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March 11, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-11

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The Mkichi-a -wI

Vol. XX.


\IAkC_ H 11, solo.

First Outdoor Practice of the
Season Reveals Excellent Out
Fielders--Pitchers Work Out.
Taking advanage of the return of
the spring atmoshtere the MicSihigan
basebal teamt took its first work ot-
sons yesterday afternioo non the fair
grounds. Exuerant or their release
from the cage the men soweds a te-
dency to overdo tenseves and they
ad to tbe con stanty swarne tytoeacts
andi aptan to tptsvst ttsc apea ran
of "gtass" arms
The nith f fitarch is ainnusuanlsit
eary tat ftis thtintS temintsget otn
doors butitthe bris airpute "g-in-n
ger" inu toshe mscanit s ite tettmudne
ttey perfirtstd its gsoi stlIs. PTe
grouitds sere nt itheeticsoficoi-it
tiont in oStacs icke fgurso ttit i
A witt do the miessntiore gsditothtindtltt
tte att outscigfrmitsoiisftditmn
tiaisfroms ts ittthe s isorisoftte-gtysnt-
Tue smin founsd ut ttat it wassi tgt-t
y differsst isork hti- ngitisthe ibalttastes
it thad tpoweedttr ogt ase ca of smudtor
bossncedt iotlisety Somss mallssstrock
huts fromthei-c-registasr ssosses-osithti
Abot tsecchsuitswisisspest coter-
day afternosonsshe o ss tSof te uie
senug gieni the worusk f tisg the
otielercisiThe isisrk of te sesits
te gtrstntwstexceeitigy satisfac-
tr sait totis Coasci Ricke aditCats
ainl isecsrsti werei moit thspteasi ede
sit-steshutswig st-ise
The piticers swercgieniias wsri-ut
asse as a reseslt ssnice sf ti-scisissi re
alreadysufiesig froststheir flrst ef-
fects. S ,lit snes Ifte mstnSprmisis-
tng osithe isitsches is sfferig froms a
assme atesTs eSitshlessie isiSyet
beenseffecit ititesamshetentt. It sill
te reiseissisithSit 5utoyear g
Tttictt listSbSit-c ig gooiwork s-in t
the cgc btestissciliewsugieniiout-
doosr is-rk Iis sits essS tckos itsSut.
Thutcioiri strsnk silt cnts iunits
weater resecun ts isitt sathcts
te otftieders canbith lorugl eed -
edioutSasid tecintilsIssrs swill le gei
siusch im-srec isactice Sitais Sit-c tidS tic
fore tie stsm stilsedisouth lstSects
on t 5 iig tlists nltwsh ls isofi
goodsioutuoor 0 ctic ws ioibsltinedt-astS
year iefore-teftst g-sie tutu Casc
Rickey fccs tSitithSitssia ite iscre ae
is ield wotrk siltle sitvaluecs t tic
teamt, espescialls sices it is necessr t
d~teelop sees nes i c i fori liiSihe it .
Thesotphomosssre- iris tifetdtilh e
freshminthirtst guseots heiStsirs
class series ii inBrourse gysmsssimys-
Atcia ic'-Ietsitg Sits-esengieein -ig
fatyssTehusrsitayiaftrnoonsiit wse-st
cisdedi ts fits itspec~ialse tctinin ~iCiili
Esgincti-t-eis A.,Sin lstsadositnititarilh
isetic itsitas 05555 tices Ii airecet tSis
sie. Thec studsensts ithSis seiasectioncs'
wilt omcessiisfisuStstsr acini istheir
worl< autu silt''osinoist rap idy tsit
She studen stsi tls i tse s t a tll sits
serstssossifisttht ite siei sctIioliss
silt isscluesome s auit hretic.t
Te felingsagaknsitS t peialclsi
se, foredbc oreii'isue r isssily'sleit,,
hiapstie -itstandsnt siewisetstvigss-
oius unts-sitIc te ihedis ie cdeart-
miet Seeraitseniorisseiatl e sgi-
eers were- eseciallyhadlisst Sitbut te

