_______________ -fIY3 MICHIGCAN DAILY This space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield ::. &Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 H. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repatr-rig ag Specialt~y THE F'ARMERS AND M[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,05 Surplus and Proits $100,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid ou Time and Saeings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes in reni at Sh .d and upwards R. Rester, Pres. PH. G. ncVRsTYAN. Vice-Pses. Ht A s.tLLIMS.Oushier F'. T. STOWn, Ast. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol Stock 550,000 Surplus $290.000 tResources s 00,0 A Oeneral Banking Business Trannacted OFrICnES Chas. E.. Hiscock, Fees.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.: Ms. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIETcOne: W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Pus. H. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Dlouglas Christian Martin Dan F. Ztimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICHs. F.. D. KINNF., HARtItSDN SDP3LP Fees. Vice-Fres. j S. W. CLARKSDN, Cushier. j Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Frofits. fococo0. C rmn-merican Saving{s Bank Comrzercle.1 mend Sa .vinags Coa. M.aus anmd Liber-ty Str'eeta CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. Wan~ed-College men to act as agents doriing summer. Good money for right me~n. Call Bell 302-L, or address or roll on Geo. F. Brown, 619 E. Uni- versity. Golf lWanted-Stoldent wvho ihas been success- fuil selling as canvasser and who swants cenplovment during leisure time call at 1017 Oahiand hetween 6:30 and 7 :301 P. in. References requliredl. 117-123. LOST. Losl-A Rider fountain pen, Friday, wsithsout Ia cap, hetsween Vashinlgton lndUntion Hall, 011 Thayer. Pleasse return. Clara Lee. 202 So. 'Thayer. Rewvarcd. MISCELLANEOUS Scweaters cut over, or repaired at "The Palais Royal," 209 B. Liherty St. tf YOUNG'S IHATS. (None hctter mladte.) Spring styles no0w ready. ALLEN'S. CLOTHES SHOP. Tihe Store for Style. Main St. if. "SENIOR LAWS." Poe sale, at a bargainl, one com~ple set of Mieligan Reports, fully 011110 taled, slightly used. Good as nesw. George S. Clark, Port Ituron, Mich. 99-134. OLD TOWN CANOES ;sendl polstal fole "Canoe"c'catallogue or1I. Wi V. Scott, 702 S. Univ. Phonlle 63. tf. J-H-op anld alt Operatic Music f or sale at Schaeberle & Sons's Music House, 110 5. Main St. 9itf. You will find o11111r111 yperitC~ilglneal kills. agenlcy L..C.. Smlith T1peitcvelr. ZIGV~l)SKI AND) I.ANI! tf. 310 S. Statie 5t., 21111floo~lr. Cllegiall Clothe's fole Cillge 11111.' AI.LI',\"S CLO I3''ES Si lop. tf. A1lailStesel. P[l'l'r lSfli) r. ; OX LLI Io10 Mo01,115101hom1INgc 1.) meli, are doin g a gretaln1111good ser- vice for the c 21111 loll. 1Briithrc is n11 grec ite1111 ospita11 as1there11shouldcibe, 111111.11chlrprsenC c ity 1 11. \\h11t Pittsblurg 1iw1ed s is 1,2its. Ilmltk. 1or 111e 1111 cll'v, 1111 21111 11111s1 1 (1 II 1111111 111111 mloye ll(] e T emil- ha im~ellto1n11 ce e vlsw ich icer ituatio nl 1 Pt111 11 11-. Mr.1Bur1111is tiComision,1lwichis the >111111 o The comissin and s'y,-re1made i possble1, he ussll age1112 latilic Upo th ucsswihaied h FORMAL EXPOSITION OF SPRING SYE SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Merx's Clothes tn reference to this important occurance to men, young men and boys, we wish to cull yoor espcial attention to our display this season, for several reasons. The authenticity of the styles, their exclusive- ness, and the tact that they are in harmony with the very latest style information from the Girst sources. That those are essertials which would receive every consideration is generally appreciated. These Spring styles in Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Shirts and Furnishings, out rank in scope and exclusiveness thlat of all formuer seasons. So we direct visitors' attention to the individuality we have thus imparted, net alone in Suits and Oveercoats, but in our otock of men's. boy'o and children's furnishings shown in this Formal Spring Exposi- tion. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET 11om Phone 221 Decent place guarantee( Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant o M ntriths Chinese Fanc~yDishes, tasand Chtopth lhing; first class for indies and gentle rend'~t Cleanest Ktcthen is Ann Arbor. 314 5 . JSTATEC STREET Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Are. sltIwl ch e frth1 14 M-1 2',, i] (,rdey 11) t Ihel l ill' 1 1111 l~. ~C 111'' tl .1 ']'his11 ill 1 e1 fo1 "n111.11;;iris 1 1 1tir 1 th h ll1 1 . he 1 1~t- be b r e . 1>ir . 11a t 011111 e o t ()IaI 1. 111c 111n5 Ii. 'UiI l U li itt'11 i 111 1i'll 11f 1115 11111 C lO the r w lhe ill '.1 oi1 teoi- Cl 11111 11 11f New Phone 45f Bell Phone 45?-11 Mark them and ore - Corliss Coon Collars outwear others. They arc strong, hand made collars. Absolutely, you can- not act better ap- Spearance, style, t construction. wear. 11 - zII $TA"l VARSITY, 2-2n SENIOR. 2Y5-ia. Tinker & Co. J. F. Wuerth Co. 312 Stole St. 211 S. .naio St. AT TUTTLE. & Co. Lunch RoomI You can find a floe line of Confectionery AT LOVELL'S 332 5. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS TOXI can get Sweaters cut over into 'V shape or Vents Your fancy vest oir suiting-Dry cleaned Your Fall suit dyed (Age'y Peters, Detroit) Insignia, Numerals, sewed on sweaters, etc. Neckties and gloves cteaned Student mending Michigan pillows-Banners of all other colleges Notions, gas mantles, chimneys, soaps, towels We give satItsfactIton. Comxe and see us NorCth Scal. OIll{ l1111ri1 I1 c.lc w 0 ~that have the call now-I 881t Blucher Lace Tan Shoe-$5.00 II 2672 Rutoian Tan Button Shoe-$4.00 Se hae alltIdth~ts ad siz s now-btothey are sell- intraily-(cts Ill lhse number not 01u1 yet FIFTY-SIXTHi SEASON SIUDENIS' LECIUR[ ASSOCIAIION l'ISFNTS The Premier lecture Course of Arnerics. LIEUT. ERNEST Hi. SHACKLETON Whom has reached farthest South FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins WM. ARNOLDp EWLE 220 Snuth Main 5Stree, DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor antd Jackson Limited Cars East BSund-7:30 a. In, 1:56 O4:00 p. mn.,27:30 p. mn. Limited Care Went Bond-9:24 au in.. 2:24 p.ui., 5:24 p. in., 804tp.mi. Local Cars East Bound-2oa Detroit, 53 iu., osd every hoor to t0:4tlp, i. TI) Ypsi- lanlti, 3100 a, m. and half hourlytoll 135ip. n:., alsol 12:10 a. in., 12:30 a.in~. 12"50 a. in. T Salinle, chlange at Ypsilaniti. Local Care Weal Bound-5;45 a. 01., 7:15 o. inand every two hours toil1:10 p. in. Watch for POr STANLEY LEE f inent EditsorPEssayit, and Lecture s Season Tickets on Sale$ lI"50 New for Spring "' We ar shtowllintniextenive line of Woolens for Spring. The assortitetnlt comttprises everythingR that is new and nobby in designl, clololr -ald quality. Wecaen say without exaggeration one stoIck this ycear is the moslt handsome we have ever shown, anti will readlily a ppeal +.o the nmost particnlar patron. W. C. DIETERLE Vaity Twit 00 17 E. Liberty St. MAY FESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 ARTISTS SOPRANOS1 MME. JEANNE JOMELLI (kLate of the Metropolitanuand Manhat- ton Dpera Comnpanies) Mrs. Corinne Rider-Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl Saminis..MacDerild CONTRALTO: Miss Margaret Keyes TENOR: Mr. Daniel Beddoe BARITONES: Mr. Sidney Biden (Berlin) SIG1. GIUSEPPI CAIOPANARI (Msetropiolti tpera Company) Mr. William Howland BASS: Mr. Herbert Witherspoon (aMetropolitan Opera Company) PIANIST: Mlle. Tina Lerner ORGANIZATIONS The Choral Union 1300 voicea) Theodire Thomas Orehetraiasppieaes) CONDUCTORS Albert Stanley Frederick Steak PRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS "The New Life" - Wolf-Ferrari "Scenes fron Odyssus" Brail. mi Studio - 319 i a st fluron. Street