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March 12, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-12

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NO. 1 12.

Warm Contests Expected in
Track Meet---Finals in Inter-
class Relays.
Although the lit Of et re sisnot
large every oe of(thelvenits ill lthe
Varsity iieet tonihlt ugill betic iustci st
All the varsity trct11en0 -mth th ex
eption of Bohnsacki re eli i ciand
1n addition th wren wo hv dn
good work i the tio pruiousis
will Complete.
The Il'res isussier of sue -
tered in th Siosoil iac islhcis sitl
the 440 -yardiaidl ihe 3-yard itases
will troablylbecte osintrstn
rces'of the eveninug Iniallthisco ius iI
meniwill ciiiculcimpte ihohav benlici n-i
iers in the lrel imoinri snidlfres
sopih meet tcether iiti CaptiniisN
- ~ Leger, Craigiid Ilnwriciwihii havei io
the 'varsit letec.
Craig looks lic Itsei giiiii in the
35-yard di~ s ilndshrdles athssighi he
will hase HosrneI anidlRs se mei
tos ii the dshislinilHorneraid Bo
Hammnoid againisthim n the hie le s
In the 44o Ross KeelsIGsislilnissiger
will all rtiii a iquare sresti furishsi
the imembsers if igossil ossileii esi in
the half-msile Rck eerCc to n
whlo if le keeps up the wiiikitheiihas
een doing in practie losik
Only three meiiac li ein I thel
points there.IIc iiill itteiiptiiis 1st
the weight over 47 veetashhsa-
ready reacheil tht imark ii his work
outs. treeiev lhas yule ic t poe
vault aiilin ll probailhitcy iwill iviipi c
Th'le ial iic1as elX ill heiru1
after the imeet tlnsh,hi l,, juniiiili
teinineetig"'theicsnisolg. I
Juniors esiet toireiiit the icperform-
aneeof lst eribyiiississt"inteii
tfinals aid tkiig the'caminshsu ip
The contet wsill cmec t8o
i'lock tonigh, theuul iadmiissi n iof
twentyive ceits lin cargedciThlei
list of eiteritis is as fllovs
35-yard cash-Smithils \Vis t hi tuii
Honer Crig TPlie e'slicli Itm
monds, Gamblel, hswman, Ross
4-yard hgh hurlesilreCag
F1ishwalisiles IrieiiSmiit l I
4-yardilowhiss lslutiorrCa
lamnsud, Klix iiisk, vt 'vih,'Iti l li ii
88~o-Yardun--riierliicI liiiit NAVil-
its, SiiithSxlovii , ecII ik
Grossman I'F.LegrI . v .tLv er
Sht ut- Sith ItrieriBole. l
440-yard dash-iercic, SmithliRIis.
Reek, eel, GaI, Leger.
f Poevalt-I riiiiFii Itt eti Iti
Mile-rn-Ma, tt, Spange','
lBeardsley Hi suits iii nm, el
son, XWillst.
Riss, HIreriria' i~ iga'ill Coniiverii
Lillutte Crwfsrd
The follosigimniivii vest t
Refee-KenF t' ti it i
Millard. Assat col,1ao
RKiskeru, KrisITrac<Ijudges-A.cr-
nor, F isliligli ,iiiisc, ii s. l'
jidges -IeahIc illCelesPicu ~n
ir. S'oesrx I lii t i r. uc
Tiner-r.Ma, II itid, I i' -
WuOA s v iLiiii i'0i(;% ii 'iiir
OisAri 7, the W nVsi's Iv~ge %\ it
holi anoter lesse i Brbor- evm
sium. Close tisocceasionste"fii'rlos'
will have the lplesred'oitcooing tir

escorts. Fisher's crdlssra -will sii7
ply thse miusic.

Sophomores Set Decoy for Fresh
Banquet Speaker.I

itl"l A t C 'vi(l' I thl>\ZATION.


