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March 23, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-23

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The Mkichig n Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI Ilk P91):UtMA\RCH 24, .1910. No. 122.


Customs and Institutions of the
Mikado's Land Set Forth.
Baron Danok Kikuchi's talk last
night, given uder tle ausicles of Sigma
Xi, proed to be higly interesting to
a good sized crowd. Baroo Kikuchi is
in America on a msore (or less diplomatic
missionl adc the purpose of his visit is
to further cemsent the bods of fried-
ship 1now exising etween tis con~try
and Japan.
He believes that a growing koosledge
of earls ltter will insure a cotiuancee
of the friendly relatioss betseesJplan
and the United Staes slnd that aIll1un-
lerstalcllg (f each oher's problem~ssill
so) cem~ent our friendship that it will be
imp~regable to tle attacks of ellum
"The present state of Japaese civili-
zations has not all eels accomsplishedt in
the last fifty years, but1 is de to cetu-
ries of developmet," declaredcthte tBar-
(n. "Il is reellarlalle to nocte tat te
essential caracteristics of thle Inatiol
ave srvied illsite of the great sulit-
cal slnd idustrial chage. "'Tlse lpa-
nee spirit,' whichs consbines a lovc(f
counltry wills a del) reverence for the
imp~erial hose, remsais as true a1s ever.
Ill a cursory way Bronl Kikuhi trac-
ec the history of is people to thle open-
ing of Japans by Comno(ore Perry.
Febo te year fin . C. the Japanese
popse have recogie (and~ revecec an
unbslrokenl lie of kgs, aI record dm-
paralleledI by ay oter(natoll.Briey
Ie told of the rule (f te Sosugns ad
the Japanese feudal syteml. 'Ts a cer-
tailn group lof retainers, dopportnIiy to,
slldy the Cinese classics ad listrc-
tionl illthe mlilitary arts were gien.
"tIwas 111)1till 8that 1111te last
Shogunl resignedl his position and the
(ew era (f Jaan ega. \it te
passing of the Shogun the cr fortsc
( exclusion ofIte bIsbrian 111(lid 1out.
Five arilces werec publiIsed by tsc
youn~lg emlprr wh1ichl haecosisly(l
guided hs plilc to th prese.n1 time1.
The first sas a provision forl 111111rI
ive assemis. c Thsc secodllrequir11ec
that all classes shall uniteicarying11
oul thelse(as of th new 1rgime.l Th
third cmpel~lld all ci i 1(11mislitar
o(fficers toI deal1jcstl 1and1 equtalyins1
the acmiisratno f their duties.
Fourth, cuncivilizedcu csoms of forber
timles swere tole boken through. The
fifth andllm1o11t1striking m~adlate mwls
that they sould search the world for
"Ill l&81te demplerrissed Ia poc-
lasaton, calling a1 naltinIal assemslly r
(iet t (seet ill 89. Meanwh'lile cul-
missio1ner were s~Isent t tleuole (1111
Amlerica It)oostudy leir cnIstiutinls iand~
loliical sysem~s. Now clonstitionllll
governm~sent is firsly 'estlised in11 Jats
an after teny years of prcticaIt111er
T'he Japaese eulcationIal syst 5m s
described in deail by te Baron "For
eig teachers ere ecgagd iinauguralft-II
ing the natioall eu~catin~al 51y1115m1111
as usuacl Jcapanese scolars wr. 1(11
abroladl toIslldy Ceasteneduca1(1ti11111al
''The rsult is aI cmpul((lsor(imary
edcatlclionI (f sin ccars 11(11saistc-
shom thai 97 perct of thec school pop-t
ulatlionII merc actllly enrlled((iIn tn
year lQo7. At telage(f tmcllee 1 Japa-
school fo le 11yevars After three yars
(f furthI slldy iI a11cpepraoy scool
he is realy t tec'age (fIventy for tsc
univecrstyIThcrc re twmpial unl i-m
versities those(f oo 11and Kyoto
with twol others Inearig cmpslelltion.IIh
Uiersity of IToko 11s ix 5Wdeartment
whileIat (f 1K1((111 Ils Inly four 5seepaI
rate faculies.
"fT'e((elld(f euclatiol for irsis
beingrecoIgnized m(ore 111n1 smore. Al-

