THE MICHIGAN Doll li Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Veslings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamintion G. HI. Wild Comfpanly TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BUTTON EASILY A M SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN 3ARCD SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUART ER SIZES 1 50 2 for 259 VI-A17E/RKER 09 MAKERS. Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sae Sree A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Th plding faetheaeesiao The dp.U11 Trad-Marok of OFFICIALE QUIP. MENT,orallthletic ¢%'VI N G sporsandpasimes.'. o~+i1 19 c ffyoare isterat- d -gf ed in Altetic SptI I e0 of the Snliho tat- 010550 l.ta e7pei eccopedi. of i knownsthiroughout Wht's Nwin Sport the wold as a G..neo stof and s iitvfreeirIre Quality. quset. A. G. SPALDING 4a. BROS. Ctaicago Detroi SEALS We have a linc of ('olee wd Fraternity Seals MICHIGAN SEALS 75 cents FRATERNITY SEALS $1.00 We just hove a small asortme~n' of Fraternity Seals o t $1.00 Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ,1laiagieg Editor CI. \tioNCC E. ELoetnac. Boasioss a lger CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Mayeard Street. Office Hours: MXanagleg Editor, 8-11 p. ms. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News ................. Lee A White Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilhur D. Elliott Womsen .....Frieda Kleiestiick Music at.d Dramla...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges ......M. B. Mc~ugh EDITORtIALS. Jaisses K. Wsatkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. 5. Lasher John T. Kienny ASSOCIATE EDITORiS. \Vualter K. Towers Harry Z. Folz Di-ce Livery D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moehimnan Wade Oliver Fred Lawiton Harry G. Myser Franik Rowsell Charles H. Mylander Morris H-ouser M. Mack Ryan BUSINESS STAFF C. A. coweman Norman I-1 Hill Walter Q. Wilgus . Myer Ruhin Kenneth Oshorns Normsan Wittet GUIANA GIRL ENTERS !, ve lii i iii alntheusc jst cot P;11 it u ion their crafts. \.oo ihst entig the earlhness of ti- MIoSS(Geraldine Sanehei lan d EnrollIr:,ItII 11. ...r afct"i~ ()i in Medical Departmsent. Miss Gcialdineuc rln ifks seqllehncouoty, Britishvl cihas i-. - teredt the medical dutmn t iv of i th suniversity . Miss Suthlandnitheti 0l\ girl irons that fr-fflad hoha ever enered a uilverit\in thisoutr for the pusrpose of vscrnfg p1. vsi it at traintinig of all%- kndt 'The emajority ot thecgiirls atchlii, said she. 'go ici ILindnsor1P1ris o fiiiishiiig school lifte r thycp incoim-i pleteud their cedication ii iiiGuianai. As I wishiecdto take a cotsi n m11edCiinelii did not follows the ussial praciuc-lust wvithi fcur lmeiscarnesitIcNrth lmC iica aiid entleredl the mediical college 111 Pliss Sutherland wsot liii vtiilcitl i her wsorkliniiTiirontIandotvsilied togo toi Eiiglaiiii toiscimp lete erliii oriilc (O ginig over there latsmmrse on Iliac the facilitie o ymnnci sttideints iscce ilmost miiiii e.i ITle wsomien arienthil tbyt he saim teachers lis ttis enan ari nt v allowved to vstness thi same liiiliiiI iliv. Ini consequieiiccthe ontrc ea cniiplete or as ginrla duaina idi their Imasculine cilvsts Dii coming backto AeiaMs Sutherlaiidl iecidedilthiat -Micigan ii iilii tie the ctclgevwichli iwoiilibeitvsuit sir iteeds. S1e wli require the rest vi this year, thiummrandl ll ii ne1 year Io comiitc r iw volk here heifor ci~e iill liveligits fra ere.Ir order In practice ini Guiana ihevillth lie foircei tongo Is liii cl iiiii tiake a short ciurse thernwichi iwill enitle her toi a sdegree Ifromoniii h m~li 'vschnnls inthatcit y v i. Ibi s will ri- quiire. ibout aIyias Alusi Sutherraniii lsal, eite t Sousthlaniiii i s i ltrsiii toi talk vsith.iShliipeasi Iv Iii luent-iiii sly.iitHer (siahr s i vl 111i thprn ipal ftv foir DxfosrdtaniiCthtiril -c and Iit iia.i ters tiit shiii I i ih- p epi Ii woirk. IARLY 1CA'NJEI SITSCAEI:, [AI 1111 \ ICIll s(tS. Tio earl- canoistii retc Idt walter is very I hhiand near thys1p11nt the iur renit runlikeaiilvaemk birouight forthlmi t dvoeeio ti turiilv noti poiv ° odtnsi iiir i i. i}10 hi navigalore. The nioung