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March 17, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-17

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e. y; ft1 ,^ >a

Requires Athletes to Showe Clas-
~'sification Cards in Addition to
Athleiic Standing.
for th1 tr(11and baseal i eam , ap-
peare fo re: the c0 li i bi0litiicomitteei
of the fioard 111 in ontr l f tlftiCn Wed-
irodav eci n d ied 101 (tile 1I011
man resefnt \,1 fftin iii ('1(41
The bnshl flldot1W ontahe


IF W1ffllI , I \E 'TT, ('fffH \\GAN.

mcia if J'i'i'andiLfimif ilfor
"IhveIt eeie, aninot onidr
I Iirtand L'tivcrsty. I lid (no r ec lth
steme1nt itheItroll News inil last
(11ii a d11<1 al oifioifiii o 1<11 -1
in c:as tohoii, owhcrc or fromwho
1111111 Ofe sttemeIntI will snt t irent
onei (111the 1man rumor11111e1 hufiiith
ronigi at)iwmo f f111t10 sin. tProif.
f1,-is fne o Ifihe((lint N atood meet
ofn helalf acu i o lirty nd (1(11 li finr-1
ctcd nitmthe Umll it wil eplae
Deutscher Verein to Present "Doke=
for Klaus" in April.
Wih juntt 1 miii ifs rciiniib~fre
th \tnal pesni tiat i () n tmiinf i iiim.oog
meeti11(110.ire t ieentlin te1(1r.1a
wc c< fr rheasal. 'Thir nlirtiml (of
IS im (bifo((film'

Has Accepted 0 f er 'rom the Ilni=
versify of Texsn.
lo l 1~ l(' 57ll t 0 1'cs hf- I
miii' 0J)11111wlt +). ,e(' ic 1 '1hts r
nih i ll , r ; 1 1 i '1l I i t (
Iirtlclt ti itlin 1 i'I } I~o m
1lc c i l ri s . ,i' '+) . [1 1(i 1111 tt
((10 if1 (11 1 la' 1()w ' ( 0« 'l
it i l ri. ,. 1' rcI . i l i
f ll t ii s ( 1 S 'ny t he 1li(

12i 1111 h1 lit Z lo e l ls t t'7
I11111111 e apu hi eaa ls
will bei na ed I h.,I So)]] fit gfir c1il1i
ating prctci ltlyad naie
I n il 0 1 It is h i f, ~no f the'( clilt
limner ich wifill son Mflpiaii.Frni
alt indicaioins thireis aiwealth f ia
a' 1a in the lass ndiithe' 11.11,01111

1. l "H ,,i
nil- a(I T1

1~t~1< ii 1 () I- (I II t
fay- 11 i af(r IoI a
(U I'(111(in 11 i ii Ll mouri
1r ii' I is fcid 1'V
1 1 s t 4:30 P. Ill.

ofthrealeteuaniiive1(1tothe (1(1.m
watchotilthoscomft I('lning wit
ffbanksi a stateiwont of the i f
fokthen oaetaking; tfns nons
si riioir. 't1h no litsn willhe11 1
up friiii thercords fn thenonl
partmets ndin 111 atratctab,11
schola((filllege'Itfm mulnon ( o
edir on(1the1blaldiif'i11titheo pafntIat
reoriiii ffir heiinn ft n (feiniest]-
Tarit ashi s spig; ii fir ho
nout aperd eoil ie oun
nulltfr 1oh1o (liset i ito 1 t ill
wiltobe hl ithn tihii nrixto
Atere iiiircrdtsohaneIbeen((
Me~'Oniquesioned . W1fil ieitinvesQ
Thirrommo itehias(1s ii 'fou(1
Cases11 wich rim illitoi ificc ~ ta Ii
reconrdiffiroct(( (iI 1( 1 c i r 1 11(
both (ff1 nnit ((fillotfill Oc


Iit 11 it'1
<1 ' '1' I
,l~ 1Cllf '

if (ttll
:f llt

trillge ..
5(1~l (into ..
11~ k~n .
.11(0 lii 1.....

