THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Sjpring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESINS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS- Dependable RE3ULTS-lleaslug and iarmnius - IN - Suitings, Veslings Trowserings Naw Ready fr Yur Eaminatin G. H. ifld Compally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LI PEASY" BUTNHOLE MAKES THE BARERBRAND "C LI NT ON" BUTTON EASILY ANO S IT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AD QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255! W ,BARKER 09 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. 51a1. Stret A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Cnrildsntl g are the largest man- h ICI f act rers in the wnrld Thade-Mack of OFF ICIALE QUIP- MNTorallatlti 49114Q sports and pastimes. g If you are inere- !s ii in Atlei Spol . y,* xacold laes celi 4ti -t O of he Salin Ca- aoae. Is"a oplt isokownethrghut enWcopdao the world asa atsNw in Sprt G..oranta of and iy sent fre n re Qsnaity. qet. A. O. SPAL6DING f. BRO. Chtaao Dtrot NVe ha' e a line of (llege and Fraternity Seal. MICHIGAN SEALS 75 cents FRATERNITY SEALS $1.00 Wet ju3st IaveSa small asaortmenrl. oflFri-miitySealsat $1.00 Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Mlanaging fEditor CLAsuoNCE E. Etmetnet. BusinessAaunager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Presa Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. nm. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. Mn. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News ................. Lee A White Assistant ............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilhur D. Elliott WVomen ........... Frieda Kleinstifek Music atnd Drama...Hollis S. Baker ExchangES ......M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. Janmes K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Goad G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE EDITORtS. Waler K. Toswers Harry Z. Folz Dotn Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moellan Wade Oliver Fred Lawton Harry 0. Myser Frankh Rowvell Charles H. Mylattder Morris Iouser M. Mack Ryan BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bosvman Norman H- Hill Wfatter Q. Wilgus Myer Ruhin Kenneth Oshorn Norman Wittet The enineeringtfacty as re to becon-idomtintosr are iuultiplied hy the same gralulateol tponti heir abtii0lit oaccet ttttiuher? critictist t interight soitit, a.peiaite tt 2.Finttthle reciprottalttf lte differ- the justice of the atdsorse tretett ndtt Ic.chbecte 31.24 and 31.23,68. take measures 01tsince 1o effect ateinted;. 3.lHowumanso-limes silh a wheel 4 1-2 When their attentlion teas coiled to titsflest tn tiameter resolve in going 23 fact, these men realizesithat tl hsre soas miles ? a uecessity for a chattge somtiewhlere. 4. W6hat numher deducted from the If lack of preparatioti is thte ftttttmnttttlt 261tlat of 2,262 soul leave Itie 87th cause itentthieitrehiottnrt coutr se it ttpartof thttsamenuibier? mathtematics leatdintg tilt tothilettmore inttt ,. Jamesicao build a call ini16 doays. tricate work shtottld aslvet pbemi siHt owitimany mciiiswtuld he requiiredllt aiid cause svasily tilfferentrcortteto Iie btuiltd tisowallthree timies as ltoiig in half estahlishoed ini ceritin citti s"ittthetiiite' departmtent. itThe tvelocity if souiid is iotgo feel _____________________ per secotntt. The reptort of a gun is hietrtideeitn secoinds after the flash is ENGINEERS StOLVE MAiNY seteit l-ttis for off is the guii? PER PLE\I Nit 1I16 ii itii. mi litiad40 sick shoeeip.Clne I ied. I liow manout were left? Manyiniews aiitlstartlingCouest t essiIfto rts ofloytirogeit anidlstie beitirotducedlat NI iclig tt t l few l ptrtiiofitxygeii forus waler whatioss hove etilletd for rittecottittithtinltheiiichltoiofoeru airithiietic ctitrse for juiotitentginees. . I unitorie gas will dye clth, wht The stdeiintsaeeisothiibeicauth I"I I i de tithertdepaortiments tiremkingthelist to. lotpits twitore geiieraillysustil hutt of juices ttt tll lestcriptittns. Situ ttpo lidtto mke ftour. If tis is trtue, bow oif the tqiestittis askedlitere sontilrfiliin ttiirte this seveni make? ftor their siiiiilictiitytntillhera folthiriii btenteroof a story eiiteredl a tibsuirtditv.Yet lieIhtirt ildinbi dg rceagisi Ctiomaclie, Colint, Rint biuildier siwerie fotreet lt tilctemta s \\ Wtier, ,andtl tther race hotrses iii seriously is a ideaonititwh o asestihetittitiii, ithiia ispavinedimutiandii lalteforcitoilntittins ionSundaity. iithe ods we iire ti o i iagainst him, cwtat Astshoc priofessotr in wiile cas tke titisiltihis chititcesiii ruiin~ig lie? thit rollliii followisitg onveitt rsttlion array Fotrelupwartdstif a oiuhttr 40 stiieneits lie teatrd.ittplodded tawtiy iind wheii the ditch "First1class ini tittrthi grtades arithmtic:litrutckt haindiedin the restilts of their triughI yotrtislates? Sites are inis-th lrie tOasititsoaniila0pitclie itice pensaible forittitirs e like this ibtcitse soetter thi etrf essotr setled dowtos lthis thoes civs tishlesetitolttttinadatoithtiethlireetitay task ofi correctig ipapers. i Sweater Sale You cannot afford to miss this opportunity, ifyioiu are go- ing to need within the iiext year a Sweater or Sweater Vest Come etarly chile we still hiveyorur i/c. WAH R'S University Bookstore SA\TURDA~Y, VMiRCHll12, 19fT0. Editor Ttd(oy Hisuno G. MvStM Nieith te. :PatrlytcloudytliSaturdlay. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. .Marcht1i2--itorsile ltrtcktmeet. NWater- Malurcht 12-Senioitr Luincheon, Barhour Malrcli 12 -Btitid Dantce, Batrbiottrgymn- Maorebls5---Jtiotrli Littuchieon,,Doe- tour 01 iittosititi. NMrcli15-Seniir lreshi girls' Ibasket- hail gitbte. Btarbourt gymntasium. Marc tieclit 3 t Kiglil for ati I Ito New N6 iiteyThet tre. Iniraisinig the retquireimeitts iof cii- tranuceto itthe ltwueprtmtetnt bIy detmandi-' tng atlletisitue yeatr ittcotlegiate stork, he regettatcomtmttiiendtably. ITeirl dcisionmiwill tdoimtacietoItwardi tcreos-1 i(, thfici-ienttcy if tthewgratties.) lTiheottiam e oisionutu iilili e is wisely apid toithleitideni tul andushrmacy de.- iatenets, ithottetstudteits receive itt ctultutre wont telite er andilit theIlatter ctisetire ipe rmittledlli to (r ti ctp tatti gotwniteitrbt tw citettrs'studyl. iAs oily ton etrtof collegitite work is requtiredi, hotsetti, stottitprovisioni shouldtliblitmadeitltffrrthe ftuitelegtil iisteaitlofimarrowiing tetmtiownitol the trechaln oti rstiesatthe mtajotrity of iwhilchtitoutli e iof littleva tlue as pree paraittit on hle othliestierofiprtictically ito avislifor hisneierstubjects, this iteitig eciaitlly ltre toteiof thelantgtuages. -1Mtre rhictoric is nteedled, hiowevcr, witho spieciail etmhlasis siti dictieti while ccii to so elemntaacs sti ejct." ((rut s fromthl~e rear men). Ir. it-, wsilsnetuItindlys tell m whatonumbser sutrctrede(RSyltits fo 80o0e5 will leove 13?" ife. Ait-ocratt cies liladtrilreflectively , twistslah titt atid griostmtire iitini tnortile es cci No. "Very swell, tiowt 1Ir. B-I'l ic is requireid to tmate ti tutu 30 itches ini diamteter, tutlo tiin ttwo ichlesfo (Tieswas soft tandlMt. LIt otdowntti sthl a self satisiedismitile). "Thtirlst qutestioniiiwais hartdlyfair," cittiituedl thor irtl., "soItliealoeut 'mthler chttntce Mr.. A-. lHtow ltug still it tle tn-tomenitoidoIwht otntemacn rio ini six lutes ? Whai ttritmen canid ie thirer (laysa? Whttthree tieti canid ito six davs ? There osas nitt swe sothe rofs stir looukedilutiltdtstid Orl.ectaitnstire niot wortth tiucha n rt oI is ll ptn the rest iof the iproblemits ionthe hotirtd. Those wislie slacithis itill lie expiected to use thitm." Aiccordligly t httolostl iii itplaest bsefosre thie class T. Whoat effecst i i htict ionitth reaindeItr if bsthlttmiimitoI ianittlc,-- Hisso Nlattersonu, ti puhblcschooli Iteach- er, liiwho thdbthulegsboktienitswhile coatinmg isithlsomsitsudents ahottsix w cs LagtietiedilFridasytifteroontas the resultiof lie injuries It was inecesstary lt ampitaistte tne leg tat the Hiomieopaltic hos ttl ndth e ptitidHt. wth Tl is(vr;l; 5t5.het-secitedI ot the batitd Glne illi he held in Btarhotur gymnta- sitim. Thoe ettirehiatiti sill retider the titusic ftte danshttciiig atid it is looped thsat thiere southlibe ailttge attetidatoce. liciusis fur thoceeent are 75 cetits andt itill lieonsastle at Wahrsutil 6 t'clocek. itev tay asliteiobtainedrulat the SENIOR LAWS." Citestile, at a hargain, onr complete set oft-?ulleltigatu Reports, fully anion- tatled, slightly tised. Gootd as toew. Gem-srge S. Clutch, Port Huron, Mich. 99-134. JHop atod all Operatic Music for stile it Schaeherle & Sons's Masic House, i i I I LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen. nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Outus. tistinTackeole andiAmmunitioni Key ilise; a speeialty E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Michigan R. En JOLLY' S 308 S. ST.AT E STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. 'lui t i i t ? iithu City Agenits teeoIt -it.Ecireyatsdestaought to tiaveu-a B3-B-B3 PIPE I tie S. Chain St. 9Itf. YOXI tin's Have you~ heard that slinger at the Theatorhium PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Next drtouheUnicersila Schouol uf Mui. The New i-Hop Numbers "IF WISHES WERE HORSES " "THE LAST WALTZ" Also the New Song "I'm Going To Go To Ypsilanti" Whichmliwill b ti iii i ed btiiiy the (lii cCli. An invitation is extended to call and hear them. They Say That wse have thoe hest tine of 40 cett CHOCOLATES in Anni Arhor. DO YOU KNOW? E. E, CALKINS, Druggist *-~j ~ 3245S. State St. 3 !Iers Pboee59; t1L~fm AL ,&P4A1 I