The Michi anDa ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRID \\ S1I SRi.If 2y,110.No. 123. VOL. XX. HIARD WORK FOR ___ COE HIT>OU;F B S BL MNins last nights ply a th Uionbrid tournametit with a score of 2886. The Coach Rickey Gives Men Hard iacers aditephienomenal score of Conditioning Practice--Expects 1358 firsthlisniglt's lt. Towers and Elitott te it secod sitaeesoils a total to Select Nine Saturday. sf 2778 Pay was tttsutsally heay - totstitmanse largeiacs eitg regis- Inttsall155oite SouthsFerry felci ters ii Spang1le tand Lttnsshtodlsecoiss diasmonditile asebalsctaud is maig place ithte nigts score wits 1192 tands the hest possible tse of tie earls'warss Towes an Eliot were thirt wits 950. weather. Btt twss weeks retstaiobefore Weeks td Byson5055ghgititg gatel, still tile teaissletsves ssnsits southesncri tp atsdlretatntiesthold 0oniteiottoisspeg a great eat of ptogress tmutst hbeisade The ssores: Wesles asd Stsssssoss if anitte iso to bt sitseloped sshisstiscano286; Towers an Rillsott278isRost equal list record of te 199 t team. To- sssd Nsrris, 260; Ligltssr tss Csssles, isorrow, issachs Rickey wll iessnte2544;Sanssge aisdiLssss2508 1yers tasksofosslsidssgsiesmtetialie his ~assdlTlorwsrs,2462; Ladsls'ft ansu developed itnto a wsetl baancd team Jshsos, 236; lecer assd Greer "8 whicis cass pastogeherAfter SaturOrser aistiStstpsass,5193;Mselssass da's tpactce a toam ssill be picitednidisi eigiarn, 1556; Lasher asssiI lssses This will ot ie te hssntlselectisonssasss1778 ; Weeks asd 5Brsos 13-. 150 mats swssoisssnit tais e at allstret toe Iis place. The coseisssill seett ~l tios hosohave shoswsnstie bsts forms ~ up HI B T to sie presest tisoeand swilsdril temissT ON M D ont iside asehal and teasssptay. Tisse l TIf~ srho are ot givest places ots the iss ine, will e givent amspe opportuntst to siow their aiity however aiss if they Tit-i a e~ eodNm develop msore rapidly thais te tiessat Tit-i ae~ eodNm first pickesd they will e advsassee tot ber, Added to Honor Rol of the the regulars. Thus a swelsdeeopesd Literary Department. sie setl he reacty'to tmeet te Oioss Northserts ttayers at Ada, Ohis,its tie Tit-i eir eeeetdys first gatte of te seasoi,swhicis will trastiPiBtaKpp.e eneuetis'- he placed twco seeks frots Saturday. eetdi oeo iestis ieas But few' cotess ave ieens ptllesielcas.dist10%tostilsio etreithe off betsveens the teamss of the squad sice eeto sfudi h atta wn use costchsmoseeci isisrypupils frssisithe the etisisisfstesi entie fumtethatrsessm- Pair grounss toPer fiels. Rickee ,ol hren e eevn h has heenstohbusy ccachingIiissensst ehoniisr. iitettsssrciii h thse floe pcintsouf the gamse ts 1ud tiie W'ilesitshe -laws sf he lcocacaiter for gatmes. Speed is one of his preseissof Phii Beta Kappst proite tat tir quests. He has ibeenstestinig tefletnss nme f ssnet eeece hl f Iiscanidicates to' sendinisg temroundsi nt eered ersostohi erelcadsssas the hases sitl tietimiers hlinslg te tellissts acredte oo watch iisthesis Somisc isemarkabe imei sc theisalatasioofeslhtonoisr fri. 5i't5siastsosthe tprospeccts f isnsitettslt iy tMichtiigits solens base's initilges t'sicomiletaeT eofhsnubrwe cbr f good. Tosimorross Ritkey will list tiiie siiiteseeisises i eisnd rsstofIisrstseiki 'sielset tte soietis; the tther iseil- ttrnceofhismen le hs bensi ssretillsdepndntiss. srgitig tist tanisdatets to trainiiarfulls le fotishisss i' is ' list of the suisessi asid noselit intnsisto siteselipstesithistlIcted: by senissng tile 'squadi fsssa lon lig sis ttiue isirsss Fanni Bernce iggs. 'hercclarsit amoit ndis onis-isio'thnt I'errs' I cgat Vsoostbslisisis~ei. fieistiss raidliyis being" slt ii'i ito sapeihe~iets Bi'ggs grass s ttuisihisisiswisisliest itt LlydBysn hines is bting.,rovscssitn'sthie "troutsit eltiltsCo rgit teetest andsirotlld iAsewsiess cestof ap- iiii eu ci'Lesitsi paratuis which ih'as rcentlyen tisbioightsiE'attcs isanis tClevelsets. ts the tftel5d sig sedstoligetlthe KSusitreMay Iez diamonisithehlst s sibi illlecniini (orgS aundter~iis I tIsiss. 'isois ass autitsombilt1lawnowetr aids Chries's ic'si'sFr assin rolle'r. Isiss f teCs elt massksii ait I s ait pis. in sdsisale r( iit. sweighs isstovr atoliss Ilsa HlI isa s.i Asnie 1Mtarcelalilts's. Yesterday a ftrnoosnsist5 ( 00 o'clin i H arry Gorontliles. University halit Mr M1 A1. 51omssi de- ii Aliccisi I oll. lisere'dt Iis iteic rass aer e-511111Keesar Itissis seittici' stissliewhossigt"hterecd to ie WinitirospsDavidi Ianei' huts at itlcliiir ticfiste lie Ilsitves for iDeans Isre 5Lckitg. Albiioni liis afteriooniiPisf Ioliitste r Mars Illists.Lnich. schssisilt itcompanyiss Mr Tomsis 'oiif tGlcuss Irscest IPalmier. tthe opiinsiontstMichiganiiills a gsosd DoirstheaI riii chancetouswillifirst 'tpace. Josepineisic' esank 'inis. 'Tse winnsesofliis cnt's si sst wil Ipr- einrichs iye. ocnt 1the Site ofiischsliganin te Iite 'tMry M'rg'rtsSnford. colegiait intsut 'ihscslistsreSite 2. The ' oliso Sha kfruts. schososs ireiresetedicii itiicontst iarelthe SMalaret ltebccaShely. l lives''sits f MichigaisiAlissns SiisA I ,slictiet elSct Sire. C., Oliet, Ifilsl antic.iSilN (Coinsuued un Page 2.) I 11 DEFENDS SENIOR CLASS Morrison Shiafroth Replies to HI. L. Rotzel's Communication. (ThsAs' itil rss'tii lli c 11i/i s p555 ii sit i 'f'r sel'RsticI sc i ll s seI'cslls It) sit':l sessisse cla's'se'sitae salreadvigivensshiri siltl i al s i to is hel1i 11ssissi ansit his'article could doisno goodI. Isis tinislN1 ts. hsappens to be iseimber's of thei 9 isiui are amiionsgthio'se iwhoiishsio ihaivl 'our classsemorial sswhere sic cusieeitiswill bse isftile greatcsiesseefttoi teStilier sity aissithe cii's's.5eaecitsatethss isffer of the Memorial buiildiingtisbus's rasit e desote 0osr ensergies o itt 'suhiti s wshichs sill blit re i nfit it to i teuii sersits'. Thste issisesriil itng'l Iisno forstudntis.Is t was list detisined for theis. Itit s nit suieilo hirii i lr- psos's. ItihIss reo teaisphr if as liltbre vtuan's clIts 'Ele Uion haisi Isiisisis' i ' 'fa te'sit( pleasssetf the osite titus tissandoflt'e uisiersity itself atlie-srit issndiwe li- ieee that use 'Alumnsii will recosgniz'e this whleni tskedi toicosntriute iss tse stein" clubshsio sand illesl itfatr smorse liklys to tin thtutuif lte tiistuet sutodslitsq its owsniusterest'sy' itself i'ingiis ; fessismte Untsin1tthe Mi eoial isuilsd- ili g. Youssit rish, MORRSO'S hiss is, so0 PROF. BATES TO T n IT In uvNTn' r Tl 1 Ilateri s ll tsh's to tonicderlthIs II h irst1place lie55e i a isse I a1 sssls importnt lke a lits'e Spate. its Iiss thts bcit- v Is I.iTssst g I be- s~t wlitwersit s It l~t lb r tlt' isshd, it tlot 15b si h exssteit.hus a t stillit rit is V ' tush ise ist 'sitirounds an tasi, suit' tiapae tat li'ssomehin to Lr IYHII APN isoe is not awmrems so it tha itis ot rolestalttthetelime? Severe Loss to University=-Re- Thstue is ltsissiis o rointhere1toii Ottarundsui signs to Enter Partnership with andtak;itheeis alaciti p euptcars: Prominent Detroit Attorneys. cuf poolsfcoosse andsievc/\i. Slaesesef siteests aIcaes hrc'a''us listsf uns Poesr er .Btso h a bordrgtaryan vtwrdo' s"'(teptetwxiii seser his connectol'ues list it sthe 1ig t sits sidot ho tsusanssstnil -i thw~h 1111sii s itu itshlteuiversity 51alteclsesof this ingat ll No srer ifth Unoncollege seasr litescullsienstethefrussofi uswits all theise trcio sfistoda ,.Robssons tush Gciigetprominensst Dititt su thus Mem ria s bu u li ng wal ispraslttil ttorses.'s The is rmssnamsit iwilthenislit no e fthise'ssanisI wits theli t ~lI is Roibtsssi hises & (G5thgec hh'sis''sss -st e sst1osl s's 1 sibonse is's sills FoP s~r omse tuiePurofeossor- Hatssu hs tests forss tudits 'ati fr a tMe shil sent cosstempsasin g thus movesat' t i bsuuiding tand art ugalleris hiveh sbeni suits-sit's rumores d c thlat hei a ntci smllers I .un1 'fslot li ta s i t'w s is to Sie. lust hiss11sis1deisi onan Mr.Rotcl on~~linstha ev ar ssIttdusafternososs. Ishrsusinsg' si'sy' usalspunus i'. Aisssop- iProfessor Bates cause hisMichuiganislit usruseissss f'oue wh Sat' 501 a l oppor- ts903, lis ng lug asrge prasctice us Chicsag'o. isusils'fsirerooms andstuut huse et allthits I Beshuts taught sales, swill std n sutief- us's surest slreestspal ctrsastct's te us generasslyecosiidereds 'heillStic'tig.'suis'Piious s t nd for155 at a's stiltof thsesmcos salsusblemsnsuitsissthes tnniie nivesit s's.r it. t i's uofI thes law facultt. studsesnts, ytss' el' suiets u andsus orlu tths tuh r Pk .Rosonsss andsuss I sosi t.'s It v ii s eLm nthatstarstes d lleorge c iet us i s te irst 'title of ths tutuntys firus, h o i eathus Dtro sit attornses. ma~tsi's ntislls,sthe tIIlil ibantiltsix thus 'Iheutnsilvesity Seads feel thur lo sl st ie t cs il andI sit uisuthills i suits thuus Ptrofessor Bati s k sity. is s'st sq scull useepssion sillart iting st's, tunztu ihiousghst hs beens guscutohishiss succsser. snug antssul sthi schemis 5 wh1i c uh ilsh sith stu'snt us s loer tlts 9151 EMuGisL I TNENLI55 19/ admkeahis nfe , 10- vtl 1IKS INSPIECiTIN TOUR. siters t s ill thil i sue'csts' hss''sudsesnt bodyi' bltit'svus illthess'pulsoust's 'andt'isis Unsu alssiniiterest us Scings" asitsufe'sted ofS theus i ls It reo n e Itht is lby thi se sshesmical eninuecer s tve thiru pres 'l ullses are i Iii u at bis hut utll s a pring-ttspwhsuch iswibi n U tcalise o511 cko1 aciltI to raw thus cst-s Apcut S. siAbottwhentyi slest xill 'studets stbodule u in s sugeatiit blse's to leave suitthat ciasic foer IBstile Creet, stse cltbhouse.lIt 1de'sires'aiplaceswhsere where uses'wout visit te I tstuiuCeretl thus IUin--thes Stuhutits Union-thus suitasits Irousthuser hey i l si o"u thi c ub of ise tntiuire sudh t lsos -can Kalsass z st ~o o o ttee thu r yans t Pape1 lul stf l s nt d I isst ul tuss iSst's e ushs.G In itna, ssthisnsit t litce talze ticoster ts'soiuessuIsitile siritof outlste sicdsuant hire thiseenginees thus sentir ts sude ods he sunitor susilhisser assopporunisty to se suite usf Itss s Issy i thei ilatmsunious x'otes' hlst estsct esirs plasut'ssitn issesrita tougiv'tuesusciuu'ltost cLtistno rthrFrmhute ret prty withl"us to Whuting than us e lii 'is uuusts lusilig shssws tsha t tnd sia Stoinuspect te Situsharscs i li thuts rco'sgnuis'ethe tter5futlitsisofufIurus- iso.' siterest's at ts hhat usace. Chicato siu a"t sill'' I u' ccii -ult eth froush the u's thus isst phacsitlo bt sr i oted tdshelust sitdilen stslst-e'sea hupathosfthur fiveidhis 'tos hu 1 1 rlactsd )fbin i ' u u iseut "sitsen tforthi etsp still us speinht. IPrust tius'sainst' SM mius lus t I tuusttug tusl teat- isW site if this engineer sitgs destiut t tug it as sa t r siva l m seii Ifeusof u u s ssuwil accmpanythis parset NEW COURSES FOR BIOLOGICAL CAMP Lake Douglass Station will Offer Chances for Original Work U... der Direction of Experts. 