The M l-A ich an Datl
ARCHI 29, 1910.
No. 126.
MARTIAGAN TONIGHT Rostan's "Chantileer" will be the SESSIONS T(
11 1 sbec fa etuetob iv y I.Rene Talamon of the French depart-
Junir Grls'Pla Shos Bth ettt, in the lecture room of Taptpant Michigan Schoolnt1
Talet an PrparaionatIte loll at 5:oct o'clock titis afterttoon. for Forty-fifth 'r
Talen and repartion t the This talk is otte of the tutmter of tihe
Dress Rehearsal. regular program schtedutletd by te Educational Pro]
Cece nti etr ~.Tlmn-"At 8:10 this esettittg te cttrtain in still tell the story of thte play atnd gives o te o tit
Saraht Caswsell Angell Hall wrill rise on a shsort retvtess of thse authtor's life,.tHc Schohatcr'cu wl lsosekott ucss n ieAbr\n es t
'Martiagan," the juttior girls' play to a sumrmary of the principle scenes, psts- an-atray .ittu
thse girls of the senittr class. Thsis platy sihlt- qttttittgttatty of the hest lyrical schotolIs fa o11 -.
swhicht is described as "tatlayswitht a passages. tite ccttitvttt1l 1wp
plot'st-as wvritten hy bMiss Jatte Harris 'Te text tnmter ott the Cercle pro- s sltt ot
atdsclMiss Sarah Sutherland. It still bse gratn twill bte Dr. Effinger's lecture onT hegl -2 ssi(
staged bsy Robsert Ttsattdldirected by "L~e Malade tttagittaire." 'Te putrposec si csh ]Il,«Id
Professor lKlettott.ofttfhis talk will Ise ttexplaintth~e p111 wllbehed '-ou
A full dress rehIearsal wsh ell inthle twhichste Cerclc isttIpresenlt o\April hI,121 1 .1[stl;i
tall last evesning and if a rehsearsal is ant 29.sho. li
ittdicatiotn the shots-gisvesIromtise of _________________ Iits Itit It I «111 1wi
beittg a complete success. Althotugh }'r ewrit
parts of the play shtowsetdt slightt lack BANQUET COMES FRIDAY tiks a hS('11(
of finish, on thte swhole it mov-etdsmtooths-fomtn _haid
ly and witht few hitches. Annual Woman's League Feast is an 1,wirtnci]"
The play cottsists of tree acts attd Assured Snccess. da feno vih
a numther of estrst acts tttd scettes' Thecre Seats for thte atnunal\Voman's League t tecstts, NI stIan
are ttelve mttstcal touhbers, part of bansquet to he held the evetting of April PhIsssgrayr.1-' -- --
wh~ich are origittal atnd tetthers clesver 2, are goittg fast atnd probhably will nto stereotptiolctr.
psaratdies ott popular lctcal sottgs. Twot holttoutiverttmuchlonltger, judlgittg ''Itsda n-tIz7,
of thte sottgs, "Billikets" attt "Chteer" arc fron thIe presettt rate., genetrtl tttetilt ttn.
