q. .. g' '.q , ira. l . nr. =-.kmr vccex._.ri- .. -r..r _s: e;:r::r...tiA'. -'., v.# di M A+fIMY6RgWFfaallfdM9 'M N °e11Y4R M' - - _ - - - T .:r :.!'vn:+ec:L4 .. :._ .'.M-_ _.. il:..::f- .:.FrV F..-,..:. .'-+w a'y.: 's. a.}. - .w:x _ ,,. ._w .. .,. ._. dEoRG hne YER LCd, i &Lane State tt Jist thi thing for hot weather - A-- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Cas't Leak AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned 1 On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Rottes :Ste 11:30 a. i.. i to 4:30 and 7 to S p. m. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE! FARME!RS AND MECH~ANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profis $100,00 General Bashing Rosiness. 3 percent pal on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Os posit Roxs to rent at OSe and upwards R.K. Otor aes. H. G. PRETTYMAN, Vice-Pree H. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier F. T. SnOWs. Ass Tlie Ann Arbor Savings Ban] Capitol Stockc $50000 Surplus $290,000 Resources $2,50),000 A Clesersi Banking Business Trasacted OeeICERS: Chas. E. Risechk, Fees.; W. I Rarrimnan, Vice Pins.: M. J. Fritz. Cashi, STATE SAVINGS BAND W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan los. H. Wade K. F. Mills John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carbort Henry W. Dougli Christian Matin Oane F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN AesOp, MICH. E. I. FONNE, HAttOItON SOCL] Fees. Vice-Pros. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Capital, $1i0,000. Surplus and Profits, $00,01 Carman- meicanSjiiylidank Cor'ierarla. and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. WunedCollege men 00 act us ugents during slimmer. Good money for righot men. Cull Bell 302-b, or address or cll on Geo. F. Brown, 6i9 E. Uni- versity. poll LOST. Lost-Saurday afterneoon, a sterling fountain peno. Finder will please re- tuorn it Is 326 Thomupsoil street. 125. MISCELLANEOUS ,Swaeaers cot over, or repuired ut "The Puluis Royul," 209 E. Liherty St. if YOUNG'S HATS. (Noine betier nmude.) Spring styles now reudy. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. The Store for Style. Muin St. if. "SENIOR LAWS." For sale, ut u barguin, one complete set of Michoigua Reports, fully ainno- tated, slightly used. Good as ness. George S. Clurk, Port Huroin, Hick. 99-134" J-Hop und ull Operatic Music fori Do sule at Schueberle & Soiis's Music House, id 110 S. Main Si. gitf. S. FRATERNITIES NOTICE t. We are headquparters for all liiids of - fraternity' stationery. \We have inl stock k stationery for a large iiiiiiber of frater- ities. If we havet it in stock see ean get it. We have dies of all fraterniities. ZEWADSKI AND LANE, I. f. 310 5. State St., 2n0d floor. - Collegiain Clothes for Cillege msei. K SpIring styles iiosv ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHIES SHOP. If. Haini Street. as CANOES! F Ior particilars cosncerning Indsiai Girl Canoes wsrite H. K. Kugel, 42pmlo lc.191; f oolt-Watermn ofosaisaii p enlaingi lwosgo lcflands 'owner 's namsieons ar- rel. Retoirn4 407 N. lsgallo. Geontlemenei-Have *sotu seenoIke liew' pusre silk hoose-weithlIiiisesnheels isi' loes-in four colors-for oinly 50 cesit lier pair .st PURI 'IELD'S SI11 STORE. No. uiMain St' Better isis' Carriage and Baggage For eachCoule tosansdifsomoparties before ilosl,$1.50. aife 00 olck $2.00.! For each Trunk to or som oss oooe,sloe price will be 23 Cente, tfsarsiedi to or from up-stairs. thse posce willb 50 Cents. Drivers aecrecquirtesi collectcas foerscarriaooe saool Osoge seesvice. WA LKRSTA 01VERYV ROBINSON 8& CO. w.v. STOARKl HLTEs) S