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March 15, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-15

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i , > , e

Bohnsack and Leger WXill Cooin
pete Saturday==Syracuse Lb1
Get a Few Second s andTi Bird,


(fthe n<Itc the stuperiFor
fhefehmen waseidet.
F F.. . . .. IIerring
r.t.. . .. . I c ccili
c. . . . . . .iccit cit
F. .. nt... c.. F.cJ cIi

PlIans for Chor Il Unon are Near=
ly Compiled First Concert
Comes May 5

SF'' ()h X1'ciF)FC RKI;CI" F is
Curet cc "TI i e'ci'lo'( tFF >1.l
cw 1o c:(it h Ft eee t]I(,r(kC iI
ccpiminti 'c t a'ertc i in \F ctlt FSi c

{tF i'FT cccnll
F jcni cet' ' ci' ic
re ter pcl1t1 of le
laste ttt r two ae .
Fi r. 'eccc lg'e r-
(]it s tic 'c I

cc aii ch FAie.
cc)I Ietc(F iccl te
ecceicI ccciw
r cgilias,eec'Ils

st ice hi 'N
ca e acith c
hlcr'c ii
I i ic t'F ccii
prectical il
of te mell
cci ilporcc ic I
ltci Feh
tc ccc ill c111(
Ii ticce fr c
gall ci i ll
LL'c cr ccc
171 Fe CF ii
f cc ccciph",
ic cic F
A saeti
pm e cHcca
cc ice c (
17i w Fe cA
e abe o
ccci"". i'

Elahborate Plans Being Made for In'- tFe
terschalastic Meet.

Fe'' d i h ig madie' tis 'Fer
ihe llcee'ch'ice ictemeeecten ie
t 1 t, Olt iost '' 'cc iii nd ccci ec-
[ eiifitk id tact hFseer bee
'ciiim te Fntersc olastic eet' wil
lk Fee eF'niby te Sphiiix ccni
Thi piii e ieFeclicedc ccii
F F ieee ccimll e e ct eari
tl 1 rfir , c l ar h
th ,~t Fe~a nl isicusstcde It te
Ft itci tan icm itc fr e ,
ai, c f bi 1iat c i Teitic
s noI , tk i e it er-~e
iFd 'F e l iii c t'c FFicto t'' tic
b, i" i eieiie'''a c o tuoftu he
;t cceren e' cc ii cheiri Fec
FI a c rpc e t'c iii'i'thii sti-i'e
t thccman ge cisnt atihe
ith iat;do e e isc laFneniiig icoipeo
0ce ,, frm fecollegecii 'cccii ccii
,;ih ifo Fe t d is incac
d i i ccci Fete has tibeema e tc
ci Fhac ee et cicccii High
'; il M c i ii ii iSC c ii cii iii i
iru.rlttersConi nsi a
nterest in t e Li e ciidecc
n~dcr ied otoiihe fles ccii
slt, "W1 e Ciecanni itiae aii
r cc cri c , tie Icit cc-
e Cerd adh oth ua d lii
t th c;IciiFo ith tgo e o cMci- i
Fi . 'Sc ools of ctis iiartciof iithe
F ~rth ii.iucalat~.
F' I F II 11NC IeN
F11liege Fee aii f ( l 'ld ,Io-

C'e li {.ICcciii iilt
Fidayi i,,i t
while te )Ic
-Te cc\ine V
drcinithe F F t
Fioa'cclJ V-
citd te c- ii
anite e \-a\I l
The tci im
as ee c i'c l
iial aeeidst
crete d lqii ts
scin theci c '
I Fa Fh n r
Stgeii n
iih n i ell <I\'
lyri cl c F
At the aristci,,f

Toledo, Cincinnati, Milwaukee in
Spring Itinerary,
O'Lesiecee Ho"i i s cctoe Fe the slogane
I o h i i or i i nc rs' i ll it' cii ,
trip his can Thisis a n\\'depatuFe
ii ciil -co ld se t aseccccn i ei
the cties f themiddF wtie
As no Idmiled they willleF' her
ther Th c ieee ee p iants i oeiocaciiihF
viitt e ioelfctoryi of theiii i' t
tuein te ci' it ;ae.Tetrcip
nex tai s hem toiinc n 'tieind
frontchere Fey iocllwu ete en
Lh- wl isi ec;i c-cte liec tei
grea c annti e riese 'cciiLice\creiese ccitt'
ill thaticitye
ci cciri'Fcal\\crin hatii cityii he'lic' cit
ivi laFtetopci i ll bi ie'a G ryc Idcia
\\ baeetie men'e Accii e h e ii cciii
sceii i h a te' eF, mills' therei .
; '1 I'.IIF',jFFKFA iFRGHi,1s
Z qu i cas afirsi ' ill h e the
jnnio li' it ccinstreels iii Fit c"Cuieeg
'Ft as ,hosts ito cthe ien iefi ini o
tiii cit cf thee ces. ' F c,-t iiai()

