The Michi a n Batl
In Fast Game Bridge Builders
r Land Second Successive Bas-
ketball Championship.
The ive repreenting tie juniors of
tie elgileerilg deiartmletl woltie
baskethall clamlpiostlip of tie Uitiver-
stil foe the second tille lby otclcatig
tie 191, it,41 1to 22, ill a hari fotgt
Ttetday ight. Concerted temila ty
wnt for tie egieer. Thee11111ooly
plalyeed togeter ill reiiarkaliestyle ht
diplayedluinerrig acturacy illhiiitiig
iaskets from tie field.
Urged 011 iy ceerig clsmate, wii
thronged tie gallery, tie ridgeiuilier
started the game with a ruh that car-
ried the titoff their feet anti tere never
headed. Tiel oert were ieros at
tie opeing ad failedi to get tigeter
utili it ws etireiy too late. The i-
dividuailiemlberpt up11 tt ailr,ieter-
minedi cntlet swhicl maie tie cntet
scrappy anld exitig trotghoult. With
the engineer gardseis ipayiig reiark
ale defenive abiliy adritie offesive
comblination workingsmlooihly tieit
ever ihad a ciace.
Jimmliy Rait, playing tie ceter 11-
itiol, started tie tcoring for til e ll-
chalicts withi two qick goal frtm the
eld. He paed a hbriant gam~e, e-
fg dageros at all tinet aieiscorig
foreeo poit for hisitteml efore tie
cooest dloted. Lovelee ad Beibrook
were tieothler important cogs illtie
engineer scorig machile. The little
fortsatd showeed remlarklable speid anti
agility tand gretiaccrc 1111trwsig
field goals. Ile dispaei a 11a1i,dsli-
cincerting to tie its, of slipping asay
Y fromiiisitopponent aidilanildig tiebal
inl tieet switli a qiick jerk. 'Pe ilg
footital lan, eside keepig close w atch
on his forward, shoswed his offesive
aiiliy iby scoring fotr field gols.
After the first rush which gave tie
engineers a commnadig lead, the lit
steadied aid mlaaged to gel the bal
iti the hadis f the reliale fO'Coniir
oftensenughi to iiake Itenidangeros
again. tDaiiils kept Raiss hbsy, and
Brechner llayingsome excellt lasket-
ball, miade the latter porioi of the firs
half interesting. Wheii the swhistle hles
the scire siiiii 22 to, 9 with tie engi
ieers still oili the lioig eiid.
The seondil peridl oipened i iltillh
it fighting hard. Fr ten miuts they
held the engineers even biti the lace
sas liii)fast fr tiemltolld anh1 h e
agin fell bheinidt. Brechnelsr f the tit
a1111 Bertranid of the egieers seren
forceil to leave the gmile ecase of
mninor ijulries htut their asece didiinot0
j alter the result. Whel tie ciiites
closed tie egieer were pilayiigliie
stoic stronig, cosistent galleicwich
imarked teir work t tie time aiiiltin
itsere figitig ltokeet the scire dowii
Th'ie losing lllinette was weakened by
tie illess iof their capti, (riff Hiayes
Althlough he plaed trulgi the etites
cnltest ih eat ii ad sapieliaiiiiunale
to play ta strong gfile.
'The score flliws:
O~f'Conor......f. 1,1111.. 'angoe
Everett......r..... . i,isle
Dailics...... ......... Rafss
ii ayes...... .g..lBetriii, Dash
Brncline r, Stck . .l.g. ilcidiBenroi
Goals fromli eld- Raiss 7, ,otlee 4
i,alguollaOConnor 4, Daiels 2
Brechnler Everett, Stck. oas frtii
free thrlis-Ol,.ollllr 4, Loelcc 3
The depiortmseiit of a sophoolre
varies iversely as. the idistanlce froim
tile professor.
