TM I A nAIC_ -_- ' "-'-"- ' iiii -_" w -_ --aGarLRtiYtlY1t PP'Y l..'Yae ' pfflwq 127 Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Eclsie COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eaminaton G. I.Wild oupany TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLINTON Thie'sS LiPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BA RKER B. RAND 'C LI N TO.N" BUTTON EAISILY An SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2for 250~ W"BARKER Co MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stae Sret A. G.SPALaDING .& BROS. heSplding f are n the wrdargtmna Th Sp11U ac1 Trade-Marek of OFFICIALE QUIP- MBNT,loralatletc UVIO4 sport and patind. lr 1 I a If yu are interest- s' ed in Ahlei Sport t~ t' yosoulshoveea opy 4 lfdN 9 of the Spalin Ct- - atoue. It's a complete enylpedial of is knowen throughout WbtsNwISpr the world as a WhtsNwiSpr [Guavaateof anI is sent freesn re- Quaity. quest. A. G. SPALDIYG (M BROS. Cticado Detroit Base Ball Goods N~ow that the season is hero you will need a suppy of Lase all Goods mitts, 25c to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 golf Goods We ae thesoile agentis for Crawford McGregor Colf Clubs, Golf Bags~ Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY, Mounagsssg Editor Ci,,\sEcchCE . ELoRIDGL. Bsiines aa iosger CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address : MICIG~AN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynsard Strert. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. m5. BusinresiManager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Excrpt Sunday. Both photses. EDITORS. Nrws ................. Lrr A While Assistant.... ......... Harold Tittus Athlrtics..........XWilbur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kleinstdck Music and Dranta...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALiS. James K. Watkins Morrisont Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher Johun T. Kenny ASOCIATC DIORSi. Waltrr K. Towers Flurry Z. Folz Duils Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehlman W~ade Oliver Fred Lawton Harry G. Myser Frank Rowell Charles 1It. Mylander Morris Houser 1t. Mock Ryan A. J. Wohlgeomuthi Maurice .,. loulmc Frank Petiietll CFrasnk W. -Atortils BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowmsan Nortsan H Hill Walter Q. Wilguts Myer Robisn Kennteths Osborn Normsan XWitet idess that 010ltetesltiisaii sasisielttias beeconcssvertedl ito a coifeitls iaited evecnt, the miter-fraternity; freslitsiaxs slaice, it swoutd seem advisable to du's- continue the ore of the title "soph prom" iso sdesignsate a'sdanse rgiven by a few, frateirnities. Cress tissue inicbarge 5sf the si:-calledt scontthisyeair realizeid the miiisleadling character of the title, ishess istisas pretested hr The Michigan Daily hut as arcrangemnits hadelbeeni comps letedt, it wias tooelte to smake any chneinithesna.iisi H 'ere'after, hiss- sier, is ii sitipilthat the funictioins will lie givensiue r silegitimiate title an~d nit lie conifusedi swith any55class evenit. FI RE SLIGHTLY 0DXMAGES UNIVERSITY .STORE H-OUSE. i-irewas idisosveredishortly after sine i'clsick vesterdlay in the electrical store- roo io the iniisersity, situiatedl on, NisrthiUiisersity street, just aicrss fro theis ewiisCheicasisl buildinsg. The flmsweeconstisedstothIle attic saitthe stasisage wiill bts lightL KMUSIC AND DRAMA stile mosthier of Craiug Campbtelsll, thei woisi dlerfuil yiogeno si:r iniIHeniryXX Saiv- as smiaussive tproducntions of the Viesn- siese opteretta, "The Losve Cure,"sswhich isill lie at the 'Newr XX IitisesfTheatre, itda isev iensisigslrceb 2i, Iris'elestwtir thtussd ites fromssktchilessai, IB. F. tosCInississati la1stieek tolitnrisess thlirsit irifssionalengagement t if ter boy. sPir toslist XAigust,55yong5Camsp- sell, ihsess oiueswitlibe a'ieIlaI tion 1o iiei1 mssis eloiiersiiwis the tenosr ini the chirsiofiithe Ifamious ILittle Church XNriintiss he Cornier" iniNew VYork. Tomoss risiswisarkas the oin~isg of the reguihii lar sigseasssisstthIle Majestic thieater a'suinscidlently the cutlrethseatri- cit isorilidisill revivie