THE MICHIGAN DAILY i THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. S pring xOand SMummi~er Managinsior ____________________________Busintess Manager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Our Spring Specials DESINS-Orginal and Exciusie COLORINGS-The Newest F ABRICS-Depend able RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonos -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready fo Your Eamination G. g. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE B-ARKE R B RAND BUTTON EASILY AND SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 155 2 for 255~ WMBARKER 02 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Sret A. U.SPALDING & BROS. The Splding are he largest mann- Inc~ Spadn actrersn thewol Trad.-Mark of OFICIALE QUIP- MNT,lrallatletic 1,,.ISQ sports and pastimes. o If yo re interet- ~' ed is Athletic Sport {S you hold heiscop d0lN Uy of the SplinI Cat- alope. Its aomplete enyclpedilo isokowo thro0ughot o the world as a wats New in Sport Guarnrte of and is ent free on re- 0"ality. qstl. A. G. SPALDING ea 13ROS. chicago Dtroi Base Ball Goods now that the season is here you will need a supply Of Base Ball Goods Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25C to $3.00 Golf Goods te1lIe5110agents fore Crawford McGregor ColClubs, ol Bags Balls and Supplies ISheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Eress Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Mauaging Editor, S-11 p. m. Busisess Manager, i-a, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phsoines. EDlITORS. News .......Lee A White Assistaut. . . Harold Titus Athletics .....Wilbur D. Elliott Women .....Erieda Klelusidek Music and Drauta...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges .....H. B. McHugh EDITORIIALS. James K. Watkins MorrisontShtafroth Charles Good G. 5. Lasher' Johns 'I. Kessny ASSOCIATE TORScus. Walter K. Tuners Dioe Bireye Arthur B. Moelstssss Harry Z. Eels D). A. Hinckley Wasde Oliver Fred Lawtn-lts Harry G. Ms-ser EranskRussell Chsarles 1-1. My lassder Marris Heuser \It. Macin Ryats Frassk fennl I kWlll nlsl. isrisis BUSINESS STAFF C. A. "osvissun Norssans IHIHill Walter Q. Wilgsss Myer Rubin Kensseth Osborsn NorssassWittet Ti-IL I-tl ks, l\RCI1J .I. 1o1 .Editos fosfsss 5 11: II J. 1 ill1,,lsl11 I 55 s-sther ': Firs 'l'sssr 11 andsscon-11 Its'std5 aIIiCe UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. asrchs24-ILittiasssRsssel It is''he iirst Nigist" It Newns \\ts I. Marchsr>ts>-GeraldtStassley to, eS.I,. A. LectureC. Universiy 11,111 Marsshis 6-Millhisa-AlCC- It .51M-I-s as Aisril s-I~laShol -s' ICilI prsesi I)..ttr Ktusss, NI-Is 51 its C Thea- Aisrilt s Irif. ,C.... A. Novs - oLectres Ili NessLICeiisi ustruilin.. XAilsil 4--811111 lis Starie IDro11111r Il tIliUivestl Hll sseeey a-e ill Lhesisag-reebleIuttg lareofthebI o} tigthts. there is aso tltly1111 1excuse -fssr ttsia11111oyan5ce and thto~se ill rg shldt seeItht It IS i 11 010t ehetdaan bu Sltho1ehostIIiIthe the Clowr flor ' woustl t be tot. tl 110551'th robe.1111 o tlecture toIIaigCCeatCI dtegre. Anothers~ sttggI stliivll. II m1ighwl b1 adoptge11111'by thel 1511'lllt I ls o te grasl, no:t 11mu1 ch ." 5rtsan a pII itl cIardI 'l111l11115wo ul 't r etll-' i rely 5 1-tsi fictllo lltl~s 1111 Islt5 111 1115with1th: ife t el' ll ls I 1 (f111 0 15 ln t II i..- Il Th 1atono1t11 1('1o: he5ll lit cllai n All 1111 lrlnl t he i r s. o t he~ I igii, but itinssade for a 11111Ccfriessdly feelissg setwseess the msess and thse womsens. 'Tie contsemps~t for co-edsucation its wich 1s1o011e stusdents salle pride in snains taininIg is as senseless as is is -unjust and hollders IIf is should bse remnsded thsat the~re are other issstitutlios wshere the conitiosil m sighstIbe usore In their likissg. Co:-edsusatioss at M61ichigass is a fact assd thecre is esvery reasossnlshyItse best of feelin~g 11111co-olperations ssouslsdexist b~etweess the 15511sexes Isere. Thse sas- cine diision11of Ithe junsior lit class hsas takess as decisisve step iss this sdirectioss '1111 thse co~rdil spirit swithswhsicl hI'hir elfort hse eenlreceisvI'l 1155thselpart If thse girls cannost tbtlmal~ke for Ia helter class spirit asssl therefore a setter ussi- v'ersity spirit. Thse tisse hsncomssewseni melmber~osip ill the samse suniversity shou511 ldlean som.ssethsingfill the way If afrastersnatl1511111asssdsw'hens shatltimse wil Ce siel ssislss IIA~iB ittNNI;N ICOMING.55~ttC T111' many5 ls-erssof lhansd-bsallisntsis unliv'ersity' witltbe gladlit1.1hear thatlttheir rcIenst clamorsorIII aItousrnsamnt hals been1 grante ld. Thse tousrnsamenstn-ill be held1afters'prIinge svac'ation1 bttalt ess- trieoIisl lust ein belforeCCthat timse. Reesse UItz1a11iCk il-s' do112ihe chooIIsisng of iilnCers and111is 111111selectissg tse prizes for5s. the istsec11114a11(1thsissd plalels n ill( .tiitll's 11111 sisnglgs. Thse list, whlichs hsas atI 11Cesentllaboult twety Isesstries, is Imlstedlb1. 