T HE MICHIGAN DAILY 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Eaclusise COLORINGS--Tihe Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious IzN- Suitings, Vesiings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G.I.Wild Couipany TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLINTON aplt Thu ,s "pAy .: L i lDgyp co ii tj"lR! e"sl AND QUARTERSIZES 5I: 2 f or 2,5, THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor Ci e:act CF . ELDIuGLac Business Manager CARL, H. 0. ADAM. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Sireet. 0fficr Houlrs: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. mn. Business Manager, I-a, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDIcoRS. Nrws .......Lee A While Assistant .............. Harold Titus Atletics.......... Wilbur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kirinallick Music anid Drama...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good C. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE FmITOen. Waler K. Towers Harry Z. Folz Dion Birney H. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehiman Wade Oliver Fred Lawtons Harry G. Myser Frank Rowell Chlarles H. Mylander Morris Houser MV'. Mock Rvan BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman NormaisH i-lll Waiter Q. Wilgus Myer Rubins Kenneth Osborn Norman Wittet in the ciscesiticil xiii extetnsive tu- ci sits lift. Not a fess hosurs, which othteresisteawod hasv eeendreary in- - eed, have hernroost pleasantly wiled aa: by1s-those whose opportuntysfor social acfttaiitaisie his heen mseager. Agreeable informailityo the part of tlhe guests anitt sinceere cordiality oii the parit of tlic hosts hasvc prolvided a comt- iniation that has hccn cinjoycd on holk Perliapssilitiolidlit liepractical for the Union to furitisli list the same en- tertainm ent51s tlhese facultylen iihose providedl hut it could do sonietinig more than merecly -mike its clubhouse a place for class smokers aiid hanquets of sarions torganizions anti a reading roomiifoe lxsnienihers. The prices charged for regular board prohihit it from hecominiig a center of interest on tite part of the stiidcinIs as far as ful- fillng the funsctioni01 ain eatinig place- and the genteral atmiosphlere of inactivity thastseesvasies lteiplace is opptressive. Not.siii eveting should ipass hut that the lounilging room cif the cltihiouise he filleid 1o cipacit-wtll iieimiers for sit least an hettl of imuisieaiid social pleas- sires. 'Tie hahit of idropping ini for aii hioit rwioitudbe easily ,iinsiquicikly culti- vted if lhcreiserc esmse oie to playitthe pianio for the iieiiibers to aliler arotiiii aind siog aiiid iminyiswsud remait to iiicilg iiicasrdis if small conveiint taliles isere provided iiistead of twoc or thsree 1large articles of funiiture wich crtowdl lii tie all toio smiilli room. It hais been ciiitiely protvciithat tile club- lihiuse cani le' madie si meetinig plsice for vtideni'- ''i Suiiduay a~fterinoon. It caii is effectively serecthe samlie itiriose ev-ryering 1. f th ie steels if aiiieffort is isiisets stimuislsite social iiiterest. If thati istcrest is ceitedi, the iproposeti clubhottuse still becomiue a reaituy in a compa~ srativelsit oirst Iitie. MUSIC AND DRAMA Sir. 