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March 13, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-13

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d ,I

Wins 35-Yard Dash in Four Sec=
onds Flat--May and Ross Do
Good Work
Featured lby tle tiglflh' ido
record it the 3-Warddalxi amt the irstl
appeartcee of 'all thrsi}ahe
the atttuli Vrstymt t wli hei ri
trda ]ti t in 111 iiri un,eio nim
Excepton tiir"'gooidItiirswr na i
'PTe hn oe initiii liltvidua
pont v ute of the eveniiiiiliti it
3t-yarti dash itftutusecondsllat. di i iir
tiet thr tid or reor, oo frs1i
te tiotput tid frfi s in tehg
juttp attI won11srriidla i n ot th
high an owhurlesior atoa I
lpoitt. Crig, it h xx ist s i Hihin
citeow ttrdet aiulthuirdiniiteiig-ca i
The featt rere lit tie relilil"ouii
ide of te oe' iin MillI onrte
the reod rii tirr hr afml n
qutarter4411In tae CoRos' n
(Gatmhle were teleitil i s. am l
atibeeti stfferig fo" o sltsai
ettered the rceeaantte dico
Traiter IFitptictik adiii arl
beatent ot lbi Ros iii adau e
rackitg r'te lei liibioughtitheiicr11d
tox its tet Chetimeti s:,lili om
It the hlf-ilet ract(Ti ll ii ng Ii
runntttntg iereti ic 'ilil iist place
timeOf20 3-,tie w ih m r'
himitax xeceedinlyipti' ising material1111,
for ti e arstaclem
Frerttrx itriid ti lus aperac
in lecal comptiltinisi yar ,tkin
afii t ltte ilithe le i valcul l 1f'ii f,, t-
thIl earettebr esl Iuaticathegh
a Sexotcigher111 butrheCropedouti11
mxarkblte sttrf fi rs ,iai duiIi
doublte tie fliiiilit laceii l oii Irl
attn lftor thetirdition.
ittt' dathliii i whCich Deci amtillxii
teru tuh beatieni oui, I loni h
teerehadct hurrytogeii poitni
eidetncedl Cuetie fa'cCht h- al
Cointe cetix oiibire'iing iii' ~ mi~i
CaptliCin i C oo iii tin Indli
tie goit oC1-11 i ! M -, ~o
seondlia half-ilp iciiiiiitiecpt
Siattler lst ]yniot1,11 iii ~ a~g
race' a11d1i h ha beni peyeiiiu
'Thie 11 1 Cfits ,o x e m 1
c ite hi p I vt11111 i-(b abi iii i
twiig frothi 'li eiorlasi C
forie unireil mtia t re asl
Itihr ofBi yngtrer 1111j l 1


)CV, 'iARCHC t,tttoo.

No. 1 3.

for tile ilmwilil (>fithe initerecass rclt,
('it e ( iii i tiilxiiiC 1 1 1 hlC iliil'5 C

OWill Petition fir
Give Afair a

1-?lilic it
s(CId :''iCr

Cid ]ilite-:14.
hiirlo lis--i'iraid, irs

01caleiihig;hhtuels-l.rai;, first;
ii idler, cee)ilili lsk, tirdi. 'Tiime- If


C tl; lliiti thuir i.
111-t C1111 ipi r
rIaliilltc tlixiiied,
Itf r , lah o
old ll i I'

eti, fil-st : K (11,11 ,, \\ III
- an<l k Iftiler tic°<1 I '['i;
I I S S all, II
for third.
ti111) x
ss, first : t_,alIII)Ic,
lirst: Saxton, ser- s() )11
nle :02 3-5" farts sec- tr c1
:,;1 - ,. indo
eatecl 1O1O la«s. >rC:I

