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March 31, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-31

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The Michi an Dal



o Michigan's Prospects for a
cessful Invasion of the
Are Very Rosy.


W'ith tile mos0t sutccessful of indoor
seasono to its credit the track squad
hais moved to ttie Perry fietd citider
path. Even Traiiier Fitztsatrick, nattir-
ally conservaitive, is optimiistie, ande the
prostpects for a victorious teaii are the
tiest silnce 1907, whent Micthigailmade
tile Penn sylvainia athtetes work so hiarid
ito sviis the eastern intercollegiate. Not
onily 15= tile teais strong ill isiimbers ande
in experience buit it promises tol be writ
balainced. Tile mell wvho iplacedi ill the
big eastern meet last year xwiii 1havc h1ad1
tse advanstage of a years traininig andl
expserience aiid wiii lie re-enifoirced by
i new athletes of promnise. The lealding
ecisteris teamls have lust many of their
stars and wiii slot lie so formidalile a1s
us past seasons.
Thse versatile Horner wiii lie a sore
pioiiit winnler in the shot-put adi if he
bietters hlis indoeor isark ofi 46 feet ini
this event he looks good for five points
in the big imiet. Hie xwiii alsii lie useid
ini tile centary dash aiii shiiiiii prov
ai worthiy runnllig msate fur Craig. The
lanky Detroitet shoulid lie faster lhan
ever in the sprints this yeariiIHe xvon
secioid ini the hsunedreid it ilostiii laist
spiring anid is slice tii lie a trominent
ciiiteiier. He will iiit lie iiseid in the
hiuridles sri thsat his spinliting will not lie
iiiterfereid wxith. This mo101e is niae
possile bsy the returii if I oitgii wvho
was our if the best high hinrilers xvhii
ever wore aii "M" whsen lie last coii-
pced ini 106. If Ic s isbeeii wsorinig
hastid iii regain his ilid tiiie liirmi so it
is piossilei lbhic he wiii lie ile iii kieci
iata of the biext the eas clani sendu
tigtiiist hiiisi vr the high stxs is
strong hiuriliers ire scaieee this xyear.
tHis running isatc will lie lii iiinii
wlhi hias bern imp~rovig raipiilyx Thse
lug fellowx is tiii sliiw i starltirito shiiw
well inor iibii1 ut is giol oni the ciiiieu
Deck's wrondlerful murk oli the iixdoiir
track iiiikes xhiiis the iiiist proimising
qualcrter iiiler on the sipsd Iii le shouild
ruii the 440l well undier -o seconiis cinde
Ross andi IGiimbli will iiii lie far tbr-
hiiiiii. Leger whii didii surb fiue
work ini tis eventl list yere will urit-
able lie tiseid in tie 880 wh eee lie is cx-
serially lideiid. lli whii iiishied Cor-
ntol' crack haif-iiilier toi the liiiiit and11
bieait Siyrace's ies sill Zio lie useid ini
tile haiif toigetiher wih ils iliiisc whiii
is aigainl riiiiiiing intii fiiiii. Captini
Jula is nidu 'towa il agaqini compilete ini
the miiie. astea they iothi tilaiced
ct Camiblridge andsu irc showuing iseen
setter slur
t cist yeii Miign was wi"ii xi xiiithu
Juipelirs lie a pili vaiiiteri Mul wii ho
were ineligiblei i<st eas()]) iiiay 111oi
compestie anid aidi streiigthi ito lihe teaim.
Freeiiev vatiilteid i2 feet xviiie lie wcis
ai freshinaii iid as Yalie's wvuiiierfiii
vaiiiters hice left schiiiiilie pirosmlises
to lie ai sure pinit winnler, tcitibis, ai
seioir cuw whoii woii his spurs oil a
wsernrrolliiege teams, will taike cre oif
this broiaii jump. Ilie hias laped ulver