clesverly sworded attt stelI sung by a Thse toasts has-c beett tecidetd ottatnd oto'clock. Inthe I t
characteristically attdunitquely tdressed uill be presided over by Mrs. Mitttie catl, .11 1 an t
chtortts. Wilbur Bird, '98. Mlits Euttice Cleve-tlCnmistrt, - lit)-t ;l
Act otte sosss a typtcal college gtrl's land twill respond inth le opening adl- fcre-tces wsil I Itl,I
rosom itass Ants Arbsor house. Promni- dress 1o "The Road Ahead." SMrs. Mar- 't;oclc Ihttc
ient faculty miess call on the girls asid garet Cahill Barthsolomsew, '93 of Lan- vstr ilb net
wrhile they are its the midst of a siread sinsg, Stick., ott behalf of the alumni, progritsms itsitch il
a number of mien stusdents burst iltotrill speak ott "As Others See Us." vriyNl.A
the room announgscinsg ass invsasions of Mlits Mysrtle XWhite in answer to the still bess'"nsoctt hetI
'lartians who have lansded its thsecast toast "Our Castles its Spaiss" will suem est I[lfo th
asid are reported approachinsg this city. up the resideistial hall movement. Dr. sthate aisdguscts.1'
The esstra act then shows a wriertd scesse James Burrel Angell will close with up withatltsinss
its which a witch reveals the fatcs of a greetinsg to the women of the usti- schssl sti, stlll ss5
variotts seniors. versity. At 9:30 thte klsttsulttt
Insthe sectondsact, the'scenes'ofsswhichs The decoaincmite.h,,A I N1C
sisrdi its 'Barbsour gym nassiums, as satsaclevg"
miestisig. if studsesits is bhld aipans bt be
to negstiate stitli te-Marlitin eiiss- ie
saries is decidtedl 01111. It is itn thi -~
entra act Ihere folloin sg Itsatthe rdlg ettte r kaft:(iStua
gtod Billikiss is istroducetd to the will radiate from above a cisfstiis I1,thIs tt
estee. Fotr a little whiile Mli h >'astern suspesided over thes'At I tlI it
unsder the msystic rule ofti I ;tale in the center. 'At this tablewile ce n1>lx
thisigs ats thsey ocughs t t e. ;Agell uill bse seatedi. On his table ltrith ti-
Itsnsact three thse wad ilbe' placed a ihuge birthday cake, Iseisd teJi sstttrls
finsally iaptpear ltettm -ighted bi's-twsessty candtles its csststentt Ticesfs le°e.
Nioo xes, Ge-sitI Sclit ,e raticon of tse twentsieth annsiversary of ganfrtev rit~
Anlrsss Ide-ux, the founinsg tof the League. oslied at the5 5 .
Ihatel Carter 4 eNNit- Thessughout the course of thse btanqsuet thic-s stistiss I st-
slver, aipeae attsack everybiody present wil jolts in the sing- --,--
onth '14,1nc hitae-einv of-"itcollege sngsted t ,he G'irls '1'' 5 Nut", S '
lt it
I Nu
I.t rt
f I.n
o RROW At ,et stltck this eesning the ANNUIAL GATHERING
seitrs lit class till hold the first sing
unsder Tappass oak. T'he sing till last-
ers' Gather sit our asd will be sa regular weekly Elalorate Program Planned fOr
to Discuss featture as it past 'ears. Thursday Friday and Saturday
t Efforts swere isade bt' the lit class ti
I ~ scusseethe co-ouperations of te sesiors in --Fine Opportunity Student.
othie deiartmsenssbut te esgiseers and
t M1iig tant lasss hare sot beets heartd from st51 vet Thrsday afternoon of this week
mt iniiitiassid te lits sdecited to hold the fiscsIas th e opesisg of the sixteenth an
-rFrida"sisnisg sunassistetd, sistl smetisg of "The Michigan Acade-
it sec tsdlseyv 'Tuesdlar has sot defiitely beet se- its'sof Science." Following the usual
S ll t Iarts f Isecred for these teely gterings leecustomt, the cosventioss comes at the
It t iltn-cause theca's smight 5n01 it i i tth sthe sme tite as the annual meeting of the
lass of the other classes. As NIohe " icinShsolisasters' Cuk."
Ill it lieldin effssrtsill lesmase tos sectre tei pes Itsadditiioi to the geseral program at
til ceeciec-lce sit the esgiseers asd laisterewhilt all Academy members will be
'it ll anigll is a cance that aniottrcevssesing will prsnt the arious science departments
lit1e lihe chossen.repeseted, will hold their own section
the~ ys-ticeI Sc-iiss in tsesusieptismsetstsswho meinisgs The entire program is open
ttun sro l.dsirectos participate cats secure 1515 tilt ts te public free of charge, thus pre-
take plac,claIsesfro et r ec J. Docnovtan,. sistisg a big opportunity to those ac-
d i etl its- - ____________ li or iterested its scientific work.