"111'-i1lit 117

Experienced Players Chosen--R.
M. Tonms and Helena Munn to
Have Leading Roles. )l
III(. ttana;;enertt 'is 1 i niil ti ol' nd I cI
rehrtr~tl fo th <tnna Drnch l~r CC
an, stated. liet
M~iI, 1" tllcdli ,I r'li'eteil t i i {>
111111 i th pl ay 'if lectedIi t i 4 a pi'5 'ii i )
that ahii I'' III", ii Iit itits, an t
French ton lieRa id cion, 111cfrci 1111

neryaltheir casaxtxaerad beix a-
DAECU ET Notlhed alre te udeccascuueu di-
Bav ANgiE i ven vetto ittrwrd. n
i temtextiresed imsetlxef his "un
Permission to, l x iota echt tf ailC for aleh-i
Suggested by liarixtoixt ellha teitrrnIeto itake
raniigemtets wit ite sichilt o keec im it
boittle leeniiinCt1 g 111 o ttI eiottdi Ciiie
lice wi~hlii l eu. NowIu u ppor s its illioffi"
'ICy le c eshmiitni Dr. JamitestB Citel retredlalsta
xijiittitiitg id rigthelx'pastmot gr eat 'cci
the 6 1-tb te lit rovditChelth' D uriC tli ccii
r ) . i~ ~ c t l ildp a t i h i F e tb r sua y D r , A l c iu f e r eti it
his ph} ts i t ticttig tt warmr AtciiatelI
csp the bar, pannd t str a sihorxx tieii r tut
nucv ic c lie r.i Angel's attittiettixxa iidte s tt
ittttli i ii Cuttoititel Co- C t
1-d 1111 11i of
\\CihlediiProf. Turner Will Deliver Princi-
cht, l tiltue pal Address Before Phi Beta
;ttl m< Ilcrece Kappa May 14.
iy en m de ie Fredeicik J Tttrter of Citeooiutxt,
I t 11the h iiyt. uiC1udelieric te tiril anutal (Pii ali
r 1I,1 cltIct lclicli ie. ~iu teevceninig f M liy fictrteenthi.
it A ar sors iP ofesor 'Tuner i rcogiizedec soieiit
ulu gohlt have 'f te mxoC tt ixirilht orxiicialitec-
'!a11 rt. 11 up en1CC -' cr y in 1the xestC ie lxis ht recety
C inepted a rof ersiat HdCararud,
u Ixrr xx li At iwithxwibiine ~tt fall. O thlecprti
0'<O ivc'itht hii ien s c ert xxil e ireeilt, iti ac
~Il( nd laciI i\1e ti einitetic rranigeuxenut ae' lee
iicmln" -I orautle iiirofesriiGCerg '. Vincent f
Ilit 1" f he Chieago idelixened the xpr eiililspeeh
ura ~ da .m ii"Citte secrdaa a niCttiiiC tqettlCartyti,
Il'itt, tile nd Geotge H. CPIlier of Harvrdci,
CliI 'licli'iiiii~ spoiike to xe'r'ago
C l\ t e I'ra 1 le PhittBeti KappC C l ctioncis till
ia iii ofh 5ig e t tree we ekt Cle Ccetail w rix'i sc
exliii iii Ctill ite itatits lif Icommtiitt'i, itt
I'l Ciii ti"th ir cprux Cwillbini it le foci' the' tai
urrr111d111) illCcf1e-1Cc this ianquet ithe loc I chap t illcei
ti t r m l id ii fltyi'guests ior tee arec' o 'e'
e 11111 revl iC e it, tibe i e txe cu niher e,
"cr ix i1iinn iattmw emb esiele c ite lrmtheti 111c ites
tI henI fi ur f t iriii x ec.d fcct ie e~e
it rayo 1 IO \\SAS iii N S CCN'
~ipito cas Ri iSiC RFI QtUIRKMINCi 1
dri i , if, im ll cpii tti t xwhetapitoch ed x in ri e
sir, .,ny nd is-Bar ito the ttatttercofiiretttir CCC" 111C
gear1' oleia''te woriki'fCr e1trace 1111~
,[liiclk it epariiitmetit saitt sch triCmovei
fl i al osiites wo ld beetremeti li m aci c l ieOuir i
:mg teir g,1 .111 titti m ch 'e''e ' tax tse f ay
.111 ii ii' ni~i xp ithei c hoote l initthue ciu ty Cnliantut
Cii i tut IiThe i e lwere Ce raiet hue it xwoui m cn
,d In i h ii the ii itea th r ideariutet. Cccca-
I"1 11111 11gran C ri t hange te reuiremiet o i ute
oiCI c 111lit' legiltionunutil somtiethig is
ia.rClvr Cwucl oneliu yiithiii'the re schoolsiiii li th
t~ctrt,;^ ttiti'el ofcii iiumii C

