3tli I 2011 111 0 iLT PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT&S CHOCOLATES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGI ______________-I MUSIC AND DRAMA NV A20NTED. * AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamosd. Laooksto or other personaltproperty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 3311 E. Libserty St Ann Arbor. Hours: ito 11:30 a. mn..I to 4:30 atnd 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS TIlE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURSON STREETIS Captal $50,000 Surplus antd Profits $100,000 General Banking lBusiness. 3 ser i-etaida on Time and Savingsoeposts. Safety Dei- posit Roses tos rent at $..00 sod upwards R. KnEPPeso. IT.I. 13. to stA N.Vtitt. H. A. WILLIAMSl. Cashiet. 5 'i'ttscc.} stootst. The Ann krbor Savings Bank Capital Stot K)0.00 0awus '4t.291.000 Recst 21.0 A Genrarul Banking Blusiunss Tranacted Orrimnset Chas. tE. Hiscockt Pret.; W.It Harriman, VicePrens.: 51. . FritzC ashter STATE SAVINGS BANIK W. J.Booth Jntt V.tSeelar, Win. Arnitld Dr. V. C. Vanet out Tas. H. Wade E. F. tills John Haarer Joo. Koot Prof. H. S. Carhart Henory W. itoolsi Christian Martin Ians F . imsicitett FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge ANN ARBORt, MICH. E. D. IKINNE, lHARRIStON SOtitt Prens. Vice-Pres. S.tV. tCLARKOttN, tCashie. Capital, $100,00. SurplusandPtiti tst, 1260,000. CGermanu-Acn d a~niIs Bank Corrr-erc lak.I an-d Cov5. rme~mi anad Libertyn Streets ii ied-College metitto act asat get during otummeor. Goad mtoneyfarGl right ico. Call Bell 302-1L, or addriescoo\33iit or tall io Coo. FCBriownr 610FC Cii oesoty. ' gofoi flat~e 1)1 IfI II fe Fo turdays or .tla niglt.s and Sattittlito litait 27-1 SI, I 'MISC''LiANE"US ,,i< -ic ciiicutoer. orrpairediiat7"lbstt ~k CalaisRotl,' 200 C. Libierty Si. if YOU1NG'S IIAOTS. i ts S ngiste l iti-itieady.ialii ALLEN'S CLOCTHES SHOP1G. l flhe Stirt for Style. Mcii Si. 1 ,tl 71. lott Bag insintill bitnds oi Coicerity m s itoocsat the Sitdentsi'Bocokstori.o(, sili t S. '; Co. ti 1,1 ITron)-toSi lFouitain Pen-Sheehan'sc it i iteader is ito.eCbes t Ie r. loat t f lritio cwhich 1 t F. C SititiToitotoosi YouCwllfndourKtypewriting neat it.( 31 iL. . SoSiit ., 2 11it o. Sp ciaf Notice to Students t, 1 0 i t li : FORMAL EXlPOSITION OF SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Meim's Clothes In roeernce to this itmportant oeoratee to turn. Young men and boys, we wish to call yourepecilt teintion to toti dispiay this season, fits seerial reasein. The authbenticity of lie estyles, their exclusive- fless, anil the tact thtat they are in haornioniti wiith tilt' r ry latest style ioforniation from the first sourecest. Thtat these itt e esoestiabs which woold receive every consideratitiCgo-not-oily apprecited. These Spring styles in Suits, Overcoiats, tarey Vest,, Sh~irts acifutirnishings, out rank in scoiie titd exclusiveneos that of all lotrtier to tilt s. So soc direct visitotrs' attietion t tbheiadiviftuality wte have thus imptarted, not alone in Suits ad Ovrcoats, but in otis stock of ments. boy'e and children'e fornishinogsowtiin intthisf Formal Spring Exposi- tion. Jr 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET t"Cilt rt atnd self as0 ii GE ORGEVE Zcwa.Ydski Lan 1StaleStreet Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant NWliisell you a Typewriter, rent _1 a out thitnese Pancy Dishes, Steak~s ot lastirio on talltnd.Ctopes. ouypei