"''C'csl'l l452'Qaiti HOWx i 'is
;shlds li' M hIoI c l oitiyoiu doIMiss
Stilei tiethis i ilsh.t" sgeth' freshmainuirr
tistmailster speinegs. isiiiitced io'.knii
two o'coc etithiis afternoonsiiid'iii iscuss '
ou l ans forisi theii baniqI eti cc o iiiird ig ti tI
the newi rigulitiiiis. Soicsle thetii ther I
g ir' lit I ii aivs il lx '5threan5o
tableiiiustciveil t weith 'iiiust li iiu
"IutovIill hec'ithisieiat A") sharpi. S
1 thought I w sithelul e. <
Inn suit'tllovv " a liyo ilo ilike. -
li(t\sillilIciit lgt knwl yui"
isiii' iIiiiit oilyt ve co titipocketicanit
f rnn hatsig yo wil h ale t cilii -c
ogllzo nc.Gocdh his vils i
"Goodlit i r. Dougc rtyc"I
iiiutiict t. e C\ill the1oratri cal' Wayi
at stheisucettcosiidcheconvelation
Itos tepoeytrdynnWit
11NI1 tat atr ut ho in e it its
illto andtilesvlenge. iiii tiiii Il
The seodya 5n cntentiihe-
hvnvi ctii iiize I elhist iliv 1111
sill' I arelis t ii h lla Pi (A
giatc itisand G iii ii tti ii i''
of S ii lii 5Liinitire islell t isrsfre smai -
the lbayadgthuseelst-Iheuc-

Tesl liiiV
tt ai tit iii
if il(' p'ln
lilta h; }1,il
iii iii sitiis
ililoftll(,]] It

'''leit \\ise(issssiMae
lv tole icif ii tie stiiiniest
)f it itkin i tsi lust
s'lc i ia wthi r irst
d lcseri cii sislt;iiiiiiti-
incudeallmenfro te si
(im intess to ul
2s; or~tila IiI11. C.la celi v
N its. / i ll arrangevvforia

i tii _i' c'.". " t'1 t le
c l-z.;d vsed v tet
t is 5 h ulii s illi

1 byi
irs, lt1

, cI

t s hIll i-11
eniii C'sucvsitc

ta i I' V.ils 15 II Coll-
1 i ill(' 10sillistigan-it
it tll o h iffer-

I,, }1

io-: o ti ,t s iiihid his po
liei n vii t ntili iii oldi i i hodl t halt
returii't'eiis'ssso'stheir p icr s is