MUGS AWARDED WINNERS I1Ie AcNademy is also open to member-
ope VN islses sip.
NI .,ilco- D r. George P. Burns, Dr, A. G.
ttceenc, Rhodes and Norris Win in Final Rsstbress and r. . Carl Huer con-
. al a Game of Tournament. sitte te local committee,
Scirisig iearly 1410iipoints andshotoss Alihoughs preceded by a meeting of
111111kih tea liidsas Nri ogclili the cucsil at i oo p. in., the general
I s~tt I Itl at proramut till officially open with a
~,1th ilIlssi isle sitsoite final ight of theUN ioniitmeietig of te Academy Thursday af-
lit t \,ics and Ibridge whilst toturnamsent asd stot the tcrnoonstsss1stt5 in the Mu sum lecture
mmit con- s Pti iileteelugs. 'T'heir totalsifor te fourserosit. The presisential address by Pro-
ight's play uas 39102, gaherdliy tiltftssuertFrak Leerett will be given
lilenoon tehad of swell played uridge. Nlose lie Tursdaysseesing at 8:to o'clock, His
dIn a mstical sbjiet -"Ans Outline of the History of
tutu tisn_ nx temt caue Tosers asd llititiwo the Gret Lakes," will be illustrated by
- . a reclipt isliidtressed the leaders close all throsughs lasterns slides. The zoology, botany and
it is' iiofLiii- cihe touirnamttent ansi sho wre dasgerous sntitary sciesce tedtios will also meet
aches o theto he lst.Thursday.
wilh -ae iitsssioss and NW ede -si ois Fic riday 's program will consist of gen-
ti~t at hic eral ansi section meetigs, a joint se-
be-sifucatiis lat ces s' ttr sioss of the section of science teachers
sill need tin tse nsrkable scores fell by tec sas- w it tie biological conference of the
ti oirnlr 1d - pl slr xt iningthe Scholasters' Club and informal meet-
Plac NI }} I ais is iseenisg.
v iiJ r e retiit ISi 'aturdlay the closing day of the con-
nXi iailid ts sit ionsiisopesiswsith a council meeting
Wtb T° rC P to sito thise.ati 9 c a. i. At the general meeting
d ;$$, - i t urisssnsg n at t 00 o'clock, r, A. G Ruthven will
th;ci it eei tc. their scoyres. The tournamet as a iholecradl a liper entitled "Report upon the
I si baut w ,ri 5~ closel's contested sand Ibrutght 55ou t ot sof the Biological Survey of
Isii isi is ndmchckexcellentithst.lMichigans-." SMeetigs of the economics
alumi w sill'Ot 'disc fisal scores follows: tsiictin ssrk tusencd of the convention.
h ~ i, Rhssoses asid Norris ...........992 'he prsidinig officers are C. H. Kauff-
ewsalpr-'lossers asd Elliott............ 341 masctioss of botany; Chas H. Barr,
ceti myb Simsmons andsi Ietey. ...........359 secioss of sciessce teachig; Hansford
lscaqtt escs in Bowmnanasd Osioursie......------- t34 Mac~urdy', section of zoology; G Carl
Lightner andi Coolcy ........340 Ilies, sections of sasitary and medical
- 'Torwearsd and Myers-.... 11..394 siece; . C. Case, section of geogra-
tLissssandSiaigier .'... .....37 1 ndgeology; and H, S. Smalley,
fN\I.A N \RNf'. Ltdsaft and Johso........ 3'86isciont of ecososics
Lawtonuasd MclDosalil..........328'thsemeetings iill be of much in-
rGo th of ierit and 'Young ...........3014 tisst to the geeral public and es-
lainssg braet Blbeandsitarkeroad---.....3091 ieis ll's to studests interested in the
isd iltseccii," Slia'sstaker and Burge........... 3032 manyis subjcts usder discussion, The
d list eceiitssoFlecer atd Greer- --.......300 s 1akes cme from all the leading in-
paioits hndli-sRoell aisis Boswotrh..s............291stiuionsss of learnig in the state of
th caslce Craig anthSmithsi ......-- - -..2874 Msichigani.
