TIEMICHIIGANT)AIIY Spring Hats spring Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lindenschi'itt, Apfel& Co. UNIVERSITY NOTfICES w IT E TH A R Craftsmen meet at the \lasoni Tem- 1 clY ar h 1 pie this evening at S o'ctock Iteires- ing program. Bnsiness meeting. l PCILRTR iG 0MN M.Masons cordiatty insvited.i li e PEIL EUN NAGMN Senior tit tunctheon at Barhoui gyi- The Favorite Mu~sical Comredy niasiumi todas- at 12. Tickes n i ale at dtoor. Noice fenciing touniamiect tis morsoi iiig, \\ ateriian gsiii~isiuoiiiin iis c. - ~u 6 L m i The fottowiig artiste iias ciliarciiii1t Ii recent issue ofi a Loisvssills ae Jack Suttivasi, wos ortoti ~ r was1 catitaiii ofithe IUnivestyoi ilici- giinctsbl emloslk terags. Ilie is a tyil coleesi1 isears gtait rags, ainsity cp, isi ciiiptlexioin that is teev falo the mins aiiitis faiii- smking w ii ith giiiger. tie isas alt over iicthfislila our time, caught thighoea -n texvfonsanjaedte cocers. 'lake it friiim ilih, Jack wiill bhi tiere si-tns tie ngniusig isgs, ii1(1 g ii aiii strosig at that. Grslokotwe th f uslltagets house. Wilier 1Hoct and ja Sulilisvan are justliio lear lfce air ci ii and tissueweonuawill lse vcciii lii toi them-ii. 'Thiyire iiit muarrie-dei thisr. Aaa t With the same big company of musical comedy 1artists and the same big song hits that has made this play famous from coast to coast. _1 c' k ;, Prices: 35-50-75-$1.OO-$1.50 Seat sale Friday morning 1 0 o'clock. Order your seats now by mail. SPRING FURNISHiNGS SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS We have setar dthesgeni ri College Caps and Gowns FOR DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS W E woutd sugest that you tlease.your orter-,soildmensurenments be~fore Apr it 1st to insrethie prompst delivcry ofI,. riticot. Tho eCaps tot Gowns are onls made to your oider samspls's of miany sLittiee here for patrons inspoection. ITie newest effects in Manhattan Shitunt', kwariiilacs, tsiiry, Novetty Handkerchiefs, Spring weig~ht IUodeswar asit- SPRING HEADWEAR Alt the new shapes and shades in the hist mikes. KNOX, STETSON and BEACON Don't fail to see Route, Contin & Fie ,,s'osusecal $3.811 lit. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S. Main St. MAJESTIC Carriage and Baggage Fota. Cupatle ut rostspartics 1eforesit lclei$1.50after 1:' o'clock $2.00. " orecl 'T'runiiistocfromsiisor, tie E dice wii he 25 Coats t. Ifteracriciltio orrismu-stairs, the price will tie 50 Cents. Druivesi arcceiequired so collect casts foariage. and oustgego servcec. WVA ,KiiF'P' tAtVERuY ROititti(tN & CO. TONIGHT T~.uLVR MACK'S TEA ROOM-2nd Floor M ack s Lunches and Refreshments 04k0 0tK' Escalleatcusn Ecru s i. 1 ,t.a . t5 i i Mi.,cSaturidays ito 59 p. mi. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUJRD[AY Trh. Elactrtfiad DI "o Belle--GREGORY and MACK- Joe Sp ctal Electrical )Effects 5 Conspicuous Acts of Quality Hotel Cumberland W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Near stltSt. nSbway and tMdt5;,. Elci is' 'Tiw o istnredst nsits Is t cut ightstu-S. sit-sts cittLelasndiStatsfiieststli-ti icdil it liiei miembrsh-ips atcif ity sllie-.apce lic e iStlanfiird 1iontii. Iit sticcis- sirs t aiese sasbout $ts5,sssscsbiftoicctih Wtitc isistheir tiewi cclosescouldiii w isegiti. $1,000 isas raisedi inca ci sh \ as tis-ersil subscriiicsslist. 'lihni lci sectitns classs-s tooi l: pthetics-sc ci c stey- isesigestthe filloccci itsg 555mstlts ISeioirs $4,050,.Juioric s $1,6finsosiph1o- sluies $3,250, situ freshmenssss$3,00.b ic batltasseof te $3fs 11(10futistisad1sie- viounisslybectsustibeds byctics fastlts list a clumiithe flst- rmer stlt ccciin sisuchs tse gcee-cie iiticsn Imtutu lal studets ubcrbeiti niee-etestsui huhtshhesisli sciliti i llitesembershstitss t- dllrs I -l1 lice diatieif the frtic. mntO 5lcc bseisig sdetsrined hby list. siscitics ccciii proi sintht asll thicsssi iiliii its \cili bec ccciipitetest ii stunts ofii tiliess tii is dosllairs i sitw i sts ist eas sftrc tic initiail ipaymen-1t. 'ThccStatsforics IIs ic movesets1hts tests sundesrsi is ccIVis shorctttumelists ts- grasct ceii suc arci instituionssasnd te sitsire-sic1 th plirs if te ststude ticodytoistsartcit thtemstelves madise it evtremelysis iiI- 'The stussesits atdshescfactiltysrcc-izedcscc its muul ibessefits asnsibothiibcciiiall their ensergies tos brcsining liie moie- -usd1 ts a smaterializcasion. 'Titers- sre sisoe peopcles-sitcostittitlitt ii tht tuey- citnpoist Ots ts outilte cisc oflyour wscacs dit ake i vimic fel good11asbsst it-biut t tinedi t{,icrane the errssr. There aeci esrst.h()c tdo this.\i e ihis- personassss I rlc occacsionsaillyswehvsat ,Lear r ico slay. 'Tie personiwhsuits cnisis I i I hlinsg handiiopsensedthlistslelsk1)_.ic saycinthats5it wsisone ofsi issr rl etc., etc. iHecwits 'ros , 11 i cspecciaslly ca protfessoho asteI- sigist anssdtetgseatif''ttof iii ngs-it i io tellsa la ve s-itc li ftersasteisis s c hs tutustythyiirust uponhimts icc isesitate?'Thecld, iesc-ccittI i ccci ccitfth w its owit anidss ttu t noit names,,lu lecltrinigiprofsisorirs sasbeaustsil cit cinie, goodsfirlice estlii ~ elall isechipsst ssiuitiwesleasuruiMl ts 1 1 tprofssors iy isshumansisity. -Inis sic. Stusdenti. 't'iiui., i S NOil lil1bl silt whast if you5 will aliisit its tihs priil ge5 ste scats demsonistraste itc yourcectics stisfcticsile urStijs- iccril\ s -cnit iers tic Mets 'biiiors, I labierdshrsic, I ttes iiivNRlY & C'I, D~rawinsg, the right kindis as sight picies at the Stsidentus' Bostores.cc ntis-con to. i KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special JPerms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. IVNDI&R THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stimca-soft., formerly with ttotel hIsperial. R. J. Biamgha.m, formserly wiltshHotel Woodward ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP is icisito Eletric isWVaittis ooas Under lHuston Billiard Parlors GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor hiForerl wistlsHisrry .&Chariues') G.o to Major 's 'I'i hsuy Wcshll-patper and Paint.theimufasu cctsur'ess of paint %V(- c-cu s -cuss Yiu rromn 'dito 410/. We seitdir ect toSte costnines', there- tics ticuss'lists priss: tI5,allotn tots otsr, $1i.1i5tic-ngcl Ison. Single cuss lind1.i, halt gallon 65c uart i5. C. H. MAJOR CO. 1liurtic -situ ecs sit High-Grade Paints. 2311:E'. 'Washington St. I - ~ Collars 1 Iso somatchless close-nmeeting collar. Sets on the neck ox- is ily ashRlustrated. HaeL!NOCORD endless . G-oholes---easy-to- bvl .901atd unbutton--- they doin't tear out. c0 . i INCii, Iau Rss S T us. ists N. Y. MORKILL ft .CO. TYPEWRITING tab ItL TYPE WRITERS tar Sasllas r et IMPKOPEW. NUlE F LIFE IIat eben promsticsteisfew smret'opies ade nw.150ct.tsh5 utwit or'er. STOFPLEdT'S NEWS STAND 115554. 1'4'a,"itii llgt"'~ . I 11IARTH & WASHINGTON CANDY MOE'S BARBER SHOP FRESH DAILY AT TICE'S DRUG 705 North tlnlveralty Ave. o. A. MOE. STORE, 117 S. MAIN ST. IMATINEE'S DAILY 2:30 and 3:30 ALWAYS A"-lEAD IN STYLES MJJjWA TLOR TIM BEST OF EVERY TtiING IN TAILORINO