i f kiLy Spring arnd Summer s1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Eclusie COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H. Wild Comlpanly TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CUINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND "CLIN0TON"t BUTTON EASILY Ai SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255 WLIBARKER 02 MAKERS. Sold tn Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State Street A. G.SPALDING & BROS. are he largest mnu TheSplding factoerrsin theword Trsde-M~ark of OFFICIALE QUIP- MNT,orllathletic .M PyDIHDQ pors nd psime. 1 0p If yuare interecst- 8' ed in Ahtetic Sport - * you hould tove a cops IN Gt of the Spaldin Ca- 1NU aogeeIt's a completc encyclopedia o isrkown throughout Weiofwi pr the world as a WhtsNwiSpr Gaee.eaeeaiso of anti is ent free en c- Qu~aity. qust. A. CG. SPALDINO in .BROS. Chioeado Dteot Base Ball Goods Noew that the season is hrn you will need a suppy of Bse Bali Goods Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25c to $3.00 Golf Goods We are 1thwstole agents fee Crawford McGregor GolClubs, Col Bags Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor Ci. srtocC .ELRIGE. Business Managr CARL H. 0. AAM. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bdg., Maynard Street Office Bers: Managng Editor, 8-uI p. m. Business Manager, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Bth phones. EITOS. News ................. Lee A Whie Assistant ..............BHarold Tiuss Athletics........... Wilhur . Elliott Women ........... Frieda Klisiick Music an~d Drama.B..Hllis S. Baker Exchanges............ M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher Johnt T. Kenny ASOCIATE EDITORS. Waler K. Towers Harry Z. Fol Dion Birney . A. Hickey. Arthur B. Moeklman Wad Oliver Fred Lawtlon Harry G. Myser Franik Rowell Charles HI. Mylader Morris Houser Mi. Mack Ryans A. J. Wohgenmuth Murc T. Toltec Fratnk Peinnell Fratnk XW. Mulrhly BUSINESS STAFF C. A.,orvisan Nrtuab H ill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Ruit Kennthl Oskortn Nrman Wittet SATURDAY, 7lIANII 26, 1ioto. Editor Todov-Htnx S. EtoxtY. \leather; Fair iandicolde:r toigh. UNIVERSITY CALEFND)AR. Mavels2(G--Mivigii-Cornel t l cti at .larch 3-1revitlEngineers dani ati t Grtangers '-iiuctis. April i---Di:ivvtii-r etIilli pesetis Ire. Api 1---P lrof . Wiel'.. Ntiy(',..Lituri- ini NewuCheiryb iuiling. Atpril 2-NNt 11111 sLil aguelvbanquei t. LAWS MUST NI)T ATTEND Q11/ES (ItUOFF lll?,1 F )'v\N. tr snicilltlt itelaw 11 qilc iii have beenittedingetrltiersciosat tour. Aslii's rmis lisiti t aticti- pate1 the qtisoflill eil professor, andii gives Cvthm ian undueavatgi oe the rcstioi the classthrisaton feelinig lamtling ttithe auth imemitls r agaist it. This tpratvive. of atteding treviousv sevciiiniidoeisinotitit-%ailt iniall thei colicss utIis ottlcommliitolly r- viortedilto ini Conitraicts aiwl RealProp erti. At a recntlass sessi-vio, lProf. Jiltn Root sid, rgarinig i i thi mdeoles- c stil prepasratliio, "Iors omti ht 1have1 ititieditudnitstviviiig lavv setios as1a pirepratlioniifiii ttlitrillwnireciitatlioni at ai laterhr-ti. Nutw, youi peopili-isiy tilt bei at-an' iofit, hut thereCi iisafcutly rutlinig tatl 10i t udenvlilii tt iii, lv~ini1 int Itat vsubject. ITliiirefiire tlthitis ocvlvi 111ii lf irttitg yoiiiof liie-riei Th'eirtlu ig shuot atetnittone11but ntt li iticrilcin irviceitScars levy stiuienits verve assaivy thatt it existed. Prevetlvtcitions, however, drmntd its enfiircemienit anic the faculty imopose In dosotrikidllv . CORNI'Lt. PROM ISE{S V) TEST 1\ICIIlGAN'S BIt.t (Continued frow Page 1.) himself to bevt Flack wvho tas hero dtoig well over tt feet. 'Phi prospects of a close inert marked liy manty excitingconotests tave usade the attletic association nffice wvhere scats tire beitig sold a busy place. The big stantds are beitigpitt ini place son iht li 01 spectattirs cati he accoitoilated. Seaits itay be securedl at the office tn- day antu at the useet this eventitig. The ueter will cotmmntce at 8 o'clock sharp as the Coritell attltetisrust cateci the t iso'locki troit for the east. No ethussiast istakiig timitre lively interest inth ie nwirk of the track teamo thatni Getieral Heath. He comes to the gintiasititlifrequtentlto Iwsatch anid en- coutrage the men. fieI has offered a lizue-to live .llictigan mrati vwho scores the greatest numbioler of poinits intthie three fititl indoottr imieels tof which tn- tight's cointest is 1ke last The prize is to be a itlevwhiist ioardt Sevcrttl out of lossni lien have again: beeni vecuiredi toioffiitte as umost of the eventts wvill requiire unibiaseid and ex- tirriencedt jutiges to tick the winnter. 