tabovte elaitwiltlistSndts-cive te sits--

5-NTENRS IT" NI;\Vitiomllsi
.The SHStrs-nestLassptioss ite fissuis
eastersn joke imiagazlinehais esaishicd
itselfits a stew homsse. Thu ling ws i
dtesignsedt'nitScosnsltuctesd stilyi fist
i"Lampty" sisser Si-e supierviseionisfSEd-
smunsd Wtheewrightt , 6, one of te
fousnders of te smagazine.
Dusrisig tepast summsie er itit sWect-
wright static a trip to Eu ropc to pin-
cure special furnsishinsgs. Its Hollands
set-eraS pieces ifessriosndtSvaluiable
fursniture were purchased, leaded glass
wisidows were obtinsed its Belgitisis.isis
ini Englandsainiqusicse Elizalilsitia usaSe-I
piece wasssecesresdfoerte tess'idig
The istucsire is said iss consits tils eii
lisiest eslletiositsfsotlSt-iStiles-IIItshis
'The bildsinig cost inthSts-sisiglil site d
-of $40,00ooo.
University Man Objects to Conver-
sation in Library.
S Stat-c a qutestits.It lisseeits-cit
tog itn ilis'feebile- suitsfIrSiteestimSie:
itl fact, sivirssince SItseganussssigte-
gensessillsir asit ut tireiy-e-s go
Here it is:ktty i it I tint thsese lieu-
liant iiimin shishaInt tie. libtrry cmi-
listS tdessitetemsselve-s t shutys'tits
cii coss-sesatioss'
S resalize thast S am its itibisillianst. I
cannosstSe-sinsres-tdily. Ittakss lon
hourss fur ci sisigle isdess to clt

Senate Meets Tonight to Con-
sider Lit Faculty's Recommeni-
dation That It Bde Abolished.

I1l' si ts t{lttt T, i ittIl k -'1

11vI tnts ilol lt.
ftcllistaits Im n h
TiLlSi o t \c1is f; h
sfs-s tilt a s c- i st l i
Mls ir ise [fl's m
faclty is is s t st s
t lt te si-l ledtio ic sht l
is p silt tis 1 oh hiss lt Itt
t5i d itu itdt sitstcritt
fitta l itooktsissits t io s
Si t 1 lat' si--st i l'Is
with t o o l t heii lit n
class cls s a ttii'illtti ii
The i fcli is sitr-]i
ii' 's-os' i-s il th
siodilcts s lit liitlisth s-stc
th alitt w slcit i

th ir 'etills-
tct( oc i thit
ii lit e 'l -
Le i t ih)
tii f c lts
ie s it Sc~
or'a il ei il i
sr>aidcm alit
is il al a
milled ta h

Ate c itsI L lit hissstse 11(
li ii 1ott c11 s c(A 0ah
al 155 Jrcsil is apr by I'o
lisa 'ti it'o ilt sitIs f tlt titi e
ito ii ti t h< i titilts - i~ilt

i'st 1 ()


William C. pokes of Ann Arbor,
'12 Engineer, Steps in Front of
Afternoon Express,
iWO-sit" s 11('st hs-i ait ast cs' th '55575
11i rt'- i 1{1 i i t heul lt i it' s ti c lts-I utrtil-i
tl p )ills' in (i')11)"i1 l:iii 1_l el
oust I-c t i t I tit 1silo it t he iuilit
tiltsc liii t thIrt titis l i~ st ()i i
sll lit tltc s I()): 11 l I iI tris
k'0111m " and tt atilt c t{rl lf
It is -c slf d~c1#1e ct i t 11ti11111fis tti