realdy in the primsary schsools the cattendl-
an~ce dof girls equa~cls that11of tile boys.
Almost 2'aohighl scholols care ((In wopen

to the irls for igher education"
Baronl Kikuchi popesied that aother
'isportant crisis is approaching il Japal
mhichs ((olves the possile breaing1
dIown of their presetl social systeml.
Baron Kikuchi is the presidet of thsc
University of Kyoto an~d is ill tis cop-
try ill a more or less diplomsatic caacty.1
lHe speascsvery well-chosenl Englishs and~
inl a pleasng mann11er.
Cornell Shows Up Strong in Dis-
tance Runs--Michigan Appears
the Stronger in Fieid Events.
That ]Michigans will meet strong op-
Iposiinin Saurcdays track cn~test wihI
Conl andcItlat the \olrnscsarc1in
clangcr of lsig Ito e Ithacans is e1i1
dent fro((51thsc Ilaks ltscCorell Ielm
(syade 1in ts vas ity melet last Saturda.
Mtichisganis 15h cstron~gest in te field
events andllCorell scem1(ohav t1
acvantagc in the istnce 'runs ma~kig
it ill)e((r1 lbat te svillryinIthlcm((cc
willt go to thteamIc hichn (d sows strng-,
est in the dalses.
'The mIile ru il Saura's mset ill
prob~ablsy be theibig featire lf th(e cn-
test betwe-en the easter sand westerl
schdools. Cornell las tmwo istceucenc
mho swill makl~e Ccptan Ma cot Michi-
gallcxcert Iimslf to t I tottown
Therc is a probablitny ht tse1111(111
whlether 1hcwear tsceascrn "C o thc
wsernl"M,"XwiIIbreak thc milelcrcoclr
set by "Spicr" Coein(1190, a ((1ar
T'escte~rn ilers who look spcally
dang(erou15 lee Tlor whos holds11(1
intercollegate recrdlin(te two-mil'111
anol I)efioyleIcor an l th1Ile((le1in 427
last Satu~rcday at thc Crnell vas(ill
(((ccl Captain11 idy cn11in(alt 1rb-l
ability go eler than 4:27 ie ( is l ush It
as h inscheds the mslc racc last Sturay1
was (in good ctcodillton(1aftcr thc rcc.
The scIolard ruCl( 11~lgo oCorll
the 6 1-2 lats racc, 84 yarst lthc
Ithsaca mlet Saturdayi 1 71 I-5 , tiec
mhichlso MihilganIICrunne~r inIe md
de distan1ccIXvcntIlls 11ccnIableictId 0111.1
IthiSsar 11al1 will lbe telc ve1 rie'c
fl if ann ohsr Mliciganl runnr cal
gol bectteI thallie as bencdin(11g
Cornll as 11(1 manllillthe f911(1vecs l
mwho mill ble ablcIto Iak those dlece111
from tiletWoIler'inles hlbst mn
m who ill cmpsIete ill te so~tlt fo
Corneltlas a recordl (f only 39 fet 5
icles. InI theIole valt te recdrlo(f
Flackc is i feet 3 incles ad IFrencv
sholdhave 11o difficlty in taking thils
eent. IHaler anldi IHorer (15ay hav1e
somellCdiffcusty us tie hill jump Goun-
lockc having goneIC5 fet 10 I-2 ichsin
that event.
I Thse tmo(lases a11nd tc 1the cdls ill
tlbrin~g forths keen cmpsletion 1(and it is
1thoulgt thact 1final victory forleictecr
teamliwill depiendll~argly on(thelsucsll
(Iof these eents. iBlass tieledng Co'r-
* (Cotiued un Page 2)
* ABOttUI' I. IAN ll It I
Chanticleer, te lay mhichi has ci1a1111
aI snlsati on in Paris, 0will lbd ted su1(11ct
- of an adresslby Mri R.'almon be
fore the Cercle Franca i Marbeds21."A
eectre onII oltaiiebc Itch oisc (f
s Natpoleon's palaces inear Iaris, was tl te
-gilvcl)Ion)tils dacte bt Me. Talamnhsh
sblstitted CatcliCeer ill its scall
'ITse Cece IialcaIS will prelsnt
'MaladeIC Tmaginair," IaIFreclplyon(1

-Apreil 29. Prof. J. R. FEffingee mill Icc-
ture (In theI'playca femwIdays lbeforelit
Sis givenc

Bali Playing in Streets Draws Ire of
City Authority.
fore 11 1rclllgresslor,- 1s thed satementIl
madec l mo l (11sildaily acithe111courlt ouse Ill
stdentls 1broughttli uth11Ie csarge of
plynghll -in th stretsor111r ileg
st1111av l fewo1thi1gs tilearnICI about
tile ctl i nan(11 IIcsc l mol~lst eveII da
Sl) lldd i 111111 clllllltlls hve bellee
suprse by having a certain gentlet
bugyIraill g t1''ill 1hesidc1 them1 1111 Hr-
ing to ive them11a11 frelo ride.c Iol te
blisfu igora Ielfl l"011 s111111cr cIl-
C 1111" 111Or l~ln 11 (1 1 lill.
Ilit' ON11111111 1S'r.
(;-r-r-r-Ir--ill o( l ete Rc 11 ocky c o n-
tahl l u b ,11 b rul Ill'- llc lltll IIIa the
aelp1i1( his I V1111o 10 old n Ihe sag t al
geialcll t 1111 elI
Ow-w1(1 1w 1111I ' -came t de ''yf 111r1stose,
(cto 11111 . Il oshapes col iced
lteelgtoom, llsThe no 1ise I he ca'n~ie
hurrinto Ill'e scene11o11th1e11111iX Ig re-
'inutespB,,' tll thI Iu-Io, heIT
th St. 11111 111wa1s 1(111eslyiethe
grasdthMe bull-do tlg--11ords n-tk
mhlld11was11withdraw. oll n 111
atepted1to1extract th1111S1111111nlow
11111 the111111 . 111 ef1oItsres 1lt 8
werelxchag11111 o tl thou m 2s1(1)
tereted Plos fll~w~land S 2are-
sul cort roeednr~ wil onsitue,90e
Tit II ) R NI) F I 21(14I
Last nigh at ill, L'mo th 118ir
blockof te brdge histtou 1190n
was pa' c. 1;wuamaml )sboii 21(4'v
ing stedy a l cosistnt gme, 1racl
the igh coreof nt, wich 142th
highst sore lms a ofany (4ng4

t P'CI) ew oi the lillil~y
I pat.'(51'p st fellW lcY-s
has bee sW.sOfla ;idp1
t (hslfl 11il 1whe 11111- to

