GET IN THE EASTER PARADE Even if you don't wear the new Spring suit on Easter day, it's a sonrce of satisfaction to know that you have it and conld wear it if you choose. Choose Stein-.Bloch The S IEIN-BLOCH Spring patterns are ex- clnsive and unrivaled in beauty. The STEIN-BLOCH tailors have been in the STEIN-BLOvH employ for many years. They have raised tailoring from a trade to a fine art. Thse STEIN-BLOCH style is the last word of the great style centers of thz world. These are reasons why STEIN-BLOCH Clothes fit and suit the individuality of the wearer. Come to us and try on one for Easter. Pearl Grey Hats in all the new models. Lilldellschffitt, Apfel & Go, SPRING FURNISHINGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS Wse hae securedltheagency t ie College Gaps and Gowns. FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W E would suggest that yeu leave year orders and measi cvm before April tst to insure the prompt delisvery i'ofii rise,(iaps and Gowns are only made to year order, sample'. of many vaietic'. here for patrons inspection. Jime newest effects in Manhattan Shirt, Neckwear, ii ,('s. lie'1iery, Novelty Hasdkcrehief , sprins,,ig ,ht IUderwara. tni-c SPRING HEADWEAR All the neiw shapes and shades i the hiest inakes. KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Don't fail to see Bteile, Conlimi & "ic i'5lslipecimil $300a.iSi. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. FAM LHA1KIUYT REE. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURD)AY UNIVERSITY NOTICES WHTE TEAR Saturday, Mand Miglht March 19 t nI tI'~ ~~ tlr_ r a t il I I f is v". l i ite sisas al 1, .ti k t \ i d \ , all t, ay cnd \1ulascs ,111 (st 1(11 llel "l, c llntitte fo Advsors ,(ta 11 vi y n su \lf1' I t)t is'F 1 IS 1,i'1:1? ii'.i'MINT 31, ii st by see iote IIG 7 /N7' ( 72/ IN THE CHORUS' LADY"1 PWICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMEN4T MATINEE NIGHT Boxes -------- ----._$1.50 Boxes------------------- $2.00 1st 4 Rows _- - -------,.$1.50 1st 13 Rows-------------- $1.50 Balance Lower Floor-_..-- $1.00 Last 8 Rows ---- -$i.00 Balcony-ist 4 Rows _ 75c Bane it 4 Rows _---- _1.0 Balace alcoy -SocNext 6 Rows---------------- 7c Gallery ------------------ 25c Gallery --- ----3c SEAT SALE-THURSDAY MORNIN G Hotel Cum-berland KINK 1BUlY~ Zarelli and Deam an "PS ~ l l 11ri eS ii 115 s t i~vatyt ;'1, *,;1 t11 li l -i i1}. l m C 1 11'1 )il WE SELL ANt) RENT ASGOWNS Faor All Departamenmts O ttiCie uiiisitii s -slabesiasto se isvo iiiian'111 sal 5s1cltioiniof ias i d (uuunms. in cw(i"i'aivi , SE cUIi'd l UNDER THE M.ANAGEMENT OF' Harry P. Stiiasso., lformerly uwilt nsel Imiperial. R. J. Binxghn..em-, formserly willh Usuel Wioodwsardl Go toyMajor' s To uy\V llpas ,nd 1'tit.Beim uuilas-tturers ofi pint wecn v 'oafo 2 o m0 . esel1iet othe eonsumrc, 'bee foe 11solts' ri(- I 5-aln lt rov r 115 is'r' ysllen. ile i lttcu,,~ ffi~lmeFits. 231"'. Washinytom St. eachs 13.x1 1115 l ie 'i i . Re'uiii Auus i'3 l u lves lire i'ls c xi'91 edi'r i sl l lis l ~,t te.i ' B aii - 7"A' ?. t'aJZ i'Slias " C' t 1..! .i1 s Ta =1 ° SP1ECIAL 11 NTAr C I17 F $111 Shul youd ~ eto purh LoYouwil l eeor -;ampsle hilAs 1 g+t i cs t e i & ~msiu cities lls gus l CK Co. ALWAYS AHEAD IN M T1IF BEST OF EVERY TIWIIJL . RTHING IN TAILORINO