TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprintg and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DEISIGNS-Original and Elsivei COLORINGS -The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleing and harmonious --1N - Suitings, Veslings Trowserings No Readylor Your Exanination G. H. Wild Companly TILORiS 311 S0. STATE STREET CINTON The"E1:" 'EAS Y" BUITTON HOLE NAKES THE "CLI IsTON" BITTNEA jSILY AiMSIT TSIERFECTLY, MlADE O LImE. BARCO SHRUNK RE GULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 1 S101' 2 for 25 t FL~,A K 02 MAKES. Sod inAnn Arbo by WAGNER & CO. Stae Sreet A. .SPALDING & BROS. The nlahos Ias. ei 5ansi jhe Spadin fa;Cuerin thewsord TradeMask olDOFFICIALE QUIP MNT,rllathltic 01 At a sprts and pastimes. 1 0 Ifoseseeneest- edin AleticOtieSa qtl s h offie 1Splivuin C o- .,s asisgse I's asesisi del the isorld s as a WhtsNwi p t Cixa a t f aid i. eiiutinr,0re Quaality. s'I'. A. G. SPALDINIG (a BIROS. Ciasagat Detroit MICHIGAN SEALS 75 cen~ts FRATERNITY SEALS $1.00 W('e ,rio avea s1smlasstitiei. of Fra-tenitiy Sitisatl $1.00 Sheean &Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editior Busineas Alaiisges CARL H. 0. ADAM. Addrenn: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Mayinard Street. Office Houirs: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. in. Boninens Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. mi. Except Sunday. Both phsones. EDITORS. Newn .......Lee A While Assistant .......Harold Titun Athicsn.....Wilbor 0. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Klinstlicl Music and Drania...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. Jamnes K. Watkins Morrinon Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATEEITORS. Walter K. Towern Harry Z. Pole Dione Birniey D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehlman \Vatde Otisvcc Fred Lawtoni Harry G. My see Prank Rowell Chiarles H. Mylasider Morris Houtser M. Mack Rynis A. J. Wishtgemutnis Maurice T'1' liii PFraik Pteonel1l BUSINESS STAPP C. A. Bowmnan Norman i-H Hilt Walter Q. Wilgun MyereRobin Kenneth Onhorn Norman Witet WVEDNESD)AY, IARII'i iii,110 Eiditor Today--MORRIS E. I oUs ia Coiincl il a-th Viii csiityisirks the piassing iof the tFreshins Baiiqoet as aii undterclassitaalitioii, for no one pee- condsiiasstha-eaevtoedhaniqueoorrer a-cat nt!tiliiar-w iiitaka- she place in t itiiiei s istafirss lhautitie Freshman 1)~nt is-litfor eears. Yel, in i- fthe oca-crrences of reccent ies, -asid itotyof last year, some soil ifacion isiiii the part of the powcers wss imiiisivsis andsuthiicprishibtiioniof the, 1baniueii twis itiseresiiii. In otiherii res the Pretssmans Panqtloe ha s bsa-en tse siource if much goosd- natuid i-liI h-itwe the liower clas- coidifisrsltis cisuldshsve lien iiitildi to tits iiceniiiclasing if the irsh en iand ii issuihoories, the Sensate woldin alsit obbiulsity, sever save bee iiimspelia-ti iii s'irecenst strisigenst mea sitre.T liiitselbasicqset has heens prdctv of lsalit arsiosa-s-ils, msiht pritisi- sit-si!of ihiti-tisis ir-cutsitisig. After tihe casss ofiioo8, 51s sophitomores, ac- ceded lste request if the Stiudenit (tutu it isindIablsuishiedthtiifiormsiof iai sinsastiiiughsittuatihenceeforts the afai culouiildt ihe mianagedt withott is tee setii ii iifrcusmI tehigher p0o-eos. ,sts si, tisihowevi-, these hopes were dsihslest, Incts, thlii-foolhasrdinesss-iot traests ---ofi aifess of tefeeshssiesswho' is crc4i is to r. iskithirenecs-iniordter toi slitsde- thi ophomorisseniemiles, asid atlidtIssiunction.i - 1 iisg affairs at a-rio litsuctiltu institutiousshivi usa-is suiets -s;5bslt sit-arei sinale to realasim ilci itiitit tsit tssirciass- miissubtiing thug sesilies iiiliiirisks sit itsrctissuimlid l thlia-freshmsssnislast -icr. 1Ifthlisophomorssiles iadihrlred thei sns st c -t its isrough lte iri, asid thog isu twoli ii ndowilts tsot bqe lst hall an Miry ad esuslted, use issi- iets- woussldi isis ttsacditiidespretatd attlentlio antutu sslisiies usnfavorahle co sment suits lens]\-from use essemies of the tilt estis, busfoil mosits frieinds siwll. asit vsss, the freshisesn thd thseic dir ei percformsiansscof their owsi voliuthsiinatheist-essrc- acclaiiuedl is isa-cuss J Cteritinly ibit.Isic thosteIsappessisigs, list stiment-sof maisysuiperclassmsen