Al thse Friday afternoon party of thc
Womcuen's League iMis. Hetif(If 1r1nd1 1
Rtpids, will speak oil the history .11nd Members of llepartmen t Produce
legends conneIctedIIwith the stodle)f(It. Work Along l'lany Lines.
GeCorge slnd the Dragon. Mrs. IHIcuftis Thecphsilosophsical department con-
excepltionally melt fitted to speak ilc111tis dtinucs 111sdusual activity in original work,
sublject, havinsg studieed it toe sev~ecra ll a- 1a e gathered from the following
yearCs, anld sas seen requiestedebysehral C dparCtil11s1. Dr. Sellars, who is spend-
piublishers 115 write a hook uoit(. lug Itse yeare at tile universities of Paris
Dacicng wilt fo~llow thle progra~i. -aowl Heidelberg, is at work on his meta-
1(1h11sicsi syhichs Prof. Bergson, the
FA OU LET R csesinent French philosopher, has taken
FAMOU LECT R Imuchintl~eest. Hie has several articles
at 111ess, continning the series on the
TO ADDRESS S. L. A Ca eres, beguns two years ago.
IiV! r Shepard hsas almost completed for
publicat111isn is remsarkable investiga-
Gerald Stanley Lee, Celebrated 11(11(1ofIthle ph~enomena of blood-supply,
Author, to Give an Interpreta- to thbraC~inl durinlg steep. These have
tion of America. 10111111veC einled work of the most ex-
adtingo kind. Frons four to five hundred
recoeds save seens taken of transmission-
The S. IL. A. breings to the uiv~ersity, timeslood-pressure, the jugular pulse1-
tomo~llrrom (sighlt, a11 excecding l idlcu 111(1dlthepulse-foriu.- His investigation4
esquICet chacteCr1in tile Iperson of terld1 of meml~ory and inhibition in normal ant-
Stanley Lee. lHe will lecture, 11 inUI 11b11orml cadscs are also ready for publifi
veelity Hl, uponI "NCw Kindldll(11caion.11Other researcises, on the relA-
Ncw Sizes of I-len : Vi) Interprettion1 tionll of heart-rate and breathing in at-
Ill -Aiserica."tiona11111C l1150nearly complete. Th~e
Mr.ILee's famesCrestsupon( varied td y o1111 f0 thse gallvalso-psychic reflex,
acievemenlchts.I He haslnbli enCIIa1eon-Irwil \4Ir. Cranse, is cliso well advanced.
spibctus fgure in Itse wold oleterof.d Wenleoy hIas just published some
his hooks of sketchses an11d essays5 11(1 11111t1 of isis sttidy of the hellenistic
ing swon the praises ofItucinen 111 as pIIeidlin the forml of two articles, one
Oliser e ndell [Holmes, ChlesDud on 11111hiloeudaes, aisothser on Flavius
fey Warn~erGeorge VWiliaml Ctils, osepus.His lbug expected hook on
Clarenced lDemingpiandl otherCs lot elqialIKentltis finishsed, aind will be sent to
no~td. prCess at 0once, for pulication in October.
Il is the auhthcor of "Thse Sbao 11101 eI chIs (150 in press an address on John
Christ," Abts an '(Old New- 1'ngland11D1al1ton1and Itse atomic theory, which-
CIhtech," ''The VowieIf thacine,111(1t1 beced at the Dalton centennial
"Inspired MillII~ioda 1 ires,"and (nmero slmetin~g sf the Research clot in April.
otherC ssorks. lids losng paper on Heredity and the
s a lectllerl Mr. Lee has wnsis - tIls (tile of Educationh ias just been pub-
tinIction, foe (cars belig calldbwithibshed.I ise tins sent to press an ex-
greact freqenecy Ill easternl univedite1111 k listill article oin Casuistry, for the
though Ic'lse ha Ilnotsmade thseIllltorm In I ((lodllllallof Religion and Ethics."
Isis pro~fessionilto thic exclsioni sf 11h isAotherC Cesearch, on the Cynics, for the
workC cas useedihtor oft"Nlouint'T01." sameidstanidlardl work, is usearinug comple-
leies1a bm11111of strikingely ftecsh r1111 n. is recenst appointment as Ameri-
gincl ideas; a faCI that is tetcedbyss n ereentative of the "Review of
John(11Sheidlan Zelie, weiti ("111 thele'bology shil Philosophsy," edited by
Critic. Iesl peaiks as follows: Prssf.tMenzies of St.Aindrews Ulniver-
s"I tile Yate Diviitiy Schossolede sitybias bsrought him fresh editorial re-
hse gradultatedt in'88,ihe wasIregde dlas sponsillbities.
sssmiethiig lota free audIc'(list Iis lilys- IProf.Pillsbsury's lectures on .the
ticisuns no 1al1aysV 1t1kenlClserosy Pssycholsgy of Reasoning," delivered at
lsii swhatesvercrit(liC(idism Xame wsCde-Columbia-Un~iversity, as visiting lecturer,
ceiCved inithe' mosst geniail spirit1 It was la.st scar, are at press, and will he pub-
alw~ays 1110 iuch of a bothdr to him1(fished bits April. His "Essentials of
tso hosldl lbgrudge. The 0111 ScoIbdhilllllPsychology," an elementary text-hook,
whso witnessedbth(ticexecutionliofIthed(s (ls ini the prister's hands, and will
Duike of 1 Hmiltonlsa1111 t IIit wa.s Ilppedar befor esiing. He has undertaken
n(olde 511great licatdin itsclfIbutit waso I5dscs of articles oin psychological sub-
a 111CC los to him.'Itiiik this was ject s foe ike "Cyclopaedia of Education,"
mucstih le way se felt ibisstiIls ideas1 (o becpubslished Isy the Macmillan com-
and1 wvay 1sf seeinig thsiiing st thsat they pamy. A Cepsort ois "Tests of Audition,"
were Cl ssiiuch bctter tanthiose1ofsthicirlunldet(hell as a member of the commit-
pedople,. 11(1 thatittheysveesis,11an d, chbed ontests of the American Psychologi-
all they sweremould besa soic loss to cal Associationl, of which he is now
hiii. lie beleved in hiimselfIssihsout p11residenti,swill be ready in a few weeks.