22 feet. Haler is the most promising
high jumper.
The e niare iow working mwiii the
Peiiisyvania relay imet ini view. Tio
qarettes xwiii again e eiitered if pre
ciii tians iaterialize. The mile relay
trail pronises to be a sure winner. All
of last years teams are ack aid Rss,
whii was iieligible last year, is alsi
running. Chicago xwho xo last spring
has lost hieaily aid may not seiiria
trail. The lliisois runners wiiifiis-
ed third xiii agai e 00 ad but aet
iot gaied in strengh over last year._
Thse prospects of xiinig ue four mile
event are not so ]rigt. A iuisiber of1
the CCC riiiiiers are training for theI
event bsit it is tditibtful if two iiilers
caii leideveloped to take the places of
Dull anii West.
Manuscripts For Field Prize Must be
Submitted by Tonight.
Tod.ay closes the contet for the Ne-
sois C. Field poetry prize. Prof. Scott
said last evening that the basket wold
be hel opeii tilt the last minute ii
order to gie ue caiipus baris every
possible chalnce to get i tsir lxris
There are a goouyuu mbeiiissir of iro
rdiitiiiis already iii aiiiitiiiayx prmuise
to cad mlany mosire to tie list of vs res
Thsise xwhouihave ieeii waiting tii le
instiredt tuethe Multse are urgei toidit
lay isislonger.Tue sucesccx in11511
rationi are lbelieved toi be .snumeruitis
as ever, aiielciiy getlte snlgxxhiihehs li
bieeii itiring ini the heart f siiiieiset
shsiotlid break forths today.
Of io less interest is te prie fferei
biy use PMortarboarud society fr a class
song. In this the seiioir girls re e-
tablishiiig a ew irecetent wichishouiiili
cciiifeits the bes efforts of altxwhsi
wsrite isuere. Teplizer is fe dolrs
aniisisiffereed uunly to uini iers f ue
senior cass.
Owiiig to the fact that ciiiiriuitiiiis
have liens rtier fwIndiiifcreieei,
the idate fr coiiiig ue eciiitest hcix
beeii exteniideditoiAri 2.
'The recent tpotryr cotesi5suitdliter-
are iiibicatiiiis hasre iia eavyisedi-r c
masu oneu the camps poiisets lit it is
believiedithat usceiresenxly issusthr
is conucsietoli soniltns versex
Onisdyii aft11rnoiiiiiiii ii4 0o'iclik
tileannutlxhiiibitioni of the girls gyiii
iiasiumcla c ssilviile gixenin iBa111bour1
gymnsisum. 'ITlefeature s xiiilinsis
if faccvdanses Isyte iidvacidiclix-
ses aiiii a siiwiiig Isytie regiilar frisi
tiilliwiiig the cstolmillfprenceeding
years, liii exhiibitiiiiixxil be openus il
tse general piiilic.
Thesensuir its gtherdin iiUhnixerci ty
Hal Weii nesdicaxiiafteirn11111111odisus
ilans fr iiiearnivlandiiiitreeplimting
whirls tuy 10111ciito hiiliun sxig
out da y Iluey idistssei ut faiei
to idecide reervinug tefiiial setticeiiset
iiitil thueir nxt lac ss metinsgTie re
prt f tlbsociiial ciiimiitte ms rii
ceired iisi a juint dnice with tiii
Ssenioulr engieers aititsiriied. Ihis usvest
is sshieiduieilto le girleniimmeiaiteii
after spring veci.l