No. 14.
Senate Council Denies Request of
Union and Acts on Freshman
'lie finanetcil tatus of lie Michigan
ececcee receivedciaccrcshicncgiblow at the
handscof he Uciersiy Secate last
cciiiitcwceci that orgacnization's request
forepermissentcuteecciocn a cmistrel show
Fhi sprccicn cciis decied. Atogh the
hoardiniCoLnctrol of Non-ahetic orgai-
'aiis hadcc rcomeeitnccdeei that lie re-
iesccifte oLioci ie grantted, te m-
tio to eenicy icon carried without oppo-
Lasit cclccwhecn the Uniocn et efore
tct ieeeltyitotie inicpcermision to give
Fhe' el~cecccwcichlaticer icme "Koaza-
land," temictsiont sas icenico00con-
Litiouithaeet cccifecrther pulcieentertain-
Fet egen byii'th ie Michigan Uio
this Fearc. nitwever,te ficaneial needs
ofthe orgpanizactionc ct tis time made
t ieractie thact socmething e done,
-Int te officers cnd direcoro determined
cco caciicccii icesecure perccissio, if pos-
Fie, t ice iceicncstre show, the kid
ofil ccii ecerlciccceecclswhich has in pe-
ciou icearceepcciiied the iggest finacial
ii. Accordicnly te mcater was take
befel c te honed iccCoctrol of Nn
No- lcetic eorganizationcs, which decided
theat, icee it ccinojucrisditiocn over the ase.
t referredi lie rneuet to the Seate
Coucilc, wiicl lie receocmcmecdation that
Feeeect euponc favorahly. Hence the
ctionc of te Senate last ight came as
Icupieetie lie oficers of the Uion
\\ihenc apptiedecoeelte acion taken,
ciisi cci JaesecfK. FWatkinis was plainly
" L'W e sedefieeepercmission to give the.
intiereielicit, because just a the pis-
'ccc te'--cccencwe are saring at the
"capigneeeefete clnubhocceefunds-we need
moey ccbadly. It was uncderstood at the
iete ie cidly gractedi permission to
put on 'iceoceccacce,' thai no furher
tticelnF oiFthead cncture would e made
$}ccr, cbciticcder lie conditioncs we
hadihopeedcte Ie aeei to give the minstrel
"FL 'iilie U'niont make any other
eiiet ice raise cmocey in that or a
einieece wcy this scricg?" he was asked
"I cniiot saiy asitInthat, There will
'cit e etinig of te diretors shortly,
cItelt hthe iciacncto e followed will
'el 'eiiccupo.''
Facing rai cthieritact anqueting is to
be Flee ccogrden adhered to this year in
F eanulseeceal ecfair traditiocnaly
nii m asi c cthe :'reshcmcacn Banuet. This
'Fng wasi c c dieicccide occat a cmeetig of
lice cmmeeittee chac~ircmenc held Sunday ad
'n their eteitione icethe Senate Council
lasi e ight ,'applicatioci was nmade for a
dne. 'he coucecil ook p te petition
ciu cciiin ee oclockhande after rigid cross
cc ci ciciee of lie three freshmen
-ecpec ceictie cc cclii presented it the in-
iiuacci cii e imm crscishedic ocipro and
:nn 'cmiiipng thes e'sfor act hocur ad
t af loniger, their Fical decision takng
"FL Ferccs, It ics encrepresented to
thec SeeatieeCuncil Ilac there will e no
c eecucecby ucpperclassenccor others,
iiithe cproedccIniterFraterntey
F 'ece' ecciteeece ccciMarch 2st tnext,
theef ore
"13e it Fiesoledce, That percmissiot is
eregientoleecclisuch fucntio, it
bing is itinctly understoodc , that any i-
c,'ec e ctherewith, cccilie part of
cc, eite' tsincut cwiii rencder the of-
ii ce iciletIndisicilie''
IFhe' freshmancha cecirmuet cere ucaci-

cmincc thi eopicum)cethaet notie sort of
fuccci ee shcotuldFee'pisvenc cncdlunder
'cccii ceecondiionecs ciii expressed them-
se <sicefavorc of cc dacee rather than
(Coninused on Pate 3.)

Fo te afaic wil' e s' ' t
t() ,is (t e cl s \\ih t e e
ii etc ciiW ih dC e ii i i IC
(kl\ Flee 1c i teiicasscalli
'cic fe t ner ii, ciniii cc
F' ,ci c ieh"M N = T
127i rdetie pety o tn
cc cc, t. L c rt ii o ie prol
F o c e ', fl( t e tro r r
he ,lho it ttie f eC~
the iii ii l irs a t h its
s-11iii ndc ivelyc ci niic c
ic ciF ' ciii cc 11 l~~r i ll he cc, ~
,) nitidcc e p c W ic Wl

tii ticr
Fdow, tic
F Settue
i Fo e-
Fe, chiiiii
the cii i
'ccc ilic

cc ccciii Ft,) e Feccciii(
r w [( t liiiCarival'ccciii
Wl l Li eihcll In oeit' l d i ii cc
! e c'' F. lerl((I ic > i i i
1L tor t'cy ci de hti

taleĀ°1' ccwill
Feet itlla
rick alld i Ft
X(A ci ice 1111
ecliiluegit cat

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