A trunik containing sonic thirty oks
las eeii received at Baror gymnall-
51011, ihavinlg beenl setl hereiby tie
College Equal Sffrage Leage. The
hooks are part of a travelling lirary
wthiicht is beiig sent to iearyeve ry
college ill the con~try. Several of the
hooks deal witi the suffrage prohlen,
b111 mlos of thenm are oinduitstria aiid
sociological probllemls con~cerig stiu-l
en. They are for the use of the ptblic
anid nay e fdrawiinelltfor ihomle use.
Engineering Professor Will Un-
dertake Responsible Work at
Robert's College in Turkey.
J01111R. Alei, professor of mlechai-
cal engneerinig, will leae for Coi-
stantiniope tafter tie close of tie reg-
ar college year ad tuperiited the
construlctioii of buidigs to le sei
as aii engineerinig dealrtmletlby hetle
Robert's clege whici is locateifiiur
eilies uolrthl if tie Ttrksl capital.
Wshule there le ill otersee tie inst
laioin of a heting aii electric ligtiniig
systemllfr tie etire campusli.
Professor Aleni iade tie decisioi to
take the Eiropeaii trip yesterday after-
nlion. For somel tule negotiations hits
beeni cnder way, bhttis15110imiall 511-
dertaking anld Professor Alei tas not
hasty in nakinlg the moe. iHe will re-
trnlt resumehils swork ii the eigi
ieerilig departent lt te peilig iof
college lnext fal It is proahle ta
lihe twil againl Imake the trill i the smn-
ner f 1911 to complete the wosrk.
The Roert's college is a highly it-
tincive institution. It tas estalised
seventy years ago by a resideit of
Bostoii-a Iiilialtrilplist andl a sw ie
straveler. 'here ii te heart of Tr-
key whiere civiliationl has ibeeistrug-
giiig alolg for decades, Armeiiais
Bnlgtariaiis. Turks, aid Greeks are
*taught in Eigish. The first require-
iteit is that the master tie Eigis
l aiguage. Al present there are 30e
stuenitis attenini~g the institution.
1 Oe ef tie Roert's college trusees
recently died. I his siliwsatfoutd
ta clatse leaviig to the school sie a111
a half miiiini dollars. A porin111o1
tiis sas to e tsed as a permanentc~
endsiwment, the remlaindier for the rec-
tion of s uitable uiiniigs tid the in
stlliationi of anlegieering school.
President F. P. Gates of the college
is noniii the Uitedl Staes, lie has1
shbeeni here som~etitule, isectig the ell-
,gineering ideartmients of varous Ameni-
f call unliversities. Wile at Mihigait
t two sweeks ago,le mlet Professor Alei
t ani nalttly ideitced hiit to cross lihi
Ataintic anld stperise te sork line
Until the preselltulme the builingslfl
of Rfoert's celege have ee hetedc
il a phrimiie Illolme r aiiioil llep
tterc useid for artificial light.
eA firml of New York arcitites i
e prearing teplals.
'ikTe Gargoyle," is trvelig tie wvee.
sof prosperity these edays. ianciathi
sit is ini eter shipe thault11115othie
itme iits existence latduihis passe
l ll mrks set lip preious Uniiersit
As Ia reut, ali deertising mnatge
-will le aiddesd iothestffwicitaIke
calrge et seiester. Candidhsates fit
tiii office', which is openitoliicompietitionv
ecani secure nlecessairy iitforimation froit
nNiirman Wittet, bisiniiess lmanailger it
thte (gargoyle.
Is Indignant at Union's Attitude Re-
garding Memorial Hall.