ladiessemed lto he enjoyig their coolj l)),it Iride aid the laesl reports fasted orso anofthiemiamnig thsose lip- ped oviierboiardl. CAiiiimier of cansoeiis tilked if attimptiing In go downsi lie rier to -ps li lbut ulonisecoiid conisider- aion diiecided-itoliivaft until the iieathecr is v syranil the river hillyrecedd. Tir,,is praictically nice ini the riccr dhnha little smayv ticseeni aloiiglihe bank. If lie weaoiler keepls oil as5it hascceenfor the list feewstays alltheii ice ill be- out viithiin aweek MIICI IGtAM TA PIZiNGCUP CAPTURED DY iHURLEY. Msilling tliicii Icsleet rabbtits, Black Haw iiWi CilliamnstHurie-ilwas115aridedl tic haiingii clip iii the aluiual Miclsigoissss hunt hlit Satuirda-. Cr-usdI withi vcapossv, daigvrousi, use- litsriiienta~l,.nai n iicnct, tlvcsty- hvI iioi ndiribrvsof thy Tribe of .11 cli- gamm iisa lliced forth ion their iiiniu111racii biti iiiit ini the v anttIracts of ciinbrokenu coi rs aroundiAniiiiArbior. Rabivts were tcir onlyiiavowvedilenemies, hut ceitherc theief no r lily iii his trusty fo llowersi vse 111y1reasonli whyi llii cvul lb rsriaiied froimi tioigiiig taIilgm lcUtrinig blood- curdinig elivsiandl emittiing terrible nshrieks andi "ips."i theytdashed ottof the city anid mdthiway ino itWhitimonre Ibakc. 11mhus thesday if Ihiintiing a vtelt. dinil ws 1s1111andthe lbraves ri- turedllas evnin, iti thde bvioty of the, day. I I I SUIIi I 1RCI 1 13, s9in. Editor Today-TitaliceN. Fotu. You can't say whether or not a glove is economical till it's worn out. Try the wear of GLOVES "SENIOR LAWS." Igosal, at a lbargatinm, onicomplecti vii if -Cl icliigail Retports, fll.c111111 t iiid si lispimll nseil. Goiod as levy. G og S. Clorks, PorlttHuiri ihi. 99-134. J-li ivandi all Operatic Music for sal at ,Pclacterle & Suits's Music House, I TO S-. Mati iSt. 9itf. t -INtI RITY CALENDAR. Marlh 4-19il I Iii cV. 111 t ivutc. !lasrch td" C Kit foi r a hay.'' Nivv ilaumhii5-- Juniior Lit LIiluneo, lPar- Mlarchis vyJui 111 ihncluc iiiat inn, Iharbourii iiiii iiui. ,\larchs 1- cc i ii friegils'basknt- baoll guise .11iriioir gymvasium. Mhurch 1ii l .s. ive1112La.t Marchl2jloll itv. CMediic. Fhnats. JUNIMuIPSTO Gt\,"I, TIIIRI) Ni-xt T'111a5 is vth (latc of the thirdl if thesre f iir lit lunichconsv Whichliaie ibeinggi'isniby tic i ea-0 snostis ner Ih fact that it iv lviii 1 ianal esitpsi-le.for thue class to (i c , i iv I fot-iv insstcadlof h yink; oisiiii th iiii ii Illt two o':i~l i shsbci ~ iase 'lv iithy pavt. scrieso faredlCCv isvrmsd 1?tgcneFishe w~l s slvlpltreside at Mir. y. A icmbr of thit yosing l)c ii i l Ie fc ly h e lslo Irsm sedit Ii liitic:,mein ofithc class take -care of he ivr fai tons w oattend. _lt ol~ro'clck lithesonie idaithe iilmet11 omA. Ciniversity 1 al. t elct baebal iniagcr to take ts- k~c"o '"Dxi" liintiih who was ii_."' toiilIcaie ssthiil it thy riiof the OirvI i-il cvi I byithe siiidenii ieathi liphis father. -OUR. SPRING ;sClever Clothes i ~ - Su its, Top- \ ..j - - p. coats and " }Raincoats, _____________$10 to $30________ Distinctly the Leading Exhibit in Men's Fashionable Apparel I C Sweater Sale Yoss cannost itford toI mis this oppo rtunity ii'yous are go nl to need wistin the Sweater or Sweater' Vest Comue early wthite we still hare your ie, WAHl R'S University Bookstore C. E. BARIN[[ BOO0 " KS Law Medical Dental Largest Stoitcn lMichigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Metdical Dictionaries Quize Books, etc. Conmplete linle Ness and Se- onid-band. Old books takcn ini Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Gel your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs aild Spoons HALLER'S Optica l --iDept. Cue Walsh and Jeelery Repairin HIALLER'S IIIWtLERY STOREf 216 sounth Mail~-aSt. They Sy That we have die best line of 40 cent CHOCOLATES 11n Ann IArbor. DO YOU KNOW? E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Spring Hats and Caps Allsten' tSphrig shials NECKWJ SHIRTS. RING FURNISHINGS ur banidisome newr Sprinlg Four-in-hband in the tell niew shladed colorinlgs. w niegligee 011idls-eated styles, $az.oo to $2h.50. f/e- rij ight-sl s e sif/it time." AMS &COMPANY 121-123 MAIN STRtEET CPhbotoiranghers rt9 III w ImA