S teen EI chelcr
iftio I. iihr
fit... .. .. Ia Sittier
I om forlec
cas t i nd ilof x-
>rs; nd te sucess offh
:ii 'role iilliteG r a
oft ni (11 1> rlh h
t ioo i i f fipo tant firt
in I "Iflirah c~, h

'las Not Considered Idea of Abolish=
log "J1'' hoP.
Des it nilfi 1 1 1. tlt I~ tlt
rc-( i at( 1 tili i i 1' 1 >. 1 ,v i i
<1 il l y) ht'' 1 'atc1 1l lt itiit il
cii t ii i u 1 f ,1 p--)lltlt f I M
suh alt i tt((Ilt't
Fm sitle tiii' ift' M et
whte nh i it ~I ' nie i l
of fh t' ~ i s w 1 1i ltr Ct
each s'1 1 i1 li a p l hs c r

S. L. A. to Nominate and Elect Offi..
cers This Month.
<_ cr ii i iuo i till in e ( ain1(1 b
lilfitit h l 1)' fd t n I a '(in ofi
m loc al ull is f1(001 ni vest
(((It f lint n mi () l i ((i l if oh if lls
;aturd t fl) 1 knel o no 111 e l. [ha
. mml im 1 v ill I ie f fe tv ,tl

No.) i6.
Promises to Become the Regular
Mode of Travel To and From
Theroriiler skater is again with us.
Ihis onfrt, s00pfpulainf iithe big cities
001 raltyears ago, has at fast struck
_ n Arbour mnthel other college tows
in \ffofifflim anod appears to te here to
nstay. b\'ftf the'foost few odays of dry
sdialk the ohifldresn got out their ro-
ler siats aiiof were sooii followed by
o iiiinde rgraduaes who, uip to the
(hiesrnt, 1ha0eoified teir energies to
ski after dark. Wiin a week,
(hier, owe iiay'see thenm skating to
1clansesnand aft over town, for the idea
Ia ikn foi rmn root and appeals to the
(51erage stutbecase it seems easier
'Anythinig wiich eiales a man to do,
he deifrensnwifithe least possible
'0 aio'fturo' of enrgy is bosnd to e
iiiiimr ando this is the keysote of the
-oacs of the roter skate.
Oneu of the charmis of this sport is in
torninig how to masipulate your feet
ii totil havtinn'ig tie sidewalk come up
unormnous oly to meet you. The af-
rt noai, gahiered from iterviews with
sniiooosfiif skaters, is as follows: First
bu ta p fair of skates, waift for a real dark
nglt awldlien strap them securely to
your fet A matress or pillow, held
in plaicefin apair of tronk straps, is
con1siieieid'a neessty as it saves the
Ilione'lThs may uake a man look
fit a' malliito ut apearances may
besci "dif t1eIbeginer does not
cre o ta1(10 Iis iieas in a standing pos-
fure Ifor dayst((lieWhen these ar-
10 ccshve fbeen completed, it is
neesr otpik ou a clear stretch of
siewlkcrfully stroke out with one
1on ln thn trust to luck that there
1(1(11e od for fond parents to
ftisthifiropifer ting to fall once or
twic Ietfore getting started and upon
icmtimng toithrn, lut to crawl back
to r roms on asds and knees is
oniidfef redf the(scme of awkwardness.
Twn, or thre'eoeveenisgs of such practice
willof111 (5 ainito10skate aywere
ainI gil 1(away) wihsit, Another feature
ite rott in of Friday and Saturday
night patiro. Beiug downs town for
1eveiilnhors asd ten skatisg home-
wtardoiuirs soue tact, especially for
ts hofl are sisale to do what is
c mollteorimedl the "Dsutch roll."
Sidiftrit, if taken without a tumble,
ifflrntlie tso performer to full mem-
bcrsnhift iothniot carge, in the newly
organizeod roillr skating club.
Not ony15ib is sport popular with
thermm bos b1tfny of lte girls promise
totake'tp te ida. Many, already
ri if, mre skamtiing earls evening while
ofhr a nre rapidly beaning. At Ypsi-
latomi, ,ftioam, Offet and Kalamazoo the
interet in fie spor1t has reached won-
doerfulfruortions. At Yale and Mar-
Iardfresnfnsriare not allowed to skate,
fthin risifegtbeing reserved for the
sohmowre0s, juniiors asd seniors.
Tonuighti, 1sf 7 o'clock, tie Divinity
('h, 'muor ganizations recestly formed
for 'tlim fpurpoms of unsiingmenuswho
t imd Itohter the msinistry, will hold
- iaim'tinmiff Mc\Millass lHall. r. Foote,
( firhe 'nitariainirh, will deliver
Thenlubaready ha asmembershii'

