.a. - ...o..o. . .r.-. .: :. . ---- t T44ICHIAN DAIS. THEl MICHIGAN DAILY.IGIRL GYMNASTS PERFORM _.. . ,,,,, Spring oand summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Excuaivee COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonos -IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H; Wild oupany x:TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKE R BRAND 'CLI NITON"t BUTTON EA\SILY AnD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for259! WL't E3ARKER 02 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Sret A. G.SPALDING & BROS. TheSpldng are teargst an 111Cj A] ( , fatlrrsinte ol Trade-Mark of0gOPEICALE QUIP- MNT,orll atletc 4I~~OIO sports and pasies. 40 I O If pun are interet- ~ eti in Athltic Sport Sy. onhoulihavee coly IN B R g' of the Spklin Ct- aE~r, ee). logue. It's a omplete enccopeiao of ison throughout Wat's New in Sport tic world as a GuaranteSe of ant iso sent free ore - Qualoity. qest. A. G. SPALDINO (. BRO. Ctbicago Dtolt Base Ball Goods Now that the season is hero you wil. noed a supply of Bse Ball Goods Mitts 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Colt Goods We are the sole agents foe Crawford McGregor GolClubs, ColBags Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Managing fEditor CItoIntcE E. ttcnoiDeG. Business Alfooger CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address :MICHIGtAN DAttY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-it p . nButsiness Mactiger, I-2, 7-8 P. nm. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. Neu's................. Lee A White Assi stant .............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilbur 0. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kleinsttick Music atd Drania.. ... Hollis S. Baker Exchanges...........HM. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shiatroth; Charles Good G. 5. Lasher' John T. K'enny ASSOoCIATErtDITOtS. Walter K. Towers h1arry Z. Pole Dion Birney D. A. Hinctkley Arthur B. Moebtusan \Vade Oliver Pred Lawton Harry G. Myser Prank Rowell Charles It. Mvlander Morris Houser M1. Mark Ryan A. J. Wohigemnutt Maurice 'P.'loulme Prank Pennetl FrankI W. M~urtpti BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Boswnan Normlan H Hilt Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Robin Kenneth Osborn Norman Wittet Schoolmasters Watch Physical Cul- ture Demonstration in Gym. Visiting schoolmnosters were the prin- cial 5visiteirs at thetiniual phslic tal cut- ltre exhibit in gientyth le girls' claot sttt in larbotur geittasitttt I'riday-oiler- etieon. Atexchilbitione of aesltetic danc- tng owasiteatitec otfitelpreegrametswtich seas lesented1.'This Intttovactionin tth11 terpichrea ar prvedesiipeiallysat- ltiiec tsigis;LS its liyithegirls oith ie oil vice te classes. lTtesnewsdictet'cis ini tier naltre of t ciiintit on ofiisevseratl tiltsl Grahuecsetend preisirecint. ill Thie major paiiir t Ite prerot oit ws t r itductionfthe Iicreguticr claiss wo'erk oit the lie shmieeneegirls. 'Thcetcmannie III whicthee lassssa're econdeucteed eas it- lustritted ifor te leeelit o eel vcsisitors. Th rl gvea iniseexhclibitionii it 1 iiasi.wokwihebrtoughet etelauetse fro ieethe setlooed rse. Thcysiwereemacrk- tbis itl dle nd d elntcthIlroueghle.t vareios exserciseeso ittemarked preccisioee. 