rltes, or do your (' II thing first clasfor ladisoad to l ett re. to iitritina iifor you. ;tl a e Cleantest Ktitcent in Anti Asrbor. al to 11l314 5. STATE SYREET .li . u itl~c~t to Rowe's Laundry n 1~ THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 . FfthAve New PhNs tonr ant Bell Phone A45t-1 , - I-a c ll _ _ _ I - StN&u 1111 AT TUTTLE & CO. TYP II( k Lunch Room I i Yo mn id ufnelneofCefefenry .21ichigan and Fraternity Stationery a studen ts lotty Unis ity111f 1111 i a it 011111 ;ills ICaiii 111(1to it out Il l \l lit 11 11 ti c~nlt 11 111 t I 1but l t tft 1 IIlrclo. \ lio' lirc ir1-1a11d tP oltW ti I It ii lliat ] and 01 11111110 al t itslutI (w 111° f smles. cx-itt 111 I1 \C1 to i t it 0 0111 ii l i iti 1111c itca 1 ii t c p II-h t-. I in 1111 111c 1w ase-csa saci l1 1+ tt ,IMLCIilald V il 1'S 11r i 1s. b sh ses e ily ifo itrs ill0 hw in- CIi 0 andt o it i us oti ~1111fin1111 hlc t NI ()t a lll ait o cu11 l lit d ii t ;Ipj ar. T i, I 0 o ":T it AT LOVELL'S 332 5. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS YO~u car% Iet Sweaters cut ovrsinto V shape)0 0r'Vests Yo005foncy vest or slifing-) i-y cleaned Your Fall suit dyctd (Agog' Peters, Detroit) Insignia, Nuerali'so.sewsed on siseatess, etc. Neiktii-s and chive' cleaned Stoident ni tiding- Nliihigon Ipillows-Bootlers of all otheircolleges Notions, fgts tianti t.chiinns,000110, tow-els We give satIsfactIon, Corme arid see us I I Wtc it com:lc! to Clothes ?Y heme to no repetlitnof tttrlIc' c theito iell)li, ,too100great 11he sele 1 v ariatiotn3 [beso tlbillo 1Ito be tlle20i)re SO vltthe 11o0t oaPlmotld criticismt. Earth? 3OclcIt( f100111r011tcN iStri1 ll~ Xoolcn5in ttstre6the piclt 01 0110 oxclttolve iMC Wit. 'Ma 3rr & Co. 1lltpotttio Catbots 303=305SttetOfS. I I FIF1TY=SIX[Ii SEASON SIUDENTS' L[CIU [ ASSOCIATION The Premier Lectu~re Cou~rse of A ericek. IEUT. ERNEST' H. SHACKLETON WhnoIhns reachedl faethest Sonuth UJERALD .1-ANLE3Y LEE Jenjnentdt ior, Issayist aned Lecturer Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1-50 I Slver Links Rings Fobs 1 gcarf Pins WM. ARINOLDI J ELE 220 t) oih li n Street. Detroit United Lines On infosniation to Division Soperiti t crdet Allen, Ypsilanti, ofl thoeIDetroit UnitedilLinrs by officers of Vasity or ganioations of the miovmtent, bi'y o the capacity of the reguilar servie' . of tiny gitoup of students to 01'frsonaArlii Ar-boi' extra cars end extra service will be promptly supplied. 1, MYFESTIVAL Tickets $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 ART IST S SOP5RANOS:u MME. JEANNE JOMELLI Mrs. Corinne Rider=Kelsey Mrs. Sibyl aammis-MacDermid CONTRBALITO: Mists Margaret Keyes TENOR: Mr. Daniel Beddoe BARTONEiS: Mr. Sidney Biden (Berlin) S10i.(UIUSEPPI CAMPANARI tOltI si ittinoti Stitt- o nomitliii Mr. Williamo Howland BASS: Mr. Herbert Witherspoon 101 rittitpolittiiOtopasompainy) PtIANIST Mlle. Tina Lernter tfOGANIZATIONS , TherChnrnltUin(3100 voices) Thendore ThomnasoOreuunetun50 pieces) CONDUCTORS Alhert Stnley Frederik Stock PRINCIPAL CHORAL WORKS ''TherNessLie"nr' . Wolf-Ferrri "ScernessmOdysseus" 15,Bruch c rtus o bilui 1a0. txtnsive line of Woolens for Sprittg. Thelca''ttivtitlctiyris verythiing that is new antd hobly itt tdisigh, tit(11- ..1i1ti quality. We can say without exaggerationl (o10r s 1110 0' s Imo.t hdsoe we Ilave ever shown, ai ;d" itetost particuslarpatron. zz DI'TERLE V; t 117 E. Ltbee'4ty St. eorr, s "Poomma ma 0 0A~t k'tlti k~i-Eat HronSte.,