____________ ______- I's i l t iO iAb'i.V _ _ __ _ _ _ Spring and Summer 1910 Our- Spring Specials DESIGNS-Orignal and Eehusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Hamonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eaminatin 0. IH. Wild Coupany TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SLUEASY" UTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKIER BRAND "C L I N TON" BUTTON EASILY-AND SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255! WLARKER C2 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State Street A. G.SPALDING & BROS. [(I}Q {~nj~ ~g are the largest mas- The o~pa aueriuhwol Trade-Mark of OFFICIAL QUIP- aBT t leteic QPtip1 pors and pstms. I 1 p If you are interet- 5m ed in AthleticSportl - ' . you should hoe a cpy O 4 of the Salding Ca- a %) aouse. It's a coeplt i known throghot el leldOof the world as a Wbat' New Ie Sport Guaranee ..of oaod isent freon re - Quolity. quest. A. G0. SPALDINO fiM.BROS. Chcango Dtrot Base Ball Good s Now that the season is hero you will need a supply of Bae Ball Goods mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Goods We ar the sole agents for Crawford McGregor Golf Clubs, Golf Bags Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY. BIG "1'PNIAt - ____MARKS OIP NING: Managing Editor CLAT;uvCt E. ELDRIDGV. Businsscs Manaoger CARL H. 0. ADAMi. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Heart: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. m. Business Manager, I-z, 7-8 p. us. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News.........Lee A White Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilbur 0. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kicinstfick Music and Drama...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIA'TEEDIOnRoS. Walter K. Towers Harry Z. Pole Dion Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehlman \Vade Oliver Fred Lawton Harry G. Myser Frank Rowell Chsarles H. Mylander Morris Houser M. Mack Ryans A. J. Wohlgemths Maulrice 1'. Toulate Frank Pennell Franlk \W. "Marpsl BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman Norman H Bill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Rubsin Kenneths Oshorn Normoan Wittet (ContinudordtomS Page 1.) ;.oo p. iss. Musical Programs, Univer- sity Hall. 8:0o0Ip. ms. Stereopticon Lecture, Uss- iversity Hall. 0 :00 p. in. Receptioo 10 the Teachers of thse Slate andciGuests, A~laiss Floor, Univ ersity Hall. Z :,30 a. so. feneral Pusinsess fMeeting. Athletics. Lnisversity IHlll. 1:30 a. Il. (osseral .Sessionl. 011- setio d o),f t11.Child. University 171, 11 1:4 P. sss.Classical lConfeensce, Sar- ahs Cswell Angsell Hall. 200o1p.1in. lnglish Conferessce, Highl Scl Audit sslsorsum. 2:0 Il. 'n l Moderns Langulag~e (Confer- ence, RoomsssG.,University I11111. 1:30 lP.5m. Phlsics ansdlChiemistry Co ,nferenoe, Physical Laboratory. 00 1lP. inlatlseosatical Consference, Tsppan s halt. 200 p. 111.1 IIslurs Conlference, Rsooms l8 ihSchossol. 2 00 1'.HM I lraswing Coonicrensce, Rsloosm443,1TOPFloer, Nes Engineer- 1 0)11p.1m. liol sgieal Conlfrenlce, Is- tanical Laboratosry-, Soustls\Wilng, Un~i- 1:3 P. M, Comme111rcia IConfcrenee, high sSchsool. 4:1i P. In. Younsg Lashes' Classes sss Gysti DrIs ll s, IBarboulr Gymnsasium~s. 800 11p. sn. Pusslic Addrcess : A Scicsl- tIsle Revslutlion. ,ectssre Roomis, Nest Chemiical l,al,,,ato~rs 8 :5555P. in5. German Pslay : I"Dr.l.lass." Newv \\hIsses filera I[louse. ots a. in. Commscecial Collferesnse h ighs School. 6:oO P.i. 1..lunssivlBanquiets,lBar- 8:0o)p. 515. Junsior Plat (for tAnts- 1,) SalrahsCasswell .:Agell I[loll. Ills John lioplsiis Unisversity is to have ass indsep~endsentlbasebasll teals. 'Phe athsleticassociaitioss las refu~sedl tsrec- ognize c01' gIve 5allyaisitotssIlesnationsal sort. 1larsarsl andsAmhrstl hl ave slroppedt ba~sketbasll, Brownstis tont5emlat~sinsg dos- ing so, sLekecut its schlselcsotsnato sight sgames 1and 1may quit thle gase afte-c 11s, whlilse sssssitiosss sat Pennsand Coslumssbliasv- see oinld icastelac.ksof in- Nelsr-