(Tiheti aily lit oil Il sc liml ls any1
pre~s'd i! this o i ialo~
Editoir \icisicasil
No that te enorclss sf the
literary and111 iceccolsdepalrtmtentst
hills crefutsed te(I ss o hecmmit-
ice il charuge-ofcihliiMemia iilbuiding
the baseimentt offesed forlithel ulst of tie
studeints, iteesitsion is es- 1111111 15
t le lonie with hiico"'Des the
actionliof tesenlioriss iean ttiesstu
dethc'is toli ot he1 liocffr lt a
abit te iisted icep1ill il- cltitthotse
'1h1 i-remat~rks of i tse I. cisu ppstorterl-s.
i ishecsingthecasmmra e-
eniue iwoutl-isemtoiticte iithai tht~
is thi s- lit tattitid.Tsis Piiriefe icc
the enrioim as 1 111 tor d e t is stnitltfor
student tse bt1 asrgad1it ic ad
it's situtioniut. I(Sices tieUn111111sai-
port~ers ills respible fors iithis attittise
let ats examintulle111irpostionI)
'Phew tell ts dlhat tie tunion1
spnileieor1the I cimtlcucofuC iiteii-
iedclueticestcspiri1t ichlush are
alli so511 s a nd thch or tt It
stghti o t a l111 iii c c ri s 1into 111at
intittiiocu. N1 tel (lesi l dil enyiiletell
the Unilf tli 11tiefIcte is t hats 1111this
Uniosniis bucoii fctrI i edu-
mentsof tisisruli.iTistpuliation tof
this Miciia Eiclt and111 clii uttit if
thletis contei si) thisAtiletc Asoci
ticn havlistsous blet imlpotat 11factr
int thiscitvtlsiceit. ci tiocut uisarg-
sit that tese tc faclis hiic so511far
thbesttistl111o11eileialtsiinhis rf. e-
shet ii tha s the ic t 1 1 l ill iticcitthis
simpt o poIicc c tcc fatiw ici,tal
l thuigh pi ni ofncutc uld, . 1.C.,
liiiht twe lilt I i Ic is a uniies
univer 1sit ptil Igret ichigati
Union.liWe' ta1111cci 11he.11nion tllibhe-
cauits it 1w i ili is idveloincig tah
stunit iiIfll car ye t rrAtlIcclilaXis
Mater i mist15 te ntuppo1111rI eery tig
whitiht sill aidinllthil elpesn itiu 'it
is it twise then, toc llil u pposilri ct tie
Uion cifthei iarc terelyu lluel cctie
triniptle 111111hicheu tcs ion11stan111sit
Itl i rstn1111chits I uucut tictie stdceit
jucuudy irof.i)D'Ooge slceiilci licer the
I cmitte1111iscclucic ii inlthiet IDail for
ftJanuaylil, stlc llou tileiciTe sellit
huhlae11hr111 e 1 t 111tscan eet
11111 5111cc hii 111111W , icc t
ha11e it tulen11mo1rn11ng, noonul .1111 night
an 111an 11111m1ke i laci ee twhere
eeymncull tiecamplltis tutu feel lt
1111111.1"hDoes pi tils etipress theini -
cipl fo t~ichthe['ionst it.? If
511 se stheuoit hecc ii lull.. i1111ccill lit-i
n itifitiefe cii lownl
is. this tult
t (B it it is silthatci 1ll( cill is tilt
its izeI ndl i ai on.11II 1 Just slit uscale
tnttld). 1cuI"'% tiy c lidhavec takeni
the pins o1111 i a twell
fiunilihes i 111415() tlet-lcinglfibut
fits feet ofubinga d sI listie's
111111111111rlor111111 Ic felullftieig
asudeepI a roomlatc[elst fotuttiie as
lrge as51111thite ltihtulit c11111fe.