'iTe fltlows igvwill tifficittle :Referee, J. C. lodge, H. .A. C. ; skirter, J. A. Col- lists, H. A. C.; antnouticer, Jamites 'sat- kins; cterkaof coutrsr, Sidi Milatrd; as- sistatit clerks, Btoyntont, Kreis, Kntiskern; iraick judiges, C. L. Brewver, M. A. C., Holbrook, Lelatid Stantford, W. P. Wer- tier, Purdue; fueld jilges, W. C. Johnt- sitn, tD.A. C., U. A. Dresler, 0. A. C., IHethi; scorers, IHastinigs, Corniell, El- itt, Allerdtice, liritieati, Edmntds; timers, bMoakley, Cornell, Dr, May, Ei- idriidge, EBundschut. BtRIDGiE WHIIST COuMPETITORS TO) tE TREATED TO SUPPER. 'helirnattls of the Cinioti briidge tourtna- mt wil libeieltd text Monditeay tight, and11 siitlibetprecededi iv ta sttiter fur till iwhti aire takinigplit in the tourtnament. 'The suppeir is to: le at six i'clock aiti thir unioni proissitisisvery test. 'Tie Unustoiontangi-met tis veyen wsol ple-assed withi thueitessttta tis tell tatkensun Ike tturnamtiiI.'l'wenity-eighit tility interi-it atudtt-cloiseiness tif the ci litiv tis lke-tthliie ite tat a high vst11111 ] u,s vi sI iiiAi: 'i-UNInN. h ighly thint ttutee the seiitr eni- 11eer siuitper wich wants held it the Uno tu latsitnight. louts bMtcver actedt as toistmaiitstrr. Professors Itirdi,Elicit aiti Nsski idelive reid ttasts. Prtfessor k2it-l stiote ipion Thle 'Trioules if ati FnineitrrA6fter UGraduitiotiin," white Pro- fesvior Non ski gstvr'aitotiito i"The ients, m-'' (Kivsern, lossetitir andi laai-tutu1'i:ii ivresponded to tbasis. -nor ' __-" ° - -reriiiWi +idiYrru. .eueWrMSV 4 Rim* 7 Si L. A, OFFFES WILL BE NOMINATIED THIS MORNING. Nominations for offices of Ike Stu- dents' Leecture Association n-ill he made at a meetitig of students to ke keld ini roos A, Cniversity Hall, at zio'clocki this Inorning. During the iast few edays several cantdidates with their tickets have keeti privately doing a little wvork, antI these ittli e sprung this morning. Nomvinations wili be made for presidetnt, vice-presidet, reecording secretary, and for six truttseeships. The election of officers wilt occur niext Saturday, April NO 1XTUevoocSUNDAY AT Y. M. C. A. There wilt he inoliceture Sutiday niightl at the V. M. C. A. This is dite to the fact that the chvurchso have united for Easter services atid the association swishi- es to aid the movenvent as tmely as tins- sikle. ALBERT H-. WALKER WILL ADDRESS LAW SOCIETIES. Albvert IH. Walker of New York City,' who is dleliveritig a series of lectitres in Ike tiw sdepartmntt on patet law will dieliver att address before the Web- ster atid Jeffersoiint societies tontighit at 8 o'clsock its Wekster Halt. Mr. Walker is a getlematn of great per- sonaiity aodionor of wide experience ini the practice of the law. He wilt take as his subject some question of itnterest In the iaswyer. The student body and particularly alt taws are ittvited to attetnc. Gettemett:-XWe have the best atnd most complete linte of oxfords, this sprinig, tihat we have ever shownt. If yott watthIetnobbiest, best fitttng, lotng- est wearitng oxfords for the least monsey, yot owe it to yourself to come in and took thetm over. Notice particuiarly that we htasent advanced prices this seas- ont-onlty $4.00 atid $5.00 per pair. PURPIELD'S, 124-14T. No. Itq Mait Street. DON'T REAl) TIllS-Unless you is tlt t work ott ttgoioilsaiarystutritng suutmmervatitoni. If itnterested rail at Goib E. Wiliamis. iFronttrotos ; tti stairs. 124. EASTER GlUTS. The tnewsest tandi choicest of tiovelties. Also the best Pensnaits. Prices right at THE PALAIS ROYAL, If. 201) C. Libserty Street. Geistleitiest--blase ynotseeit the ties pitre silthoItse-with littetnheels andi toes-itt four cors-for otnly 5o cents tier pair at PURFIELD'S SHOE STORE,, No. j1g MatttSt? Belter ihave a looki. 124-141. I ., _.. If yost wold shuwz ts. euveinst. call on us for your Track Supplies We carry anything yout tmay need fro a pair' of Chamois Pushers worth 25c to a 16 Pound Shot worth $1.75, o a pir of Spike Shoes 'WORTOI $500 WAH RD'S University Bookstore LY NDO N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS' k Iey flling a speciaty ELbrtysSi. Ann Arbor Mchian Rn E. JOLLY'S 508 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes Largs ie b c i ty AgentstoeHB-H-B.Is ystudii tot to laue B-13-B PIPE [Today Good pure materials, in clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S9. State St. 'ufniverst' Dbusc I "u e PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. NexI dooto ;, tf Music. The New i-Hop s "IF WISHESW Also the New "I'm Going To GoT Whiech will he introduced by An invitation is extended to cl You Vii Have your hoard that o Theatori' 121 WashintenetL RNDA4iL & PACK, Phot )hers IPhoue 598