'WliliiiiamHolaiind, assisted by Miss Grace Josonsss, will glve a lectiure- recital WVdes dasky siftselitisoniat 4 :15 o'coc ittii ugh ;schl tHall. There ctlis 'oie of the regulariese-ries iflice- stice-recitls bings1giventhis year by 1ir. 1Hosslandis, anit il ilibesdesvsteidto iihe wssrclof imsiseillaisis-tcxompoltesers. lisle o1 Ptr iia ( )'BrieniiniiJamles liorbles' comediicuT h'e Chorus Lady,", eltti isikeut,500ti tms tsince slit' made hi ler fisvuiiillie tapplearantce, ise thiiIis pltyiiwati5 -ltwen'lty-inuteil xlskethsue isists that the chlaracter neier hai s ittcotmse tiresomiie tolie anid tha t xlhe istfiily is iiiichiniteested ill tile slangy, titti tlt isise cihorus girl as she "as helirtisle site issiinicilthe charcte. "tsonclimes feei as though Ptiti :eIaell11111 i and iisltue samie iter- situ.' siresays. Ll p laygerssewlf hase anir opoirttinitytoisisee 'list Stah in this purl at the Ness Whiiltey 'Tieate, Saturday matinee aind night, hiarchligi. Lillian Russel swill he seens iinAnsn Arhor Thursday, Marcl 24, whencishse w-i appear here in her latest stage hiti "Tue First Night" Thxis is ai divertins" ftarce taken froni the Germxan comnedi, "Dec Halhe Dichtler." George V. Hiohart niade the sidaptationrsaissilire hsxhitisil on sirn eeptlionall iieteissxceforstel fair Lillisai. The farce tells sif aivoitig svoman wiho has ceomposed Ike score of sicoiiic oipera. She wantit Iprciied heit her ihusbandit is vioiiently oppiosedi to the stage. list cotmposernmeets a icoet whsts slsosvants t swritefoerltle stage btlfeassthe ptiitiy ini eveitt his efforts should fail. Thymk ertcmatadwrjointly. The contic oitera is wisen andsll is abiouttol le prodiredesnirsthe cicllss iborators arosise all sorts osf sursticios hy their efforts at conicealmienit. Iin fact tile) geltintosi seek 'oi troulestissicd inew difficuflyits their stat creatles till stiritediiierriiieintoil theIslet of list siusieisce. It is siltlIfunipileduipsioni fui anid its iturpose is solely sue of lautgh- makting. IHobcarl t s wistten iiin many 111111y-Aimericsiitchisracters arid hs wocrked oiit a fsirce thasi goes wit the requrired dash anidlmerrimuenitfroiiithe very start. Joseph Broioks prodtucedth Ie piece for thse faimossbieauty)andiisc issrtetsided her i-il abrilliaint cormranyst-andisia isle staige settirng for the effitrt. Hfeadiing tse cast is that sitlenitdlcomiedianri, gby tell, aiid othrers ini the sutiporlticuie Juilis deVickec, Aihert Anrusss, 3Sdney Hothl, Geo. C. Mack, '1. lMayes idtec, Sussairie Westfordi, ,MillicerntEvs i, LeinritsiOakfordl anti Saisee Wkiliamisis. Of courese Lillian Reisselwillxiiwsesar sonic sturing gown s as sue is stire Ic took sifter tiiis imritanilt sdetail ini icr test sI)yle. Yonuxiii fiixd our typewritinig teat aiid accurate. 'We perit cards antidaclte prcograssa ntl io esgraviing of all kinds. Agentcy L. C. Smith Typewriter. ZEWADSKI AND LANE. tf. 310 S. State St., 2nd floor. "SENIOR LAWS." For sale, at a hargain, one comiplete set of Michilgait Reporls, fully antio- tated, slightly rtsed. Good as sets. George S. Clark, Port tHsiort,Miche 99-134. J-Hop atxd all Operatic Music for sale at Schaeherle & Sorts's Music House, rtuo S. Matn St. gitf. ho i cinnoit rI'red to mussthrs opotutnity, ii Toilare git tug to need scitin the next ysarn Swaero Sweater o Vest- Lowe earl)ywhule we stilt hav ose sie . 1 University Bookstore r 71 NOTH UIVESITAVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging I Sold in Ann Arbor by Slatn Streat A. Ii.3PALDINQ & BROS. shs* ''p are thelargest manu- li Spain raetarersin evol 'I-azde-" ar-k of OFF-ICIALS QUIP- " '- MBNTforalltblnttic spx~y ourts and pastimes. dxu~j~,tyj..x~ e' frrouareinrest'- S in Atbxltc SillI of ' h "rxolituiCal-