THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprng and Summer 1910 Our. Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasin and Harmonious -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready tr Your Eanination G. ff. Wild Company TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON Thei'L SUEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE "6C LI NTO N" BUTONi EASILY AD S IT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150d 2 for 25 Wm6t.APKER CO (MAKERS. Sold In Ann "Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sate Street A. G..5ePAL.DING & BROS. }gyp C ni retel rgestmueu The ,Spalin fcU1115 thwol Trade-Mark ofIOFFICIAL QUIP. MINT,oralltbetic lrt INSa port and pstime. 68 0 If you ae inteet- edoi in Athletic Sport of, sh~. ouhcldlae acopy 40 y'~ of the Saldiiin Ca- alN ' ,oue. ite amcmplete encclopa, of i knowil thoughot Wht' New in Sport theiwoldl s a '1-n-rtee of cd i et free ore- Quaity" qet. A. G. SPALDING (. BROS. Chicagno Dtrot Base Ball Goods Now thaC the season ihere you will11nted a suptply of axie Hll(Goois. Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25C to $3.00 Glf Goods Crawford McGregor Golf Clubs, Golf Bags Balls and supplies Slielhan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maniaging Editor CLARNCEc E. ELDRIDGE. Business Manager CARLt.Cl. 0.AMas. Address: MICHItNoAx ILY, Presa Bldg., Mayntard Street. Office Hoitrs: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. m. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News. . . Lee A White Assistant .......Harold Titus Athletics..........NWilbur D. Elliott Women ...... Frieda Kleinstiick Music uand Dratta...Hollis S. Biker Exchanges ..... l. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrisotn Shafroth Charles Good G. 5. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Walter K. Towers I'arry Z. Fole DixnsBiiney D. ..tinckley Arthur I3. Illullman Wa\ Olivhser Fred Lasstonl larry G. Myser Frank Russell Cliarlcs 11. Xlylaioder MlorrixsIHottser 'Al.Mack Ryan A. J. \Vuhlgcoith Mauiri c T.'o"nline Frank Petntell IFrank X, lMurtpiy BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Boss'tsott Nortuati IHill Walter Q. WVilgits Myer Rtibin Kentxeths Osbortn Nrmcatn\ittet touch withi thicMiwtoof tte camoputscatt hi. dcscribedl ittstrcct tiarlance asx a 'dead onec" anid his efficicincy is diimin- shed just to the extenlt that his prac- 1icc is carried out. He misses many cevents that sonuld prose distinctly eii- inoyable atid ads antagoos to hinm, he displaxys all igoorance schick is regarded with surprise atid almust contempt by his fellows studeints, who are more enter- prisinig. Whlatevecc meants you znay use does not natler, hut get is touch swithicatmpus iffairs aitd keep itt touch with themi. CUniiiersity life is niarrow enough at hest, rio tnt futrthser limit it hy inidifferene anil carelesstness. Thte controversy over Ike questioit of the i19m meiiorial, sswhicht is receivitng thre atteiitioin of a tnmber of thte seniiors seetis to be entirety tuntalled for as the matter tas beetivouted tipon ansd thte xote isas not in favor of thte Atiumnii Meto-I oriatlthatl. Thsat there is botiind to lie tiprejurtice againist the latter instituttiott oni the parltiii thestuidetits canitot tie ovxerlookeed. F~roms the svcry start, the project was a bon11e of contention 11111 it receiveoi the hiotiest idisapprovail of piraicicilly the entie stuideint tiniy. In the face of that, thiuse int erestedt per- severed, securerd subhscriptiutts, and the hall hecaime a fact. 'The institttioniiias never hiad the symt- pathiy of the stutretnts, and it mtit ttot ire expected 11111 the inerefccfit that the mianagemnt11h1sassigned a potioln iii thei baseimenit to he uixei as a ileniatid meetinit place for stitietits, prosiding thle latter go tui the exipeose of fittitig it up1, swill not siiake ally'chanige ini the ittiltee whlichi has keen maitntainled ttirouigiouit the years of agitaitiotiatnd conistruictioin. It is tnt a qulestionl of rduty or oeititmetnt, it is merely' a tines- tion of ishether or not the students feel tie iced of stichi quarters offered by the mlanagteent of thse building antd care toi mialec use of thteni. The tziio settiors iecirdert that thsey did not atiil uiess pubsle senltimoent chantges, their exanmple wiltl probalys te foliuosed by the other claisses. 