LTV1FRY105 FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLD, WNE: 220 South Mule Sireet, Detroit United Lines On infocrsatison tosDlsi-onss erIr' tendent Allen. Ypiselainti , ofitih'eIDetsroi United Lines hbyofficers ofNV55 sist50r ganizations of ths' ooosossoeit, biso')555 the capaclity ofsi l s eir servsice,o any grouop of etl~lelnt so orissosos S 0 Arbor etra cars andextra service tLse nioup-buey rxestaurai Chinese Piney Dishes, Steaks ansd tsep)s. American Lubechesof allkhinds. Fver I thing- fist class for ladies and gentliemen Cleanest Kitchen in Ann Aebor. 314 S. STATE STREET Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Air. Newe Phone 457 Bell Phonse 457-1 AT TUTTLE & .CO. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confecionery We'~ soill sell you a 1'ypewrite r 6i-ht sosuo oi typewriter. or do your toysesritieg for you. .51c cii nansd Fraternity Stationery a On The Training Table Why is SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT on the training table of nearly every college and university in the United States? Because it supplies the greatest amount of mucle-building, strength-giving material with the least tax upon the digestive organs. You can't build the perfect human body out of books or sermons. Shredded Wheat is the favorite food of athletes and invalids. A food to study on, to work on, to play on. Always clean, always pure, always wholesome. will be promptly supplied. IJNIVILI.SI'l'Y MUIC A sle iontractsi so te thse ssngso "Il eoilslea ° NiM sic llotse' 55ot ilh booobs bossng'held histheb Ithe 'I_5 s is to tl 'ls i co soe dosooss sO 0 . irh7.O 0 s a Un'isiv i' t'005 .. ir s l l N pvteo Is' sis 0It is ilt fol fn ssocaint eallsisos Nlssi'5. l buyig 00 solvo f tei ,l 13 0 N~ec bob t (lAlteMeto}h Gle ha )ot h imeIG R ALS .Y iatl" I H HEDD HA O PN Can. Ma-fun. ad Li.berty Staan',.Os "' ' ' "- r Whecn tt omc to cothes I T bere is no repetition of stpleso erc-the vauticl istoo great the sele ALvariations leave nothig to he oeireP he eventh te nost capions critcism. 1Earlp selection romtutii01 w ns ipriueu btltoolents insues the pik of our exclusive tnesigns. W aoncr & CT. a44.llnportinfi Uilots 30330estatse t. 'AND THE l)OOR WAS SHUT MAY FESTIVAL .John you sell clothes too cheap. -rickts $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 March 15, i910 enough men were under contract to ARTISTS andle an increased factory output of MMO.PJANNNOOELL "WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Utensils K nthelp it Ms~ eof b hiro55essi5ossonnd Manat- Cas5l sspera Comospenies) 1ereas in i1909 enough ouleomen were not ecured untilMr.CineRd-Kly a . Therefore, M ade too good, not for my trade Mrs. Sibyl Sanimin-MaDermd Mbiss Margaret Keyes . NO MORE MEN WANTED T~St fo" the summer oh 90 except thoe who imay take the .Al.ways ahead in style. That's so. MENr. Daniel eddos p1 felmen already under contract. Mrf.res? Ys ecn tnd~i ney Eden(Berlin) This advertisment ho is continued in order to expreso rt fOdr.Ys ecnSad 1uS10 I.GUEP APNR the hope that if you deire to e a "WEAREVER" Sales-ssMetroltasos tslsec ompny) Sales-g Cesume o ome i today and feast your eyes. Mr. William Howland toan duringetheroummerhofspoon 1911 YOU WILL REME3MBER Only all-wool goes here at $1r.0. erberitaWiteraopoon to mke yur ecison arlyin he yar.Mle. Tina Lerner 1 q OGANIZATIONS toLoeyu'dcso al nteya.Iiberty St., 18 East Thle Cho ral uins 300 voies Thedeee'hetas Orchesenr(fpipeces ~Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. M ake Norfolks of class. AlbertStne FrdicSok PITTSBURG, PA. 'The New Life" - Wolf-Ferrari Q Eo ritSui- S .Own% 319, last fruron Street