(If Offigltc~u moond iii mctine campaign is
fi no numiade tom increase the
numibor. thofotur uheetiungs are held
cmever m lter Thuimrsoday, at whsichn promi-
I1 hi1 imaculity memuubers asid ministers
muleakmmo(fir siniosnreligious topics,

clic .()fIn elluf mmiii ( ill thei
.°it11 1 th c ar clto1 i
tIn-m ' ii ii 0 ii 1 l 1 i im mlwi
{t l f( l )>c t 1( 1 1 (1 1 11
1 cci -1 hepro1 111(1 o t

r tII

Sfff()1)to 1)C1)t()1ff51 I
'1111k 'i.f I B1'AT1

itI ~~l ii i
1 nIII , 11 r, ilc


rtusid f, te ' i
nalmin g. Ian sl ft
ti lrc hih lbe te i rst
pulled don, nd I I 'm v
th1 1-m' b n ighint'sp l .i ne
strikin dstnc ro t 1
tot' l t daIemiii 1 poilt
1u1yull 'nd ee s I l
fhoerm o an no(h
nighliif t'sphy illi ct l
atlSff entn i ght.ii\i 1
will epae ah t
'1te.1 o hy cps\ 1,i
if'' s ndli i 1822
Nourris,17.1if; 1e( , - il
and1 ian, 'aft; Ii13 1
and111111, 117 , 5 22On ,;1 I



ifM C I.
I ii f(
Ic ill,
1 11'mt1


i a I l<IIIs 1<iy r°ci the

al0rt11 1 ii
iic it it I )y tl tt
o 0tf~l 111d Stubl

slh llt , 11 01 lu'
I (1 ii 1 l
ill l I 'otiti
.1'lh h o

1 t11 fil)II*, '
the' Im)Ii iiiol
mm11)i I) i hi n
in', ill
1 i; ii(mwh01
, I11 <n i i si
IS ;11( Ni ruin
Ic J it><1 O
[1 ()f the lii ,
butl II hII 7
a.d 11 ((iiom

i lll il
orlim 1

el-f limbil 11un tn ton te es
1, i'pc tlci fo i i
Noii f umIfuti I-W hlof i-
also no (Ireduce 111011

t\eltv h e o ev~ili ci ceniito.
10(1(1 1Ktats(( i lii ot ihefreai t he li
j ib iiitoimiiorize the stuienIlium li
it 1WlitJn.iuA. C. I iii ris 1making
spcccllc hefrc te gils" ectins it
the I)cutchcrVcrcn o mum nditi
lum m1mdilc wth n w liiaveimh
samyMincs lae.In sic of thei

I fli'l'{
mit 'in l
flu I 111
thIt i i II
n tsi
be taki'
])(.I f\IC

mu (huh' Mmfla
ii-st ift if day (il
The Bal lot nshall
i~ rt f ltJe ii
fo mac i i ic
1 i is' 1,.1
I?. ' 'av 1or ('of't
fo ineaiuire' of th
Ii W . 11W l 'tii i
lw Iii ifwnApilu
clx iIt. 1 >ni ii Iii'

Q-IIl i m oi'o()tc f f ii''lLi l IIic
I 1 tr I \nnA 1S . It ' II ibm o'cccif',>

1,111 b ho eliii c
Smut i f cact
ii mti ' nf sl 1i I b
.11'; iii l iilcr
hei fiipl' Il
(ins, , ii l 'aI i
ft i()r rilCal

cliii (too

i 1'('ti u itl

Illc I 1(1(L mufimi'
w'classn I ilillatcml1"
ar mn l. Ioo 1111
lac firtuuic I'Asnnsoia-
1' o ini'se h1' n wil
10 S mimi'' mm ls(
llcd after11 tim 0hrn

I 'I


c(rz( 'ii cut
f]ffft illc 55 liii tc In l.I S mII-id luau
f3ith ' I-n 'I 0,1 I' i ml hi mlii imui mum(I et
E~ic~ In Iittshin...... ,rce aimn
tl-vtWi 'n () tllenmia 111(1lSrn.Nflarfoien

C. 11 Sf 'to.
if ifit
nutc \tii
if mI Ii I ha
Sh1(ll"c, 1

lwl' ist f I'ifhIoe i'm'i ill in I
II the s film01 IZM mmccii' ,'u'm IR
ii. ff111 n, cw fol il~inthe
iS (0 fulM.1' 'Ifar~c i<lti

ft. pa't

dc Io (I'm It i)f 'a . (f, il ii (hr
i ('nun' i ish ii ft'i' from~i

to Ca, V;I0

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