ioul noi stshaeisis voa--ltsitIi-te toisthe Freiistills lisqts lstintlg prohibiited, as th ate tciitIissyt-ar,i-tveyonle felt1sthatesoroflardialcthastnge ts ecessrliii'ereisn nsitue wosm I liiit rgre t liecst sity fur the Sttnate's tuttio si;ian it Iostilewhit tdses ot1 listesiat tea-ia-s i tc. ehaisswith lie gstisiss fromtiihi tua- tiCouincil, ma ntve tdvse lscsa-hemeiawhere- Iw iltIsitsdilt tions tco ta-itedwith the afir tytltseiiisetised, isithoot its oh- jetoale itlss s. ITeccis slot suficin tims- tsotplaniiast ing for this y-ic, bitt tesill-tic is if ensosighismi- itsceto)lestecite5seiusaotnsisidera- tiisnsandit Ii u wteltlie htuth ue Student Council miay ttue ilstmesbsistiefor theii- FrshmaniiBIanqueitll, wicis-tl011sasis- i ts listsm-s casss and att ithe same tis tmeissuretheli-fa-ilty atilthe upperi5- clsasosesithsaitthsaetewill1beliiire-itc- tioss of the depredatiost of otheryvatis. Rumor has it thai Profess-rcHoeace A. W igus iof she ia-coltysoa-tih.eLa"s departmnt is ts lease Mihiiiigantoit acceptsaisittitionit iltlt Fliearvadi cis- ty.- Perhaps the repornt is swithossatfoun-s dation;5 or, perhaps Peofessore Wilgius's plans have reached sodshsi stage that nsothinig ctosaave hiimsto IkeUivsiecits-. If either oif the alternaiveisis etionedsscs is true, sutchsre siisting i- tos-e oneifi5i it is ithe sestossd,lt-eMitchigani factytsl ill suiffei on is-reparable lo ss. A ts-h someit imeit-thes gaiintoiialits-isis illtbei. com enurte it te clait o which the Unisveraisity fElitcsigans isill lie the victims. Peofessore Wilgus is aea-ognizs-d auithotrity sione ile sfcrpoatissa subject ini thes nlsoississ whihhelet s sn sisperities and f estpeerss intheiiacat- demiic world.stNis workiatossCorporsa- lions,wischitts risihles bosth text-tbtooi oust case-booa-k fore lie studen-tis sifthe Unsiversity- lsw deatenss tc.is sa sitste- piece. Michigans csinnost saffosrsdtose n manyimciinsof this typse.T'ekeet-iIs oisty recensty toolk ticommendabt itleistepi toar tie hit e rtea-isovacmens t if tic liw setolt, ssnstthee pridiedl fss greter etnesie requ cisiremsiens; b t if the NlIichigansiliansschluis0tot maitin its preesenit excelletesistanidasird, tutd Iifi is toi ietoissits plactIs tneuit- thliithre- test toss sthoolssia i inte utrlile, itimsts pay1 somue atteniltsionts its teactingcfitrte. Tine resenut oaiulty is amtdlyaccap attic cone, bit sshatuiliw isht s-le-.-,ce retliremoent ailofsmeti Ioifuits slies isi acoti o f age---ndthalitsdaI-icaitiss tue potttifflitrevseer tissand htith Ii t lists if capatblle en(wh55lii artelbeing lusre-d ts civ at llhoolsits uiffeen ofiattratiei salaries, Mlitchiganliiina ell locisa:t lit-i lauirels. WEe realize thsat this is ai statie itisti- tutioniad dthat the regensiare iinaei- ably- handticappned itytacit if fundts. list time reputioo -n ichs tine lsit oo now ns min~tainsh, isstoeths isie ts the citizenus of Michigans thon cans 1(1hetiesured tini dollars. It was only a tifeunyear 5st that the Uniiversity lis- Professor Plovdti lechessioItsheUt ns ite rsity if Chiago; I anda-stillimore iecently 1let, f essine Andrtewus Mchauglintias lust In the salue instlitutions. (Otiler enci sehoise sorthliis towl kostutsinus tssteesd commen~t itilae ite0hinllheseacr rejettesd offers of larger saltiries thanisthuessire receivnisg ieee,smees-y isecaiuss e ir- hm~sen were ini AossArtbsueanditni somne of these cases, the teceisinsit ch it mneanit o inushtothue Univsesity ws matde omnly after sweighty deitelibeain. Thne Ineopleof tine stole watut grt a Unsiversity-, asid thsey-move i;suit if it isno sits he out~stripnedc by iti s sits, oast if itisilttoinose mutch ifthuepsets- tige thatlion beesn acuired-t tler sit silt isesarusmI-of Itoiiug, then wiiilists-s (Continued an Pate 3) Sweater Sale inst cannota fforil to inss this oppotunity, i you are go leg to need within the next year a Sweater or Sweater Vest Comue early whie we nuill haenyusiea-. WAH R'S University Bookstore C. [. BARITHEL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigall Seconid-H'and Law Books Laos anid Medical Dctioaries Qutiz Books etc. Complete line New sod Sec ond-hand. Old books takenl in xcange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Flor Tel. 761 Ce your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical"