THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield 00 Co. i Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fally Guaranteed Watcsh RepexltragiA Sp..lity0 lTHE fARMERS AND MECNANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $30,000 Surplus and Profits $o,ool General Ranking iusnessa. 3 percent patd OnTinre ad Saviengs Deposits. Sfty De. posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards lI A.5 1ILLIAlS'S I shier I.T.STO FOwn Anat. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Resoures $2,800,000 A GleneralBaking Busness.Transced' OrFICE'no Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Ha rian, Vice Presn . 0.1. Fritz.Cashbter STATE SAVINGS BANK~ WV. J. Btooth Jano. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan ton. Ht. Wande E. F. Mills John H aarer Jao. Konh Prof, HO. S. Carhari H~enry W. Doougias Christian Martin Dlan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK. O1 NN ARBOR, MICH. Pres Vice-Pres. S.5V.(1'LA 21(0 N, Cashier. ,'apital. 5100,000. Surplus and Profits, 000,000: ~crman'flAmeiican$~fjj s4ank Cornmeriees. .zd 5a .vlsxga Cam'. Meln anad Llbxn'Oy Stree.ts CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. ffia ncd-Tenor and bass soloisis for church positionis. Apply ai once at 3i2 South Division St. Iti iI anted-The Cutting Cafe has a fro choice seas left at the same rte of $4i -011( don't forget thtou1n are sav- iing money on spaecial role iieal tickets. 111017 io'nfe1-ifiMocriit, 324 S. Stale, catn use a comptletett stenographecr oiid type- winter dtring 1odd) hours. Call iln the evetning. 12 II1111d-4000o 11(studets 1o eat at (lie S. U'.Init, 1114 SouthtUCiviersity. Bell phone 1530-t1- Night orders lpromtlty dliveredi. 14 FORIRENT. /111 Rents-Sin)gle r~olm1a1337 IC. Wit- liate St. 11-12 I-'Or Rent-)Good sitle; light, heal. r phone) . Two doo'rs from ncampu(Is. 2136s S. 'Thasycc.1 Tille'Sentle cloneil aIso slalt thoghltrot. WXilliatis, secretalry, 31 thety wou22ld hack 0up1anytlhing 11e SS dlenticouncIil (id inl respect tolrecd: mndin~g the suspetnsion of expulsion any undlesirable studcnts or any octi 011 studeint offairs. While thea wo' (101 give lthe Cottscil full cotitrol thsese ((aotersthey applreciatedl the (w the Student Countcil had (lone in cami: act ivie0(1(1 asoure-d tenmtheir Ilea suplport. WI 3M AN'S 11.AGE \DIJ~SORY BOIARD I) I El Coosidetable' impl~ortan(t sines~sw tranlsa~cted beside the regullar routinle (sort:at rtehesrsttonthlynmeeting (of Esxectis e and(1Advisory IBoard 'o)1 Womanvll's ceage, held Saturday- 1(ot Probably t(h C Ifte rf mos.imp '1 c it b th brIt'C'd wsinflregar' (teCIquestion1111ofIresidenceII hll' for(lt oltc(0~ ivsigatin-pelsentrlomng on 'osadifd(Imls alodvisale toIril the sa e oice of theRegets T posed, to b Ill votedl 1111t d the Ilt me oli'lcairn oll the members11h1''illco ite reguIlt'lrly ee' edoffce. Olhetcsocatio xoffic 1111111io lit3 be1(011 t'li g ctliinl nbarld((of11 t (IelI1iIl It'a'.a(114deied o 0(111 (il th ill.t t n me ti ll s 3e (1(1l ild forSenlator lmerIl. -ed, ha LOLO WILL TELL YOU :ion M ieS 1ARTHUR LANE oir' Vaudeville Supreme ! Week of October 18 irly Engagement L THE MENTAL MARVEL. A gen- -{ Extraordinary1= uine Sioux Indian Cirl in a wonder- ful Exhibition of Telepathy and