he Mach i ____'____ A'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA\TURDA\Y, MARCH lii, 1910. No. 18. VOT,. XX. SYRACUSE ATHLETES ARE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Experienced Methodists Expect to Uphold Hon- or of the East Against Michigan--Leger Un- able to Run--Bohnsack in Poor Condition. THOMAS CAPTURES ORATORY PRIZE Senior Law Speaks Eloquently Before Small Audience--Snyder Takes Second Honors. "Our 9AfriCall loagnla. a discutssioni of the race probltemt, tWat the subject W it '110i11 'N1. 91. lT'homas 1W0111 lut hattors tn tihe Itttwen i t tet a tual cett othe o ra 1trcal e' eti tiiltie ve- wit a ortin o "he rteo eac e prtet tgist il1itismit1 ttt . liw iit t1111the ne t o icalitc°t o \ 11111 the ,Sydr d tilcousortoyitarbeiltra- ui I 11 f11 ]w ii l !iota tit l t lii t'' a'dtt uhtt \ illtt l tt ml ti 1 ti ii te I 99 I ia k 'It] th iI \1(\i I Ic Ii, 1 a o x1 lli (1 it ,I,- 111 1 il) itt' oil 11it 5]) CC1-(Ii raI tBearse 9ohsc, Reck, Saxtitt, th e j ot-ut: it Siyrtiuse: Waite. Mielti- gait : ornerArthuttr, Crtaig. Iir- h igti :tt Syotracuste:hWisnter, Pitt (tltlet-,JohntsonN99itcl, Kehote, W'elshi. rcr? )I-valt: Srause; Keoei, Pres- i>tol Alih on: r itt, o. rner, Kerns. I zeav: iyrcue t L ith, Dit ittiit', it iii'i keitlt i lt F lg-,\ientiltoits Mittit t,£ ow t f it ii c '01': ill c tltriht i ii 01c csi c SOPH PROM PROBABLY HELD ilheiit) tti ttiidtheItt'oItetiltglitn.ti ; t till kt'c inewstt hee etto t h ofc liit it t i ip ia isiSally tas sert ii tt s t c11(II t, the iii i liii titfittttt'iwIsif l' :ts ict if c ndtin li f th tewindows1111111 ati ro intenlt ilt Pritfessor Cliiileo Iitutoolyis ailt- liy Mr. 'AllenT. Bulirns'of Chictagtil. "I Nat t o li atll ite atnin o t dents of soetilogi ititciticto ite hlli Stilax etenitnig t al 91'0M. Barns htts beeni a leadintg oganizietr i hit populaitr ttovetmet tihltasltto 5 ifor tile regnterati of te ct. fir. Alois voil ~ittiof ities Yoik FiaMarc'h z,5, i ittroomi11, I wi Te tPrestti Ctlubittoiallyiii vtits llti thtioettwtottre itterested. KREISLER PLAYS TUESDAY NIGHT Eminent Australian Violinist tot Appear at Next Choral Union Concert. I ed Chotrtl C Utnu onet-Fr~it Kreiteitr it 11 ioli eiteul. CTe'fttmt tilts tvitiol 11liiinistwasto aveapgt -1 1 bl ante 2, slt toa presetedtiti llnhe1 frotm ttintlg ati tatte. Frizeiertisrgenttratiy onttIeeie toi lit'tite' of te motti nls i nttt iet i iti tiiie poitio in ii ti' tmuitital wt l d i't, It is ants ttrof the higihest t .Itleist fran andsinere' i his t ojtteoit iand 'lulle iSaimi ietaqutinititle relit t 99l tle' ut' itatnd tt 9grace oile nt ic tha t. the littler wot ie.oil l\it' tltt hellta lted oi ti 1etiut no faditstinlhste usulevolinist wa att t oy lidir lue I o i to 0h111(1hent liideisulh joyulo trae's from if ilte' ~ylitttt b x tht is at herii lil oon i hout h~imialighetil 11111 (tentuen t It wi f tocIriteillSrkmaitiiptbileo hihyiozefelt 11111ratuuwars b-l\t'ile evtotingerig10.11li ifextiS/lin a lital tiltzed 1 11111 t h it tif ' iii' i admir0r111on ti en1trac o 911t Vienai tutu' tatth ae f i ht li' tmt littoto thee gld ii(tug t 11111ns 1vaor it o him aiilso g~ifof hisfrens , h l ittoIon Iyite , Kretiioiserfltt q ittihti ht e wasii otitttt tutufewilleats blit tim teitis dsire (in 0 Thetile ofllti15hit ttler iudit. 1111 isa was1'ittnoittilftheiihst, and'ii ii i Silt uusttd oiistvlstoiuboathtiltui- iprie iwtuuieaI 10 llwiStolwd 0151,ttl e t t t t U re oisiiiig. I ohleul IIot - RECEPTION AD. BY A GENIUS Unique Advertising Posters At- tract Widespread Attention on Campus. T'hs ctust0has fir a long time oatedt ifim111111 ooudtpets, play- trig1 totndouthtter artfists. Now it can bos, ysbag f a avertising etnius. Aiayt h ie atitsory sytem, per- h110 St Iatick'els tday atd possihly the spig wtathit 1 thitscause of this 'onuts'debuit. 'hitsiowevetrt we will ni ot toocuss. e're too glad he is here adttat i s heretofore uitdiscovered aiito iaseeni brotgtto light. Ifi itsIrst irouicittions which are pla- tordsanni oninthle soph-lt reception to their advisors, have created a sen- sao aroundh the campius. The audacity if tile sttlretts, rytitit of te poetry tn clrillg of the tlacards las at- ractedl he atihtioniiof e erg pasery. 1 mtitiyt'otuhtr yesterday oie could Oct seertal "011sf Eriti' gathered aruda huge greent poster in Whest Baltlt wichieappiearehd1o amost shot oth tehee twords--"H et You soph- it ! Cniutoie uthe uttlisors dance sd oee ihemti'withliibells tilttheir les.' Poo- tcl lItheir firsitttapperace! IDon't u hditretmiss ill It is needless to say hat thutI riohlt tile well represeited 99etricsof tie orantge fotod delight in lo lintg heart' a1 ltrge yellow' sigh ii 'raptilHltffering tis ibalad, which Itoa especillyt attracise to a numer of gilno liitere titrtitig very con- spou y 10telowut neckies: Come tutu' all, bthuitfat tatu sit, \uu 1r lt io dantce twith Barbour Jimt. Ohur idear advisors toilie helre To, lutce' t itsoph-litii maidenis air. Bittcot (the poet). Th'isi botldu tutvertiser does notoheven hucsitate itoetaliswit the powers that hii. ii ittilthtuore iihaniierters the mai eri r ofIUCiviersithal efore le is tatohtitletritiedt ot Iinetg confronted kith apacha1hearitig this message:I "litan Reiedtiosays'tutufreshman anquet,' but htecat Istep htite soph-its front ringt their itdisors datce." When uitcirocuted abtuth i e imater the cean laughedandtdelaetredt le wouldn't worry ibot thiie iii tetisertdeiatce. Tain thtie fo(rill of a wat at., a placar inithelirtry corridor pro- clis: ' Stlit lit imaidens are all , 111111 at tetutvislr'stdatce. Price int iceI uu-uir iecents. Garateed ino cheaper tieuthod uofhpassitg your school Ti C imtjorily of the class have tx- ii etiis,, no t ees its beitg desirous of ateing the ihfuction int hopes of get- ino acuaited 0 it the yountg artist. Beatseofua sercity of tnuers, the itua baqe it1ittitIofthe Whester Society o it tult fr itast tightas psspoied uil ne t onth.i ,a t ashhrtnmtichg of Itie society ield iath cicetuitig tenttive ilts were atopted thd tttthe banutitFiridtay, Airil . A iistofallthotse iwhoutcant positiely at- letd ii ilituitttl b rtj pthtisomtitg week an ai t tiC next regulalr teetig of the oraizioniiiitit wil tbe deeiedl shether irt ititt wilte possibileitohold the Tiw IUileruit litaid is ii need of more tmusoic'ians, ptarticltrly altos, fruitbtutus ,andiiiritlit. The band is try- it'igto eeltiin osttitefr ti series of sin it c teeo antuull histrueta- tit o i ubsiluteiyinecesstry Ayoe tilt ite tot o trs-otlthouldtiti etunti- cati wituh 11(inutur Pischer' tt onice, titter ittcot tilts ''r user the Bell hnte 97.4 II .' 5, 11111 c 91'i