Underclassmen Must Submit to Restrictions or Fore
go Annual Activities----"Too Bloody," Say Uni-
versity Heads ---- Upperclass Attitude is Factor.
Micsdga'sifresshassbasnquet as ani out 5f it in'the form of disorder, de-
issuercilass conitest ixs hinsg of lihi Iasistucisson f property, eanger to life and
beig'ibosshsledlhisact iii tseuiersipt sleb, e iordiate waste of time and
seat Frda li sit vcissssg fhssacionsisssaxeeryvoiiithe prt of the student ody
iforelsoedl hy the recommisesseationsi of fsle thc periosd of at least a month and
lte lit faceuly, usmse 'Thusa i igti tie vconsequent loss to the students c-
wih placsu sed the masttr hefuri' te gguecd 'rons their aademsic work, aid
senatc. insaly the fact that this Iucion has in
Tiie text is1 ue recsolutils passeid tiecourse if yearssdegeeraed into
Iii iii c sSenate follows: xasessntesitch cteeisclasses. This has
Rlts dsisi aii the soxcaleleufreshmsuas giensrise hioiimore sr less tatblood ad
banquIset,'aslt Ipresent osmnizeusdcindusse-nsto haing pra ctces swhch are distinctly
ccusii oesuchstedheliand'tuheilsmxis u u svitons of the faculty ules. All
hesrebhy forbiddens. of these reasonss iere given.
Ressolvecd, That, us the ccciii ofap The indihfferece on the part of upper
picaioisiblivthe offiiaepesenetatiles ci ssensin eseae shs"onsse of the
of1 th fe Icshmaicla ss, it is recmiutied toirashoni s - his affeir snrIeeivei so little
thisex sentecounil ithllspowerc, hisauthosr- 111vor ishssi usesentedh toithe faculty.
se sch reguliations fr a freshmanhibiii Many inatelity scnisors have opesly
queit s mayi' seet its lappiroval. advucatec htutthe freshan sbanquet
Ihiss atonsleases the umattue ithe shouldhe mabolished.cheTircviews had a
Isasis ofuthe freshsmuen themselsves If poierfesl effect wistilsthe authorities, its
shieswshxtohiave a banueuuiut they musust Ivites ii iis"tei'ation taken.
aplisc h senxiiate oiucil for ipernis- hFsidays' vcspent Isythe sophomores
sill11111suggest the eonditisons rasde 's iseli s the freshmsens usveting their
us whuischeywisxhi hioecondhuct the s'misndschsigt isisitsecithe ations of lit faculty
[If thesvi suggestionssmseewithste pad t he s intii stepatedl actons of the senate.
u roalofe ucoeunucl t: us I sthe ipowes lii ,gsuffereilaIstI ese he imemes
his pritcsssIthe banuss et VsWisat rquirsec f telassiof0191)1were swroth tat
suds s it usill hisyiicsowne cannot le tore Isis is eto he rbedsehof their ex-
Ll1. e facultyinsists t ha the fresh- )cc ltcsiurme '1Thep iereneespecially
msens takce the isnitiatvec and hitopolse ushatsiis tliloil sed thuat 'ftr they had laid
thiseyusnsider proper rules t rest l hae pastssfonecaptuinig the fresh-
thuesvixs wicsuhs the u'toites iobjetuimesthe fasculy shtulin tefee.
hhesnateceunileis thicbodye hic shuehs
tsomlyrgltsthsunecasa-OIDEIO FDIYctes. It s tus hlissbuoha t t or- REVSITS ANN ARBOR.
sysuiizaissmsiust aspillsfor cexistence sit
use faultuiy usaturlly s'av it authriy Jamusis I Nhols o5-'u6, law, who
his act inthits ecse PiTche scissbers fthe itsIs h is s usywtsneito on the Daily
sieeare etilg Fresidhent I littixstff wis axitstossns yesteday ad wilt
IDeanus Reed, Coolier, Vaiughn, Schlout- estsaitfist some tisse e came here
tverbecIfisdalei suitHff, hofsusswiththe expetations of staying in the
-Isayior, Ie susussisu istllls thistelhositaiiliio usaitspenatiot ut after a
Btunkher, Ftigelesis'Smith, 'suitI e fler cnxsultattestswsthisthe-physicais fotnd
e Theis freshmuuentshadunosoitoitupnityltohisthuat tissushi beicunecessay and he
eset andiecidueuoissaccoisseScfusacton uioulds impuiuly hauve to stay foe treatment.
sulen thuesmeeing last tnightl.Ihi facuty IN tlele hcses its eollege Mn. Nichols
ceulinug',thoughslsexieced ameas. w s poent in cahmpvumpssaffairs and
dseee disashpointmsentsnduch hesre s littcsswas ipresidenet of the Demsoratic cth
douthutait the succeds f dihiebaniuet eof the Universiy. lHe is ow pactic-
esu if it is given stt pre15 ocalins lw itsBker City, Oegon, and was
functionswltt he seriouislyimutpaied.iClT recesly honousr edh tspthe citienis of that
vgenueal lattittue is1thefraerncisuly ftexit placchis'being eetedimunusicipasl judge.
tilln's thailthet discsnchic1 hl ase o attend
1huesnquet if intefencebyhithe sopho Sp - cial Notice to Students
morssevs waspirevsenteed. tManyi of usthe__
d yoshils' iccxluse sisde arranens uusts o Vsetake lease in itnnosuncusig to
bruss grls fluiom ut fhioiwntfussthe studuesixfs1theUntivsesity of Mihigas,
seventso ii is lprobalse thuat shut coole thuat ve hutse secuednt the agescy foe
s, cosisderatioinsansseffor will he miade o Colleiate, cClapssdGowns rons one of
vccgive soesotntof ashIsuciet the mstsproeumnent tLasternts susfac-
hue achums foristdduinmg this hatitch sunisers.s iNc tie pr ~teele ut ohsw for
t iihe upri'f thec snlte wisspracticelhysyluist mina1111nuuand tshionsideatinass
unniou ThticbIsutlfoundiunoutude- uusussmsuyiinsse li s Ifsamtles, x-
enstierss attotngthe prohfessor presenttnsve eutussisht sitthe iwants of Ie
Thitsothlthudiscussionss v saxs to wthe mst citimel prospsecivse prheunase. In
l' piitionhussusholuul he shilled. huhits" iesders iveIassurteesaisfactions as
Thiieaulty' objetced tt lm sssuuthsxphe ittett syemteisil andthacuracy itsmea-
us fiisut itegrundmsuthtit w s not auremensits aiestcxesuieilly if iiterestedh
to reresenshttiefreshmsitnuaiflaie lut was itbtilg Capx sudGows mweiill fint it
rthler oat escluisie scilue tion.e uteu v1 er cnveisenst rllihlertan he itbliged
°d abutuon use it ftledniiof tileticeshmsenu trnutsga-ientuss tteaveseens years
1 v1uar eietyintemust eysh Iiii c ttce iofiirustalu seit affors is teleasuree
". fhennh isthe grone tt heuui Iiu amsc1utv t xiendiystill ii 1ttioeto sicualasse
ieens (tts xsue el I1mmfiaures 'indh isie csuitr ssplis suitasernimou
lusonthein hterhenisci f the sopihomorssecprieis112-13.

