T3[HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. He Wild Coinpanly MHERCHIANT TAILORS .. We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make cull Dross Suite a Specialty CALL AND SHE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H.- Wild Oouipany BARKER1 COLLARS Warranted all linen. tiade in t-4 sines THE MICHIGAN DAILY. iMansaging Esdtr Ct,,sts~c st1.z. csusssee Boa sirt. .ilages CAR] . 0 .tAAM. BUSINESS STAFF Normsan i. IHill C.' . iBomsat Adidress: ictute tDIL tY, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managig lEditsr, Si I.ssn. Business Masager, t-2, 78 iP. III Lxcept Sunday. Boils 5phoe. TUT SDy.NV OCTOISER to, torn Idfir'Idat--Drts' A.. ii xcts .t4 Wr5 ssslt itss Prty elsssis isth isprob-sl aile light snowsirfurrie. U'NIVERSITY C.Ni.Eii.\E Oct. t-Se rcssessce s'ssseat salesi optns at 8 s. I Oct. s-lr. G. G. Atkislrrctre t F. W. C. V. girls a 5 p. mt. Ict.20--reIs. Cook'senteSit . iL. A lie. 20-",\lssesJnstsPe"I at'ilst5 Whlitniey Thetre. lic. 20-Vsesir 1B cc. ercrsc, at.I. Oct. xao est of Lie t i Recia sries at Hiugh Schsssos. Oct. 20-:25 'try-sousts eor "itattse Oct. as Tessilsates ccfor Xittskc Oit. 2i-"'Te Kissinsg Girl 'at te WVhitsey Thetre. Oct. 22-Spseciaestterst tainilsaIc. fore Milwcaukee. Oct. 23--ich eiganss-5:Marqisett it Milwasukee. Oct.2-MicsehigssnsFreshminssssFlis Misses ast nnrotr PTs' fsloswigtsstssme es c encts edi is)the Daily's list o so 1cite iesiorsr: Arthur iB. iseitlsstss, Russel 1i. Jsstsse IHaroslsiG. 'lTits,C.S ilwn, Harry . Esol. Agaisn hve isiorcssgic i i Usniersitycstetslthais5traierot1 ingis nt onslsy'posscilecbittdesirablit that lytylcanssbsetsmphticaits us presrt ands ttsadeett an s e cii esi cheerfsully, sw il tt iissiase eerrinsgissots'e5eery list. ist cmps bodsty tof OhioStSise rottss tcntttitt cheer leairs, te 5promtnss ofsitiri excelests handsi tstketadvtsiag~etof s ry opporttuissty tssndothistru iring mssic istcpirasisitt gst aitdsidisliewise. Whiile Mishigan rsosteserris ct sittsi asttctenogi wh etscorinsg tf texcellsnt plsays stirredi tebloisei esone t teeffostrs tofsorganttim-droingo its a hstllf-heasrtes ir~itis lTisissicwasc excsdiglycsiry5ofiitsimu siindthet ycll'ii andbluetwast onipicuostby its abec. 11tar5t, 5 the oniiv tingsigsi iittitk:r abotstt te Sissiig it iletete etcsit therray otirsh cais. 5eThere i evsery reatotswhy ievery ct cssicss.ti as-' rcii h tese anIsorcicigatesn st. ct Ts' exchantsgt of5 stirtcs s teesitsite i- rws of ritertt s isl standintg siti., bsaresd heascisssissedi sits itgitsettfithe till\eI'~t' '1111CHI w s mst commestsind-t athis'a'tdt shouldstis e masde ttsis's tc'g' us-es ist s is 1mtlea st \i ieisitsa t : si i~lts s' "J" HOP GIVES TO UNION Treasure Bates Receives Check for Last Year's Surplus. lT'e \iiishi ;ans isist s therciin to a f allIt tsesiseteslis delight filst r pr s ie in t shape 5of isesk fsri$4.5 . rift.cc N ilst 5yitt 'I it ir555 I it()['yCO \i ,ntee ete o r si s or.sssss ee'sssM f i))aiestsiea sue of t Uiontst accttosit anlollt ivenreprsen ted te upi