I + w W i dYYwi ...-r.....:.v., ..--...-..s."..ee a I _ __ r. .....e.! n..s. _. ._n.4. ..r.e.e.,.uc _ sr ...... . ...... ..... . ... .. ..._,_ i Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Peasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H. Wild Coupany TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLINTON "The aS5LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKE R BRAND "C LI NTON" BUTTON EASILY AD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER S IZES 150 2 for 25! Wr13ARKER C2 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Slyet A. (LSPALDING .& BROS. The Spalding acererItheheestmarnd Trade-Mark of OFICIALi QUIP- MNT,oraIautleic VDINO sport andpatime. K I o Ifyuuare interet- 5' ed in Atletic Sport S . you sould haveeacoy e~ I u ' of te Spldin Ct- o. lopue. Itxcomplete kew hogotencyclopedia of iskoth ogoudtss Wa' New In Sport Gno-mtse of 0ndiset freoIIr Quality. qet. A. G. SPALDING if BROS. Chicago Detroiot Base Ball Goods Now that the sason is hrn you will need a supply of Base Bll Goods Mitts, 25C to $8.00 Gloves, 25C to $3.00 Golf Goods We are the sale agents for Crawford McGregor GolClubs, Gol Bogs Balls and Supplies Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior CLARNCE E. EtDRtDGE. Bsiness Mnger CARL . . ADAM. Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, -I p. m. Boiness Manager, I-2, 7- p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News.........Lee A Whie Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics........... Wilbur D. Elliot Women ...........PFrieda Keintlckc Music and Drama...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges ...H . B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE EDITOS. Walter K. Towers Harry Z. ole Dion Birney . A. Hickley Arthur B. Mohman Wade Oliver Fred Lawon Harry G. Myser rank Rowell Carles H. Mylader Morris Houser . Hack Ryan A. J. Wohgemoulh Maurice T. Tolme rank Pennell rank \NV. i\urps BUSINESS STAF C. A. 3owman Norman H Hill Wsalter Q. Wilgus yer Rbin Kenneth Osborn Norman Wite TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 191. Editr Tdy-DEWis A. HINCKLEY. Weather: Party cloudy w ith rais in north portionstonoight and1 1hrsda-. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. March 22-J. ]is vs. J. engineers. -as- ketball. 7:00 p. nsI. March 22-Senior lit Smoker at Milhi- gan Uniont. March 22-Choral Union Coert. Fritz Kreisler, violinst. March 25-Gerald Stanley Lee. S. L. A. Lecture. University 11a11. Atril tItDeuascher Verein presents "Dokor Klaus," New VWite'Thea tre. TOASTERS TO TOAST AT FIRST SGNIOiR SNlKIF. Thte men of the lit graduaing class gather at Utioti clubouse this evseviing for their first smoker of te year. Te toonday lutchons in Barbour gmna sutt have irought te boys atd girls of te class together wills markedsucst- cess but this is the first oportninty te men have had to cultivate fellsips assisted by sotg, story and smoke. Dale fouter, chairman of the social committee, will preside, adi ssill call ott five of the seniors' leaders to start the evening's jollity with short tals. The speakers and their sbjcts follosv Charles Franklin, "The Proper Wav Is Woo;" Morrison Suafroth, "thi Bea Kappa;" Albert Weeks. "A Pie Dream;" Lyman Bryson, "'op Sim nng-a Senior Tradition ;" Charles Good, "Trials of a Senior President" Percy. Dotnovan and the otlier nsemnbers of the senior sing commsittee nill be osn hand to lead the singing. The usual smoking matetials and re- freshments will he lberally prosvidedl. The tickets, which sell for 35 cents, may be secured front members of thseon- mittee or at the clubhtouse during the evening. The smoker to scheduled ts begin at 8f o'clock. One twentieth of the studettts in the Untversity of Pennsylvania arc from foreign couutries. JAP DIPLOMAT WILL TALK- MUSIC AND DRAMA Baron Kikuchi Lectures Wednesday in University Nall. 