TI{H MEICIGAN DAILY F From Abroad E; we get many of our tatest novetties in / X~ the choicest fabrics. to models swe add to the freshest London andt Paris conceptions the smartest stytes tbat breathe the New Vorkisiness- that unmstakable 'air' of taitoring class and distinction. r-- rWthether yon're normal or a bit od = k 5 in buitd, the chsaracter and it of our s * ". garments with quicken your sense of clotthes-rightness. Atiitiuiaod isinter's faivored shades are delightfutty different, and becomi- ing, tooi, and our m10dest prices wiltlsnake you wondter VoW)lsdtis bithis fssue to took ini TODAY. 118 t iberaty Street - oc - J.KARL MALCOLM UIiVERSITY No [iCES ofte.\fl''scaf clits %vllteIslfillb-lf tnghti I ciiir I~iofi1(er fififf lproctice 'titusLit fool'l raciieslinisyouith 11(rivFel t4 o"shut. site, 2ugr. 10i2l i us 'uo lliilii (of cs-to rc,; t f a l 'ctlc. Tlppaihi hall llp ra lt 1ti i of ii fl laluss and (1ipal i lt '' it' f . of tilt. _lin n 11 h nlcln ers of iesOrafri calef eat ti< 11 fom Prof.l lo~i it or ir.IIo (,h l(,)int (Iisll i-24sililO f f iiiiiai iiieisi tie (Ico < and (il il l M., W.l dl'l s l t 1II) tiilI\t liuiti s if '11011 llstlhr ;l i) co lnltk-c sirtsilllis i gIduias I fee-. ll TIe'lfli ati j :30 P.i M.i atItiill ils I > liii slls l ls siili i Ju irLtfi hl i itoi Sut 11rr I ss id Vc1 II a 'cok I fis I i s of tt si'lvs i it illan wklb l iii )f 1tit, ti s lVsuini ais l ss I;acolpand \ 'csuktialli siind ;t c rt, t~s.rvat 15ls In tlls cio ofs I $2i ;c1t alo te t te:ii I iti.ki Ie nt 111:1.1 th ir a pliatin en elo es iiic New Whitney Theatre THURSDAY, OCT. 21 Matinee and might The niusical Treat of the Season The Kissing Girl, With AMELIA STONE and 70 others "Iliii'kiisssig ir"is Clhe' sssiecIal a Comany as tieirncwithuiwii'h i tou'eiiuati' lire St. Juist s isiuh oiiandlphtiis ., Chiceagou OD5 Mtliniday E551i'i. set lulThe'pousctioin iasee lan i na scali' ofpitorialiisa- nui~uiveince j iv'i-hiefire attempted'd inithii'West Asi-or shi'oldifind high faivor uwithplaygor Prices Night: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50; WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20 Matznee and Might HENRY E. DIXEY In the Idyllic Mid-West Comedy Jane's Dr. Cook has been invited to attend the Matinee Performance Matinee Prices: 25c to $1 Night Prices: 35c to $1.50 1 SEAT SALE MONDAY G~IAGERS SHOOL OF DANCING :zic4 Oct. 1athsand 154th -Classes fsr Ladies and Getleman -:say oadThursday evensings at 7s00 to 8:00 sarp sraiisasitat Academy or Phose 246 Office Hlours: I-5 asd 7-9 p. a. -1 1 mm kj of 'ood Clothes Every effort hlas been made by us to gain your patronae o store carries a more complete stock of clotingand furnishings. Kinox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. on 0Elin- & Fiegel 2022South Main Street. THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR. SUNDAY, OCT. 24 TWO LECTURES BY G. P. COLER 1. The Psychology of the Temptation of Jesus. 12 TO 5 P. Pt. 2. The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount. Tihese lectures are for studensts. Opportunity for questios wvill be afforded. The lecttures ate free, and sttudents are cor- dially insvitcct. More than three thousansd students have beets enrolled in Bible Chair classes sinsce the work was started fiftten c-ars ago. 11 Field Clab No. 1--2 in. Fieladalb No. 2--21a n Heeald Squaee No. 2--2lin Heeald Squae No. 3-2%, in. tic: Y', , ztu .ti s l aid in her tos slii atol 1elepathy ss . nay tinee Carriage and Baggage Fors eachIiuiouetio5andiirom is Ii itCii lebefoe tI~s'iieck$1.50, alie 12 o'loick $2.00. Foriach 1i'5sunk toorhuncidorth piiersill be 25 Costs. Ificeried-to or romisupstsatirs, tiiic serwll 50 Cents. Disries as-creuiredstoso lect gash far esarriiali'siiid biggage'sevice. 5W. 51. ST5AiRi Cha~e f bllMoni. and Thurs., Oct. 18-20 D krth Ben ton, Singing-Danceing Soubrette 3orrison; Fitzgerald, Relined Banjoists linPictures i SY kd j . ..th at k Never Leak $.100 and upward Wc. can sell you a Pen that will satisfy you perfectly. inDruggi'st s: 114SOVTH STATE ST. t Out wear others- If Mark them and see Ifyou care enough you can get good, strong, hand nmade collars at two for a quarter. Absolutely you cannot get Asct N. 2 n.better appearance, style, fit, set, construction, vs ear. But you must get Corliss-Coon collars or pay 25c each to get , as good. AsotN.2 S: i. TINKIER & COMPANY Byo-- n take pride in announcing that they have a complete stock oet Corliss-Coon collars. You will find that they represent real collar value in style, fit and wear. A large variety of styles in 1-4 as well as regular sixes. FunsesTINKER & Co.SteS. Funsesand Halters 32S tt t Enter your guess on the number of collars in our ........ Yachtieg -2 in.ti ek ouee g-2', in.window ti we.Varsity--2'e'in l1 ALWAYS ,4A 1ADIN MILWRTUE TAILOR TH- BEST OF EVERY TH-ING IN TAILORING