i -ru siche d- Oser asd Scupain- --........28.
urto ichalLovetct and MhcGe . ... .....:2332'Tiwissdnsts have been suspended by
sit ( iit rcc- NIedit asdtBr'ssons...- - -.s....osf ue estsutocesdcourt at the University
Nuteeo tsn cVicker and Stout......... .oo of WIisconsisis. One of the suspensions
''fssrTsks Ilifire the tusrnamsens tup ed tke tas for six tweks because of miscon-
oe f i ingiis lae'irs gtheedii intetdisisg elitissofdsctit sthle gymnasssium on Prom night
i h hrcer le cubhsosise for dinniser. 'sliesdisisgatush ue oilher tas for four weeks be-
sit old Itliansto5gether disc'- uent itsthe usalsesaitdccause f miisreresntations of facts to
tatlkedanstiatstg' athsmsokediswhile te thdiscourst
ofi a srits tuattailes sere beisg cearesd for teisgit's President Dasvidh Starr Jordan of
asiati n thsislay19. Stnfordi Uiversity has announced his
inchrg is iions sf retiring its six years. At
fo -te Ttcr- Onictwentiethi of the stden'tts at cisce ita titehle will become eligible for a
ln n ess'Uniiveesit's-ott Pensyl'svs'sisissre foeIuteciig shltswaseefrom the Carnegie
sl ts mplited. fosiiegsnscsiusntries. ficdssir usesterasnssuated educators,
1 .tilft hseniogc
.pusrpose is1fsiissst
-Uitersiti of isir-
besighst aibosut a saip-
en e ' tie ttenciemies.
finaslce itsithichs this-enitire
'"M'ichigsans Goodbye'"'closs'
lsenior girls osly swilli heaaltiseein.Ol
.girls trusshate sail their
11 be sadmiittedl, sbuIthis let
l at ditisheorsitthat tlilc
t fromsi witnssinsg use pset
snothier itcrftsrsnsscestill Its
ei tesiwomentt ofIthe Schiool
it h itit i sst cini Barbourtt
text Ssaturdasys-night.
r cosloif the Ittisersit'so
re staishaiig "i"',fsag ftc
rAll the girls who have tickets do sell
seae reqiuested tis hurntshdscunssol osnes Is a ict c
-in Is's Wedlnesday toots. Tickcts will Natiealisst M
libe ott sale all Tuesday afternoiosnanid ANisti~ei,1111
Wednsesdhay mnsing at Barbsour gyni-sProeItssrT oll'I i
esnasiumu, afterwvards at thse alsimni rosms. te lastioI ii~
s __________________ traduse sis it
Statistics gatheretd bys'Yale Usniversity spidtintg It in
eshotw thasttitsthe Ilast fift's-'sears silnlt lismt tit osi
y' iss-ueiarter of the 23,000 studhents irec Angelo aindl t
rgratduatedh. Many'soittthe snon-grauatdsi sit tl llt er
estutdesitssre slitsoccupiyinugIsositiosis of sids ntolehnradrsosblt hogottebtlso siti l
- cusntry. Its fauct, itssearly stlipursuits adec l
ethe lpercentadsge uof snon-graduasstes cx- sitmstilt i(sls)
I cesedssthe Iecentage if gradtetss. Ihis lis.
seat, strchitectusre atnd usic thee-asrefitve IThis tlii is,
dties at many nios-grasluates as gratde-still beIv
stces; its govcrnsment esploymuetl, ticcspinlisth
f t5as manuy; in theusinsistry, isse anid osits' otinsniitilt'
rfoturths timses sia usay ; andsinitbutsiness, 5tinttit for ii
tswice issmany5s. daslilis ave
N I ( 'I
S "Ihi
tilt, IJ1it
151 x itl
the lts'
I I ) -
I iii's.
:l tl- pu
lay, Wednesday
4 to 6P. M.
krsday, Friday
tney Theatre
"00Doktor Klaus"
35c, 50c, 75c
50c, ?7c
Gallery Closed