_________________ THER MIC410AN tDAILY ___________ Just the thing for hot weather -A- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT SQUARRY'tS Money Loaned I Os Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personali property. Watches and Jewolry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 31 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours : Sitoi1130 a. in.. itod4:3and 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND iHURfON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profils$iOS,000 SGeneral Bashing Business. ieerest paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes is rent at ,005 and upwards R. KEMer, Prers. H. G. PRETTYMAN. Vice-Prert. H. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier F. T. SrOWn, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $50,000 Surpius $290,000 Resources $2,800000 A General Banking Business Transacted reicens Chas. F. Biscock, Fees.; W. 0. Barrinian, Vice Fres.: M. J. Fritz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan las. . Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jno. Loch Prof. B. S. Carbart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimiereman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOe, MICH. E. . 0.KINNE, SHARISON SOCLEs FePes. Vice-Pros. SS. W. CLARLSON, Cushier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $0,0000. C(emnan-L:4eflCajt$iSs Bank Cosx%%nnmercieu..1 a rid Sesvlnig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. Wanted-College men to act us agents during summer. Good money for right men. Cull Bell 302-L, or address or call on Gro. P. Brown, 61g E. Uni- versity. poif Booted-A.Yvnroot w sork isn northern Mkichigan on good salary during sons mcr vacation. Cull at SoS E. Willianms st., front roonm, upstairs. Call from 4 P. m. to 8 p. In. 028-9-30. W'4anted-Saleomen ott a good live prop- ositions for suimmer swork. Good pay. Guaranteed salary. Colonial Press Co. P. H. Hilgioan, city Y. M. C. A., 10 10 12 a. mi., 4 to 9 P. ii. 125-29. LOST. Lost-Clhi Psi fraternity pitt engraved wthl;inice. Resward .J. '1. XWheeler. 231 Bell. 128-9-30. Lst-A btar pearl pitt Wednesday after- toots. Return 1(o l5oi Voasltenase. Leswardl. i28-9-30. Lost-A leather toositdnste ook; prob- ably left in the treasurer's office. The tameo is ott the itnside cuter. Call uti 394. Lessarcd. 129. MISCELLANEOUS Swoeaters cot over, or repaired ut "The Palais Royal," 209'E. Liherty St. if VOUNG'S HATS. (Noine heter made.) Sprintg styles now ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. Thse Store for Style. Main St. tf. "SENIOR LAWS." For sale, at a bargain, one complete set of Micligan Reports, fully ansno- tated, slightly used. Good as new. George S. Clark, Port Huron, Mich. 99-134" J-Hop und oil Operatic Music for sale at Schaeberle & Sons's Music House, itio S. Main St. psif. FORAT RNIT1ES NOTICE k'se are headquarters for all hinds of fraternitty statiotnery. Wie have ini stock statiotiery for a large isuber of frater- sites. tf we hate's it itt stock sve cani gel it. Wc have dies of alt fraternities. ZEWADSKI AND LANE, tf. 310 5. State St., 2nidfdoor. MUSIC AND DR~AMA Althougho repait itsk it onithe torganT sin Univer sity- Hiltha'. triot's1 itier- fereed wstlsit osva ies t-ifewiii ets, ito list.of'racticeis.extibtiittdiiinthe recitltgiscnIintoAi\r.KalstK Mooe y esterdsaf 0tenoon. listplaoin showt-t dc it h andt stol rst's sod lit sitalwa loot situd itiss oftie Sctii'ii (itf kttsis. hate 'g i'ii iivn rs' i'c'edital rei ls Th anrOf sthe sorsit t esingt, tiitt toe mut''ct tato inOtt e ayiso Oft0eisforen cot lte Otis at popular. It was 0 ts toothl platsedi Otd totsesiit ti of its brii tis'd asodiostoss. IThe "Stmool 1)ii vtoo k solo h o ild lhs oris''5tO' s thiquett stoo frthuitslhilts s'oew a iie frsom tie tlist o q-th stQ h Vocasoos loo t poe fecie ul pat' " o c lg toot tots' coos well o played ills ws s 0tal' end0g00 o soirl lye cletalrga Not alitte was toot iythetwsso wasgen s o sthlm. FORMAL EXPOSITION OF SPRING STYLES SUITS, OVERCOATS ANDY MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Mex.'s Clothes In reference to this itmportant occurance to meon, young men and hoys, we wish to cull your especiaol attention to our display this seanon, for several reasons. The auob-oteity of the styles, their exclusive- neso, and the fact that they are in harmony with the very latest style information frosm the first sources. That theoe are essentials which would receive es-ery consideratison is generally appreciated. These Spring styles is Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vectc, Shirts and Furnishings, ouit sunk in scope and exclusiveness tihat oif all tortur seasons. So we direct visturs' attention to the individuality we have thus imparted, not alone in Suits and Overcuats, hst in our stock of men's, boy's and children's furnishins shouwn in this Formal Spring Exposi- tion. 0211 SOUTH MAIN STREET 'Toe 'varisityo a.hallti '0' t it-eesils tt, I ioto oi 's e ; s ills', k., plt itr as s eri 5 oots sitilhue Liceivoviti ofs k ,.s td1 oft sit tIavt sts- sit nameiis Bose Phone 225 Decent place guaranteed GE~ORGE YsE Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishes, Steaks ansi Chsps. American Lunches of all kinds. Fsveee- thing first class for ladies andoigentlemet Cleanest Litchen in Ann Arbor. 