from ast rar's I li). Te gitt was ..It i i s ti so 5 slt. it sit u lc n ,"sidit rsits ts 5'ela sst t t fr sad ilast. d( ist. tha'l C isti tit'fro t ti silil sI lop. stsse fir~ss t ione th '5t55 ist eJveir Jtnior f op om ie ' f te clss ofs' I o\ the clss of '' ct i' me 5cctic tsstsstssst'is "'Ihe 55 le h stpas sed5t tth e tt'll NedyStge, SAKI tcan IOtcer t't'minen ieze f the I ttsti tt sll iscutssing te' c2al5tuen Ogaiztcsith anntual ..J. 510)) c mm tl t s h 'te es ~tabite dtlts J iibl precednttt t seesss to ssiissesand a stse LI. o555s555 ic I'p it t'reacing5 t heit So lllieralim orane ot heu ' tist is'- san te Stu ttsb lyistsi iis 5s to eho e tha w cal ai ita mchi tmontey Ihis ye r5 m sbl oDlp is is t ac 'ttthtl S01) i lregatrdto s'ste rospacets forsa 555cr se liiye'tr, SsTntger' Gambslle stid ''Tit svasrsity fotbaiisll teaisi ishisfall is oleofthe be' stwichheslstrseptressente te tclk-ot itsome155'titms' tndtithese is isoI reacsnwhtilt e iteserclass teasschouldi sot at toshows a taunted imeprotvemeest." The ,cicdulcs i 5far tas cometeedifosl- Sodh is Ifssc. iFrsh cit lttOIct. 22. imLot s vs. Sen'iocrbits, IOct. 2.. Sophsii Essg.tv. Freesh Rim.. Oct. 22. Junior U sit tc .Sesnior-sEsig., Oct. at'. Junsiosr 1I ' s. FcIresILaw, Jet. 25). Sensisorc ss itses c.s28 Sttjtt.\esliss.oFresit Aledlics. Oct. 2 Jmir Meticssvr . Ster Meshes, Oct. 2(). Jm )issr IDetss. F Ireshis I ists, (let. 25. Senisr i~es ts v s. I I sius, Oct. air VNicto'ris s i 1teaisic\ovs.13. Sietotritcs Me\ielc 55''5555 Nos. 4. \'ict sciass In.sttser teasss Ns .\ SRiE11S.\ 'lINT G iiti. lie I ill N. TI'rass'c8 hlawtt, ws mausr- rised .\i l it:asfsstrnssntostsMiss :Ait's Smsii fithl tsFliitsits ithoe stf te bridec's stifle' insc'olle'ge, twas s le of ite mttts ate' msenssits csl'ge' stfsirs. lie is well remss'sembered fosr ste l'adinisrges' thast hc ttsok wtile' a smembsierofI the 5, sC'sis' clubi a'ndslalsos fssrIsis classsic ist psoai I, l rofssor IRotierstiM. WSessley sins Ifishigesssi. ''i"sis' e t'ass a itmembessr sof heit Thet si ts' legalfs'atesrnsi'. Pi iDeitas 'iii. DINis tg Iis ce-e'sisy's lie wa''t ttte of te'ein~sg csiit nTh Frotmi.'ornell swe havce te staleencst thas mlss pap~er-thtsissacstrdinig sosaffi- ciali recosrdi-Princetonstotsrasnss every othr ttheam it'egiirn l iNNPROGiMtWT- Syesscssse gamsse ar 'e calledi Iot. lucy mu t he insour5h' dsI or 5' be'fore sTiursday-tssssn, liet. 21, s1"Or. ST1TI E''C NSSt*'l.NTION ()fsts' Uiversity of icheiigant. FOOTBALL GOODS Artlhissg yous ssay ineed frowa a Lacisng Needle worits five censts to a SpaldinggO0fi- cial Football worth $5.00 Gym nasiurn Clothing You can buy for $2.50 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter It will pay you to tee what we have to offer in this tine. WAIIR'S University Bookstore 316 SOVUTn STATE ST. LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AYE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printiug Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. x IWAGNER & CO4 STATE ST. A. G. SPALDING t& BROS. The Splding are thetlargest mau- Ctsidf acturers in thewortst TradeMark of OFFICIALS QUIP- 4. D Iep sports and pastimes. 