losing of Huron Street Vital to
Growth of Astronomy in the
Thte g'riiwthif te Uivierit Oser-
vtory uwill be seiusy hampered, iC is
asserted, if te urpoed plait of
Ce ciyucountitet oleae East I'Htroni
treet iopenl sdCcieupon.iru
Tox uluix impoe teCbulealre ysem of
Anxni arCu, hu Cleeuxouci plais to eave
Huro stcurteeCcient Cewen Oservaory
xud r4C1 streccix tut thus afford as
lucy slite lure tecess to the ouevard
iithidowxtoCcx.itAsxthe road now runt
it is neesarytoiiiveer off at righC angles
tiware liuOhbtesvatorystree. Professor
CIussey direeetioruof te Osrvaory co-
tenies Cixat thec plans for te enlarge-
mxenttof Ct theubevaoy 10evittfors-
tioni dcimanod ht stiipx of 661 feet run-
thug fromux14thu street o QObervatory
teet andu thuat te bouevard can run
Ccxwix14t sixreeC tchd xiiito Oserva-
ler xxwitout spoiigthCie city's parkway
sysem.ux The reethaxe offered the
citye $i 000 fr te land hich it de-
tree clued int orner to e used in the
fuutherance f presesct plais. The ac-
cepitace oc rejectioux of hit offer is
nioxw befiteete citecuxuncil,
ACC the presentutCixe the ig reflectig
telescoeiwith a ilC3n/-ich reflector is
being corutedt aidth le drafting of
plans fCr1111411 citeltescope is' ider
wa.hifClhe citeewil dispose of the
sectonof tiuuxiuustreet desired y the
C'Unirisitey, utswerI oesolar work will
he eecteii
Not cily xxmiilduithicpermtauent opening
f Cle srt bealie nuace o the plant
f te1ObsuerxvCtorciCiut it would alo
seeutriolyiturtt e Cuebeauty of Sleepy
Holulowttianu its ue fr Cap Night ad
uoter 1111Crs i ttixities.
Soi far tecounttcil ax takeni pe-
liminry seps o cls Cle street, such
11s po1sting ntichest and ladvertising the
piln. F il at iii ot e taken
howieverC byte cotuil for ome tme.
Iin speakin11 1fCle aatter Professor
mluster saidu:
"CIxiould i euh Ce ixlsttmanxinittthe city
toi statn inthle xxai of ciic inprove-'
mtett"saiuuPCrufexor iHussey today,
"butt w1henuxit iushcstble for te park-
wCayC rtstem o CbCe ctinued y way of
Ann antuxciObservtortux'streets xwithx lest
trublle utud expensee thanxy te pro-
poedphanIuucanntuot see why the park
badisxo elcitetrminedcito Csc Iiroi
street f there were io vital reasot
xhyviiixshouudiihave ite street closed
C wulud nt ututke a sige protest against
Cle patk inardiln. But Bthere are vital
reasonsi xxhy te pa rway system sould
uuno te cnintuue d thrugx this street, and
cue of themxis thuat suchx a corse would
Ce seriouslytiCtetfeithg xithxour plais
Cc maktei of thits obsuervatry oe of the
grealtest inite coutthy, a credit to thit
cte andto tuuhe state of Michigan I
uwouuldhuCe wiiniig t1111eteioclevard
(Continued on Page 4.)

C~krcuatc t'hc'ctC

111111 11111'par
Ii Ia l i'r l


hI' c C

as 11 1<I] 11 the y e:ir I
cr draulratic ahility. I'lle c)thcr
0 1w played hy pc( )1)1(' of cmI
ext)cricllcc i I ) al11ateur drala
Fl-clch or I"'Il lish. Thc
ast as if(Oh tits :
gcIhWc lrw tilcl1a Idwi.
tlisoll--, ori)7a 1,. de (uisc.
ralcl-1 h a I I lr mI.
1 )iaioirils-h)sel)h 1'rinlcau.
1111-aitc Frcdcrick Paull.
nncloi I iarold 1dc)ucr.
ilicttc- "vlar.\ F_ 1,\ r)ch.
l )ia kirus 10A ; cl sclrctccl.
Purg(HI NO wt sclccted.
reef ?r l lcr1wrt A. Kc1)5oll.
SiIIC-,S ,\IL11;QCI- Ilc)llis ;>. k3






6:30 P. M.

Moderator C

Presbyterian Church



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