iind kept osii
This afternoton at i 0oo oclock iniliii-
veXrsityrNail, Mr. M. M. Thomisiil
dlCivehis 01ration (oni"Peace"svhsichs
too(k first prizc in thic receist Uiversity
Icontest.VtWith this orat11on1Mer'l'homas
mill reprleent lthscunivitVsy inithe
Michigan SItlte 1Peace'Oratoricacidonls-
test (lentPFridaby It .Albion.This pulici
hseariing is free of charge iiislmany are(C
ecte IICCIto give (lid oratorea-goad send
'The conitest fsse thec prize osfI$4uu (It-
feedit yhie Mortor iBoardi lucidly clos-
es isiithe tweiity-seveiithio(Itthis onth.si
'The trice is expected to briiig ossom(e1
g1(11od ngs, 1(111it isd eseiallysdesiresd
that the son111chiosen shsall repredsnltille
veryest(II ta~lnt olth1111class and11 thtit
shall11 be'a10111 ut whiichs the class ipviv
be proud.ii Withs lut ltiiee days reain -
(1g it Iehoves all ssto (iItecns toIsenterl
the clbiontestciogelt busy.

Wcithi the date of the annual play
given bsy the Cercle Francais not far
off comesC the anns~ouncemsenst that the
book111ptublishsed bsy the _ French depart-
anenst snill ise out on April first. For
tile lstthree years the department has
publ~lised the aitiual play for the use
lf th Ibd5ariouis classes in French. This
feaitured 0111beguisin (907 whein 'Le
B-oureoi s .estiltsonsns was printed
as a sostisr111istthe play.
'hplay t7hits year is Moliere's come-
bye CM511le tiusginsire." The com-
(millede111 charge have chosen the ver-
silon thact appceirs us the 'Grands Ecri-
elinss"in cditioin of Frentch works that
conlta~ins all thse vritigs of Moliere.
tissotit 7511 dopOi of thse play will be
plublished this yeie. It is printed on
rery lo inelpper and wilt coutain illus-
trctiostakeii froissold engravings.
Th1 id ness of those who will take part
in thid production at the New Whitney
mill he published in the book.

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