This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield St CO. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repeki-iejjag Specalty TilE FARMEIRS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS SCaiital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$OS,OOO Geaerat Banking Business. 3 percent paid un Time and Savings D~eposis. Safety tDe- ponit Boxes in rent at S..00 and upwards R. KnaPF, Fees. H. G. PRETYMAN, Vice-Pres. H. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier F. T. STOWn, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stuck 505,000 Surplus $290,000 Resources $2,0,000 A General Bannking Business Transacted Uresennoc Chas. E1. Hiscuck, Pres.; W. D. Barriman, Vice Pres.: M. 3. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DInRECTORS: W. 3. Bunth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mitts Juhn Haarer Juno. Kuch Penf. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martie Dan F. immerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN AnBOn, MICB. # F. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE FePes. Vice-Fees. S. W. CLARSON, Cushier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $60,0d0. (jenuan'Ameiican Saving43ank Cora'semen-cia.I an~d Sa~vinigs Con-. Maen ansd Libertr Strees THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MUSIC AND DRAMA F ORMAL I&XPOSi'AOON oF WANTED.97,MTL E Waned.-Collcgc men to act as agcnts 2 T \l > . during summer. Good moncy for Interest in te iccccclhajcic icshiso right mets Cull Bell 302-L,, or address ngtwl eteaotteget. Sa or cull on Geo. F. Brown, 61g E. Uni- Jlapancese Trou. cc lis cciccc cclto SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS versity. pollielc raic lccc cl ce a W'fanied-Student who has been success-necromnlcy evei presentedito cm A cocci- fl selling as canivasser and who wants CcnIpilic. This .is teci Irst sea~sn of emcploymtenct during leisure time cull the trueaa oeits nI nice laudc 1910 Styles Mets's Clothes at 1017 Oaiklanid betweenc6:30 nanid cith1ceci a ct ll ihed elements. cf 7:30 p. m. Referencces required. covelt. et fncti i, conjur- In reference ho this imortantl ocuraicce to mien, young men and 117-123. ig akcuc egrcc cc11c1,clcr pcr1 col thec boys, we wish to callyouar especicai attcnliiesto ousedisplay this season, ict iccclthe ccc ccc .iccccntsccccucecmucchc ffurseveral resuns. The acuthenccicity ccithe styoles, their exclusive- LOST. commentccvcccl ccl c ccdws c Japlie ap - il ness, and the fact that they ace icc barmocny ewitli the very latest style LesI-Watermac fontaini pein havinig pcred. (1icc-tv cosums 11d information from the feest sourcee. Thatl thiee'ace essentials ;which Iwogclclbaids eile'sicaic si birSpeialcagiti vcc add1to(I theffctccl would receive every considerationccis, - ceral ly cappreciated. These rel. Reliurni Is407 N. Inigalls. occlheicctccndccchIiccsd cci c cccl i: cll ihc Spring styles in Soits, Overcoats, l'c 'nc VetsSihirts and Furnishings, ttlc sk ccf ii e I ccccc iibct tatT of out rank in scope and exclusiven esccccc sIofciilIsorier seasons. 122-___________________23- _ fccccclicga124. 1ciccl icI Icl So we direct visitors' attenticistothicsndividucality cwe have thus Lost--A gold filled Walthani watec. Rcobertlcvsandcc cc ccc a ci Ig imparted, not alone in Suilts and II icccal., lent in our stuck of men's. F~ineder please return to A. A. Hoelliss, cuzed hceacdlicce 'act I ll fthiar boy's and children's furnishingsc slcecc e icctis Formal Spring Exposi- 545 Packard. Phoee1531-L. Suit- I1dlityltheatevc. Nedt, ec tMaetc tion. able reward. 122. willig t -xrapincadcl sic toc--ic MISCELLANEOUS Sfser 1m111 d ccclccc cly hIc Ii icclccl cclesecnti'<1i seciap wai n oo o S cautera cut over, or repaired at "The Palais Royal," t09 E. Liberty St. tff __According_____statisticcscricenccc Icc-ci ic-c YOUNG'S HATS. Pidled atd'le, mre han2;;perceniof211 SOUTH MAIN STREET (None better made.) tlicuen s icc registelvi i l to I-cIishei thircorss.T ecic cre ccihowithat Spring styles now ready.Iili IIHence Phone 221 Decenit place gusaeei ot ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. ilIhicasia dprtetT prcetGEORGE YEE I Zw dii& 14SaeSre St.cfthcecliccints do n(&tLaraduatateiSlreh The Store for Style. Main S.scieniclc Idepartent,)o p1cc cn1; ll Cines Cho Ja\ Resaurant W, Nill ill11yeoi a Typewriter, rent t. thelestr y deicilclil rcet; Chinean Fancy Dishies, lSteaikscandii(.'ho cciii _________ _Americ aLunchesof allihind. Fvecie T