7ol.. xx
SYRA USEPREPARED Tl'ice ofdaa'saioii iattg a()
Condition oral Meet- -u aes in-t Ildicitat lh
itstor liasoer) t 5
Coni ti orMell. i*Tet em ~r VlI-tce
is a ooatta it itttheiame pfir d iastandle i till
11i ih te, ra t iee.I -tl r a ds e i I ll , sa r d ii - t lo
till is
st ti
(J o on Sale for Black I-ace
so Ililga i lcl tadti atth
gat1 ail miiiia lilshot' adidiic
Jil Tiiiti i iiit ls
ill lit Clashut nt a
ati the' lil I,. A ic e i (
iii liii I1 itt { ii lit altd i tilt(is
tc Ittis tu Ii tai i e) u
eitu I tt Cii I 1 a1(u t ci'
<ltocoetl cepIss
ret II he t ia ii is tr )r
Fav orable Decision by Medical'
Board Nece'sary if ase is to
Be Reopened.
ri ,lofe sr 1- 1 e ks to i 555'11)an ,-~
cu~ui cl t ls sc iit lti
lr iit 'I~tt . ici i tt I>
t t iclit Cthai iit t t''tt i i t, t
ito. No.Lt7.
ill dY l UT idld'l'Ili. 7id 'ORAT1AOSWIrLL MEET
S 1al°lg(I)tile 1Ill'11 ilttI.(V0 iUROthe4J
eigh senorsinvrded ate iii fha Kaufman Testimonial and Chica-
fie las r <sucrald 11 rrlrn it o go Alumni Medal to be Award-
II( nittontt I l cr wit' dTngt
tll, 111s" lticrs w(-il heStv[I ipiih dl thti w o substaintial prizes aad a
goldit medal'1 u~t offareid to the wiaoers of
'ihi at ialdsecoind hioiors, the competi-
Ilinii ithie anital iuoiversity oratorical
iots riseas to lie uniusually keen
Ovet (\ IIImar pentfultl, t1 tl h s ea. The conitest is scheduled for
se irlt 1( n31\ii roIi sC(!.ihi 'itve ig as ti regular tiutmher of the
'a eclits altre Associatioo coarse.
So' ix atien ftimithe literary and law
I i i iiit i i iii itsdepas t me itntis trill staice for sonora: G.
i.Crm sill iropose "International
j th n < trlc \ cst rdI}-,s,3 lllwt hat tifi titittit itwhile V . R.Jose, jr., will
tla, he as d<-t aint111Ce1fr ay~ugretthitscaseonitsThe Awakening of the
\mrcin Cotiscientce. "The Call of
It ituu iatt t isitia siuhject to which George
i1 oten a thee ('dor: t= E Ick ii ill aesponid. W. R. Snyiler
its lhosenthtei tiiiely topic, "The Price
<t~c~rtc~an nstad f fur is lin 11 t f Ieac" tad 1.t'fl.Thomas will dis-
<n~dallsenir Its lg hve n t rtl5ansai "iOut African Enigma."
liii ":A 1tc1 l1iihIlDae"suggests the nature
- hut dlAV-. W. edenseyer of Ann
Arbr, ill at as presiding officer for
HIGH SCHOOLS CLASH iheicoiiesi.Thea lodges will be Prof.
'.S a Itierainid Prof. S. D. Magers
' etroit Central and Local Athletes IfYpsilatiti and Prof.XW. H. Butts,
Hold Track Meet. rf .P oe n Supt. H. M.
111 Aror ig s~oilti y~ llsiuilSlitsotitofiithis tity. The Kaufman
iieisitioitlsuwhich consists of one hun-
BrdI Iolllais fur thelin ainer of first hon-
-tis " i ng tit teit'nl i t(f t '- otr it i f tltdollais for the winner of
1troi t t it 6 11-lhg nc he r t a c'ttlt sat ttil hitittishas lbeeii received. The
Iivs iost itloalpre itsa 11a in iiiii imeall will also he
awairttdetdii ili iiiiiais storweing. This con-Inr.Ihweer ttepnl <u
I sis I tiiihansoiiie gold piece, heauti-
;vIic Ky it ii it a 1 'tt el1),11'iii It tult'd signedal hi'Louis H. Sullivan
tc'n itt it ii it iih "ixllitc nd is i i'i lia 'yIthe taitmiiassociation
IIIetit° c 'nt \ ) .rll)rwil 1t wth- of hiago It wil aso go to the cc-
<Irnndstr, hohroe hs rm hie Telitnnertt iof the unilversity sea-
l ilii1t h loal i l-~ i~i1 Il i it it tciitast still represent Michigan
! Sas("tntc ta a as Cipoit \iinr inteNotlieriiOGatorical League.
II h a l a lt Iii a al ii ITits u.istetwieatitethi year of theou'
un-aritioteasts nd during this time
c' 1 l stna f-wi tr 11ctroloits ~oil dttIC tt ha is iiiiirtiie firsts in the
1w hor seera crcksho e cr sothe lcgnecatts.Tds 1 a gue is composed
(i 1<cas exectto ame ver ad<u iii eof licigan, Wt Visconsin, Minnesota,
tl f her ore foo ad co11- rvel 'cIlli, Iowa, Northwesterts and
fo heta crth i t l w ich ti e iii hut Obelin.
tc <~t 2II11cdthe las c~t. Caig, Thereglar . L A.tickets will ad-
2 v~114 r brtherand l11a~t~rc~li~w, iit th 'i tcst, tot for those who
>f te vasihspriterglo~t h<I i h .do ntihl ttlllaices a nominal admis-
pricipc h rdc fo tlc )< rviers 11 s n If tety-liveacanita will he charg-
s eterd II lve f te Iinec'v'nt I1c1 d lit aiiiitast will he held in Uni-
S1-cIII h :1ei ri t illlltiisaveinig at 8 o'clock.
w hlc
h<t1t: 1
11 fr,
311 th
Nilc t
taia. d> \ l. >FIciatc Ii
AM",nu C I. S. ddtittaa.11
t>ttcu S-N xItRia tTS arsItfiSOCIALLY.
dl twll ii ite clotsit if their college days,
teSItitta]its arcetplannting many at-
I' lIh i ii iii. Net T'Pitasday, March 22, the
ut vtilhedasmsoker 'at the Michi-
A. Iv ;]-d Timg tntum. Theaftifair will comumence
Ill iital.IM1t l atiieight o'cloick. The senior
tid~ iait o cmit tttt tca will entertain with souse
i i<l l .- Suit of at"stiii.i
rick13,11. t \ill itsilitate malters greatly, an-
aomcs th ltaniiiaieiset, of those who
t1 ltr it itt "t gitt Ni.' ll pittchase their tickets
act oits a Ihliacaniiibe procured from
1ti ttit trToweriitsI ail Greer, S. Dale
it j Stti anitiN.lC.adMartina The price
I,,altar' lpcrait is baiin"g taucgtat the
au Ivc- i ii f llinouis.
;, [> ,
1:1rt'5 it t i litt t rt'i t 5 d tti{}1,tat sati. c I sItkItat'.
__ _ _ .
S. L. A. Tickets A dimif Tickets ">.;
8 O'clock
. ...