IIThought Transference. This is positively the most astounding ex- hibition of Mental Science ever presented to the public. Those gays McCarry and Harris xas Singing and Dancing the Morrisey and Rich thte Conversational Duo ern- Special Feature por Shepp's Dog, Monkey and tl Pony Circus te Wonderful Trained Animals Free street parade enery day atMajestic Moving Pictures (Itg NOTICE Maxim Models Next Week vI Buy your seats now. Box Office opet O1 a. m. to 12 noon,lpm. to 5p. m. Both Phones ill - ------- c-('(rcturIt'llo1coo0 E. AnnoSt. lRewarod. I10-I1-Il-i,3 tials J. 11. W. o lack. Retinot 101)8 Cornw'ellIP'l. Phlle 753" ((-12-(3 REFUSE lNST'A1'EM ElNT'. AtIthe'Senat' clotncitlt'eeting last Ihc 11a1tter (If thle twolsophomorestCC5who( ('c r'expeled'llforthazin~g. 'The com- it (505 the first offentse a1(1nd (1that't3(1(11- i'lltICIt tobein tlicted was511not15wIll il-lsill n to1a5suspe'lnionlfocr(onecyeac. i'll) stenate counIct.itlhwevec, old rotI ch1(n1ge tieir dlcision,11stating that th' partie's wereCwelttawareICf'w(( t Reced Osaidl : '-lTheeis absltely (10 chance of1( ttir reinta~ltet'I b y this Ilccc C53expelldby tte Lterary faculty I ec'lsttsetey wcre studenC~ts ill this del- parttmentl. 'Theic preyvitus rcrcds illth l'llgieecing ldepartmtt'lthadl 11(1etrcing '1thle case iil 111y'w1(y3'hatsoever.'"' i t'ic ENGINEERS' DRAFTING, LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Companiy Studeftts Yotu will fitnd just1 what yottlned in ftrniish y our rooms AT MISS LOVET1I'S STORE 232 S. Stale St., Upstairs Pillows, Bsnners, Pictures, Lamps, Netting, Tacks, Hammers, in fact.a full line of den-supplies. 11)111 i, frti .l 1 I /nr /ft ' .*.itt 'I (1 'o11r4 i -{,f-tlr rie E. H. FOWLER 10 Law, Pr-Op. Have you seen the new blue effects in, Cheviots with red and blue markings? They are swell and entirely new? We have them. 3 WAGNER & CO. Importing Taillers State Street r- Dr. Cook OPENS S. L. A. Course Wy'EDNESDAY, OCT. 20 WITH Lecture and Stereoptican Views BUY YOUR SEASON TICKET NOW Single Admission $1.50 Course Tickets $2.50 Chboralx'lunion ana f!Ta2JFestival TEN STAR NUMBERS ONLY $3.00 Setohunin-Heink, Yolanda Ntero, Cecil Fanning, (neisel (,)uarte'tte, trit. Kreioler, The Choral Unioet(300 voices) The Thotma& Orcestra (t60 Ipieces), Cho'ral Works, Odyvaseus", NIewIlife", "Faihellm_ 't''iket'.nmay In pua sed frs tun t avs ra University School of Music MAYNARD ST. LAW BOOKS Detroit United Lines On informllat ill toDivisioni Superin- Itendenlt Alen, Yps(ilanlti, of thle Detroit Unlited in~es hy ofltilrs of Varsity or- g'aizcations of(Iitilt'movemnt, beyond the caiCty' of the 'eguIliacservice, of alny p1 (1131of studients II t' rromtiAnn \Abor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWS, Prop. 320 N. Fifth Ave, New CPhone 457 Bell Phone 0571. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. University of Michigan Union's /ClnchHams. e a.. S-shop GEO. V. STOLL, Pr~op eritog. 40th year DICWIONARIErS In QVIZ RBOOKS Anes Arbor LEGSCAL MISCELLIIANY 40tcyeoar' In AnimA rb or Callaghan (Q Co. CHICANO Arma Arbor EĀ°reenob. Stats Street. Oppostte Leer Bldg. i.I CleP T T TI Y" 11 i9 T Af"*k v /"f r-A 4 AL ."i I -l / 1 -1-1-1 . 1 **om.wR Vii !' - Y , At j AM - E.8 %., N r- i -S T . a :a .. su , .,rya. :