T RkMick iciA I 1,AIt. This Space *Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl .. 1& Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 . Huron st. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed THE FARMEfRS AND ME[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Proits $100,00 S General Hanking Business. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Bones to rent at $1.00 and upwards R. Fester. Pres. if. H. PRETcTYMAN. Vice-Pres. H. A.WILteDSus Cashier F.T. STOWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $50000 Surplus $110000 Resources 02,500,000 A Genera-l Banking Bussiness Transacted rricoon: Chas. E. Hiscock, Prens.; W. D. Harriman. Vice Prens.: MI. 3. Feltz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jnon. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Sills John Haarer Jn. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmeeman FIRST NATIONAL BANIK OF' ANN ARBOn, MICH. Et. H. KINNE, HtARRISON SOULE Pees. Vice-Pees. S. W. OLARKSON, Cshier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits. $0,0000. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "U'NCL, TOM'SC>N WANTED. 'Uncle Tornis Cabi:n"ode is :,- cool cvisi on A: ror.cnddeparted in Waned-College men to act as agents peace. TI:erec were' several w:ildl and during summer. Good money for aried repo:rt ic cl cin': escerdI Icto right men. Cull Bell 302-L, or address th~e effectlthat the paer1:s: wou::ld belises or call on Geo. F. Browsn, 619 E. Uni- if they lproitec temeeiNvt ci e, versity. poll but :ntinig caneoftei unrc h Wanted-Student who has been success- thespians ca:mc and e:iithuta' ful selling as canvasser aiid who wants signs or inicae~tion tatthy in t employmnmt dulrin~gleisure time roll haor had Ieelnceno iecu :d. at 1017 Oakland betiween 6:30 and 0A rahe sma'll auienceii N\iasicprescinI 7:30 p. m. Referensces required. at the i-ic:nin crfrua pe weete 117-123, cura:inroee:and aI still scii lls: i on e::e ______________________________________:1itlescenided:. Thie gd'iws eal MISCELLANEOUS iled "ccitlh lhose cilooked i upinc ::ious: an:d appe~ardbeil I : iig soe .S'wees cut over, or repaired at "The cariety iof garldenitruck1.onitle :ir e,:os~i. Polais Royal,' 209 E. Liberty St. tf But iaic Ilop:es ihat1 the ii lih helead YOUNG'S HATS. b h re pii icemen:: that:: adIorled: the: (None better made.) rea al ftehos.Tw te Spring styles inow ready. ifficers in un: iform:cwer ctationed at i ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. i :different:irts fciic thatre As lite The Store for Style. Main St. intiiiir:of :meusIlii1ipailosl noone tf. c:canisay therel:iin: s lrl 1l ite auienewolo((]a f ce iht FORMAL EXPOSITION Or S PRING STYLES. SUITS, OVERCOATS AND L'EN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men's Clothes In reference to this importaint iccu:rance to mnen, young men and boys, swe wish to call your especial atteition to our display thin season, for several reasons. The aiiti.- niity in cho styles, choir exclusive- ness, and the fact that they ace in harminy nwith the very latent style information from the first sourcesc. Thait these are esosentas which woold receive every consideratlionis generally appreciated. These Spring styles in Suits, Overcoats, bi'aiy Vesti, Shirts and Furnishings, out rank in scope and exclusivenesisi:ta(if all formuer seasons. So we direct vsitons' attention: to lie individuality swe have thus imparted, not alone in Suit.' and Olicrcoats, hut in our stock of nen's. boy's and childrecnsfurnishings chown iull:hisoFormal Spring Exposi- tion. Jr eTtl- 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET "SENIOR LAWS." For sole, at a bargain, one complete sel of Michigan Reports, folly anno- taled, slightly used. Good as ness. George S. Clark, Port Huron, Mich. 99-134" J-Hop and all Operatic Music for sale at Schaeberle & Sons's Manic House, 11 5o . Main St. gitl. FRATERNITIES NOTICE WeVcire lieaduiarters lice all lkids of fraternity stationery. W0e have in stocke stationiiry for a large numllber of frater- lilies. If sic hovet it in stock wce can get it. W~e save dies of all fraternities., ZEWADOSKI AND LANE, tf. 310 5. State St., 2n1d floor. Collegiani Clothes for Cillege imens. SpinI:g styles nois ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. if. Main Street. CANOES!l Io ic alrticular s con~ccrninug I nuiano Girl Canoecsswrite 11. K. KuC~gel, 428 liamoilton Place. 11g-12;. C'a-hl ail filecail iff clolthing' andl chies. Seiid 111osti: toSchoen~feldl, 22oi 1". Wa shinlgtonl. 122-124-126. I.:l 00 :tcrmnl:1fouontainl pien lhavinig ts:: gildbandlis;ciiolie's namel on(11bair- rel. Returnli 1::407 N. Ingalls. D~uringc, 11the is'cti th g" 0 ii ap tihatll :inga ve iic lc : thI us uae l fo , ofi apiprova'l were heard:. Just siha~t wiill nieve: he nown fr, durng thein- termi ::igisso, aer 1 scne GEORGE YEE Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishes, Stealis aind t'lCps. American Lunches of all hinds. EcecV thing first class for ladies and gemlticwi Cleanest Kitchen in Ann Arbior. 314 S. STATE STIREET Rowe's Laundry I THOMAS ROWE, Prop. siaffe ni l the i fl na:l':: : 'ce il fell.326 . t . .A-e. Olutside theee::::d0 c-c:: i.llcimeltedl .111 .i appar1etly in noi .'i :15:1:1:: ii ic:1New Phnne 4Sf Bell Phone 457-1 eciilil i:cecli :1s 1 c: 1 1 d AT TUTTLE & CO. LouafnchRoom Youcanfin aIineline of Confectionery to'slfor.:cc in:::: i AT LOJVEL YOXI almanget Sweateis cut over ________Your fancy vest Your Fail suit dy 1)11Ni' 1:10 1,1 11Insignia, Nullier The ladiesc 'of the l,,1:i c~jLI curch IiNeckties and glc willhavean aste sal ofFanc 1t~rl'Student no odin, icil hu cc:Odde c e cl I i : u:IMichigan pillow: and 1u~kidi(lodsionSat: u:::l::11i ail: Notions, d'as. 1m10 26, till clay:and.::::lingi 1 huls ic11,111. We give satisfactiom. - - EVANSTON THE NEW T"- UTMME R. High enough for 'n- ls'enough for comfort and o-'of :-oor-u for thodtic to slide in. 15e.:. staifo ci. ":vci & Cc. Arrow Ceffetle. 332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS 1' into \V shape or Vests 01'r suiting-Hey cleaned yed (Ago'y Peters, Detroit) rats, 'co-cd on sweatero, etc. cc-~ cleaned s-Banners ci all other colleges ntle's, cimneys, soaps, towels Come alnd rse us (Ginl-Ame canlavngBaulk Corrneroia..l .rnsd Snuvirs Con'. Main mraed Ulbety Str-esa~ 122- 123- 124. 1 124 I '\'FIk1 I,()[J1 CO II -; jNegligee Shirts High Turn down Collar 5(T_.. attched to shirct * WAGNER & CO. And Just What You 1Hacc St H jSoft Collars WAGNER & CO. eon Waiting For DETROT UNTED LNES MAJESTIC MATINEE Today 2:30 Ashai Trou~pe TTalik of Tice Town i 13iĀ¢Easter show need wee'lk Carriage and Baggage 1For each Co:uplei to amid troll: parties beforec Ilociock $1.50, aftere12o'clocki $2.00. Foe each 'reunk: to o:r frome:d:or, thc price will he 25 Cents. It carried toi or tero: up-stairs, the price will be 50 Cents. Drives tee required to collect cash for carriage amid baggage service. WALKERI'S LI VERIY ROISON & CD. WV. It. SlA'111 HLDM ES10LIVERIY II' - - Help \~1 -ii Wanted You can make more money in sine-halt hour demonstrating the Ideal Scrap File than in waiting table all day. Here is an opportunity for some aenbitious student to make from $260 to $300 between now and the close of the school year. Send 25ic for samples. If you are not satisfied that they are a money maker i'turn them with- in a week in good condition, and your money wil11 be refunded. WRITE W. L. OSBORN 10 Hill Block Battle Creek, Mink- I f FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOL',p JWELE 220 South MuinSt ret i DETROIT UNITED LINES - i Between Detroit, Anna Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Bod'-I:50 a.cin. 15 1:50 p. n., I :50p. m. Limited Cars West Bound-9:24 0 a. t t. :" p. i., 5 :20 p. in..8:24 p. i. Local Care East Bound-' iolDetro:it, ::45a inandl everylhour to 10:45)1:.::.To Ysi: laniti,.52:45 a. i. amid hal houryte 11 :15 .n,- aloi2:15 a. to., 12:30 a. To. le,:: a. Ill. To: Salimne, change at Vpsilaniti. Local Care West Bound-5;45 a. in:., 7:1;) a, in., andievery two hours to11i:5 p. in:. i r New for Sprin We ar shoineg an extetisive line of Woolens for Sprieug. The assoirtent comprises everything that is new and nobby in designe, color aniidIduality. We cate say withont exaggeration omer stock this year is thee eiot hiatndsome we leave ever shown, and will readily applul o h eu most particnlar patron. W. E. DIETEMRLE Vaursity Tannin.-117 E. Libarty St. MAYI TFESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $.00 ARTISTS SOPRtlANOS: MMEO. JEANNE JOMELLI 1.'::it,:of the Me:troiplita and Manhat- tan'OperaCom:paniesf Mrs. Corinne Ridrr-Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl Sammis-MacDermid ChINTRATO: Miss Margaret Keyes TE NOR: Mr. Daniel Beddioe mARIdTONEOS: Mr. Sidney Biden (Berlin) 51(5. (IUSEPPI CAMPANARI (Miropol~uitaii:Opsera Company) Mr. William Hiowland BAS5: Mr. Herbert Witberspoon (Me tropolhitamn Dpera Company) PtIANIST:' Mlle. iTina Lerner ORGOANIZATIONS 'he Choral Union 300 voices) 'Theodnre Thence Orchentra(SO pieces) CONDUCT ORS Albert Stanley Frederick Stock PRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS .,ITue New Life" - Wolf-Ferrari "Scenes fro-m Odyssuns" . Bruch I'm . v .., _ . __ ----- i ________________ .1 Portrait Studio - 319 East H~uron Street