FROM FLYING TRAIN Professor Brxwser, eitor of thuo
t Law Rexixw, aninounuced o houe juiorci
as yeterday umorig that noumsisi-
Found by Railroad Crew Early tionss to the Law Review were us order
Wedneday ornin a snthur casses proceededl to ast their
XV e dn e sd a y Mornig atvotes. The result of the nomsinssationus is
Knapp's Crossing--May Die, sot yet known, as thur counut reuires
cliisiderable time.
As ci res-ultoalI.hiungc frumsai fasi hsmsakisg the noinsuaiouss the in r
tran bhcru psiani zid ni Aror were isstructed tos xote for fireenxiin
irisi uesieeu juuiuul .uui iuu riuu .their ownu setioun, ud te results of
tHerbuert LC. jusseul. a jl uior eniner these votes largely determsines thur faues-
hulogn tu o su thus]'I'isiGamuumau DeIleta rc- ty's ehoice usnumakig appointiusent s.
trihii yigi L'iulersie ihsspial 'h'her are twentyssitionss tobtsrilest
suferisug frontsua-uislshcat2ed isuldher cusustassetfroimsthe list of meusnomsusiaed thin
faeuty umake te seetions, thu nrensi-
sits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c slt511 1 i s u rc ~ eivisg tshe igest numbuser uof i-ltes
-nxuiuos0us ) etck to1(1 uNuArbor111, seheiving tilergreatest cnssieraton.u
he jumpi~edi thus wusti-ibouuud ihig ii ___________________
Cethu l 'ftuhlulls oit111,Tsepulin usiit fCOWBOYS HOLD POW-WOW
abolulsItwiuu 11iloutlIof tosusu s hsownsuuu
fromthe rain A rge eiuuuu~ oh sti- Rocky Mountain Club Hits the Trail
dent w ato ng11 or0the morning urainVerbally
moethuausuhe1train1culduitake carc of, A egnlar ol-tuue ceebratonssis
'te restiwaitinlg I'll iuor ibseusauer hlcd by the Rockls lMountuainsClush cu
irisa 10 1 uiin. ad w111111m1anionuu 5se UoniTuesdasreveningThis is
fsiing thati luthe 11y1coluld usetinilthus'thus eighthsstie usas umaniyu yeausial
euuaehs "ru luhbdilchue ls favet-such aus affair has bhensgx-un.
basled ul illmans the 1rain pulledu 155 WNesterun trditois auduu isomsixwi-rc
A inps 1110 sLing;~l tomlsws eiewced ithe mnyto uass deixereu
if NYbsilantlulsJss II Ii I ithrown froms busprominetue m ssnbrs "Papa"PFeth-
tse uuai. elay n 1a1it alb ns"ghit, eguve a short hstourv1otthe chill, asse
si-its hissoiluuuuu llde i illocuted15n1 plaisisfor a ewioimie were discssd
ille seeebuss a n enThe organisueitoniis atprsxciiitcit hs
iiiiuiiui i lru'i" 1aiifence. uIinuthe isorn-hust tserc hentg auenrolrlmuuent oh
in h wsfondbrabrdg gn ad siills yfour acisie isembers Their
takben t iuu ve11r1sill eiuu 0111 asiumiunow51umb uiui ers aboeuut tsreehim-
Atitibisita111it it1110s fo1uldiuhat 1eureul audlffty .induhare satterd
hdasouffered 11 I 01 luitesillya11 throsughseucithe uesire owest Thur fnal
thse xc shll 11111 cuu thiue exposuresilie t oast of te eensing mcas gurusnby
iiss coniion lull lllcrticl. lH ecuas "hzrs"Thomutpsous who spouuke oii te
still siela-st ightus isubutere waslou 115unduuerfu deeopmuetitoufthin est cand
luiiolltanal builo~htisi he theinluflursce which . M. C. acumissui
wouuldsiiii huhhair exerin isthis growixh.
____________ ______- Ptcans fr thi' hg sprig roundse-upu
NN 1I 1LL'i Hi FiCihRS 5mwere isussed and this affairuprumnises
LO\N SN II 1<1 AIN'NIRNINL. as usual, to e one of thur sensatiuonail
_______ sociileeruns of thin year.
Aitl nominatsiosuufoIur c--llldiuates f tie I
lCnvsi rtr icaul :Asusociauuoiduelsets FACU -LLTY kIEN TO SPEAK
elucti1111siiwil ube hhd inuruusu B.ouuthe AT ALPHIA NP BANQUET.
rf iuu :C I . mI ustbei iorthe ily-svnthdstise i inssumau
the Iansisofuurehien afel by :0 )csothud Alpha Nu literry socity will
Thursdaoutorn11111 11111roxy isiotinhuh si its uunnualuunquet. Araduhvises-
wixbll loe ti aiu nd suall thouse iiliouare thisty imetmbhers hiss-nsigniindtheir u-
entsi iiu siit1101oe, suuamscsdo nsuit ionuhlsof atntding thur affair wichelsoill
apper1onthe iuu tsolohuscbussviubus sen ubeel at the n Uincsclubhtouse cii six
husuts iedson he bulleiun bouards i he o'lckteanurda eening.
la1111111110 IIa tucns il beI 'nilexteusie programias busIee Iar--
gvn'ncpotttotglli 11Iii~ 111 c i s01r tuuaiurangedsg byihuue cmmiitein scearge
at 1111p.m.in 1oo 25 ~ivsusue whichbunildeediretiuons 1f W. . Ltaeu
hill Aii Ny11m11mb1eu Iofithe rti uhcaliWhiuswilul at setoa satmsaser, isca lnromis -
Assoucit11io uucanubecomesuca uiateuforuut cu ccess rofessorsIR. D.Hallhtanub
ofice biuuti ios ouu tiruus 1 111ius of'siCI Vans Tyne will respond tus toass
the .1001111 51111 sunsdifferiecutihases usf sudenet life adu
010111 tertoass will bun sat frusms
sundergracliiineuimembers f te scity.
Thss eelngull ehuee iue sitNVWOME'S HANQUE-,T SE;AT
guietheus01111uiusscod dnc a. Grange's ~ SIALF, CLOSES THMHRRHOW.
Acamy The 11 b entuism om 1 h ars-
actuce 1tile.1fust oelc11 cli iiu.1 '111 ice I'romsrse lnot idiaiiuns, i scms
tou undrtkanteri auh from alluc- lily i'that ssme ill x ciiduisppiec i
counsulothue11econd1 puromises toiulss 1r egardhto securitg tlaies itthin womesun's
teiits a ulls slut sal11111i1kius bas banqci Sttrdcy evening.
beenbrik an a ',-' sied cop-d is, Oly aoutseventsy-iee ticcutsar
existeduit ordeuruitliltculcuegri-muus- 1115 ui th ie origina floeundreudiiu
ber of1dances d ulusis ustoma lilmy candl uuo uumlre paste-oards itt beisusie.
bei ecuuuucu thesparki i scheled to uuIll thinfew rnsusuing tickets houldut
autmnc a, igt 'cc~l heuu Xcu--thtclobug theycnus rseureduntssuil
ic ochsta i uruishiuheiusc1110hc riuhcy snight at Bacrbourgmnausiumo
adlghh s i 11111 t, wi he 51-clb. el'cuuni rioomusis.