'ITe Soety of the Sigmsa \i sell ibe stAsESTIC sTHETE. addsresseid t\Vesl's- dats 'Miauchi2,1, in I ios~n ss~icli rsits t ii Tue comittttg wseek at the MIaiestic theimpeia titc tn(((sit tsofsKyoto,andl Theater stillise ktiowsttas "'ictieOpera forisrivus intiterli of sit uIation t in i'feck" sin accouunt of the star feaitrk htsa te ttisso iiiotit es lcitgof the newsshotithtitwsill ispenti ssisr-- "J~apa n Ne th Jptile 1 he ddrssbeig-rosseitigtt for the irsit three itays of ai .ii: Iits Moral'andIn ttel thsesteelk. "The Gypsy 's aviarers' ier in I clovspmiettisss at itiels iugng te ii ten tKikucic ws en b Couteposacstoitlesign pr K~oura Jpanse"Miiser f oregnally coediatnssattitchoristers attilthe 'sf is u eelsetsltslesite rois heprodcteioni is the biggest tiitg ini the Affarsto elivr Tis ectue fom hesas iof a sauctesvile act sects here ill plaisttrm of thei Cisic Porutts in New many cclek. Plety of siuigitig andi Fits it s isd ist i-it-sodantcingtpretty girlssmed ant atsuttdance Kikuhi s ascietis ofintenat sit ofgorgeous scetiery still tiake thtis act reputtai(tininitheitlvd of seismology, ttesmsto talked of tiitg of Itse seassit. and iswaisis-ited ituerrupiis iispecial Teesittcltcat t tetcvtr onTer cusllibe.'sveuactsi oirtto nelisro- journtieysat im Arbor 'nitie pelersro aitgram tnd thse shots wilt he a record teculialaddess bt le pefrs o a-ireaker fsor ppularity. Nest Tthurs- stocs ht ii~siiiiit eieili~i t-tterday anthetsr setnsationtal feature stittlibe ipo thte sutbject sitsiest. sffered in thte great act ci thtte .'stsi 'The promnsence of the spteaker, anutd taeeTots fMgcas tti the intecrnationial signiificancee of his isJaiiaeTroureofan-gfisitanylThig ;cmrnss-naacttelisremessagefriroinithinm jouneyandhisiY~S~ae, romse llever sen here andths te orientalcot- isecasion of excepionismpitortane. iii juring stunts still tic the itlk of the only fssr Sigmia Xi, hut the Utiiversty.lit 'T'he address still bse in Universtity biall, - ani p-n us the tptlic. sT a s viA siittts T,' ,,Rst. Liltian Russsell is tmeetitg wvitht the 'ster the addiress aibsiicstiteeting greatlest success sit *her career inth te wvill lie heldl, atvichsil, among other George Y. iHobart ligttcometdy, "Th thiitgs, as-scot ill lie taksetiupn ssatiFirst 'Nsighst," wshichi the famouts tbeaut asenenitt toissSee. VII if the isy-last is uiniitthis sea(soni as tier stellar se- (('sc-i bssProsfecssorc Pattersssn, saitsic-isiic. Site thusalresidy brosketnte re- sssidc-s, at the lasistetisig. orcds of a dozencthetiatres is thte soustti Si-c. VII :'1h1 iiiionissfee sshl ticndmetiidtic sest andi eisrkitig asuhsosrt tswo s dolars t$2.ss0I, phis ths csitftoucrthirisusgh this sectioti sts ter wat-ao TRACK If yso Wious 1irls si s - -izf call on nslist sons Track Supplio-s W~e eatrry itsthi,.ig ou may neetd frott ir itfiiChamois Pushers tsrth 25cto au16 Pound Shot worth $1.75,tsr apsir of Spike Shoes $5.00 WAHR'S University Bookstore I1 ORTHUNIVERTYAVE.I t __ _ ..___. _.._..---_--...__ .i ~I i - _I i 1 t, ) IThis suss utue lst-sof thse- chaiipc tersall be sne sdssllarforseas-avis ie memb-sier. The~ initiatiosusfes stiaili 1ecconisid-eet toi isicludie thes-first srears Octue s ets'ne 's 1 It~tS N\\ 11 .1.C t'I1R t"OR ICLASS ti'NCE, 's'TIIIANG1IiR'S 1,sc hhlise irstitii isiiseaist- yeairs, a viass lassce-wsill belicveni ai t IGeatger's sit 'sarch d, at twhichs sit lit stutdtcnts misi gtet tosgethsersocills.OTi i parIs is ts Isisnownis ans iiall-lit itance sait still bie guess underisheitsiessosithelinio viass. Thss ultisatinsietioni s oifi this iil- listsiason s s is id ni lt the sssiblitof fsoming a5lits-sarysosial cluitswh ichs may (-si