It it. Iatiler1 1 lo 1and1 arki ut tcii ilsre- ft
ani exseiledt Illntilation111 I~slt ittthe
sitlheletic 11111. It scins t timanly
vthatiut icoucldtihemIll itoilicn111iuel
r tiive-sitc ic-c. A s cc leatini, it it.
d stint-isas cell Icd asi , te ii i IIIiccl and1
ywly tshouldithe actlthatlit i s il 1a1-t-
rit. aitide doccr aidice cmiimk1 have tic
,selhoklit allt ndlIcstatuary-ticctti-i to111it,
,rWhait teis thlilreuascullthiet it coutl
ilculotice- IMl tiua eu criIce-taIcile- iltilseif
fit. W~hy can'tl tics- Unioninstctleadu of
spsurningliuitat 1 re-thug R as atiali
rther lake charge of it, use it for the
larger smotukers atidnstke it a vluabtlei
extenstioni of the clubhotuste? -reeue
goitig to he sol narrow svtoicciloiwt ireill-
(lice tgaintst thte Memorialulhiildhing oic
keep us fromsstakitig adlvanttage Ill whalt
bseinefitit affosrds' is thft thew ossitill
terest the aluimini froiti whuotu ue hp
in gel $900,000 for a nit clubihouise?
Osight there nthue a itore ctrefutlcocni
sideratitoi of thte tthole mittler?
On April First German Society
Will Give Annual Play in New
Whitney Theatre.
H.I. Ri it I Dokto r Ksts, te comedy which the_
Denssiet Verefit is in present on fhe
CEL BR TED~JAP eening of April first, ft y nomen
unknowni to the puhlic. This play has
S PEAKS TONIGHT ie-ci giten at the Deutsches theater in
hIeri i,moeotnha any other
moeiri Gerini comedy. It was writ-
Baron Danoku Kikuchi of E~arth- en itir878, y Adolph LArronge who
quake Celebrity Will Address uassmtaiitger uof the Deutsches theater
University Audience. for ttitumber of years.
Tecomtesdy is a story ini a light vein
f the mlariage of the daughter of a
Of illsmsnallimitport swill 115thes lectr enseryrich tutu of the middle class to a
wehichi Baroit Daitoket Kikucitwill fitseibaron. The aron iupon the surface
in Uiviersity al this eveningiuT [hea goode-for-nothing rake, very much in-
itessage whiich he swillbrnlgheais es- ter estedl i his clothes, and in his
1ecal significance ectause this Baron11prosplective wife ecause of his father-.
couestini mture or less ef ai dipoitic i l aw'Isev. m1oney. These are the views of
capacits. lie sill take for te tluciusfoh tktr Klttus, the famiy physician and
his odness, 'Thse New Jtaan-its Mcia itied iii te Greisiigert who heartily
tush Intelectua Dev-elopmt:." duepises Etaroi ou Boden.
Alhugnoii w gisitg lif t tetihon u- i Nottithstanin~g, the couple are mar-_
tireis- to admiihsrative tintu editiuctionl ieiath lt the eaniest request of Julie
swork, Batinu Kikutchif was feti a numnibher (isitge's daueghte, the Baron con-
of years the chiraina of te Ifamlos sehuts In ive i te conitry. In order to
Earthsuauke hInvestigatioinutioiittesof reaihly test voit Boden, Doktor Klaus
Jiaan. Ini coitnectioni sithithessntlerI- enscitcute the report that his father-in-
nitilonatl exhibit at St. Loluis inl 194itseil ittht. filesd, ath at the Baron must
pri-paredh the repet upn the earthqcuke suillort aindIclint for his family.
finvestigafttuns unudertiakent i Japani. Contrtry to expectation, von Boden
'This report is of very great statte atdwul tintgy takes up his work and is in a
is frequentlty quoted as ant authornitutite faiesway to succeed when he learns the
swork tuni the ssject. truth hut spte of this he decides to
hut connuecionswsith Ihis visit t this remtain ill the country, and the story
cusiutry, Baront Kikstchifhas eentinititedl edes haipiiy for all coitcered.
hy a csuitntee of Congress to adederes Although the conedy element is very
tt luotdy sillihe earhquake inesig- etiuent, the characterizations are un-
tfios it Japan Ie was alto sentutby utsually clever taditeresting. The ac-
Cotut Roittira, Japaitese Miisei ohf1t11n is especitlly good, and even a per-
Forieignt Affairs, In delifver this lecture snuith-l a sigh kiowledge of Ger-
of this eveifig fromi the plttformi of tile nit caut ejoy the presentation.