1111'cousrts liltlshe gyssnsasisus. EorneCx1t' Ur"idlayafternio0111t1111Pres- 01115 h1a1 succeededl isn otaininlg Dr. \lt.i o I sako.vics of Nen' York. Dr. Iakoic s is thse headl of thse Synleulr Scies. i lie I,abt~I iS 111 Moslicetlo, N. Y., and1is tousgly versed in the stub- jel o.florgansioclshessistry. The lectusre an demnstrals5Ition hesre, wsill he ots "Syt1 ti Per1I U fussses 1and1lavIXors," antI will5111e1iClaItothe .osse recenstlylde- 1l1111ed It 5.CtluiaIUssisversity. The meeting w Isill Ibe held in oii t111 o 111f thel newcemica l~IllSs abolrato~ry and11 will be open to1. 1511111 interestedI insthe former1PCesident 11i111 I f IHaurvard speak a1s Isollo1ws conceni'n511g Itse Inoli- ''s Itsesemssto11IeI perfectly 1obviouss gen 111111'nIland tempsler of political It- tilon, stle Ceaislol bein~g that a prlongl5ed a rssle, incseucs thse Cc- cip11112111 Sseoflh111111r, senlse(If psiblic dusty and d esire to. bet-sersviceable." EASTER ESALE. Ans Iaster 111 sal ill be 111e11 115-thse 1aIsof St. Ansdrewns Chssrchs, Satur- day., Marchs 26, in IHIXItiEII LL. 1111 11:1 If teCr1inI. in. Lussschsserved t- and1 1novel'ties swilt be ssold. Thse Utility 1t11.10a featureC. -22-123-I24. TRACK MEN WILL HAfVE HARD BATTLE. (Continued irem Page i-) nnll sprinter, holds the indoor record at the Ithaca gymnlasium for thse 40- yard dash. He negotiated that distance last Saturday iln :04 2-5 atsd frons that- it is evidenstsisal Reek and Homner will have to hurry to be first across the tape. Digit is equalls good osver thse- tail sticks but it seenss unlikely that he will he ailie to wist frots Craig ill thsat evenst. Michsigat shsiould, with Reck, wits the 440-yard dash. If Leger is alsosaisle to cotmpete it seesms almost a certansty that tse Wolverinses will be victors iss thsat eet.L As a whole Michsigats ap- pears to save the minre evenily balassced teatm bsst till Ithacassttay spring a big surpirise antd take sotue of the evets whc hsetIave beett cotsceded to Michsigans. Thse seats for thse track smeet wett rapidly intshie first days sale es-eni thsistghs nole bttmetnbers of the oAtIs- letic AXssociations were allowed tol pur- chsase tickets. Today' the seats wilt be pust o11 sale tso the gesseral ptiblic ansd is is thou~sghit tha~t thte best weitli e gonse 115 tom55.Cors' ighst. SCunOiiMsAScIS 121.B0TO0MtET. Begissnisig'leat Wednlesda~y and con-51 tinisng for three slays, the State Sellsooltsasters' cl11u1 will bse its cotifer- esice its this city.- It ill consist of sechsolmasters frios Michsigan, Ohio, IditaaIllissois atns Wisconssits, who~ get together fosr thse psirposse if stusdyinsg the variossmethsods atid catmpaigni syn- teums. Conferncs are to lbe held 511 the vaious5I1 buildings on tile casmpsilsi the tifferetit sutbjects. .A11 stusdetnts canatsI- tensd these cotiferetnces by getting tick- ets free of charge in the Alumsni roomis. Mr. IL. Jocelyn, who is secretary and treasurer iof the associatiots, is in charge. IMPORTANT NOTICE. All stiidetst organizations mutst cots- sult the Contititee on Non-Athsletic Organinatiotss at 11e office of thse Coil- wsiee isnUniv-ersity Halt before ar- rangisig da~tes for pubslic entertaintuents of anty kitsd. The Cotmtittee is keepisig a ealesndar stll records of all dates decidedIuponi1atid obvsiously thios 'wttl1be ats Iattage to all coticernsest Organi zatisons failin~g to comsply tmay se Ce- quired to chantge dates or to give up altogethser thse etntertaitntmetnts which has-n been plasised. fly actin of the Comssmittee. (Sigtned) i t20-12t- 122. ALFRED H . LLOYDv, Chairmiaj TRACK If yo wsould sls'ss in z l5 (ufn c-ill on us tot yous Track Supplies We eat-ry anything 5sosusmay need fromns a ir ofniChamois Pushers worth 25c to 5116 Pound Shot worth $1.75. orIa ir ICof Spike Shoes W5ORTHb $45.00 gyn. CANO)ES!I For plarticulars conceernsing Isidiass Girl Catnoes write H. K. Kusgel, 428 Halusitotn Place. 119-127. WAHlR'S University Bookstore LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. I Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Gouis, iFishig'Cant-lr oidlA til, iitiilt Isey 15fiu- lip;a seiasty E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Michigan R. E. JOLLY'S 308 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. 5,151 5snt line. istlithe1Ci50 Agentts tor B-11.5. vsryslndrnt nsslit tol hasve a BrB B P IPIE Today tnivcrsi 3fNusic 'iHOtkSe PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Net dasseto University School of Masie. The New i-Hop Numbers "IF WISHES WERE HORSES " Anl in' " THE LAST WALTZ" 1 the New Song To Go To Ypsilanti " ~h of b ntenduned by the tGltee Club. t exended to call and hear them. r:zea-d that ualaier at the I Good pure materials, in clean glasses, mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. eatorium 121 Wasilmgteuto RANDALL & Pz Photgraphers P'hone 598