0 1 p If yare Otereot- 'iN yosoldhave cop t* N u f the Spohdingo at- aoooe. It's a esompete enyloei knoswsn throughout eseeotetsuf the world asa What's New in Sport Ossarste of and5 is sentSfree uon re- Qsusaity. queot. A. G. SPALDINO ft BROS. Ccage~o Detroit Students' Bookstore Second Hand Becks at Big Reductions College Text-Books Engineering Books Medical Books Dental Books Drawing Instruments and Engineering Supplies Agents for K. E. and, all other beat makes ofiInstruments. SEE OUR $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN Slieelian & .CO. STATE ST. SCth ,l"Isti'.IS lilt 555 Nt' i' ,t'ttsris s5sithestever. tf l t°c:s Fie,() tii Sitianager's it" :s li th hitorys oft iciganSite r-'t .-Iss ty et i10ite stanx itms tat ll Slun r It r t frtfs t ''5 \ttontiesaid 'Uses I-Vft r O L'i iil!I nC ic il T it s schedule has 'beens )1 lushtill ou cc is at, e pc te to si t>etietil ta No ainss'es in s th e es ts o stcsit- d iti f 'or 5 c t he tt i ' o li st t The ft~iuc ,. its s'5be s'sim lr t tht of e list' ii ss' sTe tociisrt game stt c e0ii1 ste ts t it' ttcsthe sFresh ccitit t'tt so te vais d pti lils IDrteeinsg,this'right kinsit at ss i s triers; ,at te SidsirssIc' hiset Sit'ails& fC, f I't tf Lots of people never worry about style, just buy FOWNES GXLOVES and hit it right. t S X11( Ct'. f s t BAILEY & EDMUNDS Cars is hincg;seTackles stdAmmsss tisst K iey iling astpscialty 121 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Miclhissan R~. E. JOL LY'S 308 5. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. ittluoe.itits t iff!istys A55'5t foEt 1551B. 'ts ss tntit tgeti itto ato BE&BEB tPIPE The chillpti>titteare cf c1,94st1%0ctie e i 's'S SctsiiTilet Pros ai 1(po itsniginsses, asndis sthe tsecrs ut' ritte n1fir -s'ttitt'statsh ladies. 7017 to tc'rr its It the hu eors gainth iSs cets N. t' it crefiy. hltt as(sJ. 5;hIgs' i - I No.2 6 Fast Evening TRAIN DEiTROI'T Via Michigan Central Leaves, 6:52 P. M. Arrive Detroit, 7:45 P. M. Every day, except Sunsday, Ini ample time for a' I &cial, Theatre or Business Enigage meats. 'U iiersit tbusic i~Iouse PRESS BUtLDtN., MAYNARD ST. StV ttt t i't tt t't'i ristlotitf ltstr. iffortbItyt!Bicaeon oft1909 a comiplete otoch of the beat CtaseuC cettttto. uiOttft~eo onfiSheet ilMutic. ' lattsvathse tateot onis beetthitO petattc oalioputtr f6 tttc. flIan~oiino, iOuitavo and (l1uoical fM chcalndie tlnivevsi t &Busc~1o . FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings a'rice s Riuls IWM. A RNOLD,9 JELLEGE 220 South Mais Street. - Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Chtinese Fancy Dishses, Steassianusd i'hopts. Amserican Luncheseof all hinds.NEery- thisn fhrsS class for ladisand iuti i si us i CleaesettKitchsen inAnn 3rbtst 514 S. STATE STREET AT TUTTL E & CO. LunG' Room You cao find a list list of Confectionery I bb-i121 Wesbioetou . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Profps. Phase 599