tpeiveter. or do your ic te initycc ccci Ic 'ctIc lcl yI cc I ;c llccthie thin i rctclass fos ladies in 'd t c citypewvriting for you. "SENIOR LAWS." mdcschlccc I e centCleanest Kitchen in Ann Acboe, Poe sale, at a bargalin, one complete31 S. TA E STR E h :t t set of Michigan Reports, fully anno- tated, slightly used. Good as new. Gesrge S. Clark, Psrt Huiroii, Mich. 99-134. OLD TOWN CANOES Scud postal fur c"Canoe"s catalegue Is H. WV. Scull, 702 S. Uiiiv. Phoice 63. tf. J-Hop and all Operatic Music f or sale at Schaeberle & Sons's Music House, ito S. Main St. gitf. FRATERNITIES NOTICE Wey lre headquarters lice alt kiinds of fraiterncity statinery. W~eleave ini stck statioini iery rialiege inumbiler of frciee- nilies. If we acet it ini stuck weycvan gil it. WIe base ties ill all fraterinities. Z'sI AISKI ANtD LANE, ti. 310 S. Slate St., 2nld floore. Collegiaii Cluthes fur Cillege cmei. Sprig styles iiow reacty. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. tf. Muli Street. chic.'1co l cL 4LL, I()1 i c c , iii UnieverIsCitycc elicc ccc il there tlct 1111 ccc I SlielStagsysteincc1111 e pc ac-i cclut il f c ciQ 11,cc cin doorivpractcice. 11 i M I Ills 7"( ccl cc t «ill ccis cif cccii Rowe's Lau ndro THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phone t57 Sell Phone 4;;-l Alichig"an ciud Fr aternity Stationery a secialty. he ea i aredl\ till I u pla or (e yongyiladyin eaiccom ity in ccthe ccliIc ci iintrfrexvthotercliilccici 1 S;Mat na e cfinstcitioniccc cccccc ih ito atend. dress c 1.Iioili l O lwi iml",i shocis. Scnd pocctal ito, i c -il ii lii, 2211 I". 55 cccicccglcc1.. 1212 024120. GoodcciHardciatictheli]. o ccclcc, 5ll) E, "' illicici. 112q)11 cc-c did lI.. 1c"l125. AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a tine line of Confectionery AT LOVELL' 332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS Yo's cart s Sweaters eel over into V escaice or Vests Vitae fancy veil r uceitling.-Dr y cleaned Your tFall cult dyed (Asolv l 1c tors, Detroit) Insignia, Numcieals, seedonmseweaters, etc. Neckties and glovee-cleanedci Student is undino Mlichigan pillicws-Banntlerscuf all other colleges Notione, -iasimantlces, chimuneys, suaps, towels We give satisfaction, C6omxe and see us 4 TFWOEDJ that have the call now- 881 Bltucher Lace Tan Shoe-$5.00 2672 Russian Tan Button Shoe-$4.00 We 11C-ci ha elithcs iid sizes-eb ustithey asecll- ill. eccicily lis.ts ccl thece numbeessntut et)l WAGNER & CO.tate Stiii cllcSI _. ---- \ FIFTY-SIXTH SEASON SIHDNIS' [[CTUR[ ASSOCIATION PRIESENTS The Premier Lecture Couzrse of Amnerice. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHIACKLETON Who has reahed farthest South GERALD STANLEY LEE Eiminant Elditor, Essayist, and Lecturer FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLD, OLEG 220 Sonth Main Street. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and 1Jackson Limited Cars East,1' 4:50 p. in., 7:50p. in. Ltmiied Cars West Boned-9:24 a. ill.,n, :2l.i.,824p.m Loeal Cars East Bounid SZcDetroit, 5:45 i., asciieveryliosutd10d5 15in.Tolusli l]ilti, aid5 a. si. aniiihalf hiusriltllci:5ip.dl:. also t1:15 a. is., 12:30 a. is. 1" 5s a. iniTo Salince, cange a1Ypsilanti. Locan Cars Weantliound-i;diia. in., 5:15.a in., and every twouhourst11:5p. id. r L AYFESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 ARTISTS SO)PRANO5S: MME-. JEANNE JOMELLI (Li~tt the i lle icicopiililadin Manhactilu- dcli lOperaI Comdpandies) Mrs. Corinne Rider=Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl Samiis-MacDermid COINTRALTO:(I Miss Margaret Keyes EkNOR:c Mr. Daniel Beddoe BAtRI TONES: Mr. Sidney iden (Berlin) S1(G. (IU SEPPI CAMBPANARI Sli ro ciicclt l O e altsmpuny) Mr. William Howland B1ASS: Mr. Herbert Witiherspoon (McerocciolinOpera Company) IiANIST:c Mile. lina Lerner ORIGANIZATIONS The Clhnral Unin 1300 voices) Thsendore Thosen Ornhentralso pieces) CONDSUCTORS Albsert Stanley Frederick Stack PRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS 'Cure New Life" WolftFerrari "Scne roensOdysseus" -Bruch New for Spring We ace shownig 11n extcensive line of Woolens for Sprintg. The assortmienit cotmprises everylting that is new and nobby itt desigit, color antd quality. We can say without exaggeration one stock this year is the miost hansdsonme we have ever showit, Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on 551nZ$ 1 50 W. E. IETERLE 117 IL. Liban-ty St. Varsiaty 'Tailor 1 Ill_____9___ ___ ___ Portrait Studio- S -;73'1 Last Huron street