'HE MICHIGAN LA 11.1 This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcihfied .. Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - MUSIC AND DRAMA WANTED. lWaned-College men to act as agents _AMt ~r a s .t>IJ_ IN h5-5 517Pm during summer. Good money for Since reliiquising-1er sisstiel' as right men. Call Belt 302-I, or address star of stars astthe Mtrispolitain Opera or call on Geo. F. Brown, 61i9 E. Uni- House, Alne. S embric habeni- versity. gotf duced to reisisit icatoiiising on1ce LOST. nsore in eonsscrt lo hIrsans admasserss _____________________________________ thlrouglhouttse cutr.Dcria Lost-:4 gsun-metal snatch sith bobesenhs ioi ne stfthe few favorediii .citis o "Pt" attached its oos 165 Chtem.hldg.titoradhefmupiadoa Friday toots. Returts to 822 Arch. «i1aprtheattebhtCud '- r Somr i galethes i *sesiit oncertus MISCELLANEOUS the Chlt ni n sii i slatesoad ______________________________________ tie annioiuntem iesnt osith i reta ,1Ssestera cut sver, or repaired at "Thewilttlibe tiste sissieshli list i admirers Palais Royal," aog E. Liherty St. tf Sealssts li e sesute 1) it s appilitiont FORMAL EXPOSITlIOM OF SPRING -1TE SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MVEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men-,'s Clothes In reference to thin impont't ocnusrance to men, young men and hoys, we wish to call your espescisal attention to our display this season, far several reasons. The ulatiiity sit the cryltes, their uxclusive- ness, and the fact that they see its hasrmaony with the very lotust style information from the fleetsit sou'cs Thatt these are essentials which would receive every considertationtinspgnealty apprectated. These Spring styles in Suits, Overcotas, Pancysyicts, Shirts and Furnishings,, oust rank in scope and exclusivenes tat ofi all fosrmter seasons. So we direct visitors' attention to the indiviulaity we have thus imparted, not alone in Soits and IOveacosts, hat in our stock of men's. hoy's and children's furnishings shatsnaits thinsi-urinal Spring Exposi- tion, JrF Wwet k 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET II J. L. CHAPMAN, Je weler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Patty Guaranteed Watch Rapre,,1nj a Speal ty THE -F'ARMERS AND MECH1ANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $10,000 Surplus and Profits$1 0,000 Gleneral Basking Buasiness. 3 per cent paid an Time and Savings [Deposits. Safety Ds- posit Boxs tn rest at S,.00 and upwards it. KtEsMrF. Pres, H. G. pREuccv'AN, Vie-Pres. H. A. wILLIAMSi Cashier Fi. T. ScOWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stuck 0,000 Surplus $290,000 Rdesources $2,c03,a00 A General Banking Busineas Transacted OrrtERaSs Chas. K, Hiscuck, Pes.; W, D. Harriman, Vice Prea,.: Mi, J. Frito, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jeno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or, V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade K. P. Mills John Haarer Jno. Koch Prat. H. S. Carhant Henry WV. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. 'dimmermen FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICH., it. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE Pes. Vice-Pes. S. WV. CLA RKSON, Cashier. Capital, $1i0,000. Surplu sand Proits, $00,000. (erman:4nlerican SAvin Bank Cozrs.roe,.L aend Se.v~ns CGa-. Ma~im aned Libertyr Stres YOUNG'S HATS. (Nroisehetter made.) Sprittg styles toss ready'. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. The Store for Style. Main St. tf' "SENIOR LAWS." For sate, at a hargaitt,onor comsplete set of-.Pietigatt Reports, fully anno- tated, slightly used. Good as new. George S. Clark, Port Huron, Mich. 99-134" J-Hop and all Operatic Music f or sale at Schaeherle & Sons's Music House, i i0 S. Plain St. pitf. FRATERNITIES NOTICE WVe are headqtiarters for all kitids of iraternty stationecry. W~e save in stack statiosicry for a large nsumsher of frater- nties. If ire havet it in stock we can get it. Wec have dies of alt fraternities. ZEWADSKI AND LANE, if, 310 S. Slate St., a2sd floor. Collegian Clothes for Cillege men. Sprintg styles nosy ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. tf. PMain Street. CANOES!l For particulars concerning Itidiati Girt Canoes wcrite H. K. Kugel, .428 Hamsiltons Place. 119-127" EASTER GIFTS. 'Tlc sewest atid choicest of nsovelties. Alsotee sat Penitants. Prices right at THlE PALAIS ROYAL, if. 5509 C. Liherty Street. Cash tpatifor east aff clothiing stnss shoes. Senid postal to Sehoeitfeld, 220 E. WVashtingtons. 122-124-126l. t -A s. A. Ii. 5liii sue, 455 sississes avenuse, DItrtet. CEECLE 11,01'RI.IIL RS4It,S ARE Pl'RE'tI \l. RAILIY. 