THE MICHIGAN DAILY Just the thing for hot weather -A- jack Knife Fountain Pen Canst Leah AT 1QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, DiamoondsILact Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 N. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Bourn; Oto11:30 a. m.. Itoi430 and ;to JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MIEHANICS BANG( MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $10000 Surplus and Profts$100,000 S General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Tints and Sarings Deposits. Safety iDe- posit Boxes to rent at f.00 and upwards B. Ku. ssr, Fret, B. 0. PexcEstTAN. Vice-Frs. ff. A. WtILLIAMS. Cushier F. T. STOWS. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitui Stitch$00000 Surplus di9co00 Riesources $2110),00 A General Banking Business Transacted OrICERS: Chas. E. Biscock, Pres.; W. D. Barriman, Vice res.;:it. J. Frite. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W, J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wnm. Arnoid Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. B. Wade E.IF. BMils John Baarer Jno. Koch Prof. B. 5. Carhart Benry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmterman FIRST NATIONAL BANIK OF ANN Annex, MICB. I. i). KINNK, lHARRlIStON Silt1,1.. itres. Vice-Ptres. SW. CLARKSON, Ccshieir. Capital, $i00,000. Surplus anti Profts, ;00000. Gran:4mercan v~in s Bank Cornemrnrciem.l ee...nd Car. me.Arv n~..d Liberty Streents CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 79 \NTID. iWaned---ollegce;mcnct10act ias igets duingK st irn-r Goo isminey for rigt men.or;aiPlli302-L,, or address or cl o Geo. PKIBrown, 19diE. Ui- versity. golf LOST. Ltcampuscic, cW (.lt7St. lcitit. Plieas; n-i or; t() 71;)0ii;S. orcal UP 71t1 iiic. 127. 5115017J1 ,SOUS SGC;iicrs ciiiove.r, tcrepiredlati"The Pci ais RIVl I 0()EqPl.ilberty Si. tf YS tilt..7IiTATt. .tIl,1,P 'S ClilPTli-,EcS i lTe Store for 7;; I )P. Matint SSi. tf. MUSIC AND DRAMA 1.1;;;; toithei warmi ;cctalti , tei pro grai. w ich has hey chsen l1 theii l'nivrsit b uipym (rc ita ct he cceill Htigh scooltd l~t i l etlM in- dav \ eila, h s hel] ekm d x i viw ai n as l ,>t iii n a pcsihl"u o . i t lii a d pay rs (=ado's khugiaml I1c ii t , it tl linth S .. Sl - I 1;s prie springe\ c~inS ou of , i." Is itro iii; pit it-. til isi s te ,1" tp t ii; o the, as ist\l\ li S ei i V r'.M tr l" l _.9c st I<1, r u o p Mac SIa :; .il h ra In ireference to tlii c li i oc;;; it. boys, cc wish tocall your;ii;. ; r tteit;;oz lot seeracl reatsos. The atl-ti ii ciiit ii t ness, and ttr the achat theyiarit ii; lee;; infortmation fromiitheut-it ,soutrce.-. 11 ;; would retc-isve evsoleconsuilotrtou i Spring stylies ittSuite, (Is ritttt, ily outrankin-copte and srari ;& t;;.... toral So oe direct risitors.' at;nit intoitheh imparted, not alone in Sstilan;id II tee;; ii, hoy'satid childrei-s furncishing ;;; o«11itlthi tion. FORMAL EX ?M7iNOF SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MNWS FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles McaniS' Clothes liii; to . ttiug)-iiien and 10ou itiush cix this season, ivc. tlir exeeluive wis hivi;rv clatest s-Fle lt MC esnit is wshich aliie iticr1. There Sir tstic iiuritslhings, tti i lit It t te havescthus }t i i tcock ocimnt; eiitul Spingy;I Kposi- For sae, ;it ,a 1 ;.rein;, oeComple;~ite sit if 'Si i iii. R'Cports. full- ic tutu lit;d islid 'iii;c~.;; Goodiii i ew. ('tir;S. Clark, I i;;;; larr, NMilh. 99-134. J- llop; a;nd allOperatic liusic for stilt it Schateberle & Sons's Muic fouse, Jr'Ol"4Y( 211 SOUTHl MAIN sTRi.t T r iii) S. lSiii Si. frtrlit Stail cr -I Sl ti e I ;we ii v ' O t. \ilm cdic /1,55 liSI I tf. 30S IS 911 11.l t ill ',;ieiitii f 5.11 , ,listk SttleSt., 2 iii~r GEORGE YEE. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant' Chinese Fancy Dishes, S ts acidChops American Lunches of all hinds.F et- thie- ftrstclausefor laites aitntel eie;c CleaoestKisticlet is AtnniArbor. 314 S. STATE STREE&TI Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phone 4357 Bell Phone i5,-i. AT TUTTLE & Co. Lunch Room1 You can find a fine line of Confectionery er ._ 1L