Pedagogues Flock to Convention
From All Over State--Distin-
guished lien On Program.
N4iuis the largest attendance that has
eer maucrked the first day of ihe meet-
ugs, the Michigan Schoomater's Cub
cubceued sessiuon yesterday afternoon. "If
pleasanut weathler cottinues," said Sec-
retarny Jocelhyn, "the attendance wilt be
far grcter thaunits aiy previous meet-
iug. All dcy the assistants in the office
were kep continully busy and the firt
dayi esnollmesssiwere far beyond our
exettos"Trainus fnoum all pars of Michigan
and Ohi Hb irought visiting pedagogues
Nenesdasyn and hundreds are expected
so arivn on all incoming trains this
msonsing. Residents of Ann Arbor have
rsponded to thin call for rooms and no
trouble is anticipted in taking care of
use visitors.
Thin general sssion which with be held
tbis moninltg at 9 o'clock in University
Hiattlxwiiino dubothatthract much atten-
tiois Pnof, Rand of Harvard wit give
cus address on "Thin Classics in Euro;
tun Eucatiou" Prof. Wenley will
speakicisn "Thin Classics and the Elective
Systemu," whie Prof. Shorey of the Un-
ivrnsity eof Chicago will give an address
055 "Thur Case of Ike Classics."
At 1:30 this afternoon in the Museum
lecture nom the Academy of Science
uitloe tussix tinug. While this or-
ganuizationu is not conneced with the
Schoolmsastr's Cub, it meets at the
usme iss nditis largely attended by the
The officers wish to announce that the
thysiolgrapuhy cnference which was to
scue heens held Wednesday afternoon
has heens changed to iis afternoon at-
1:30 usnshin Museum.
'Thc fuollosing is the program for to-
udau's mesetnugs suit those which wilt be
lieltuuorrooanustd Saturday.
g~oo a.in. General Meeting: The
Classics addths New Education. Uni-'
versitc Ito.
1:4 us. us.Classical Conference, Sar-
abs Casurell Aungell Hall
aon p.ni . Modernt Language Confer-
see, RoomuxiG, University Hall.
:30 Pu. Physiography Conference,
Nb noeuiuus uilig.
r :30 Piim. Physics and Chemistry
Consfcesee. Physical Laboratory.
1:45 pu. Hisory Conference, Room
C-3 tigh School.
1 :30us.us. Conimercial Conference,
thighs Sehuol
Cntinsed on Page 2.)
Thus evening at sevens o'clock the new
S.C .officrs wilt be elected in the
parloruuts of thur student . M. C. A.
buddulinu. The catdidaies to be present-
cub foullow: President, S. C. A., L. D.
Nunseibl ;residenti. M. C. A., Howard
I.Fx n Gordons W. Kingsbury; vice-
pruesident, J. G. Black and W. S. M-
lCricss ecnetary, Morris Houser and
.G. Ekon; treasurer, Chas. F.



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