it stlss flu t honutinsuuince. They statedh
tissuei- tiler gronsefuse theiraction.m REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL
Thluelpointedlcult te abuses grotingf 'ods ito Maits Street. Phtote 117.

It( t

thu' luisisthei
dwtie u's'. >

hc tl'or sus.iittt 'I
I'itsscsi ut suuu'tlug'l t uua l -JI-

Is lntua ~ , a iu ucomtitpanyof
li.hshe v eiteetns urtv
coi'tiettat he rsti of theiiov k
,n h n ldh}ilthe kttie ssIrit
Nul'lm ,INN , N I iiI l;il,,
ith Ca tti 'ita) Sel a h
thetii lu Ia iit t htm suit
hues Jehrd4c v h tistl erC
'arl: t A dcs>> ofLocpo tlt ii
hug~c ll JustitoaNs I t itll t0t
It e uus utuls st- Jh .I~ u h
a oniptlimcthe toi ithec other lse
WIme uu ii iesiti alt AitIhc se'iorsi'
>i l e iit soil S peaksillsitni ait
it o th- ht I ittrge the e sc
It'llI' llIi Y 141 I itch IT
ils \ scni i- ,a t Il't p IN INCd
tal 'ac l o p, I tii las t t'
h slc ~ ri s\I'; hei ulit Gran,"
us iiIuaur d i t e haI tt isis'
Its1 part v II hei iin ' iii

''Set uesti'',"thus titered.
'l s1>llus ssssti I)Ycafu in ire

tirr m cun h ts'oast ad ts h er utcu
iluts sitthe I iiiu ~t it It t iscmiiui t atutu o
in teW s th clss tmsh its atvties
W(Mld h caseillsyusi shueutandul tsa 1
AlNda wosldsec ts stut tutu hey
als if~ni uhim of the usmitttbert
s5 tue viii hicss s
'A li'e' tK"i'uit ii''thisgills lfor ittth i llrs- h e
acr, te lleed ohulsyI carefsu lly cc's
teslint thise ll thus i vs C
stiul t ii'i t, sit o n rc ey n
ciltgtra tatitItemsletegil'a - p r
tiltdsiu ilutsremarigi Wa:nc n r


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