THlE MICHIGAN DAIJOY EXTRA ADDED FEATURES THIS WEEK. EAST-ER . M____ STUPENDOUS ARRAY, OF TALENT Harry Jolo Late with Dockstader Minstrel's The Operatic lhlackfacc toodian ZENA KIE FE Edw. IjeCorsia & Co, A Girl In A Coy4dx PRETTY and CLEVER 3 AtTSOFTM 1)1 1)1 ,111R MARCELLE CA BENNET 1I'i'" mat dovl1 Mu~sical Goolmaris HIll ICLASS I\ Tti tONIX1A(' RThis Great Show Will be Here R EMEMBE 3 Days Only-Mon., Tues., Wed. COMING Sensa- B etfltional "The Girl With The " Tootsies" WAIT FOR me Actin The BaiirngBeauties SID I)O1 ACT A I Yf E E FA IMONDAY-TUESDAY-WEFDNESDlAY Friendly and Brock, Miss Agnes O'Neil, Chink Brown and Others o Souvenir 100th Performance NA NSITN 'T'RllI. lls8 I tiI Nt 1,111THCORNELL (Contitued from PToe1.) fis:li0 c (,[, se1o(1Hatnoondi 010), tirlIimO 11e 1) 2-3. o-1(0 run- 1 utulilt))))) )tfirst; lIaI (,I), secomnd, tcxti(M), third. H ~ig-jump-t-Halltr (M) and H ornecr (N1 i frfist ottiloct (C), _LoyrI dknit Ktcct ( 111.11,frt Iott r(1Ii), second;Nixon (C), tltird 'tue-:i 4 I(reord). Mil to I tn \Iao (1I), irst; Taytor (Ci, second; Dielto lit (C), thtrd. ]'rte-aul hecny NO ),firt;t Ken III), 0 tI (C ead 1011101 111)1110(C)I, RelayO-1)1-.\11chga (.[peck, Ross, 10(1(11c, Cr aig, icst Cornlll (Nixon1, Mac- \crtlci, Stiblit, 0as1)1), secondt. EAISTER SALE. Ant Easter sae will bc hld by thtc mdo,, Miarcch26, 1tt HARRIS HAL, all day after 1 . in. ILnch 'srtvedi11-2. Fantcy workI, hoine-baked goods110, candtlies, adnox-etic> tcill. In sold. Thte ttility tL)al fature10c. -22-123-12:1. 01,I) TOWN CANOES Sciud tpostall for "Cattoe"catcalogue tII. NW. Scott, 7n2 S. t~niv. Pltottc 63. t.18-t68-etill (GoodllItBord tO thteIlorcncc, :519 E. NNlliams. $2. 0ocr weec. t19-t25. CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under liuston Billiard Parlors (Florecrlyewit l arry & Churttes') ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Ooite lctrinc Wn Y 111)10Reem GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. WHITNEY THEATRE Monday, Maur. 7f Positively the Best of the Season Henry W. Savage Offers a Musical Romance of Stageland The Love Cure WITH CHAS. J. ROSS and ELGI1E BOWE N 100 Others and the Special Grand Operatic 'Love Cure" Orchestra of 25 Supebrly Staged Splendidly Sung Music by Edmund Eysler. Book by Oliver Herford. PRICES Balcony-ist 4 Rows----$1.50 Boxes------------------- $2.00 Next 4 Rows -------------- $1.00 1st 13 Rows-------------___$2.00 Balance Balcony--------.5c Last 8 Rows--------------- $1.50 Gallery----------0 SEAT SALE NOW OPEN MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS SILK SCARFS Tilt NEWVEST THlING tar year ColegeRolinen, n THE FMOST REAlA11*01 CL Library or Matte Ream; fur Cannes, Ru,>Coach Can Meican h.10 It tult-0 e ad cars, Porttcres aniWattl Drcorationts. 0-intO) Made atfSiest hre GORGEOUS COLtR EFFECTS! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS!0 COLORS-: ~Whitec, Creattn, SELECT year FAVORITE btanckgrountd COLOR: lute, Red, Btlack or atny speccial colordittred. Crittsos, Blue, Rttd, Green. Whte, Black h oltty PLttOO'tRftlING 7tt.tta. x 31.101n......... $ 5.00 ter Thtcatre, Otieta, Dtance, 6e1t.Sio. x 31t. 45n............3.50 nr ally Evictihi Wear. 51t. 41n, x 2ff. 81to............2.50 Set of three (one of each size) 10.00 PRICE $10.00 SENT ANYWHERE, CARRIAGE PREPAID, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. Order Today. Money RBeck It Yoo Want It. M~EXICAN4 BLANtKET CO.. AG0VARCALIENPTERS.ME1XIco. 4i Matinee Mon. Glass Dishes Fr-e To La dies 'I SECOND SEMESTER Granger's School of Dancing Join now. Clssets for Ladtes attdlGenntlemen, Tuesduay and Thturstday eentngs to 8 ottlocktFor partcularnall at Academiyor poto26.41 t1 Ia i .... nI w; ,. ... , _ f . ' .. . ., " ., y . . .. .. .. .... ir r A NOVEL JUST ISSUED By THOMAS JAYHEWS Charming in its REALISM and its HOMLEV, HUMAN APPEAL Not only all interestinagstoof itAl O I 1 l to 1 (lIN I 4, bt th lrough ittrun> a strong untder-curtent of highly practical and useful caigettons, THE VERY THINGS EVERY COLLEGIATE NEEDS TO KNOW in coming in contract with the real world. Sttbjects imttportance to evety youngl tman and womnt are itere handled in a NEW and MAS'111RIY WAY. DIFFERENT FROM ANY BOOK EVER PUBLISHED THE CHARACTERS ARE NEW AND REFRESHINGLY ORGINAL THE AUTHOR PRESENTS MANY NEW THINGS IN A NEW WAY. READ IT AND BE ENTERTAINED STUDY IT AND BE PROFITED Iti s aLook ntlmttrcly t) he readl,lut to be ownled antd re-read for a lnmber of yearittttiil >111cl 00 it life is surely yours. / A HtS BETTER SELIA is the ftrstfl:to00101give a tritcatttlaccurate pictture of the world such as cotnfronts the gradtate, andt ftitont iitItoexeXtls 01to wite success. College life has heen criticiscd as bin~g a w)1)1ldi tt itself, itn which thte collegiaute learns little of thle real coi liatgcrrlzibLot ittt, tnd a Lock if knowledge of this larger world has oftentheeni a xeriott- it tticaip. You tare spending much lime and ttontc in acquiin tgkoled ige and trait- in~g to use in the world. Spendc a little ttcieaid i11011 y ittia ottthth at will give you a knowledge of tlhis worldl iseif attd limw o 0 ai a sucicss Ill it. No matter how mnany ways you have use for your mloney, $1.50 canttot hei splemtlo hetter aclvantaoge tlhan in the purchase of HIS BETTE;R SELTF. Sent Upon Receipt of Price, .15I), Postpaid. A. FAIR AND LIJIERATO OFFER: Order direct from thle Pubilishers, mnn tionl this paper, and if yott are not pleased and saified, returni ihe hook wittlil fiye dlays and your money will he refulnded. fl SA4b*id Publishing9 AK~ON, - = OHIO a° w aw N ____________________________________________________________________- > t ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES TAILOR 1II P, O Md r , " c.lKNG IN TAIL olRIf~