THEt MICHIG AN DAILy .,....._ i Spring and Summner 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exciasive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN- Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamination G. I. Wild Company TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLiNTON - The "S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKESTHE BARKER BRAND 'CLI NTON" BUTTON EsASIYDs SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150l 2 for 25! WL4ARKER 02 MAKERS. SoW In Ann Arbor by "WAGNER & CO. Sate Street A. G.SPALDLNG & BROS. are the largest manu- The paling fcturers in the world Trade-Mrk of OFFICIALE QUIP- MINT,oralltietic y~ ny sort and pentime. 4 I l pa If you are ineret- I'ed in Aheic Spo t s} yosold hoveeacopa OFIN O y° of the Spldin Cat- . +Ga~es laoue. It's a onepleb is non hroghut Wha'sNe ienyclopedi of the world as a Wa' e pr Quarartee of and isoulntfree 011re- Qunlity. qntt. A. G. SPALDiN4) . BROS. Chicegen Detrot SBase Ball THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. ManaogingEfdior CiLAoREctCE. ELDooooo: Blusinoess anager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address: MICIGANDLoY, Press Bldg., May nard Sireet. Office Moors: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. 100. Business Manager, 1-2, 78 p. m. Except Ssunday. Both phones. I- EDITORS. News .......Lee A White Assistant .......Harold Titus Athletics ..... Vilhur D. Elliott Women ...... Frieda Kleinstick Exchanges. . M. B. McHugh EDIORIALS. James K. Wakins Morrisono Shafrotho Charles Good G. S. Lasherj John T. 'feny ASSOCIATE EcTcOoS. Walter K. Towers hlarry Z Fol Dlon Birney . A. IHinckley Arthur B. Mochlmta:: WadeOlier Fred Lawto Harry G. Myser! Fratok Rowell Caresi. Mylamder Morris IHoser M. Mack Ryao A. J. Wolgeosoth -Maric T. Toulmeo Fratk Peonell lrank , \ lty10 BUSINESS STAFF C. A. ;,ownan Normato H Hill Walter Q. Wilgus Mer Ruino KenoethOhbort: NuaalWittet WED)NESDA\Y, MARCC 1 2,, 110. Edsitor I oday Is 501-. 110Win;,.1 Wealther: lair \\ ldnc-aand r13 0- tinoted 00arme1r. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Mtardio 24--ilianj:Rsell 1in111hooirt Night- ao \::o\Vhe\1 flarool0: i3: 71111 onell11 et1a \'t1 ac0:1 1 "lolli111 71t 13l1l013 lllDo: 1.plils,"News Whit111y1T111- Art 710 l-ll.A rc Lcue ORIGI L 1,17IF NI 101 \lfTR'Ilf.F and that'sl itj0111 1 k11 ;h11311c1h1vi ng3111 juslyI earned t1he 111111 oditilloli: I. I W,\ P' & CO. f. Taiu,,a.. 3 illl-lcca llfcc.. .. . . . . . . . .. . D. A. KILLINS N i-los soill O;ST'l'iill HARDWARE SFORE REACH Baseball Goods, Roller Skates, and Rifles. i , I i KREISLER NOT OVERRATED Famous Violinist Really Above Ad. verse Criticism. No soar:el ioiig liooaxto the pre- fecaioal : IoloccO 1011111ouldha:ve lae::sar- ranged th31111 that go:en0:1tOnighto by the greatest oflivinsg 01111111artiots--1Mr. Fritz Kreisler. Fr:otlhls first bold: of li o w 11:010:th:: sOtrings itos1111e Handel Sonata o 0:t01:-last 11ote1of theo-\\%ieoiaes- ki Pl:ooai.: ,tearito wye hoe asud~iece a lt will 1:y too siogoog qu0ality oftoe l:or cde:lighted101:t olthe yhs fauolt- Mr. Krcislcr a true1att o th hiooghoest lyoc ::f womtohe0::01r1:0:ftoo :aolthe concer ps laltfomt oday.1 Ili e ndoictos no:t u01101onsr oj ::3 ll.t1 101100werfuol dvi:,:i icfccts 1or:all1aspoollIto the audtciecc, bltotherol ()110t aowell souliedl inltrprelttl 1ion ::is:nodsortoedolybavir- tuosioty. N~til c101::ll3001oul o mechaooiong thaoo hisadingo: bof t1hoc werltknownIatod al- 001:st 01:::read-are" Viotti 01ccrto. Itoe firs and::las I vensO 1:1:01:0sparledi :0:03 lrillban01100 dtoolo::r. It wa0s intheio aol:--t:l~olohwve ht Kreialer's art :0a0 letehlt:t here coo-sloaried: quc i 111- :0i0:::of o ereldsp~layedlitobeauotifll tm:e:loies10hichI 00000exquiit~lyIIshadedco and1phrased. Thedeivery:03of thec 0100 Iwash ut as a ea o ti:o0: 00100 altoiin g vols:i: tudent. Problyo theo 0 otat asing00 numbtoer of1 t1he-eooening was: thc encorcgiveno af- ter olrt thre- ii, f Ir K eile's ow opsitio:::: sed 010300.ria folk-a:ongo. 11he charmoin g moolody,. the per-foct :Idoulecstopplligoandla sou:olfulI in::teprtaltin00s:only a0compto:ser clot give s-,oo:it:-:lin0 cratin:g antttimpressiont thaot soill nton:: b:1013:e000ualted1 lo the:: Grave o by F.I :1:lare adth: and dIigntityof:ltoneC lredomin0000tedswhile it: t3: Ii:Me oldI FrenchI"Chanots:o oandlPa- cae"tecilxesoere delicate ando e11100is0to. 71: ht 1l00t:eoexhition 0:11:f techniqueto Nbr KrIso:le I l::lttc: itn, ws-t i Oloh oo'::::oooPelto e ad lo :o:IN::gl:, atlloch o\ o 10 iasi 1: Poaaoe. TIIe fo:rmter 1)tlb^ v ; ep l~llfy lbrilliant: gil1( 030a cut :0:0:::lgaveo a fa~inot suggeonl:: wha theb artit mt haIvo:oe give10 ha00 hecosua techicaol programt. Thec Poaas 1 w11:10:00 lay:1o3-: woiltthcht sp1ii an oniction:; the"atmot:sphtere" of the comllposit1::on wto crea~tedl - :ando01h:-audt- ienc towasoadIct0:: f:el the f itre-andttlen0 ths1 s 00atof:01 Polsh:1dance: toot:. .A an 10 accompalist, thelscos saoidl of 01r\ :-tves ho-leteo-. (Oot- side o a fe m 11003rylasheco, her 1or3ws 00acey 0ipto:te ottandard. From00e0100ytpoi::t of viewo, :andowitIh- outal}' ::::atot watevet~or, A::i: Ar111r100l::00wait l1ngtg0:ocear :aoothcr 101: wo11ill take0atplace Iutthle:-00orldolof artloot-av:ioiniss1alog sooth Jochimlttan0: Fit K reiler. t NO' S N ILL GIVE POPULARf LECTU RE . Ott Friday, April I, Prof. William A. Noy es of the Univcersity- of Illinois, soill deliver a lectore ott "A1 Scientific Revo- lution:," to the lectore room of the trw Choemistry blad:oing. Prof. Noyes, whlo is otte of the fore- moost chteotists ito Amoerica, is editor of Ite Joutrnal of the Anmerica:: Chemil- cal Society-, ando is also connoected owith thoe Bureao of Statndards at NWashinog- tonot. AlttoghtIt:-comoes at Ite reqouest o~f and:o will speaok before lte P1h1 Lamb-l ola U'psilono fraterntity-, te lectore will leope0000 to 01::-public andol will lae of souchoa:ntuoreo- sto tointerest 1laymen-t get::rally. Freics-s101 : toe lectoreOlhc society- 0111 boan:quet at thoc Michiga:n Union: at owhich a: numbler of Ithe chemtical faculty3 0100 be preset as well ao thae otldl::00 new0 moetmblers of thle orgatnation:. Thte Phi Lambolda Up~silont Irate rnito- is anton:loora~ry chemticaol society- woliclo loas hoado a chap:oter atthIis utnoioersity- foor 11001:-e1:-sthat: toyeatr. 1O)nMarcho 13, theo folloowinog tne ::aemb:ers swere too itiaote-dl:C. .N are-,If. If. McAlp:ine:, J. I). Buorboy, II. M. George, J. W. IHa:cke:r, VW. 10. Hley, F> . s. Kr:::: baoch, L. If..\Mc Name-, 11. T. Matrch. EA1STER GIFTS. The:neest :0:0:1chtoicest :of:nov-eltieo. Nb::ote test Pennan:::ts. Prices righotat THlE PALAIS ROYAL, 120f. 20y 1;. Lilerty- Street. GLOVES may be right and not be Fownes, but they can't be FrOWNES I and not be right. IMPFfORTAN'TNOTICE. All studettorgan~izations mtoa on ~~- cuilt thec Comm::ittee ott Non:-A-thlletic O~rgan:izations at10 bhocoffice of Itoe Cont mttein.ce I::I iveoaily fHa:llbefore or- ratnglng datles for tpotblic e-ntertainmenctts of a0n03kitod. 1Te Comttetle is keelitng at calendtoar wit recorots of all daotes deocidedlo n and0 :1:1obhviou:sly Ibis will bc tii atdvanttagc too all cotocernted. Organi-l zatiosoo failling 10 comtply may he re- qtoiredol schanttge dates or to givc 0010 altogethcr Ite etntertaintm::ents whticho hav:e beet: plann~edl. Boy:action:of Ithe Commiottee. ATiVof:: It. l,t,os t, 1200-121- 122. Chairman::. TRACK If y00uowold 'hn olgo vr13010: : /,1 call on 0s for yoo- Track Supplies We carry an thing 3000 tmay neod fromto ir o Chamois Pushersoworth 25c tooa l6 ound Shot worth $1.75, o a pir of Spike Shoes WOROTH $500 WAHR'S University Bookstore C. [. DAIIIN[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock inI Michigano SecondHaund Law Books Law al-Id Medical Dictiotnaries QIuiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Se- God-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S OpticalO' , ee5~. Dept Fine Watch aet Jeweery Iepairin HALER'S JUWLERY STORE 216 Sonth Mein St. Today Good pure materials, in clean glasses mixed so that it tastes good and is good at our soda fountain. E. E. CALKINS, Drulggist 324 S. State St. Fow that te season is here you will need a supply oh Base Ball Goods Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25C to $3.00 golf Goods w~e are eesole agentsfor Crawford McGregor Colf Clubs. Goll Bags Balls and Supplies Sheelhan & Co, STUDENTS BOOKSTORE HELLO! Yes this is He. No I won't be around to get a suit made this Spring. I bought a Clever Clothes Suit at Wad- hams & Co. last fall and am going back. It cured me of Tailor- ites. Spring Hats and Caps. Always the right thing at the right time. Wadhams & Co. Sim PHONES Bell Phone 1610 hlomc 212 Blue I 121Wasblqteu . RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers Phoe599