't\his year'es frieshtmttniclthses lie-it tiied intoeteweese-cltites. 'Ilthose girls wthohaelgymnettictin ineg befoertcite ing, ere o lhohle shwelid'elespecicai abeileieeehai' ieeniilillttiletoastecical ec- ti. IIto cis tiesecct itoswoicho cssistedl thei advan-edeecladis iniingilteaetete- c datnce. Alie gievlug the exhibitioet eel regutlar gtlitttitlwsoirk tieniappairat lees edrill sovas gieni. 'The girls climtbedl rop et ndsotuneg ione the train hg rings ilk e vaodielllt'acoba'its andvtet l ctied cand jueteeed like the vs sieyltrack itene. Thoc advaced lases flloed cithiocsilatr execiseillttrattig thelregress eel t1e toirk. 'Tie demeonesltatin cleesedwcit soeetdalcity Ifoilkildanicoesteed ctbastblll gileteelteenti ilced tetims. iet itel nay eveingte etteoutra- It woill lee retteattedller the factilty eel w111i'll adciteetedlblinvliitctioni onily. REI'1) PICKED Pu ( LEAl) PhEDAGOGUk'S. (Cotntinuedi teem Page 1.1 olune. This moincrtig at 8 o'clock officerestwill be elected by the lflictilgot Acadeiytof i Scictnce. The followintg is thee proegirom so lic i ol lbe gi-cit lo' ttteAcaeteii toiby 8: coai. ito., Cottitil f'teetling, Geoloegi- cal lolborotory, flestfdootreel telinsetiti. ola. ii., Genteral bletitegofthel Acaemys.MusectmtLecctuire roomit. theit tess. tither, "Rkeport upsoit the Pet- gress o ithie Biologicail Snrvey oi Michot gcti," lip Dr. AV G. Rutticen. tetoct ia. 01.,(Immdiaitctely' after the' ('ercl Mcetintg). Scctiei iofIccitott ice. Ait ltpportunity forIt r ther mtoe- iege itt othersecctions fitndinig suchtit coulrse' tedeisalel. Annountiicemtsiei ofi out sucshtmeetligs tooy'bee miatet ctnte eef te curlier sessionis. 2:0 pOt. to., SectiontiofiiEcosnomitse reeomii. Tcttoopanohll. STURDAY~t, a '. 51. Stubject: 'CitrrentPFcioomilctiterce ltre." tr. Resviews antititsicuiesionis by lfidlet\t. Artios, tiranTe '. Ccarltot, l,e'tse11. IHbiey,.atiothlers. a. Ppr AGetnercel Chaoracterizcationtte l Pet- nieetc Literatulre oci Recetea'crs, ley tLt'i'Is Hacney. Suibject: "floe 'T'eatchi inof Itleietry hEconomeiics." i. let the Uiversity, Fred I e. 'Tylor, of tie Untiv ersity eel MichtigaOtt2It the Keel- legc, Chacrlee It. Gec an'tdeJas. l,. .liclecll oeelmaliiCtkotlege. t3. iGeecal Dlisetiont. Eilecltis lee theeedifteretteotterceces were'astollw le asse kItsicalcnterenice, chaoirmnici, G.kA VtWillioams, Klamiaezoo college; secretatryDr. J. C.Winter, L. cit At.;'Eiglishtonf-tecrt'eceelitrmanet, Ptrof. P. N. Scott, U. otAt. secretare- 10 ita ott, tot IHutron;iittedernt lan- guiages, chiimitoti trest J.IR. Effiger, U.ofAl;scetarr, Elizabeth Zimminr- matot, Vtesternt Normait Kaloinozoo; hitortcotnterece chaitrimaoiProf. C. S. Loozeselev e, Centrleel Normacl, All. IPleaisaitt secretorsMis. Eric Goles, Phto kity pis tentd cemiistry, choir- itani Piof.'W. I) Hendereon, U. of H.; sceta reyI '>'.Vt.tiuethKlmzoito ; IB. «'. Peelt, tssilantit ossistotit clhairitait. Mthemtic~lslihtirmetolPitf. E. t. LmaniYsietlonti; secretatryPritecittol I; I. Glltp, Attin bioelogytcirmtaon, 'reel. C. E. tBorr, Albtincesllege; secre- tcart, FraciteseStearnts, GratidiRpids;e physt'iogratphytchaitrmatni, P. ft. Prosedic, Ypsilcanti; ecerelors . V. l. tBrighicems Balce Creek. Sensiore-see enigrasced"ito-gilt" cords to scitd wit your itncitationos. Zewaods- hi & baoie, 310 S. Stote, itd floor. tah--f. J-Hop atnd all Operatic Music for site at Schacherle & Sons's Music House, is oS. Matino St. pztt. TACK If potol otil( ci' - o /la'ec i, Track Supplies We cutrry 'anytheteg tu iuia need frothe Iiri ofIChamois Pushers toothc25c sto a 16 Pound Shot wortb$1.75,or a pteit o Spike Shoes WAH R'S University Bookstore LYVNDO N oI 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. A PikEkittPORTULNITY to bis,t helii'ciselitleli- 'corriect teitgs lto SATURDAY,A PIIL 2. ii. iterit eriec oneistntlctiw itqocelity- Eitor et7''ecdete' t zit i. eeII.D .e ices'v. Vteathe r:-Picrtly cctlt I' cFiii- e UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. April 2--W omce's Banqet-, Sceteeceat. April 2-AlhaceNet lcticit t ktiete, 6 ti. to.j April 2-Webseter tutu let cit Ncw Whitnecy. AXpril 4--Sciikh Iit Stcag; lDinertct Uniont. Auntl 4--8 :0eto . lght11Sehllectee kiers-iily Syphonyiteitliiclestre. Aprilt 4--All-lii t nee iacit'iGraiiec's. April ,p-Mceetie Scet ie I' stted1 Xe gill 1oct1. Aterilp7 AXWottiete's h,i'.'gtie- Ic ee SAptell 7---S itO Pi.M.. l1ight Schoiole1k1. .1ir. citlan t's. Iti s k'onertei' Y. ii. C. A. 1ccc7 lii oieee-cit 'Thc instaulletlieneoeelftihers n-teethahlk hip Alice AclcarionieSt i'-iibet t''ueicu t thee metucitng ittthee A. W. k. A. T'iesuet Miss Streibitcduiscutesedithlii ee\vokiO the' vctrieos theplertmuentes anue it t muittees isf thee isgacnizactlion. The'follot tug oflevc ee lunstlelied: Presiete, Miss Mcary 1A1l illt't' icespit iei' Miss Grcecf,ickton:i c c ccilee Miss IHteeenIHarper;i'' It'i'scts'i, Alts Jessie' I letter. IIttilits Uee'e (Ale, Ai-ti o eesieee' Ii is. 'Tte Micheiganttiviisionet itfhtyeAtice- tetir te cetcit t'leagu-ill hold a turna- menltieor the'champ eioensh il te Mte til teerctletg. 1light ortenehae enitereth andtey v61y1i contee est ifor the'tachon ut's tee the'uti i foorefe it Xcrmaiee gtyteeiuetue ciat 'o:3o i'iii',cl . Visihtic schlma'hucsieris atri-i'supeillyititied. CollegiantClcothies toe tillege met. Stprieg styles lieuready. ALLEiN'S CLOTHEIS StHOge. t aut Streel. fete tIh'INRA' &kit'S UQucality kufiiiies Qeuiciklt wtl i t whoeksolue weee. 'heil icelg.iHaerda'lcseryu't 'teehalthe. Genitlceent:- At's'heatvethee ss atnd tmush comlecte lieee of oxfords, this sprineg, that sehice cesvccshoesnt. It toil waneet thec tobbeiest, beet fitting, lotng- elt see areg oaforse fos toIuheest muontey, youe owe it to tyoutrself to comte itoatod leokt:the terc.MNllt'ceericularly that se haitv esttedvacecdptiece thisoseas- one tily $il.eo anth $y.ot er-cil. PkICRI PhED'S, 124-1~.41 Net, this AaineStreet. i i Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Next dtoor to UniveresitySIcitool of Musoic. The New i-Hop Numbers "IF WISHES WERE HORSES " "THE LAST WALTZ" Also the New Song "im Going To Go To Ypsilanti " Whit hull eentrouicedity tethe eCluit An invitation is extended to call and hear them. YOu UVn's liavo you behard that slosger at tho Theatorim The largest line ]Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. FAILY7& DMUNDS Gouts. isltttt Tattckl adt it Io K Iey tittiti,, a Sue-ce t R. E. JOLLY'S 308S. S TAT''E STrR E E T Lunches, obbacco, Ciarsad Cigarettes. I ret rOtt t r i te A,,nsfrB-1B Vvithh t ys t etwii I tohv a B-.B-B PIPE Today Good pure materials, in clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. 5tate St. - I 121 Washlugt ot. RANDA4I4 & PACK, Photographers Phbone 598