I i To DETROIT Via Michigan Ceiltral Leaves, 1552P. M. Arrive D~etroit, 7:45 P. M. I very clay, except Suntday, Itt amtple timae for atl Sucial, r. uatre cor IuisinteusEngage- mteatsto isfaction to you to choose your Fall Suit or Overcoat fromn this Poimpeiaham iliarvelous assortmlent, where nothing but the very nlewest Soap aiid best styles and fabrics are Dno~faiz shown and where there's not re a1s~al > the slighest chance of getting 'ITeimikers have anything but Highest Quality. f'hsoptoge FALL HATS, FALL CAPS, away in mucluanera FALL SHIRTS, FALL GLOVES, FALL NECKWEAR, Pompeian Massage SPALDING SWEATERS Cream .Ahvsru the fic'if//ut itingltfhe righftmte. BETTER COIlE QUICK W adhains& Co E. E. CALKINS, Diruggist 121_123 S. MAIN ST. arThe Ran1daft Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Pllont 598