'flue Biolotgicali statiosn which the re- gcnutis s'tarted-ut the Borgardus camp in Cheboysusgasnicunst' wilt e contisued this year swtsit t snitcieae umber of in- 5cstuoss howell as several new courses. Prosf. Rciu'rd xwiii continue to act as direcutor sunt suprviethe camp. 'Theisru'sctionsits zoology will be underute i mmedisushae direction of Dr. Peaseowhoiill i nst ot only erve as as- siossntuestuorut also offer courses onu "'hut usatur'sl history of invertebrate aims"and"Zoology for teachers." Sic. NormaitusH Stexwar, who has spent less summuuiers as a guide and teacher in slur wooduts of Ontaro with offer a field eucor s is whchsthe hshes, amphibians, rcelilci, sis and mammals of the regions ssiltsr studied Miss Lucie ar- sonuitscll 'sti as womens advisor and assist lDrt Pearse usthe teachers' course. The stationss has ets particularly for- tunsae iuisocurinssg a very strong man his takle charsge of the instruction in botanhhy. flits s Ast Prof. Raymond J. Polosf use Universty of Nebraska, xkhso is dirtor of he Neraska State isoutanical Surveyand has conducted hieistsartis for several years in the testrier hndi mounuutans regions of the west. Heis assactness and enthusiastic letee,tush with offer courses in plant ecoloug,'tmycolsogy and the identification of sptematophts. Prof. Fred A. Losewo f Centrta College Indiana, will acttt astslsist s i otany Advaciedii courses are offered in both btanlssy tush zooog. These will be open 10 grstutesi studetst and others who hasseeqssusie preelimssnary training. Thur statison offers a fine opportunity t tomit nett studsyxwith outdoor life in ahesalthfusimaut teStudents taking the cuses stffeted at Douglas Lake may re- ceivecte saimsecrednit, eight hours, which canu he obtalissed y a summer's work at te Unsstiles its Ants Arbor. At the stme tisse they witlhave opportunity to carontueisudies without the dis- traciusehich go withs city life; for slur sustiont is situated in the midst of asoedhs coutry, several miles from civilization. Ahunidant opportunity is offieredifue fishiog, oating and swim- msing urtiig leisure ours. Through the generhosit of a friend of the university, twscshoilastships of fifty dollars each are saesilstble fusete summer. .These will ''"citred to students who have had censi'sdestable experience in biological SertarsuyN/ass of the summer school hias just issued a special uletin for the Biologcsal Station. Those iterested can sltatut copies of this announcement at teolis sitrsf the susmer school. Regis- istratincoses Junse i, ipso, for all cour- 'a's offerd at te station. Aiszs ie of one thousand dollars has bettnsofferetd through Professor C. F. Iosige of Clack University for the findtinug' of a scud pigeon nest. Aftier slur first cut hut the Harvard freshmanutusbasseballh squad, 48 men were University Hall s. L. a. rr.'IIS' 1 Gerald Stanley Lee 8 O'clock TON IGHT Editor, Author, Lecturer On S L. . TiketsSingle Admission 50c On S. L. A. Tickets