GET IN TH4E EASTER PARADE Even if you don't wear the new Spring suit on Easter day, it's a source of satisfaction to know that you have it and could wear it if you choose. Choose Stein-B loch The SrELN-BLOCI{ Spring patterns are ex- clusive and unrivaled in beauty. The STEIN-BLOCH tailors have heen in the STEIN-BLOCH employ for many years. They have raised tailoring from a trade to a ine art. The ST-EIN-BLOCH style is the last word of the great style centers of the world. These are reasons why STEIN- BLOCH Clothes fit and suit the individuality of the wearer. Come to us and try on one for Easter. Pearl Grey Hats in all the new models. Lilldenschffitt, Apfel & Co. SPRING FURNISHINGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS We have secured the apet Ifo College Caps and Gowns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W E would suggest that yen leave your orders and mlea, uattractt hefore April 1st to insure the prompst delivtery of drariin. These Caps and Gowns are only made to year order. sample c of imany varieties here for patrons inspection. The newest effects in Manhattan Shirts, lNeekm "it'. Clot 0. Hosiery, Novelty Handkerchiefs, Spring weight totterwecar. at:; SPRING HEADWEAR All the new shapes and shades in the m~et make'.. KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Dent fail to see Route, Conlin & liegel's speitatPP 1 0 }it. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. FAMI LY B 1JOIu THETRE MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 1 1A ~U UNIVERSITY NOTICES Meteting ot 'opt, leeclofb at 4 p. ni. tetlat \lphai No room5 P['.Huff. Brngtv. to .tig btiks. IToosecdsirtog to attenditalt-fit itance it t vio s Aprit 4, titus .eciire tickets troioit(idSootti , 'to 9iMc(ormnick, (9vr I2 ok Poyser, Kaiteter, 1, andtutior fits. At the mtier is liomi tedt 5,sit.eowitlIbe stotiteditei tattittittec is sotd. Tickets ,$1,-iSoex- ltaclirge fctr reftrcsthients. Alhat SNit ii iiiitiitat tUnioiii6 :00p. to. ,;Mltgitsl-s aing Womieti's banqtuct itct toi sellitost tutrnin iithe nioney and iinsotitsby Wdhes\V dirtay,-or be ihldpersoinallttriesponibtle for thieii. "'tt. eniieers areptod firbastetall Sophenineeitcir ti'sebatll iumeratliiein meet in Tophy imomat s5. n.i Eec Seir' r ntn ad..-YoutieSced cal- -- Weihave iile"selecttv.arie ty to ctioe friii. St-a sit'seeiou ''"no-gift" canto. Cardsl-.readtsfitr dais.frnt odr /i elskie& tiane' iane. pt S. State, 21it itt ir. 126fittf. 1 '.51 -13t0t01tK t FlY. 1citnitsetnirs, iohut neet'cttd ittpi teftictis tco ite orth 1>i l~co ait cithir.ictrsiniatie isen ir n t ribuSt1 ot the busesa iiieiss tit ater tlookinin iteiitly for ia momenrt ittheScileairtittit' sly. hastily wsaked ot of theioffie. lMtanys were .wsaveriiig be- tti e ire seniteoyemitSainitfuture netar ii iili'ttueen t te t aind ,astusual. Sleit ii iv Strketi comn tand taealn lannedS i tct ititipn sitti that ing" lt iii tosintii iiithe Stichiganen- siat, thv \vre hrtiressetdi ck mat. hacltt~ fik-j th batleur hiiiisetlf. On W Side\ vas t 'Icaioe tritpinrtitter lvcl e s liteoreli 'iiiThet hcr tit eor lc~okiti trough ttpaestir atbltitbook .car he ce 11(1f i'icastinig tittle stoiec WhiteyWedniesday, T'heitre April - Charles Frohmaft Presents the Crest Detective-Thief Play Arsene t Lupin 1 With the ('omplete Originat Company and Production from its Six Months Run at the Lyceum Theatre, New York 1 CAST INCLU'DEiS William Courtnay, Sidney Herbert, Charles Harbury, Harry Dodd, Doris Keane, Virginia Hammond, May Galyer,_and 20 Others " Better than "'Raffles"" Prices: r 35c, 50c, 755, $1.00, $1.50 1Hotel Cumberland A S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., 'ear 50th St. Subwar and 5St5. tiesttef. NEW YORK J/a ..L , ? KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special rerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops -and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. Friendly and Brock, Miss Agnes O'Neil, Chink Brown and Others .s Souvenir 100th Performance Matinee Mon. Glass Dishes Free To Ladies F 'Caps and Gowns a, For All Depaartments > ~ ('Cimplete linie o iii..iii~les-hie cfor '53 ~ iiui'inspetiont Si I Special rental price of $2.00 Go to Major"s to huy Wall-paper and taunt. Utin.. iii iii ti tsof . itt se cn sveyou from 25 to 40%e. We silt dir'c'ito i t'e:riot -i tue.(thee fortheste .low prics: In 5 patton tote or io-e.,fl..15 lt o, u.Sit" Si patton, $1.25, hatf gallon 65c, quart 35c., C. H. MAJOR ft Co. Mautfatutrers of Digh-Grade Paints. 2031,,K\'Washutigtoti St. Iti fool:ai coo mStitnded2 matou reastn I~cThe tcand e . otese-meetiongba cMstolar. Seets ontefavneck e HCV~dave11° tLICOR endlaaofiess button31 S Sane d unbuton-tf. the dn' tarotar colar e .tsr on the necksex- 'tlyasiusrptvd 705ydn'rthtealr outy. O. A.MOE. VNDER THES MANAGEMENT of .Harry P. Stlmso.., formerly with Hoitlinperial. 1R.. J. Bl1nigh.arm, formerly with Hotel WVoodward tCHARLIES' BARBER SHOP ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Under H'uston Billiard Parlors O~ppostte Electric Wutin; Roomn f{ (Frmoerly stit Harey & Ctharliest) GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor sJohn you sell clothes too cheap. K~ant help it. k Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That 's so. Lots of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18O.00 Liberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. Detroit United Lines OinomtotoDvsoSueitendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United tines by officers of Varsity or- ganizations of the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or teem Ann Arhor extra cars andi extra service will be promptly supplied. Hotel Whitlley The best place in the City ts dine Scrvice A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPI3N, Mgr. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL13S DTHE TAILOR TI-IE BEST OF EVERY TH.ING IN TAILORING)