314 S. STATE STREET Rowe's Lau n dry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Gentlemens'ot:--it-1sitsvaiseeths ls ets'w sure tsil i ho se---ovts loosl est lcs ando toets-oofouor coltors-toss utle 90 cents Iow ManyTrips2 " Laundry? Mark them and see - Corliss Coon Collars outwear others. They arc strong, hand niude collars. Absolutely, you can- not wet belier aix perae eestyle. St, eanstraction, wear. HERALDSQUAE Titiker &Co. J.F. Wuertho. per pair sot 'Ut'L l'S StlOE STORE, No'..i0 o*Ma>' Si? betier save N a look. 174-141. 'Sle snewe~t stodolelit sof1novelsties. Alts ohet I's'sos'ssss. isright oil 'liltI 's>. kS ROY ki, tf. 200 t1,. ibterty Street. Collegiani Clotss sor ileg Mn Stirstsle s. wr(,(I AI I IN"S a 11111iiiS "SHOP. t.tMitsStress. Aftesi lous Sat, soot itop, lasts 3t, andolA'stol I, too SThiomso tarSo- cit ttoctoo H ll itdilinvta S-esiors' colitis' rd. i adki& ba,oos 3100S.Stati 1(1flo. I6t.1 few Phase 457 Bell Phone 457-1I AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a floe line of Confectienery AT LOVELL'S 332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS Yo'z cart get Sweaters cat user itnto Y shape or Vests Your fattey veot ot suititg-Diry cleaned Your Fall soit dyed (Age'y Peters, Detroit) Insignia, Nunserals, sewved on sweaters, etc. Neckties andi gloves cleaned Studentiueiiding' Michigan pillosws-iBanners of all other colleges Notions, gas mantles, chimneys, soaps, towels We give satlefactiorv Comeanrd see ups. Cov'. Main a anad Lben'5se 55ssts5 'Thetbc t collie to clothes I bere is no repetition of stgles here the vaotttg is too great the style * 'variations Leave notito to he isesireP Pg even tbe omost captious ofri c Elu seecin fo u e prns.tn usrstep cfritcs.erl seetin fotorn.ipro fiol isrstepc W~agner & Co. hImportingi Cailors 303-'305 State St. a_ MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS SILK SCARFS T3NETTil HFiI tNtGlfo otr Colegs Roost, Don, Ms'HEraOSTlndtJws la Library or Mus;iaom -t or CatoesRugsCouchi Coe- Mexian Made of firmest lHerd ers, Portiere's untd scloliDecort ins.Scr:Maeo pe GEOUStsCOLOEFFETS!OI BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! COLORS'sWliite, Creass, SER.1.0 ' cyur IF 5tiiiid'R Oisbeckground001,01: lule, lied, Black or arty speeial color desired. CrimnsstoBluIc, iGr Cetetn, Whlote, Black The orly PRIOPER THOINC ?ft. Sin. x 31t.. isn...... ....$ 5.00 far Thseatre, Oipera, Cance, 600. Sin. x 300. 4in........... 3.50 ony Eeninig Wear. 51t. 4in. x 200. Sin........... 2.50 Set of three tune ofe ceh sizes 10.00 PRICE $10.00 SENT ANYWBERE. CARRIAGE PREPAID. ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Order Today. Money Deck in Yen Want no. MEXICAN BLANKET CO.. AGVASCALIE1NTES.MEXICO. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins 'Pices RiOtit W1'M. ARNOLDt EWLE 220 South Mule Stree Detroit United Lines OinomtotoDvsoSueitendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit ]United Lines by officers of varsity or ganizations of the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service. ofl any group of students to or front Ant, Arbor extra cure and extra service will be prompily supplied. Hotel Whitney The best place in the City ts dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinnera a Specialty T , N, Mgr. Carriage and Baggage Poe each Couple to and from parties before 12oclock 01.00, after 121o'clock $2.00. Far each Trunk touor from dsor, the price will be 25 Cents, If carried to or from up-stairs, the price will be 50 Cents. Drivers are required to colet cash for carriage and baggage service. WALLFR'S LIVFRY ROBINSON & CO. W. B. STARL HOLMFS LIVERIY r , New for S pring , ;We ire shmownrgson extesisive line of Wooletns for Spring. The assortmuenitcomnprises everything that is new and nobby in designi, colnor ansd quality. We can soy withiont exaggeration our stock this yeatr is the iboel hasndsome we hlave over shown, MAY FESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 ARTISTS SOPRANOS: MME. JEANNE JOMELLI (iLaste oil tte Metropolitan and Manhat- san ri a mrrrComspanies) Mrs. Corinne Rider=Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl Sammis.MncDermld CONTRALTO: Miss Margaret Keyes TENtOR: Mr. Daniel Eeddoe BARlIrONES: Mr. Sidney Biden (Berlin) SIG1. (IUSEPPI CAMPANARI (Miresopolitaon Opera Company) Mr. William Hiowland BASS: Mr. Herbert Witherspoon (uM'etpoian Opera Company) PIANIS' Mlle. Tinn Lerner ORGANIZATIONS 'The Chsral Union 0300 voices) iTheodore ThomsasOrchestra 0 piees) CONsDUCTORS Alhert Stanley Frederick Stock PRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS "TIe New Life" - Wol5ferrorl "Scenes trim Odysseus" - Bracuh W. E. IETERtLE 117 E. Libsrty St. V*.rssty Tailli- j 04 ----- it Studio - ° 319 iEast !Huron .Street