thruscughi my i nduuiut. Andi, St tssto a srb a sois us'veit a'sui t aists tutu Itt'
ksnowlvedge, S susthialstscparutialtIti tu-. test.
S catinsnst conscentrate his' attenitionitundiser' In dlisutssig;th et' 'sits- us it s-sits Bo
am uitSd alt cutsditioniss. SIts's' re-cuso s.u tis1, "I felth ltS t s-it tiotit' titlst lbe
ts hbelise55thaS I amsutSot isone inth ils t i ~stope.'l' hc nis lsl oh tlsju sit
feetig hivtr itutiti st11 i wsty i lt sth 1,)n
The other day ~ I t inithe is rry hit m 1dc cii siiti.b:ore
ding i~i it-y hst t stiudy. itesst this 11(suitvlisrtdf lt c1st \mkl T i
table sittwSous us ths. Shiesy tierse ide- 1555otius f. ri1t il>thb fr Knd<te
btis on 'custhis, aot u sitstilte sitf tllst h e tilt t t.It t causeotos tilts lut1-it~
thiat use stunsbytosuse nifty uuusieg'e'suu ositthus lut sis t ouls ihih , clir
atlts. tesy iuutts uo-her 'd wl iv ll colular st o s list o its eis ermitted."i
io t u uh cotsse- togeth i tu'' sfronut ut S "us''h itk W sten itfrmdst th fcutltsi
thiat effet thutus us o u uechs ts e de astic sictc°u decas nr1ov-r
sired. Afters tit i u es ' et iliies i lutist nde . I stilt sit ii ~ v oo
tious thusyscames t this costlusticussthuat stcpss ti la thir as eis site ac lts
collar se thusituk.tushnd endea sito ic-tosv ilhls I lt . ['hI ley
Nuits'thisis enls'us ut" isIsi tchnn A-Ineer arts pecstialtuyu disapot~iitd elis h it t
nec-ts llarns, I lustS cisses knownuustlat 1 tutu i t s hcnlists <ft' arn;e
thisse iy u s suitswheus laedi i watr. 1 it ~to s tsv rcedd s fr (
sid- o ea it. Iuit utwhie I w shilt a atin ill titttott list dc1
abusorbinug Shits u inom tins Iw s r- tudah i t he upirc ls smienii t li st d
Pain u-" t i'St'a tuctulty 1theuitber iiw itlk iihe sludhenti ost w ih a i
011 555 fhiss sit tso is-eak, sliruts'' ts' list contrliledthe h n l- 5as t
sexttut hour.ill ci l t so tl m l h i ciinll
Att anther ime, t uh o i ftthlss uisteportedl<so ints auo-lists sit 5 u
pro(1spetvettPhis lista ikaptpa memberts slur prope' re-"tu'c '''' 111 I' tilt
siS Suchtiusit e andS usin sushIritting tl- a l vII m k oa "p lt h
cirrtssuss- discusosed t this htlative lutitIs asthiies.i
ofi Robeisrtkit.isChambues 'snitSis-tin
Benr isus Suit . Iutii ws 'no t in'stese. C rella ed cia cus I
Int hcatensy )iosrgadn hseCthe \ lsr(uk rrnl ,1
tw lustS r in*h it Iher in Sitsdsosh i u lkl v n~u er a m (f i t
so a . i orsls u I utswait tiolhliirPteil- toiie-isolts, oi rcd c~vlililv na
Anitus Swrecksedsievery s eS it stuts. imposs litu it t out liiin upont
kW ult haIiit S coulu lean us ts tis s i ft , t . hj pr e t,()- l.,i1M 1
studuyisug. JudiginigisosituhSts tisse S th isstill situhe i t t n s ;wl
so manyus u r sudusens hais-sts' pelIets tutu-h ustic p tssrc,ensuit~
us conv-ersation, acgootdlys'perccntagecf ist i 1e ay tdnt fConl
thur itt chuga-st und er grahduatess arc: sut u> sit'stit'''
focedto hspendtislotng houses ol te-sr
striunsus subjeits. litB u itshy lcannot hes' - -
fore'ugoithSt' e 'lsues ofai deth .I ili teii'F+ .w 6,wta
tiltar sit sui waisx ittithem ontltaIdistchs-
sisuthuof Stue stinkbit uits uof uc llars i ;It:t l l . S t-,1
tileisisositu ps tmlu tsutori outdois orts
someus place uoher lhsts the iss ay'ttitve ~I sit cots I kls ri dortrtut.
len s Perhasey hse near s-''d n-sIterstls hI1t'RSI)1V 1 l.: NI)F .
hielpi posterity. irias h~ I stitl slfishi uls kt isi
auh .insrtatl, ut litS stie ostmS s its I dus will A I i kit
luss alltheiftesuscinusoitseyIposses
tutu sitel a chiruse itll gr5eatt vileis's city iitit sul m1 stuts 'o r
nc otus ay,1 i ess to diitti s t sh'5t'i'
-Respectfiullyc tot-tit1
A Stlant-Iliead . .. 0_. 1.,.0 . _.,W,,i _

Paxson Will Aid American isstory
Research in Londcon.
I'tfs~ Ircc k I, I'asooit itill
sill 15155-' c n i ncrwii hale
toi. i' lls hists f i-l i 111101. 1) C ,
IlsT lg lwIII it(iisIrIl "i rl l~ '
(In otie ticrlt i isiolus s \ is hg cot''bs
- stott- i st i~ Ii-3 tsor ai g o1
cliiic bi o tsit ~ rn c istitt/i
a(11(11 tiw ,r>C rll~e1t ((, till shil
t c Ialist iii 5 oof sttt (- liicc
''tmil1 slct tat ot 1sit)liIeaIc
S1, II t- it tou(tsh it ki r~s (t O
tic-ohc tilt' to is.
'r ,sf t oilhe ii hs tr i titli t it iicn~pet
i( 111h ll lt (1 w r s oots trits
huts' ,1 ti t helutis ti r <('(s'ut his
iu la of til t iii tilts (lo t helist' t

0110 NI)iit SkIllNh' ''tu
FttIFTY sslktt iS10-l

1ills i toh llt
it tis wa a
Lt tC lcI tll i
to 115555 01 tha t this
stlosh oht} 11((

sit's n 5 i t

Ii It l Iki i-

OIAtT k'I'tiC'Iki. tt)ktt LAit
S IllAI1 fi'S Ru soloiStI

I liii o iii
spa situ

i lls o11 h e sol
s o till too cr
b\ i.c ll w~
ll e he d e
E Ii l

u-s icl C
hint ula

k'ih. 15;!sI),u 'lust
I ity. PIoka

thi oust Stool= 1tc tN
lutist til ns, wl
hes ci ihiss aius hul
anol tca [1 1 it and stil

Ottb ll toil w tia
toe. llc kult ar 'h
to-A it t i lic - re
ictur "oslls sr
k-sitous o os ~Idkthi
tecurn-it so l t)


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