'Tie timlelois gone plast wohen oppo- ilion to thie Alumniii Memorial halt awiuld senve any purpose whatsoever. WIT FILLS GARGOYLE Spring Issue Now on Sole is Best of College Year. The spring numher of the Gargoyle swas placed on sale yesterday. It is, according to the belief of the editorial staff, ike best numher that has heen issued doriiig the coltege year. Fottr- teeti pages are devoted to literature of a serious nature and an equal numn- her to tthe hunmor section. Charles Cushing, former matiaginsg editor if the Inilaitder, has contrihuteid a inmber of sketches of life at Michi- gan for this issue. They are delight- nil; merely dreatus, hut donie with an artistic touchi that is fresh and distittc- tive. Ralph J. Block swas the author of "Amoire and Mliy rallinie," a tmy'stic idcamia. As is stated inl the ititrodnctory tote, this work is presenited in a mni- ncr obviously simiar to that used by Maeterlitnck. This is also a departure. tt is vastly different from anything that has as yet appeared i the Gargoyle. It shows stuody aind careful preparatiotn. "The Ritterhoiuse Extra" is the title of ai little yarn of newspaper life biy IHariiolTitus. It deals witsoiie of the countless incidents that are hap- penintg daily itt the inewspaper "shops" thsroughioiit the counitry. The hsumor section is liberally spritil- ed swith cartootis. There have beein htiimoir sections and tumor sections, but this is, icyotid a doubt, the best that has ever bieein offered by the GargoylI's cisitribsitory staff. Owitng to the departure of Dotiald Kahn for broader fields, a chatige in the editorial staff has been tnecessary. "Al" Weeks tao heeti assigned the job of diggitng up jokes which belotiged to Kahn. 'fhis shift left the place of- literary editor openi. H-arold Titus has Pern assigtned to fill the vacancy. FUNNY ISN'T IT? that some people always insist oti buy- hng thse wrotng thiing at the wrotig tume at the wrotig place atid at the wromng psrice. HENRY & CO.'S Quality TRCK It you wsould Ane ohncc eveci call on un o your1 Track Supplies We catty .inything. you iay need troni a pair of Chamois Pusherswoth1k25c to a 16 Pound Shot worth $1.75, or i piir of Spike Shoes $4500 WASl R'S University Bookstore LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners a ne d 1 nvP~a re r~ ii ''Ct' SCI CXletARCHll %i1,10. rain it or thporiio n. '"' , UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. 'Prch 1-1l resb tMic ures datice at Apr t iv uasce ir i,5 cipresenlts "DbriliK 'laius," Newis itneyir iTh'ea- tr Apl i -Profvii. G\\ .Nosyevs Lectrrr il ewosChiistrylbiildiniig. kIIIit 4--Sol Lit Slag liin nr it AXpril / Xi ciii lea Icgu. I fr iv. 'helignrnc fstudenits of Itic CUniiveirsityvofi hutgi iiinceriiag thir vins1t I itui tiielf, theinstuoursIitei igsrioi thecampiis is soethiinglip- paling Ata tlk eceidygiveii before stu1111ent aun.iIc i uric.fth e mush emlli iinentand Iest niwn I nn zof the literaryfaiciittyI airatanis hosc' rome is aniiote tiiiistate.ii iss i It stiudienrt ls sr vi'slit cit ithtalklitandI tie followi- ing consulrsatiorii oilc iitieok lace be- "Sii y «ii 11 i s iti'ti 11 whetjiiiiii ig to 'tlii ti gh li 0tli Itrl iliii ~i~ 'i h eis un oftl ii'lg gnus ini thre literaiiy dhirtmen t aha iuredi 'if thitsxrt." '1,1 escull i isibylnoiirii nsc'thi -C- isoltio, bt eevdeirtmlenit has simi- lar ffeners.Scolcut ifirtui11.5 cll be.' recaiediiyeviy ons e i wor ha ve 11.1 sx urrsdI h n Iffrtclci Iniuiiit ci even Woreuaisolte lviii'f kniwi- arei taiking itacein ivesit ly circles. 'Thicstde11111. dos i t keep i 1,1 cyin dll tl that is imanxifested the tiroiposed den Getitlemtets -We have the iiul siih ietiseless for thse purposes fors liiiiit il h~eei ahuttet.most cotmplete lune of oxafor spring, that we have eser shown_- you want the nobbieat, best fitting, Ian ext wearitig oxfords for the least nony teuithiiieii :--1=live yoiu seinIthe nosy yotioswr it to yotirself to come its utt pureh silk hide--withlintieii heels atid looik thiemsiser. Notice particttlarly thut tcoes-inu foutr colors-for oiily7o cenits we hiave sot advanced prices this seas- icr pair at t5UEPIEI,D'S SHfOE00on-iny $4.oo and $y.oo per pair. S'TORE,N. riigMuiniSft? Belter have PURFIELD'S, a lohk. 124-141. 124-141. No. 119 lMaiii Street. AEY & EDMUNDS , ns 0 'iTcke ndairy liio Ann Aboi Michiiian .S. PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Nelt door to Uiersity Sehool of Music. The New i-Hop Numbers I1304 toIhase a B8-B-5BPI i "IF WISHES WERE HORSES " "THE LAST WALTZ" Also the New Song "I'm Going To Go To Ypsilanti " Whicli will be introduced by the Diee Club. Toda~ Good pure mnate in clean glassesa so that it tastes and is good al soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, 324 S. State_ [ An invitation is extended to call and hear them. 'YOU Tn's Have you heard that safner at the Theatorium 121 Washilngton to RANDALL & PACK, Photographed 18