Civic Foriumini Nesw York at its usii IAl the Germsan societies in the city
tation. itaitsbeetuuotifed in their meetings of
Batroit Kikuchi is givfig thits addeidss te plytuitd it will draw very strongly
wtithou comspensation, prefeirring to usie fruout thucut The Washenaw Post, the
this tiethuod of p rotmotnug ecrdilrda-loalt Ge rmtatitpaper, is going to puhlish
tiosubIetweeenuAmuerictiautnd Jaiuan.1Hes a series of articles oni the play as a
ft 111 his nay to the Ptcifi cos t t, henseisurher tuictos of advertising it. Lee
he will stili for Jtapan the first wveekin lWhite, stuentuisatager of the produc-
Apri. 'Pulie Barnutarrived yesterday1af- tiou,teunt o Detrot yesterday to ar-
Iernuon and is the guest ci Preis iltranefr costuoes and other acces-
I utchits shisle in the city-.series.
Letters fromt Nets York s ctribe Te fnliditake-up of the cast which
BatntK ikutchi as atmaisou utisstulti dlii' hresnt Doktor Klaus includes the
charintg persoitality andthninte11r1estug nautues of ti numer of experienced
speker. [he lectre is gisetinutder the actors
aspice s of the society of fista Xi lit Gc siuge, the rhc father-in-law....
till he givent ini University altuttdlit. . . . .,Stephen Heeler
olpenlt the putblic The aduress twill Julia, his siugster.... Elfrieda Weitz
beginh promsply ltI8 ocilcklthils 5eveing. Nlaxvon Boden, the aroit......
...........Oscar Beckman
SEAT SALE FOR MEET Dokor Klus............ Otto Fueler
OPENS THIS MORNIN-i Marie, Klaus' wife.. Ruth Greathouse
- Emmatu, Klaus' daughter.............
Michigtai will heetCornel flteday. . . .. ,Margaret Shelly
in 'stermnst gymnatlsium in the last dua (erstc, B usta's over. ... Arthur Curti
indtoour seelf the season. Reservedl Mariannue, old serato to Griesinger..
teals forn this meet will be out sale to ....... ..,.. Ida Ster
mesmbuers of thse Athletic Associautionu Lubowuusk, Klats' coachma..........
this miorninig, thte general stle opleintg ................... Glenn Palmer
tomulorown Auguste, Kltus' servant ...........
lTe seatig captacity of thec gs11111. . . . Florence LeValley
uti ittaseentinicreastedito 1210 inuthe -'tutua.servat ............. Ruth Hurley
expuectautinofthe Itrget cow hteul 1111 sch ueaucsnt.t.......... Hans Siveke
11115eer atetuded inutdusoor tieedt _____at_________
IAAuuu.rbuor. The trice fur the genelral Ic5 ul osn tt~
admliissiont tickets for the Uorni ell meel
Iwill e fifty cetnts andtwnety-list cents ibetantJohitOren Reed left Tuesday
tdiitionatl sill he chatrgeud for netsenda- eetfing fur the Uisversity o Illinois
tibots swhere he withlttteid the annual meeting
The sets will Ile onistle li the tfiecofithe Assuciatin of Deans of State
o f the Associttiontonly, the office beilg Uifersities. Hle will return Friday.
ope u auult 8 o'clock this itorinfg forthe
m temtubes of the Associtionuct whuttuust Of altuh e strnge stories going the
lpresenlt their itettbiershitp ticket t cle roiutusisaihbut Sidis, the thirteen year
f tie f buyig their tickets Frui the. 0til t i hlitlics marvel at Harvard, the
nutiuiber f iqiiuries tleady rciveui at Strangest, tutuote that is vouched for,
f the Athletic uffce it is problue that is thut lie has nsnse of location, and
,seery eat will e sold y Satrday. hits to e led from place to place