'Tswosasts sithit 1sssls- I lsucu.1i -sues 1are lan, "Is- C te wii 5 rehears- sit atnsit 1 stin ; vcaton he -ou- wosrk i lls eit i s ishd 1 Alto is th dtet he ayi V isl lit, is pa byi vacadolist iltsasuito sipend theIts is spou its td in polsingts pouto iniTse ast iwh t i.it l ipr s it sisal is esassptisii lls wel istt an t siffern at r seily utd t ieists' asts i-is that 5 of the s lerv itQ lieyu hitc 5 Q iW. 1 M issIi ii I ha hail cosd eirabltsexpterince inst tit s sort ofwokan iMot sit ssiu int a simiilarit houghii i sillerlls i 'Aasichissgn1th ec liO enia's -o IRbetM.Tosi asot wet llitdiiorthpatiwhl Ii- ne cr T1. l \' ITEM to p- rl Isl hit s t---that o .\,vi te-aas ithtil s-s-srys disase, whlstJoisephili ei-hiin t tth' shllomedy ii l leada ibensits sfsitn i 55tW itll i 55 .iIii' i'sli as r mthesei i-Ihi arent al sli thetlss isisstwith Isthes-- ith' siller 5actors in h la-. A s a wh-otist the estisWell blncit n hewr gis pmie f nohe slicesisfl cercespityi Aprs it 9is thueslits Is ths 1 isndit i it-ill bei trecsdcdsil lecture u5ssponth book i I tloae Phssne 22t Decent piece nusassiesi GPOOREEO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurantio h Chsinese Fancy Dishes, Steaisaed I i s. Ansericas Lunches at all hindsEvers- L-' dr thinegfistclass toerblades and anesrs. Clcenscitcten in Ann Arboie. 514 S. STATE S1'REE1 Ilark: them and see -Corliss Cue, Coltars eutwear others. They arc strong, hand made collars. Absolutely, you can- Rowe's Laundr) o e bte p pearance, style, 11t. THOMAS ROWE, Prop. entuto.wa 326 N. Filch Ave 0n,611a New Phoen457 Bell Phone 4Si' I A T T U T T L E & C O . VARST.2 %-I Lunch Room TiEkNI&R.s 2 uivn. Tinkr &Co. J. F WurthCo. Yea can tind a fine line of Confectionery .4 citteS. 2it S. ale St. AT LOVELL"' 332 5. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS Yoiz calm get Sweaters cut ovrt'isitois ehupe or Vests Your fancy vest or suitinitg-isry cleaned Your Fall suit dyed (Age'y P'eters, Detroit) Inoignia, Nutmerals, cewed on sweaters, etc. Neckties anti gltoes cleaned Student in diug hlichigan pillowrs-Banners of all other colleges Notiono, gui mantles, chimnteys, coups, towels We give satitsfactinComn. afnd &seus Seioirs- s-ce~~-ac I toi send wiiitshissue inittion:i ksi &1 hWI, til 10.Sui. Sslts-. -1i ill ca-tls I. s- tab it. i ~Negligee Shirts High Turn down Collar attached tn shirt J WAGNER &CO. And Just What Von Have Been Wailing For jSoft Collars bosts thwistsIend cle-separatre trmeshsssit.'Comeauisec WG ER & 'CO. . MAJESTIC BIGB IT MATINEE ED FREE Brok' s oot ts , t I o pt eryod Bty theway. asuhesasied Harry Jolsoni Student Help Wanted You can make more money in one-half hoos' demnonstrating the Ideal Scrap File risen in waiting table all day. Here is an opportunity for some ambitious student to make from $200 to $300 between now and the close of the school year. Send dhac for smpleo. If you are not satisfied that they are a money maker return them with- in a week in good condition, and your money will be refunded. WRITE W. L. OSiBORN 10 Hill Blnck Battln Crnnk, Minh. FRATERNITIES Silver Llnks Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLDJEWELR 220 Souath Ma Stret DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor andI Jackson Limited Car. East Boaunnd-7:50a. tm.,1k, 4s50 p. m., 7:50p.m. Limined Cars West Boue d-9: 24 a. ti.. si-:t p. nm., 5:24t p. m., S:24 p. in. Local Carn Est Bnund-'taoctroist,- 5:4da ss., end evereyhourtsto :4dp i. Z1i Ypi- lanuti, 5:4d5 a. m. uand hlsuittuulcessi :151p. wi-- asos215attm., 12:30 a.nm. It.5n a. musT calls,,chaosge at VYpsileanti. Locl Cars WestBound-5,45ae n., 7h15 a mantd every two hures to 11:15 p. m MAY FESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 ARTISTS MfeME. JEANNE JO MELLnI a(1 itli', t':ilu'tusldManhat- Iita sOesa Cotmpenies) Mrs. Corinne Rider=Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl Sammsis-.MacDermid CONTRIAL-TO- Miss Margaret Keyes iiTENOR:s Mr. Daniel Beuddoe BARITfONEtS: Mr. Sidney Blden (Berlin) ,-10-. GIUSEPPI CAMPANARI (Me troplutitan Otps-re ompany) Mr. William Howland B5ASS: Mr. Herbert Witherspoon (iMetropiiiltans Opera Company) PIANIST: Mile. Tina Lerner ORGANIZATIONS The Cheral Union 1300 voices) -Tendoe Thomuas OeehcstealbOpneces CONDUCTIORS AiheertSianley Frederick Slock PtRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS "Thits Sift;~" . Wol-Ferrari "Sct ts frtmOdiys'sos"-Bruch Carriage and Baggage Foir eacsh Couplt ntd testespaeties before 1lseinch $1.50, utter 12 o'cluck Foe each 'uTr sue to rustsmdune, she price willtbe 25 Cents. It earried to or lenin up-stairs, te price will be Drives are required to i-slicer cash toe carriage etnd haggage sevice. ,5 ens A 5Ktitt't LIVERtV itOiiNSON & CO. 00. Ii. 5SrARKi i-ObS it-I LIVERYI Newfor Spring We arc shoi-ng so exteissive line of Woolens for Spring. The assourtmet c omsprises everything that is new acid nobby ini designiecolor atnd quissty. We can say without exaggeratioin our stock this yeatr is the mtost Itasdsone we hsave ever showin, and will readihy atppeal *.s the most particular patron. W. E. DIETERLE Veasty Tailonr 117 E.LLiberty St. 'ortrai Studio- .-_-319 Last H~uron Streeta-