THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UVERSITY NOTICES Whitnvey Wednesday, JTh eaAtre ow April ...J J.ohn you sell clothes too cheap. K~ant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That's so. , Lo0ts of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. ILiberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. IGranger's School of Dancing ]Last Term begins Tuesday eveing. April 5, 1910. Clasestot Ide"an gentlemen Tuesday and Thaursday evenings, 7to c loct.] vivIat °h ,ois by appointment. Fee particulars call at the academy o hc '1i . F A MI16Y BioujTHEATRE The Long Ttio Acrob .t. Extrao-dins.ary tieal- tiitt a Mtoshulditsciure there i beforei S-ttictit o l. al Wl li is bin ud tic -, 87 ticis iresostild. Sopitlitiibasteball tpr tctic. ilistree I nporal metin lifthe FiBuckeyit Ciiui. DoiiiAl. Licitylt -l 4:30 .xS ilT I A ,CCI 'IEEE. (Cntinuedfrm Pae1.) tittitnit iiverticisitysI aillit is:30 tis ittnn .atiThtisi wilb Colo e it 9:30 ith lt a- r lt il fthei ll-t sa'.ii- ofItheSCic-it Thit irst d- Charles Frohrnart Presents the Great Detective-Thief Play Arsiene, Lupin With the Comlete Original Company anti Production from its Six Months Run at the Lyceum Theatre, New York CAST INCLU'DS William Courtnay, Sidney Herbert, Charles Harbury, Harry Dodd, Doris Keane, Virginia Hammond, May Galyer, and 20 Others " Better than "Raffles" Prices: r 35c, SOc, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Hotel Curuberland 5 Acts of Exceptional Merit 5 Insue Y ur ursAND WINTER Insue- our ursGARMENTS A11i fore and garments are cleaned with compressedlair, itaii-di by cexperienced furriers, hong on covered hangers, tored. ndticol rooms, and insured against all loss or damoage hroumothsfr n )1g bas. C arges for entire season; Natural I-rar ndColr-5(,', f valoe;Dyed Furs, 301e of value. MACK & CO; On The Training Table Why is. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT on the training table of nearly every college and university in the United States? Because it supplies the greatest amount of mucle-building= strength-giving material with the least tax upon the digestive organs. You can't build the perfect human body out of books or sermons. Shredded Wheat is the favorite food of athletes and invalids. A food to study on, to work on, to play on. Always clean, always pure, always wholesome. St - 0 4/1 a 0' 'lie t I liiof liiiStaite iniidutionii of the Chili",itil l b itlttscssedb litr. C",. Proitlst iof Cttiiti tsO.Thlast the Cild''and ititititibyttProii C. 1. Jhnson f is uivers itytihe CIlthee nn totattrationsti are Si tii s t ut liiiersic ftheitr stcub Prof. , . A. \ves of thetal rit o Il~~s tIN del'irt'adres n S lt-itt ievoltin." tittiaddreil 4 it ej" t .M : S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Near 5tt St. Subway and it3dt5t. Elltit-i NEW YORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special rerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near 'Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof \\'r till pittc . t m it to 1 clcilio stratc our ability to if y<,tl will manifest your tllit : n I I F -X (: V & CO. I ialwi-d is1wi-s, I Iattcrs, I N1,D)'l)TWN CANOE'S t (I. S . Stitott72 S. ult. lPlumet 63. imcaos ito s(,wtlltiturit tittiliitits. firo III. Also sei- ouit "- i ft ctatrtds. 'ut tiski &S omI t i Inett, l3io S.litte, 211d floo. 126-if. MAJESTIC Coming Mon. "Some Act" ARCADIA " is on the Way ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP GEO.. STOLL, Proprietor' CHARLIL3S' BARBER SHOP Uinder Hluston Billiard Parlors MOE'S' BARBER SHOPj 708 Narth Uaiversity Ave. O. A. MOE. l Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. 5tImasoa., fornmerly with Hotel Imperial. R. J. Binmlgham. formerly with Hotel Woodwvardl ~RKISH FAT CllIQA.E TIES I ~ ( 20Ofor 15 c~s. THE Billiard Room. Itnterested players. A difficult carrom shot. Ac- comlse.plished. The pride of success and Fatima Cigarettes. r i 41 1 F I i All the Meat of the Golden WheatI THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. i The distinctly different smoke. A blend of fine 'Turkish tobacco with an. exquisite taste. An in- expensive package containing ten extra cigarettes. THE. AMERICAN Y'10 p ALWAYS AIEAD IN .TYLJ MILD, THE: TAILOR TII E BEST THJING3IN'I 'V ICS