fromis the lassitudse that alwasi prievastilsirinigthe Lenthons sirnsl ssseMilanaiier isissthur ssiaeef the unsuaillystongeIrisgramsefor the first thirdas iof this iseek sopiseningsith the iussuitlHMondaliinight lierfosrmiassces. Fiv ,ats-,ac inthe staricelaislsshae ieensarells- seleeteid fors'thse occsion andi thei~iii show ibe isie: ofiteivryi hest ofii theseaiison.l Harry Joslisn,thue opraic liesfeiesiomedians, fisrsierly fets e wtsi iithi Dleckstaiitr' s Minstrels, isill hei onisofItse big sattractionis sassd the MlusiselI ssslsssssswilltisake astronig idsiorIfsver.lTherest if the ill wsill Z iii linbexec t(s(]. Aninnovsiisation wsill bie iiroduesisdsI st 1155'slitstisee's this iweei. lvery- manis, iswosmsnssandiitchild islii attenssiswsill lie lpresentedlswitha smaisll isisosit]lroos snlst chocoilistssi aspiecial Fastriiriii lirsiie s'frosmssthe Alasjestis' imanageme'nts's . PR1 ,t_"NI' h9 0OFILL, P0 tLVt(AL SCIENE CHI. Acting president Harvey B. Hutchins has left for Nen York, Boston ai~tl ether eastern points in search of a mant to heroine professor of Political Science in the departmeit of lit, sciec and the arts. This vacanicy has existed slince Pro- lessor Fairlie left anidi February the hoard of regensts authorized a Professor of Political Scence to be appinfted but as yet iso one has defisitely heens selected for the position. The professorship will iniclude jurisdiction over several other subjects biesides those unuder the speci- fied head of Governmenst in the cata- logue. HARKEN Mister mais toss inhe of argusisnt that teases iso ssost-hosles-iso chaise for si get away. flint argumnts is essostaisiedtitn the mterchsandiocsewe sell. A test is bsest. HENRY & CO. Tailoirs, IHabeirdasshers assd Halters. Lots of people never worry about style, Just buy FOWNES GLOVES i and hit it right. Genitlemsens:-We have the best andi tmosst cossplete hine of oxfords, this stiritig, that ste have ever showns. If you iwaist the tiobbiecst, best fitting, long- est werinitg oxfords for the least money, sit sine it iii yourself to come in and slots themt over. Noutice pairticttlarly that swe listsecnot advisanced prices this seas- onoly $4.00 andst$5.00 tier paiir. PURFIELDUS, 124-54T. No. IipMaiStreet. EASTER GIFTS. Thei nrwest asid csoicest of tnovelties. Also, the tsciPennansts . tries right sit TPHEXPALIS ROYAL, t f. 20g E. Liberty Street. Hotel Whitney The heat place in the City to dine Service A Ea Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. t .yc,..±A. ecar., a'wwdf y u woule sl i nei o~ is I call on us fotryout Track Supplies We catty anything yous tiny need irons a pair of Chamois Pushers worth 25c Loss 16 Pound Shot worth $1.75, or a pair of Spike Shoes $5.00 WA H R'S I University Bookstore I C. [. OARIIILL BOOKS 4 SF'NIJ.XY, MXICIIf 21, 1910. Edfitoir 'fdav l1ssisis 1. Fossz. "Xc s'siissr : Sh155555 sis: Itsv UNIVERSITY CAXLENDAR. Matrchi3t-Frss C iou ccs sluice at Granigr's Xc,: 1is. XApril it Ia)'ssssir Veres'in iryscsits "Iotisisr Ilatsi," Ns\X'Whitnsey' lics- ire. AXprilt I-Prsif. Ai:.X. Ni:ccsetusres ini Ni's h.lsicriiiliit ssilsilisn A ti ''1 2 lA p05's Lci'55g555' tiaisist. AXpril 4-SustiliUtit ~ Ii innersst' i staff trill IbeIihfd sit r: 1 1 0Y it its: t ,1ll msembstmust 1be Iss:' D. A. KILLINS HARD WAREi STORE RE~ACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. PHONES Sell Phone 1610 Home 212 Blue r HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suit made this Spring. I bought a Clever Clothes Suit at Wad- hams & Co. last fall and am going back. It cured me of Tailor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadhams & Co. I Lawe Medical Dental Largest Stock ill Michigant Second-Hland Law Books Law avid Medical Dictioniaries Quiz Books etc. Complete line Nesw andSIec- Gond-'hantd. Old hooks takellill Exchtange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S FineWatch aod Jewelers IReparini HALLEJR'S J[WU.IERY STORE 216 Sou.tho MaiSt. Today Good pure materials, in clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E. CA I Druggist 121 WashIngtOO to RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers